'IF THK SHOE FTTH TOC THEN WEAR IT" By ADAM i I Alt Marnier the uVvll RHt H1 11 Mil Gnu uiKhl us alone. In th midst of his NO warm fire. Trying to figure the difference in guilt Tween a thief and all-round liar. Hla memory turned to the scenes of his youth, 'And iii cy. a filled with hot boiling tears; flo he took down hla ledger and turn ed to a page . ( d scrm and ealled to the banger, inking waat was wanted. There was no rpl) ni l th banging continued , PiiMiiriMl by this time that some- hiaf sofloWi was going on inside he i-earfced Into his pocket and eitract- v lh refrOBI a skeleton key which he ilWayi (arries for emergencies. Tit lour whs quickly opened and out stepped I hiindaomely gowned voting led) "What's the msttsr." said he, wiiv didn't yon call the office?" tfei noted his aatlnlshment and potnt- d to her ears and Hps she was deaf nd dumb. The key had stuck arid b- knw of no other way to get tn-lp. Monday. Monday night there was tin calling of the clan and then the blow tip. The performance proper Is to be held later In the week, a part of it being scheduled for Saturday morning in the county court. This Is done so aa not to draw the crowd way from the big show and to as sure an attendance at the side show. Whether tickets will be told for "Llt- le Egypt' 'is not yet known. IWiby Wants Huddle HOLDIKR8 Datud back years. I about six thousand he P"rtpose," he exclaimed as glanced through the book, "I uiii ilnlnv llio hiaat Mint I ran I V n m Ktiolniioa rlitnnfoa a n n t 1 n 1 1 I I bed. jr VI "J uunimw m v v ............. Increase Erer tilnce the creation of man. "I'to cribbed a good harvest for six thousand years, And should be content with the yield. And give my opponent permission to have The gleaning I leave in the field. "I've gathered a very diversified crop Of merchants and lawyers galore; I've bound politicians In bundles until The ends of my fingers are Bore. "I have fiddlers, gamblers and iuuur ance men; I have murderers, forgers and Ham; I're filled up my furnace with green populists "Till they actually put out the fires. "I have railroad cotducters and doc tors to spare; Home traders and preachers to spend ; Republicans, Democrats, Tories and Whigs; And two or three newspaper men. "But there is one class I'm happy to say, Can never gain entrance here; Their souls are so dirty that I'm sure They would demoralize Hell in a year. I Kay. "Would Your Pay. answer this: Would you call t young mnn who was chewing hoar wmn1 enndy while rapidly following he trail down the street of a much perfumed and be-palnted lady In rustling silks a "hoarhound"? "Curfew Khali Not King Tonight" At the poatponed meeting of the regular meeting of the city council, which was held on Friday night last week because Tuesday night was the regular night and there were: not . nnimh councilman out to do busi ness principally because one of the .ouncilmen was home in bed and did ot propose to come down town for BUch an affair as I. was about to my: At the council meeting one of the councilmen tried to tell me the i urfe whail rung and it was time for me to be home In my little trundle I promptly arose from my seat. which was all covered In dust to such an extent that I had to send my suit to the cleaners the next day, and In a loud tone declared that "Curfew shall not ring tonight." I don't know whether It did ring or not. I guess It had already done Its ringing because It was late before the coun cilmen got started doing business and snyway some of the councilmen hnd nlready been put to bed. I guess because two of them were not there and one of the was the one who wns not there on Tuesday night because he liked his little cot too well But I stayed on, 'cause I figured there might be some fireworks set off and I wanted to see the illumi nation - and there was. Folks, you all ought to attend the meetings of the city fathers or parents or what ever they are called. If you knew what a good time you could have you'd psss up most any kind of vaudeville show. For Instunce, theres' that little big bill of the Keeler-Coursey Company for rent of that automobile you re member it, there was an awful stink kicked up about It last city election time which the present council turned down. Now. I'll bet three Old Virginia stogies against one of your ten centers that th "liiims committee of the council al lows that bill at probably Its next eular meeting. If enoueh council men can be caught at one time t "ace a meeting. I give you all thl in hecmise I attended that post- on i not allowing certain phrases to ap pear in order not to publicly embar ass any of the parties concerned. did not find the letter. It was handed to me by another party. I would suggest Jhnl In the future hose persons who receive Intimate orrespondence use a little more care in tne way iney iu iubiii u.uw donod nnrt , llllH,lnn, , . around. I have heard of people who . ... ' " " , , v- - . I . 1 ... I. .. , - ' v " " . . I OUVUIICU Willi The council authorized the order- which Is compatible with our vital In ing of an ornamental dummy police- t-rest. No one can say when peace man to re placed at the intersection will come, but it Is obvious the end of unpaved Box Butte avenue and Third street. Same will be erected just ait soon aa It arrives. It Is pos sible that If the one ordered proves satisfactory that five others will be erected at the Intersections of down town streets. The dummy policeman will conform in style to the cluster I'ghts with the exception that there will be one large light at the top. is approaching." The letter printed below was found j ( ,mRTM.-r. n the streets of Alliance. I am glv- WAK "M ng no names and am using care In INUKX AM, Washington. D. C. The War De partment will compile a card index of all American soldiers at home and abroad. With the description of each soldier will be given the name of his next of kin and emergency address. The plan of giving each man a number virtually has been ahan- tore up letters ana others wno pui them away in a strong box. The let- ler wan written to an Alliance man. The writer does not live In Alliance but she doesn't live in Omaha either. The letter, with omissions, follows: My Own Daddy: LiHten. DOTSt, I never got your letter until Just a monute ago and. Daddy, I can't frame anything for tonite. Hut Daddle, can t you come up Wed. nlte alone. There Is no danger at all. My Sis and I are liv ing alone and mother is away - so she won t Is in Alliance supplied with a small aluminum tag bearing his name around his neck. I'KACK APPROACHING. HAYS TURKISH VIZIER Amsterdam. Talast Bey, the grand vizier. In a speech closing the congress of the party of union and progress at Constantinople, said: "We shall oppose no solution FIREMAN um.rii.it HAD CLOAK CALL A. B. Wheeler, former night mar shal at Alliance, who is now firing on passenger engines for the Burling ton, had a narrow oscape from in stant death Thursday morning when a mail crane struck him on the bead aa train number forty-two went through Merna. Fireman Wheeler leaned from the engine, an 3-1, to see if the Injector was working properly. The mall crane struck him a staggering brow as the train was going at a fast rate. Wheeler retained consciousness long enough to push himself back into the cab. After a few minutes heTecov ered sufficiently to wash the blood from his face and then fired the en gine into Ravenna. The doctor took six stitches In one wound. Wheeler Is laying off for a few days to recuperate. Ill NS FOR DANCES, SALES. ETC. LUNCHES FOR SALES AND OTHER SPECIAL OCCASIONS PUT UP COMPLETE TO ORDER, FIG URE WITH US. STEPHEN'S BAK ERY. 819 BOX BUTTE AVENUE. PHONE NO. 64. Am SSSSSSI Will I DYE & OWENS i transfer Line HOUBBHULD UWDI moved promptly, an Transfer Work solicit ti aUtlctakM phons 6M and Bins 7 hot her us. My Pad Boy please come. I'm crazy for you. Come in a car and stay until 4 4 next day. Cause Mother will be I think. My Sis Is some good sport but she has a man at present. Now please let me know by return mall, and to please me Daddy come. I am your Baby, live upstairs in the and "1 refer to that thing, neither human nor beast , That carrion crow of the world Who never Is happy unless he can feast On the wreck of an Innocent girl. "A million years in my warmest of rooms His slanders could never atone; So give, him a match and advise him to start A select little Hell of his own " With h" Aggers he lit an aBbestos cigar; And. piscina his book on a shelf, He muttered. "I may be a very had man. But I've cot some respect for my self.' . tB Ye. Yes. (Ml Yes A traveling man, who Is a friend of mine, told me one day last week that he had a lady friend in Denver by the name of Ada Push who had Just become married to a gentleman by the name of William Stone Seems to me to be case Of the irre sistible meet inn the immovable She Could "only Hang A funny thlnu happened down in Grand Island the other day. One of Alliance's traveling men whs stopping at the now hotel there which has a telephone In evew room He heart) a hine. b'ing. air-'.'""! tho door n th -irl' a'de ,f ti, hill. The hi"1"'"" wns wropeptcd and he tlp- noned meetina all the way through nd I listened to Mr. Coursey make i Ma tn IV nd I heard the councilmen talk. That's all. , A- Clrcu and Side Show. Roth Alliance la sure getting to be some little town these days. It isn't often this quiet little burg is the scene of io much red fire and everything all .it one time. Gee Whiz. Here we we entertaining two factions of Oma ha politicians and their followers, and two tactions of long standing from t'hadrou, together with a score i)f attorneys, more or less, a news paper reporter or two, and a bunch of Sherlock Holmes men and women from Omaha on the Job to see that i tie other Bide dont' put one over on hem and that--but well you know. It's all as good an a circus or a week stand medicine show. They ome, they sing their song, and soon they are gone. Yes, it's somewhat like circus, and being like a circus, there had to be a side show. So some of the interested ones from over Chad ran way and some more from down the Burlington several sights anil some more sees gathered together and forgot they were still In Nebraska, seemingly. It wouldn't have been so bad if it had been some down east Nebraska na. for they might have been justified in think inc i hey were some distance from home and BOOSl My over into Wyom ing but the name excuse can't be need by those from the other direc tion So tne side xho wis on it started If You Don't Come Across, the Kaiser Will Our hoys have given up all to light for democracy and liberty mid yon. Do Your Bit. Buy a Liberty Gold Bond Our boys are entitled to the best food, clothes, am munition. They must have these nflOTwlititt i Without them they cannot win for you. Liberty Gold Bonds Furnish the Ammunition It's your duty yet it does not rust you a cent. Your Govi'H ro ut, the best in the world, is only asking you for a loan and will pay you 4 per cent on a sure investment. The Kaiser takes his money away from his people. What More Do You Waat Buy a Liberty Gold Bond Today Any Bonk Will Taho Your Application Now. P. 8 We building Just Honey Floy be careful Mother don't see fon. Tell me what time you will come and I'll be watching for you. Don't stop in front of our place. Go on down the street and I'll see you. MutUM is . You know where you came to see me. . Don't fail me caue I ned yon. CITY OADS MET FRIDAY (Continued on Page 1.) council in connection with hiB com pany's claim against the city for maintenance and Incidental expenses upon the automobile rented by the city through former Mayor Romig The bill had been turned down by the council at a previous session. This is the account which was used for political purposes against the former mayor in the recent city cam paign. Mr. Coursey explained to the council that so far as he was con cerned it was a just account and i that the council had ratified the con-! tract made with the Keeler-Coursey Company, even thdugh the old coun cil had refused the former mayor permission to rent a car, by reason of the fact that the old council had paid the bills as presented from month to month. For that reason (00 company, said Mr. Coursey, was justified in believing the mayor had authority. The council referred the bill to the claims committee for con sideration at the next meeting. C. L. Drake, owner of the Drake Hotel, presented a claim ot the coun cil for $r 00 damages as the result of the breaking down of a door in the basement of his hotel by former Night Policeman Wheeler while In h it utiempt to arrest a man who had escaped from him. The bill was turned down. .U Seventh and Yellowstone a cul vert is under construction to carry v.iiMti water into a ditch instead of over the lawns of property owners in tha. vicinity. Ma j elic Ranges Don't forget stove values are- First, The material used. Second, The way it is put together. Third, The finish. Fourth, The convenience. Fifth, The universal satisfaction. We have several styles of Majesties, also lighter ranges and the wonderfully attractive all year round ALCAZAR. A Full Line of Excellent Heaters Rhein-Rousey Co- Fair 'List Prices Fair Treatment Nebraska The Gateway to the Far West SI Wu inllu v . THE stops of transcontinental travel the Lewis and Clark JL exploration, the Astor traders, the Oregon, California, Mor mon and Pike's Peak trails all passed through the portals of your State. Goodrich has been the gateway thrc which the great scientific discoveries and modern methods of rubber-mak J have r ed the rubber industry and the world. You get the crowning triumph of Goodrich rubber manufacture in Goodrich Tires. GOODRICH BLACK SAFETY TREADS are vouched for by the roads of State and Nation, as matchless fabric tires. Goodrich Test Car Fleets have put road tests to them and thereby establish certainty of service for you service founded on the strength of Goodrich's Unit-Mold, Unbroken-Cure tire body. You get this test certainty only in Tested Tires." 'America's THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY THE CITY OP GOODRICH, AKRON, OHIO Makers ttlso of the Famous Silvartown Cord Tiras 577t7n tH Lon, Run" mmmn