AM IAN K HKRALO. TTTRgDAT. OCT. 18, l ips t rom lelegrapn ,."TT. i in Bhortagp of labor in in eWtrles that must ! K. pt noma, at Up spee.l. if H'- United Hiai.n M W V .. hor iuu l.'i ,M " ti... tho war it iuiii in i i.n ni i lie 4lMrtOM ..-.-. .a' uiirnK Asonation lias .ui d a ...! for tin SSitn annual im im ui- niu.l in Wahi..nioii, L. C.t i I .nber 12. .or...ri yours' iniprlsonim nl wa.t 1 ponai y iiiPtod u Horbeit Wooi I Leo KMU, wlio wore found ..iy at uollvule, HI., of tho mur r, tUirlng tin- Kaat 8. Louis raro r is. Wood and Keane are the first .ilte men to be tried In connection !h the race Hots. Lute advlceB from Washington are the effect that the second Incre-' Tirnt of the draft army may be call ed some time In January. About Sr.C.000 of the first Increment are till I . b assembled. (Jovernment nuporvlnion of the foi "Inn langunge press, under the trading with the enemy act, began on i ' Tuesday. All such papers not ob taining licenses must give a true translation of the contents of their MblMttloM, bearing on the United ! Btates or any other government at war. (inrl of rotiKpirary to sink the ship, i.i I were B( Btenced to serve two years In prison and to pay a fine of 11.000 each. Nine bakers in Los Angeles, Cal., !. n.nvicii'rt of forming a combine la HtfM th' price of brend, contrary lm 'he California state law. A dls iMtcfl from vVashlngton Is to the ef i t Unit Food Administrator Hoover lias promised early regulation of the ntrhtrr'fl baking industry. flr they had forced the cashier f tho institution to He face down ward, masked robbers took $1,500 rom tho counter of the Euclid Ave aua State Hank in Des Moines, la , ml escaped. Daniel H. Wallace, convicted at davenport, la.,with violation of the espionage act, was refused a new rial, anil whs sentenced to serve 20 years in prison. Klnar jHUkkurl has been convicted it Lead, 8. D.. of manslaughter. In onnectlon, wil h the killing of Martin J. Conheeney. Ar For one week the workers Jn the flood pledge drive In Iowa will pause to ato In the Liberty Loan campaign. It has been announced by J. F. Seems, federal food administrator flor Iowa. Medals have been awarded by the city council of LeMars, Iowa, to Po licemen Ira Sudduth find Robert Harbour, of that city. ho after a gun fight la a genera' apt u red two burglars, one o 'he no torious "California Bren nnn. oBth officers w . wounded, but will recover. An Inside Bath 1 Makes You Look and Feel Fresh Says a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps lllnees away. This excellent, common-sense health measure being adopted by minions. time of packing until Christmas. 2. Dried fruits and other food product should be packed in small tin or wooden boies, one-quarter to one-half pound site. 3. Hard candy. Including choco late, would probably be safe In tin foil or heavy cardboard, but no soft chocolates nor anything that could possibly be crushed should be used, as trie other contents of the package might be spoiled thereby. 3. Several dainties packed In ob long tin boxes, each holding a quar ter of a pound, will provide a better variety for a packet than a larger quantity of a single confection. 6. No liquids nor articles packed in glass should be placed in (he package. 6. For wrapping the gifts use a (hakl-colored handkerchief, 27 inch s square, and forme the base of the racket by placing on the center of he handkerchief a pad of writing taper about 7x10 Inches. 7. Select a variety of articles either from the suggested list (or ac--ording to individual ishes) to an imount not exceeding fl.50, and ar range them on the pad of paper an that the entire package shall be the width of the pad and approximately rive or six inches. 8. Wrap and tin with one-Inch red ribbon and place a Christmas card under the bow of ribbon. A card bearing the greetings of the chapter would be desirable. 9. Wrap the parcel again In heavy Hght brown manila paper and tie se--urely with red, green or gilt cord, ind use Christmas labels or Ameri can flags, as desired. The following articles are suggest ed for packets: Khaki colored handkerchief. 27 inches square, for container; writing J. Wright, a farmer of the Iro ejuls, S. D., district, has received $108 (or a hogh, which as a pig, was pur ehaaed a year ago for $7. The hog waighed 600 pounds, and It brought $18.00 per hundred weight. When the third contingent of se lective draft men from I.awrence nunty, South Dakota, gathered prep aratory to their depnrttire to a con entrntlon camp, it was found that two of the twenty selects were miss In. The men are thought to have ed to Mexico. Wit the bl? guns on both sides Maintaining a heavy fire, the British and French troops are keeping pret ty well to the trenches in the new positions won Owing to repeated rains of late, the wamny condition of that section has been accentuated In the netebhorhnod of 13 000.000 article" of weprtpe annnrel and sleen ing equipment have been sent to can tonment camps, and shipments a're being made dally, according to an nouncement made by . Secretary Baker. All the material was manu factured In the United States. Ten thousand pottery workers in Ohio, West Virglnlu, Pennsylvania, New York. New Jersey, Tennessee and Canada have gone on strike. The operators had refused to give the men a flat increase of 25 per cent in wages. Formation of a union government, the cabinet of which Is composed of an equal number of members of the liberal and conservative parties, has taken place in Canada. The con aervative party is in power in Can ada, and the change was made with the approval of Premier Borden, conservative. Joseph Wakelln. of Melrose. Mass. was found guilty of manslaughter in connection with the killing of his little daughter. Loretta. Mrs. Wake lln, ho was on trial with her hus band, was found not guilty. Wake lln is said to have choked the girl to death while he waa In a fit of anger. I'livHiHaiiN th A vnrlH nvAr nimm. mend the inside bath, claiming this Is of vastly more Importance than out side cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities Into iub oiooa, causing in neaitn, wnue tne pore In the ten yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged to drink each morning, before breakfast a glaas of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins ; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food Into the stomach. Just as Hoan and tint wiilar pIuiiiio and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the ellm- Inatlve organs. Those who wake up with bad breath, coated tongue, nasty taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who are subject to bilious attacks or constipation, should obtain a quarter pound of lime stone pnospnate at tne drug store. This will cost very little but Is sufB dent to demonstrate the value of In side tmthtnir. Those whn mntlnna U each morning are assured of pro nounced results, botn in regard, to health and appearance. SU9GESTI0NS FOR SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS I ted Cross Taken Time by Forelock and Tell.- What to Send Pack age for Mvwy Man per pbJ, about 7 by 10 inches. l' injJ. Postals. Book tin paper cover). Scrap book, home made, containing a good short story, me Jokes, etc. Electric torch. ompass. Playing Cards. Other ganies. Tobacco. Pipe and pipe 'leaners. Cigarette papers. Water ight match box. Chewing gum. Sweet chocolate biscuits. Fruited t rackers. Fruit cake. Knife, such i boy scouts use. Mirror, steel. Handkerchiefs, khaki colored. Neck- les. Mouth organ. Red cross check erboard (this Is a combination set of checkerboard, checkers, chessmen lominoes made of heavy cardboard especially for the Red Cross and can be purchased after October 15 for j cents apiece). Preserved ginger. Salted ginger. Salted nuts. Prunea. Figs. Dates. Raisins. Hard candy. Chocolate In tinfoil. Licorice. Katch the Kaiser (pusxle). Mechanical puszles (an assorted lot of twelve mechanical pussies can be bought at the rate of twelve for 50 cents.) KRRK HOOK ON CANCKR A new book has Just been pub- ! llshed by Dr. O. A. Johnson, Suite ! 530, 1320 Main St.. Kansas City, Mo., , which gives reliable information of I greatest value to cancer sufferers. The author of this book has spent 20 ' years in study and scientific research i in cancer and has personally treated and investigated many hundreds of cases. He Is known today as one of the foremost Investigators In the field of cancer research, and his book should be resd by every cancer suf ferer. A limited number of these valuable books will be distributed free. You should send for a copy today, and if you have a friend suf fering from cancer urge him to write to the above address for the book. Adv Farm LOANS Ranch IE want your real estate loan business, will make rates and terms to get it. can put over a loan for any amount will save you money on your loan, solicit the opportunity to show you. The WOODRUFF BALL CO, INVESTMENT bankbwb V ALENTIi E, NEBRASKA Paul Wierso, a newspaper man of Charleston. S. C, and Captain Klat tenhoff, of the German steamer Lieb enfels, were convicted in the federal In order that there may be aa lit He waste as possible and that the soldiers shal Irecelve the greatest cheer from the efforts of friends the Ked Cross has issued the following suggestions as to Christmas pack ages: By Christmas the United States will have more than 1,000,000 men under arms and everyone will be eager to help in giving them Christ mas cheer. No matter how generous a supply of gifts some of the men may receive from families and friends, it is be lieved that all Red CrosB members will want to unite In sending to each man a Christmas packet tilled with good things and good will. In order that the men may be equally remembered and yet that there may be a pleaFing variety In the contents the following sugges tions are made for preparing and assembling the Christmas parcels: 1. Nothing should go into them which will not keep fresh from the Order Your Winter's COAL Supply NOW! It is the wise thing to do You'll say so this winter," too. If we could make plain to you the situation, We know that you would put in your winter's coal supply now. We are not trying to scare you, but we are trying to tell you. The car shortage exists. It may look to you like everything is mov ing, but you'll appreciate what we tell you when winter comes and it may be next to impossible to get coal. We've got coal to sell you today. We've got coal today to pul into your bin. We can't promise more. It's good coal and it's a fair price. We urge you to get busy think act. It will prove to your advantage. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. F W. HARGARTEN, Mgr. PHONE 22 111 Laramie Ave yn o o no iW mm? mmz. mmi The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST BOX. OR BOTTLE. FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU. YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. ft SEVERS PAIN. "I need to suffer a treat deal with lumbago In my tfuraldara nnrt bark. A friend Induced me to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pair, lill and I am only too xlad to tie abU to attest to the relief that I got from these Splendid pills. They form ft valuahlo medtrhie and do all that it is claimed they will do." LEWIS J. CI'TTBTt. Marietta, Ohio j GUYS 1 b 5. Send Over Some WRIGLEYS Keep your soldier or sailor boy supplied. Give him tbe lasting refreshment, tbe pro tection against thirst, the help to appetite and digestion afforded by WrUley's. It's an ootstandina feature of the war "All the British Army Is chewing it. 0 AFTER EUERV MEAL SUaST Lasts '733 MM T. W. F ARRIS R. F. MARCY Ship Your Cattle To Farris, Marcy Co Live Stock Commissioners Rooms 110-112 Exchange Building Omaha, Nebraska Correspondence Solicited. Write or Wire