The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 01, 1917, Image 13

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    AM.lAffl'K HKRALD, THURftDAT, NOV. I. 1017.
r at JCngilsh Bible la tha Moody
institute of t hlcaco.)
ht. KIT. Weatara Newspaper TJalon
C (World Temperance Sunday,)
LK88UN TKXT-I Kings H:l-U. 'J
MBdBN TEXT-Uat ot him that
idth on hla harness boast himself a
i that putteth It off. I Kin St: 11.
I. famaHs Besieged (tt. 1-12.)
1. By whom (. 1.)
Bctttiadad, the Syrian king, aceom
paalad by 32 kings, came against Sa
maria. These 32 kings were not al
lies, but rulers over the neighboring
citiesvassal princes.
2. Benhadad's message to Ahab (tt.
He offered pence on the most abject
nd insulting terms. His demands
meant more than the exaction of trib
ute. He over-reached himself In this;
thus defentlnu his purpose. He not
only em!ind trlnto money, but the
surrender of thnt which was most vital
to Ahnb's mnnhtiof nnd self-respect
bis wives and rh.ldren. He thus made
a hrust at his tonlerest spot Many
a man has been thus aroused to do hi?
dn jr. who otherwise would have sub
tin :.d to shameful indignities.
::. Ahsb's reply (w. 4 7-9.)
TUa reply wo." tame nnd humiliating
ly submissive, rhnps, he thought
it only meant the giving of tribute,
wl -h he was willing to do tn face of
Be hadad's overwhelming army. Con
di ;tory measures were regarded a?
rot- -t prudent. Bur the peremptory Ac
mi- ids of the enemy repented. awoke
Ah tb to his senses, nnd caused him to
call together the elders of the laud
wti'i counseled against submission
TTi is stiffened for the opposition. Ahab
ret ised to make full compliance with
tu demands.
4. Benhadad's bluster and boastlnp
(r. ie.)
Tba design of this was to strike ter
ror into the hearts of the king nnd
Deonle. He vows thnt he will make
pwirrtow won mstwbitthin.
m the County Court of Box Butte
Courtly. Nebraska.
CEASED. State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County. M'
To nil persona Interested in said
state take notice, that Cora A.
drown, cxecatrix, has filed final ac
ount and report of her admlnistra
un and petition for final settlement,
listrlbutlon and dlacharge aa auch,
hich have been set for hearing be
ore the said court on the 10th day
f No v.. mow. 1917, at 10 o'clock
. m. , wheft-)rou may appear and con--st
the satae.
Dated this 29th day of September,
(Seal) County Judge.
Published October 4th to Novem
ber 1st. inclusive.
LEE BASTE. Attorney.
-terial No. 017838.
Notice, for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
.and Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
4ept. 13, 1917.
Notice Is hereby given that Emma
1 Crawford, of Angora, Nebraska,
s-ho, on April 10, 1916, made Home
dead Entry, Ocrial No. 017838, for
Uts 1 and 2, and 3ttNE4i of Sec
ion 3, Township 22 North, Range 60
West, Sixth Principal Meridian, has
lied notice of Intention to make Sol
dier's Widow's final three-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described , before the Regiater and
Receiver of the United States Land
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
30th day of October, 1917.
Claimant nameB as witnesses:
Leo D. Carnine. of Angora, Nebr
aska; Frank Boon, of angora, Nebr
aska; Bert Hutchinoon, of Angora,
Nebraska; Glenn Gentle, of Alliance,
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
42-61-S51-8352 I
To Cora J. Reynolds, James G. Lcn-
nord, and John Doe.
Notice is hereby given that Martha
J. Cox on the 3rd day of November,
1913. purchased at public sale, of
the County Treasurer of Box Butte
County, Nebraska, the following de
scribed land, w-wit :
The SW of section 28, Township
27, North, Range fifty-one (51),
West of the 6th P. M . in Box Butte
County, Nebraska, for taxes for the
year 1912; that she has since and
after the same became delinquent,
paid as subsequent tax, the taxes for
lha vun 19.13 1Q11 1 0 1 K 1 9 1 t
Samaria a heap of dust, and thnt this th . id , d t d d aB8eB8ed
dust will not te sufficient to fill the for the year8 1912 1913, 1914, 1915,
hands of his army, so overwhelming is 1 1916, 1917 in the name of James G.
the number of his host.
Hi Ahab's answer by a proverb (v
"Let not him thnt glrdeth on hlf
Lennord; and that said land stands
in the name of Cora L. Reynolds in
the Register of Deed's office in said
county; and that after the cxpira-
: I inn rf I I, roo mnnlho frntn tho 9 T, K
ha ness boast himself Us he that put ; d Qf 0ctober m7 tne 8ald Mar.
tet'i it off." Tills Is a proverb full otj,ha j Cox wl apply ,Q the Trea8Ur.
points for all boasters. God's purpose j vr Qf aald COUnty for a tax deed to
miy overrule all man's proud pre 1 SHd land.
au-uptlons. "Man proposes, hut God, Dated this 12th day of September,
disposes." "Pride goeth befare de-(1917.
structlon. and n haughty spirit before, MARTHA J. COX,
a fan " j 42-51-852-8353 Purchaser
6. Readiness for the attack (v. 12.) serial No. 017026.
Tn the full confidence of victory, th , Notice For Publication.
Syrian king was giving a banquet tc j Department of the Interior, U. S
his princes. In the midst of tills feast 1 Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Ing. the command wag given to tnvadt j October 12, 1917.
Sntnaria. Incited by strong drink, J 1 Notice is hereby given that Christian
gave no attention to the striking prov j A. Bollerup. of Alliance, .Nebraska,
nb. Manv have gone to rulr ! who. on November 14. 1914. made
hrough the stupor of drunk Homestead Entry, Serial No 017026.
erlt of Ah
because th
enness. they have failed to heed propel
II. A Prophet Sent to Ahab (w. 13
Who the prophet was. we are not
told, but why he was sent, Is madf
clear. He brought from God a prom
lse of victory which was to cause Ahnt
to know Jehovah. It Is a marveioui
display of God's goodness and grace
Israel deserved the most severe chas
tlsement. but God promised victory foi
his own sake In order to make his glorj
known. The agency by which the vie
tory was to be achieved, was the yount
men. an agency purposely feeble, thai
the victory might be seen to be of God
III. Ahab's Victory Over the Syrian
(v. 16-21.)
The army of Ahnb was but a handfu
compared with that of the Syrian klnf
-..(v. 15; cf, v. 10). Benhadnd. with con
fldenee in his superior numbers, or
dered the young men of Israel to b
taken whether they enme for peace 01
war. He, with his princes, continued
their drunken debauch. The young men
struck right and left, creating great
consternation. When the seven thou
sand reserves joined the young men.
general panic was produced among the
Syrians. From the human aide. th
victory la accounted for by the drunk
enness of the Syrians, but from the dl
vine aide, we see that God wrought foi
his own glory. Ahab pursued the Syrl
sns'wlth a great slaughter, hut Ben
hadad escaped. Many hnve been th
defeats which have come througt
drunkenness; defeats In morals, de
(eats tn religion, defeat in business
defeats In physical endurance. Tht
man who Indulges even moderately
reduced his opportunities of sue
very greatly. Most of the acd
dents by automobiles, railroads, etc.
are traceable to the use of Intoxicating
for Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. St NE4,
BBH NW4, NWV4 SE hi , Section 5,
Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, Section 6. Town
ship 22 North, Lots 8, 9 and 10.
SE SW4, Section 31, and Lot 5,
Section 32, Township 23 North,
Range. 47 West, Sixth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final three-year Proof,
10 establish claim to the land above
described, before the Register and
Receiver of the United States Land
Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the
27th day of November. 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George F. Cantwell. Charles Snow.
Harry Smith. Henry Smith, all of
Alliance. Nebraska.
46-6t-859-8817 Register.
Serial No. oTs484.
Notice For Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
October 11, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that John
R. Graham, of Cleman, Nebraska,
who, on November 30, 1912, made
llomeatcad Entry, Serial No. 015484,
j for 86 SE Section 14. Lots 1. 2.
g, SE4. and north half Section 23,
Township 22 North, Range 47 West.
Sixth Principal Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make final
three-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Register and Receiver of the
United States Land Office, at Al
liance, Nebraska, on the 26'h day of
November, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George S. McNurlin, Alliance, Ne
braska, William H. Archer, of Al
liance. Nebraska, Harry I. Smith, of
Alliance, Nebraska. Thomas Squibb,
of Hemingford, Nebraska.
46-6t-856-8814. Register.
Foster, a daughter. Mary R. Shave, a
daughter, and George E Douglas, a
son . that all debts of deceased and of
his estate have been fully paid; that
no administration of his estate and no
application for appointment of ad
ministrator or executor thereof hus
been bad or made within the State
of Nebraska. Said petition prays for
a decree to be entered herein finding
the time of his death, finding that no
application for the administration of
said estate has been made, and that
said estate has not been adminis
tered in the State of Nebraska, that
the court may determine the heirs
at law, and decree of kinship and the
light of descent of said real eatat'
above described; that hearing upon
said petition has been set for th.
8tb day of November. 1917, St In
o'clock a. lb; at-the County Court
Room. In said County, tt is ordered
that a copy of this notice be pub
llshed in the Alliance Herald, s legal
newspaper published in Alliance, Box
Butte County. Nebraska, three weeks
preceding said hearing.
Dated this 8th day of October.
(SEAL) County Jndge.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
In the Matter of the Estate of A. L.
Ormsby, deceased. In the County
Court of Box Butte County, Ne
braska. State of Nebraska, To all persons
interested In said estate, creditors,
and heirs, take notice: That Benja
min E. Johnson has filed his petition
in this court alleging that he is the
owner of the Ni:'4 of Section 17.
Township 26, North Range 48. West
of the 6th P. M.. of which A. L.
Ormsby died seized, at Emmetts
burg, Palo Alto County, Iowa, on the
18th day of May, 1900, leaving n
will devising said property to his
widow. Rose Evermont Orninby,
which said will was admitted to pro
bate In Palo Alto County, State of
Iowa, on October 15, 1900, and let
ters of administration Issued there
on; that a certified copy of said will
and probate proceedings upon same
in Palo Alto County. Iowa, are at
tached to and made a part of said
petition filed herein; that said A. L.
Ormsby left htm surviving as his sole
and only heirs at law, deviseeB and
legattes, aald Rose Evermont Orms
by, bis widow, Alice L. Ormsby, a
daughter, Daisy Ormsby-Richards, a
daughter, and A. Scott Ormsby, n
son; that all debts of said deceased
are fully paid, and that there are
no creditors of said estate within the
State of Nebraska; said petition
prays for a decree to be entered
herein finding said will to be the last
will and testament of the said dece
dent and admitting same to probate;
that decedent has been dead for
more than two years; that regular
administration of said estate be dis
pensed with and that the land above
described descend free of all debts
against the decedent and that the
court may assign said property under
the provisions of said will to said
Rose Evermont Orrrfsby. That the
hearing upon said petition has been
set for November 8, 1917, at 10
o'clock a. m. in said County in the
County Court room; it Is ordered
that a copy of this notice be pub
lished three weeks prior to said hear
ing in The Alliance Herald, a legal
newspaper published in said county.
Dated this 13th day of October.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Burton A Reddish. Attorneys.
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
To All PersonB Interested in the
Estate of Ferdinand Trenkle, de
ceased: Whereas Mary Trenkle of
Bald County has filed in my ottice an
instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of Ferdinand
Trenkle, late of said County, de
ceased, and said Mary Trenkle has
filed her petition herein praying to
have the same admitted to probate,
and for issuing of Letters Testamen
tary, which will relate to both real
and personal property: I have there
fore set the 10th day of November.
1917, at two o'clock in the afternoon
of said day in the County Court
Room, in said County, as the time
and place for hearing said will, at
which time and place you, and all
concerned, may appear and contest
the allowing of the same.
It is further ordered that said
Petitioner give notice to all persons
interested in Baid estate, of the pend-
t-ncy of this petition, and the time
and place for hearing of the same,
by causing a copy of this order to be
published in the Alliance Herald, a
newspaper published in said County,
for three weeks successively previous
to the date set for hearing.
In witness whereof I have here
unto set my hand and official seat
this 15th day of October. 1917.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Burton Reddish Attorneys.
Few people, rich or poor, make tfii
most of whst they possess. In theli
anxiety to Increase the amount of
means for future enjoyment, they an
too spt to lose sight of their capabll
ity for the present Leigh Hunt
Duty for All.
I am sure thut It is s duty for si
of us to slm at a Just appreciation of
various points of view, and that w
ought to try to understand others ratb
er than to pcr-uade them. A. O. Ben
In the Matter of the Estate of
David Douglas, deceased.
In the County Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, cred
itors, and heirs, take notice that
Frank J. Was has filed his petition
in this court alleging that he is the
owner of Lots 3 and 4 and the S
of NWVi . of Section 4. Township 24.
North. Range 47. West of the 6th P.
M of which said David Douslaa, de
ceased, died seized of as a Govern
ment homestead, to which patent
was Issued to his heirs on January
2. 1895; that said David Douglas
died Intestate In Box Butte County.
Nebraaka. on August 26. 1893, being
a realdent of said County, leaving aa
his sole and only heirs, Carrie M
Some Alliance Kidney Kuffereiti Get
Little Beat or Comfort.
There is little Bleep, little rest, lit
tle pease for many a sufferer from
kidney trouble. Life is one continual
round of pain. You can't reat at
night wiien there's kidney backache.
You suffer twinges and "stabs" of
pain, annoying urinary disorders,
lameness and nervousness. You
cant be comfortable at work with
darting pains and blinding disxy
spells Neglect these aliments and
serious troubles may follow. Begin
using Doan'a Kidney Pills at the first
sign of disorder. Thousands have
testified to their merit.
Proof in Alliance testimony:
Mrs H. C. Smith. Duncan's Addi
tion, N. E . AUlance. says: "I suf
fered from kidney and bladder trou
ble for a long time. My back waa
weak and any effort auch as lifting
a pall of water, or even getting out
of a chair, cauaed knife like pains
in my back My kidneys acted too
often, especially at night Doan's
Moans' Kidney Pills, which I get at
Brennah's Drug Htoro, have always
relieved me. Doan's are the modi
cine I would advise anyone having
kidney trouble to use."
Price 60c, nt all dealers. Don't
simply ask for n kidney remedy
gel Doan's Kidney Pills the snm"
that Mrs. Smith Imd. Foster-Mll-burn
Co.. Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N. Y
Washington. Special regulations
to prevent speculation In canned
goods will be put Into operation by
November 1 by the food administra
tion All ennners will be placed in
der license and forbidden to make
future sales of canned corn, pens,
tomatoes, sstmon and sardines be
fore February 1.
This date later may be extended,
depending on tho needs of the allies
and the American military forces.
Aa in other industrials controlled
by the food administration, canners
will bo reqnlrod to sell their products
at a reasonable margin of profit re
gardless of market conditions or re
placement values.
Hnve you lost anything? If so, a
Herald Want Ad will find It for you
l Grandmother's Recipe to
Darken and Beautify
Faded Hair.
Inst beautiful, even shade of dark
glossy hair can only be had by brtwmf
a mixta re of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Your hair is your charm. It makes or
mars the face. When it fades, turns
gray or streaked, just an application or
two of Sage and Sulphur enhances Its
appearance a hundredfold.
Don't bother to prepare the mixture;
you can get this famous old recipe im
proved by the addition of other ingredi
ents for 50 cents a large bottle, all ready
for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound. This can always be
depended upon to bring back the natural
color and lustre of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and
Sulphur Comound now because it dark
ens so naturally and evenly that nobody
can tell it has been applied. You simply
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through the hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
the gray hair has disappeared, and after
another application it tiecomes bcatiti
fully dark and appears glossy and lus
trous. This resdy-to-usu preparation is
a delightful toilet rcquistc for those who
desire dark hair and a youthful appear
ance. It is not intended for the cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease.
Mall to CHAS. C. JAMESON, Sec.-Treaa., KIN worth. Nebraska
Ht Centa per Head Horse and Cattle. 0A.OO Annual Dssst
Application for Membership
Poet Office
o. Cattle
'ounty AsHCMed in
tier Marks
Kar Marks
Griffith Oil Company
Organized under the Laws of South Dakota and Operating in
the Salt Creek Field, the Oldest and Largest Producing Oil
Field in the State of Wyoming
Capitalization 600,000 Shares of the Pgr Value of $1.00 per
Share, Fully Paid and N'on -Assessable. Treasury Stock,
HAIiUY H. GRIFFITH, Casper, Wyo President
JOB M KY KRS, Sturgis, So. Dak Vice-President
l.KONAKI) B. .IONKS, Lead, S. D., Secretary and Treasurer
I SAIJNSKY, Sioux Falls, So. Dak. . Director
LBN M. HALL, Casper, Wyoming Director
ItKKKRBNCE: J. D. Emerick, H. E. Reddish, J. N. An
drews. B. I'onath. and Dr. Charles K. Slagle of Alliance, Nebr.
Shares now selling at 26c per share
J. A. ARMOUR, Fiscal Agent, Casper. Wyoming
A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of
Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship
Live Stock Transit Insurance
Live stock men over the entire west art forming the habit of INSURING
THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and
quick returns
The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy
protects tbipp)rl uf live stock, and it the only ftHttpany uttering a broad pol
v iey easy to undeititand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection
against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing,
trampling, Arc, colliaioii, train wreck and every form of killing or injury
while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier.
We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United
States and Canada, and locally by
K A . : ' 4k ,t- JLa sal f 1
O. W. 8PACHT, H KM I.N (it-tutu. NKBKA8KA
W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager
Live Stock Department