The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 25, 1917, Image 1

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    Official Organ Nebraska StockGrowers Association and Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association
28 Ptft 3 Sections
Leading Newspaper of
The Alliance Herald
Tell 'Em You
Saw it la
The Herald
Merchants to Offer Special Bargains
to Baying Public Big Doinnn
You Bee It All
Alliance la to be the scene of an
old-time real Indian war-dance on
Saturday of this week. Arrange
ments were partially completed to
day by Secretary Fisher of the Alli
ance Community Club for the stag
ing of this strange and exceptional
sight, probably on unpaved -Sox
Butte avenue on Saturday afternoon
of this week.
A large number of Indians are in
this section at this time. They came
here to pick up spuds. It was at
first planned to hold the war-dance
a week from Saturday, but the frost
brought the picking to an early close
and the Indians will be leaving in a
few days, so the event will have to
lake place earlier. The merchants
will offer special bargains in many
lines on Saturday, so that the many
who will come to town and who will
(tome down town will be treated to
a two-fold celebration. The Indians
will provide some genuine entertain
ment which should be missed by no
one, fop it is not often that a real
Indian war-dance by real Indians can
be staged In Alliance. Then, the
special offerings of the merchants
should be an inducement, so taken
all-in-all, there is going to be some
thing big doing In Alliance on Saturday.
H ashman and Secre-
Fisher Confer With Sheri
dan Commissioner
County Commissioner Cal Hash
man and W. D. Fisher, Secretary of
the Alliance Community Club, were
at kfarple, in Sheridan county, in
attendance at a conference with the
Sheridan county commissioners on
the good roads proposition. As a re
tail of the conference the commis
sioners of Sheridan county agreed on
a road to Hay Springs to be desig
nated for federal aid.
At the present time there are but
eight miles of this road on which
rural routes do not circulate. The
intention is to cause petitions to be
circulated and signed with the idea
f securing mail service over this
eight miles so that the road can re
reive Its portion of the Btate and fed
eral aid. This is but a part of the
good roads program being worked
out by the Alliance Community Club
in co-operation with various other
organizations and with the various
county commissioners.
No matter where the road leads to
if It leads Boraewhere to something
definite and is of value to people
traveling to and from Alliance, the
Alliance club will be found on the
Job doing what it can to get the
road put into good shape.
IH-clares He Will UritiR Criminal
Actions Agaiiut Kutton, Mr.
Phelpw and "rite.
Steve Maloney. former captain of
detectives in Omaha, following his
acquittal here Saturday on charges
of complicity in the alleged black
mail case at Chadron. said he would
seek reinstatement to his former
"I will appeal from dismissal by
the Omaha council and expect to be
reinstated," said Maloney. "I have
one yea rin which to file the appeal."
He declared he will file charges
against Paul Sutton, Elsie Phelps
and County Attorney Crltcs.
"I will bring criminal actions
against Sutton, Mrs Phelps, and
('rites, charging them with conspl
racq to accuse me falsely of a
crime,' 'declared Maloney.
The Maloney hearing before the
city council in Omaha, which resulted
in his dismissal, was caused chiefly
by developments at Chadron.
In adopting the resolution dismiss
ing Maloney, the council, however,
specifically found him not guilty of
connection with the alleged black
mail ease, but held that his retention
on the force would be detrimental to
the discipline and management of
the Omaha police force.
Waterbury. Conn. Levi J. Rich
ardson who. as a member of the se
cret service at the time of President
Lincoln's assassination, died at his
home hers today.
te will qivo
Will on lend
US Government Bore1
snsssasannassMauk . aw
Conference of Women to Be Held
Here October 81 Woman County
Agent Now Available
A permanent home demonstration
agent, or woman county agent, Is
available for Box Butte county at
this time.
The United States government has
made an appropriation of a million
dollars to the housewives of the
northern and western states for
Home Demonstration Agents. Ne
braska, through this appropriation
has ten Home Demonstration Agents
available to the housewives of the
MIsb Mary Rokahr, asslstate state
leader of Home Demonstration
Agents of the University of Nebraska
Extension Service, and who is well
known to the women of Box Butte
county through the fact that Bhe con
ducted a series of meetings here this
past summer, will be In Alliance
Wednesday, October 31. for a con
ference with the women of Box Butte
county to explain to them how they
may obtain a Home Demonstration
Agent for Box Butte county.
Any woman of the county who Is
Interested may come to this confer
i nee which will be held Wednesday,
October 31, at 2:00 o'clock in the
office of County Agent George Neus
wanger. In the court house.
very organisation in the county
is asked to send a ropresentatlve to
this conference, so that the opinion
of the women of the entire county
may be obtained.
Miss Nargart 8herwin hss been
appointed district home demonstra
tion agent with headquarters at
Chadron. Miss Sherwin's district In
cludes Box Butte, Dawes, Boyd,
Cherry. Holt, Rock. Keyapaha, Sher
idan and 8ioux counties.
Any group of coun'ies in this dis
trict that may care to form a perma
nent association rrray dcrto. and thus
secure Miss Sherwin's entire time for
the benefit of the women of the
county or counties Miss Sherwln
will be present nt the conference
here with Box Butte county women
on the last day of the present month
--Wednesday, October II.
i .Mid Men Are Siting Time and
Money In Work of Helling
Liberty Bonds
The big campaign for the sale of
Liberty Bonds closes tonight or to
morrow. Don't hesitate to subscribe
just because you have leeii late, how
ever, but see your banker and give
turn your subscription.
Karly in the week Chas. Brlttalu,
vice-president of the First 8tate
Bank of Alliance, receivod the fol
ktwlng telegram from the state com
mittee for the sale of Liberty bonds
T. C. Byrne, chairman and E. F
Folda, secretary :
"Omaha, Nebraska. As previously
idvised by Governor's proclamation
md instructions from county chair
nen. Thursday. Friday and Saturduy
ftf thin week are set aside for work
of the Liberty loan campaign in
N'ebiasku. We earnestly urge you to
lo all in your power personally, and
by working with committees to se
cure subscriptions diirlnu these
The Alliance hanker R II
Hampton of the First National. Dr. i
F. M Knight of the Alliance Na- j
tional. and Chas Brittain of the
First State, have been working cease
lessly and strenuously to make a suc
cess of the sale of bonds in this lo
cality They are meeting with some
success but they must have the co
operation and help of all patriotic
The county council nt defense,
through Robert Graham, chairman.
and George Edick. secretary, are
lending their effort to make a suc
cess of the campaign
War I i Nearing Three Billion
Mark in United State Bum
Urge Immediate Peace
Purls. The official announcement
from the war department indicates
the sweeping nature of the French
victory north of the Aisne. The cap
ture of 8,000 prisoners, heavy guns
exceeding seventy, thirty-nine bomb
throwers and eighty machine guns is
The statement reads: "North of
the Alsne the German artillery waa
particularly active In the sector of
La Royersles-Bovette and In the re
gion of Fort de Malmalson on our
new front, which extends from Mont
des Singes (Monkey Hill), which we
have occupied in Its entirety, to
Chavigon. The enemy attempted no
infantry action.
"Patrols sent out by us in the re
gion of Chavigon and Vaudesson
have brought back a number of pris
oners. "It is confirmed that tanks (Chars
d'Assaut). played an important role
in the attack.
"The number of prisoners taken
since the 23rd exceeds 8,000. Of the
material left In our hands, which we
will not be able to inventory before
several days, it has been possible up
to the present to count only seventy
cannon, thirty minnenwerfer and
eighty machine guns.
"In Champagne, in the region of
the Mounts, we successfully carried
out two surprise attacks, the first
northeast of Prunay, the second at
Monthaur, and brought back fifteen
prisoners. On the right bank of the
Meuse there were spirited artillery
actions in the regions of Samogneux.
Vocherouville, Chauraewood and
went of Douamont.
London. Dr. Oeorg Michaelis. the
German imperial chancellor, has
placed bis portfolio in the hands of
Emperor William, according to an
Austrian dispatch given out by the
wireless press.
Washington. No confirmation has
reached Washington of the report
that Chancellor Michaelis has ten
dered his resignation to Emperor
Washington--While results of
Liberty Day In the final drive for the
8-cond Liberty Loan subscriptions
are not fully reported the indications
according to government officials, are,
that the aggregate has reached ap
proximately 3, 000 000.000. "But
there is no official assurance that this
mark has been passed." 'said the
treasury statement issued last night.
Petronrad. The Petrottrad coun
cil of soldiers' and workmen's dele
gate Monday adopted a resolution
nrononed hv I .eon Trnltkv nroalrinnt
or its executive committee and a
lending Maximalist, declaring the j
salvation of the countrv lies in the
conclusion of peace as aulcklv as '
St. Louis. Richard McColloch.
president of the United Railways
Company, today denied tho reauest
of the local Red Cross that soldiers
and sailora be allowed to ride free
on street cars. He said that to allow
tnem rree transportation would vio
late the state public service law and
the company could not afford It
Philadelphia. The Rev. Dr. Jas.
A. Worden. tor thirty-eight years a
member of the Presbyterian board or
publication an hhth vhnnt nrL
died here Wednesday.
NVwN-lthulc Say. Offer of Alliance:
Should Receive Immediate
Evidence is on every hand that the
Alliance Community Club is up and
doing. Things are being done these
days by Secretary Fisher with the
able co-operation and help of the j
directors and the membership of the
tab in general. One of the really
big things under way at the present
time is the good roads program
It is a fact that Alliance can not
progress in the most satisfactory
manner unless the lines of trtdf nd i
communication are open. For a lonn
time now the roads have been in such
shape that It has been more or Iobs
of a hardship for people from a dis
tance to drive to Alliance. It ought j
to be easy- -then they would come:
On the other hand. Alliance resi
dents have the same difficulty in go
ing to other communities. If all
communities of this section will co
operate In the good roads program !
all are bound to be benefited.
The News-Blade of Bridgeport, in
its issue of last week told of the I
necessity of getting busy. The article
was brought about by a letter writ
ten bv Secretary Vlhr tn ti -,..,,. '
mercial Club of nriitrunnri Tk.
News-Blade article was as follows:
Hoa Bntto County WU1 Help
That the roads of Morrill county
are notoriously bad la conceded, but
It Is also true that a great amount
of money has been spent on them
during the past two or throe years
(Continued on pa (6 I)
TO BUY $234,000 WORTH
Strong Campaign liHng Waged to
Bring ft x Untie Up to What Is
EXCfrd of IV..,. le
The indications are, late this after
noon, that Box Butte county will
probably take care of its allotment
of $284,000,000 worth of United
States Government Bonds of the Sec
ond Liberty Loan.
Reports this morning were to the
effect that some $180,000.00 worth
of bonds had already been subscribed
and withr a large corps of workers
out In the country today making an
auto tour of the county and interest
ing farmers und ranchmen in the
bond issue snd with several blocks
here in town yet to be worked, the
indications pointed towards a full
subscription und possibly over-subscription.
It took a lot of hard work to put
he subscription across In Box Butte
county. Early thsi week but some
$16,000 worth of bonds had been
subscribed and Box Butte county was
at the bottom of the list of Nebraska
counties. Other counties have over
subscribed .
When the trend was discovered,
patriotic men of Alliance Immediate
ly got busy and the campaign was
started. A meeting was held Tues
day evening and a campaign out
lined, which is now working out suc
cessfully. People Are "Wakened Up"
At 11 o'clock Tuesday evening,
following the Liberty Bond meeting,
the committee decided that Alliance
should "waken up" for once on the
bond proposition. Telephone central
was notified and arrangements made
to blow the fire atren whistle at the
electric light plant. This was done.
The whistle blew for fifteen min
utes and had the desired effect.
Many cltisens, thinking that the town
was burning up, hurriedly donned
their clothing and hurried down un
paved Box Bute avenue without tak
ing the trouble to ask central the
location of the fir. Others, more
cautious, asker her where the fire
was, to be Informed that it was time
to "Boy a Liberty Bond."
The fire boy s were the ones who
were surprised the most that Is, the
active fire boys. Those who got to
the firehouse mounted the big truck
and it clanged around the streets,
adding to the excitement.
One Alliance volunteer fireman,
who is married, was awakened from
a sound sleep by the Liberty Bond
nre whistle. His wife, very accom
modatingly hurried to the telephone
and asked where the fire was. She
was excited and did not listen care
fully. She thought centrul said
"livery barn."
The result was that her hubby was
rushed Into his clothes in double
quick time snd hurried forth, balf
dressed, to help "save the poor horses
who are burning to death."
Wlfey hurried out to the porch to
look for fire and amok In the direc
tion of the town's livery barns, but
without result. She wan surprised
to hear hubby tramping back within
a few minutes, out of wind and foot
sore. Horse Didn't Hum
"What livery barn dis central say
the fire was at?" he inquired. "She
didnt' say which one." sweetly ans
wered wifey, "did any of the horses
burn up?"
A Liberty Bond rally was staged
on unpaved Box Butte avenue Wed
nesday afternoon The school chil
dren headed by a number of auto
mob'les load' (I with men bunging
drums, and bedecked with flags and
signs, marched down unpaved Box
Butte and stopped at the corner of
Third and unpaved Box Bute. Short
speeches were made by County Judge
Ira E. Tash and by John W Guthrie,
explaining the situation and showing
how easy It la to become the owner
of a Liberty Bond The children
were asked to spread the news to
their parents. Following the meet
ing a number went to the office of
the Alliance Community Club and
"signed up."
' I BAWNJp I j
Meeting to Be Held at Hushvllle to
Prepare for Good Showing nt State
Potato Show at Alliance
A county potato show for Sheridan
county Is to be held at Rushvllle, the
county seat, on November 9. Coun
ty agricultural agent, Rex Truman,
Is planning on an Interesting pro
gram and will have several speakers
from different parts of the state.
The mooting will be held prelim
inary to the state potato show to be
held at Alliance later In the month.
Plans will be made at the county
convention for a big showing to be
made at Alliance at the state meet
ing. Among tho speakers who will be
on the program at Rushvllle are
Link Davis of Lincoln, with the agri
cultural department of the State Uni
versity; J. W. Good of Chadron, and
Lloyd Thomas of Alliance.
Aliance Community luh ' Puts Up
Cah Premiums For Three Varie
ties of Hirnie Grown Spuds
The Home Guards will drill on
Thursday night this week instead of
Friday night. The Community Club
has arranged for a b'g booster meet
ing at the City Hall on Friday eve
ning and the members of the Heme
Guard all want to attend, so they
will meet Thursday night this week
instead of Friday.
There ought to be a good attend
ance of Home Guards out at the
meeting tonight, and there ought to
be a good attendance of Home Guards
and cltisens generally at the booster
meeting Friday night.
Doming. N. M. Four thousand
dollars' worth of liquor was confis
cated by military police today when
they arrested M. Peecolato, Prank
Peeotatto and D. Cebrario on a charge
Of selling liquor within the half-mile
military tone of Camp Cody.
Box Butte County Council of Defense
Now Thoroughly Organised for
nancies Work
The Box Butt County Council of
Defense is now completely organ
ised. A precinct chairman has been
appointed for every precinct in the
county. The precinct officers will be
selected either by the precinct chair
man or in some way that he may de
cide. The officers of the county council
are: Robert Graham, chairman; Ira
E. Tash, vice-chairman; R. M. Hamp
ton, treasurer, and George Edick,
secretary. These officers are acting
under commissions from the Gover
nor of the State.
The precinct chairmen are:
Dorsey Precinct Frank I'otmesll,
Lav n Precinct Edward Ford,
Liberty Precinct- Jno. Cuba, Hem
ingford. Box Butte Precinct A Groves.
Nonpuriel Precinct Jno. W Warn.
Alliance- (4 precincts)
1st Ward Glen Miller.
2nd Ward T. W. Roberts.
3rd Ward A. T. Lunn.
4th Ward William Davidson.
Snake Creek Precinct E. M.
Hanks, Alliance.
Luke Precinct- M. D. Healey. Al
liance. Wright Precinct Alex I'nderwood, '
The work of the county council is !
carried on through a number of com
mittees. The committee chairmen '
are as follows:
Finance R. M Hampton
Publicity Ben J. Sallows.
rooa iron uct ion- IMOTge .us
w anger.
Conservation and Distribution
Earl D Mallery
Medical and Sanitation Dr. H H.
Bell wood
Woman's Committee- Mrs. Claudia
B. Dole, chairman, Mrs W D Fisher,
The Womans' Committee of the
Council of Defense Is In fact the
Womans' Council of Defense. It
operates as a committee of the
county council and under the officers
of the county council appointed by
the Oovernor. The Woman's Com
mittee Is organised by precincts and
is at the present time busy with the
conducting of the pledge card cam
paign for the conservation of food.
The officers and precinct chairmen
are as follows:
Chairman Mrs. Claudia B. Dole.
VIce-Chairman Mrs. W D. Fisher.
Dorsey Precinct Mrs B. B. John
son, Hemingford.
Liberty Precinct Mrs. Lew Barta.
Running Water Precinct Mrs.
William lodenoe. Hemingford.
Box Bute Precinct Mint Lottie
Worley, Hemingford.
Nonpariel Precinct Mrs. T. A
Green, Hemingford.
Alliance (4 precincts)
Mrs. Olga Quick.
Mrs. W. D. Fisher
Mrs. W. R. Pat.
Mian Opal Russell.
Snake Crook Precinct Mrs. Guy
Worley, Alliance.
Lake Precinct- Mra L J. St hill,
Wright Precinct Mrs John
Wright. Alliance.
On November 15th and 16th the
potato growers of Nebraska will con
vene at Alliance for their annual
convention and show. Box Butte
county will be given another oppor
tunity for retaining h- r reputation an
the best potato gro Ing section of
There Is little doubt that the com
petition will be keen and as a mean
of instilling Interest among the
school children of tho county, the
Alliance Community Club is offering
additional premiums for the best ex-
ntnit orougnt in by a boy or girl. A
prise of $1.60, $1.00 and $0.60 will
be awarded respectively for the boat
exhibits of Early Ohio's, Bliss
Triumphs and Irish Cobblers The
exhibits to be delivered to tho Coun
ty Agent at Alliance or to W. L
ciarx at Hemingford on or before
Saturday, November 10th. The -'
hlblts are to become the property of
the Farm Bureau, hut tho ovMhMnr
to receive all premiums awarded.
selecting the Exhibits
Each exhibit will consist of 15 po
tatoes of any one varietv. It Is ad
visable to select 20 tubers, so that
the exhibitor Will be assured nf IS
sound ones at the time of the show.
An exhibit can not be selected In a.
few minutes, but will require pa
tience snd time. If one or two tubers
are rejected the exhibitor's chances
for the premium are lost.
In selecting the exhihit .i.
should be laid on the following
points: appearance, sue, shape and
quality. In appearance the tnhm
should be bright, clean and smooth.
iney snouid be uniform In site and
shape, every potato as nearly like
the others as noasihin Th mm
should be shallow and smooth. Bad
ly bruised tubers will be discrimi
nated arslnst The inrvoat iwiiu
are not the most aestrnble, those
weigning rrom 10 to 16 ounces arc
large enough. In shape the tuber
should be true to tvne Thta u .
of the prime requisites In selecting
me exnimt. The ends should not be
recessed to the extent that ther will
be wasted in parine. Smoothness snd
luster are Indicative or quality and
After the exhibit has boon Helot
ed the tubers should be clesned with
a soft brush to remove 'he din.
wraned in naner nnd nlnced in a wi
dark storage room, rtwy should be
delivered to either AllhVJ'Vi or Hem
ineford as soon a possib'.. so the
may be prepared tos b- show.
It Is hoped that the f.Mfhei-s of
the various schools will iirva thalt
pupils to select exhibits for this
show. The time Is nlre.m.. Mmited
and immediate action is necessary If
Box Bnt'e county is to retain brr
reputation as a potato producing
"Lots of I hicken Here in .New York.
Hut Tliey Never Saw n Prairie."
He Hays
P. D. CJieason. manager of the
Alliance exchange for the Nebraska
Telephone Company, is m receipt of
a letter from H O Pugh, a former
employee of the company, and who.
before leaving Alliance for the army,
owned and operated the Pugh Elec
tric Company here Mr. Pugh la in
the signal corps of the army. He is
an experienced electrician, being fa
miliar with both telephone and tele
graph work, and is considered a val
auble man. His letter was written
from Fort Wood, New York, and is
most Interesting. Rxtracta from the
letter are printed herewith:
Dear Old Friend:
Suppose you are still in Alliance;
hope so at least. It's not aueh a bad
place at that, Jack.
I was singled out of tho Nebraska
bunch and sent here Am with 27
A. T. .v T. boys, and a fine bunch
they are. Nothing they wont do.
When we go over to the city there
Is always something doing. All
Irish but one, and be is a bull dog
eight weeks old. We are going to
handle the base line communication
and they sure picked some of the
best men the telephone and telegraph
companies had, me Included, of
course. We will be in a bunch to
ourselves, and very little military
tactics do wo get and less will we
leurn There arc about
here and we are the only bunch that
have many privileges. We go and
come most sny Ujne we pleas and the
only thing they can make as do Is
guard duty and only 14 hours out of
(Continued on pugs four)