AMJANCK M Kit A I.I). TIH KSAV. CUT. S. 1917 MINUTE MAN SIX 9 . A CARLOAD of LEXINGTON SIX touring cars arrived in Alliance Wed. nesday morning. They have now been unloaded and are on display at Sturgeon's garage. The large number of LEXINGTONS sold in this territory are all giving satisfaction. Coupled with the fact that the Lexington is "The Style Car" it has salient superiorities which make it an unapproach able value at anywhere near the same price. You get service when you buy a Lexington. Without question Lexington service is be&. A complete stock of repair parts is carried at Bayard so that repairs can be quickly furnished anywhere in this territory. NOur interest continues after the sale of the car to you. The Fashion Car Every detail of fitness which if dear to a woman's heart has been thought of in the Lexington. It is, with a fine motor car, just as it is with fine apparel you know what manner of garments you find with silk linings and truly beautiful finishes. We would like to see you at Sturgeon's. We would like to show you the exceeding value of style in a motor car. Not merely style which is apparent at a passing glance ; but style which is so thoroughly inbred that it will bear the close scrutiny of every critical buyer. Inbred style and character must needs have a tremen dous bearing on the excellence of a car from the standpoint of mechanical perfection. To prove this, merely consider for a moment; can you bring to mind any one object which is well finished and pleasing to look at in every detail that, right down at the core, is anything but the very finest? Of course you cannot. sssayffgjl'sfssjssjs m LEXINGTON TOURING CAR $1,345 F. O. B. Factory Four -Passenger Olubster Same Price as Touring Oar Oome to Sturgeon's Well show you how the cars look, how they are built, and you can see for yourself the remarkable bearing which distinctive style has on the finished carriage Salient Superiorities The following features make the Lexington Minute Man Six an unapproachable value at any where near the same price. Furtherm ire, the Lexington is the ONLY car in which ALL are incorporated. And were it not for Lexington's unrivaled facilities for producing matchless values they could not be included. Lexington-Continental Engine. Moore Multiple Exhaust System (Patented). Cut Steel Starting Gear on Flywheel. Independent Ignition, Lighting and Starting Circuits. Double Universal Joints. Full-floating Rear Axle with Spiral Bevel Dears. Wick-feed Oil Cups. Engine-driven Tire Pump. Double Bulb Adjustable Headlamps Rigidly Mounted on Radiator. Largest Size Moto Meter Bolted -en Tire Rack and Spare Demountable Rim. Oil Pressure Oauge. Convex Mud Guards. Genuine Leather Upholstery. We can only mention these superiorities. You may appreciate them and you may not. You owe it to yourself to know. Own a car you are proud of, knowing it is "The Fashion Oar" IT IS BETTER, IN BUYING YOUR MOTOR CAR, TO GO A LITTLE OVER YOUR LIMIT, THAN A LITTLE UNDER. LORD AUTO CO. Lincoln, Nebraska J. WI. TRUE, (Distributors for Nebraska) TELEPHONE 597 Representative for This Territory ARMOGAST AUTO CO. Bayard, Nebraska Alliance, INebr,