AWHTION ! lOl'AI.N g Hale is on now. 85 per rent rount hi all article In Uie M ire. Mm. Anna NlmmonH. Jake Hlrknell. road constructor. Joe WkdpIi, county road superinten dent, W. D. Fisher, secretary of the Alliance Commercial Club, and mem Srs of Post M. T. P. A. will meet at te Kllpatrlck dam. twenty-one mllea went of Alliance Friday morning for the purpose of Installing aeveral run Way auto miles on the Alllanre feottsbluff rond. With the establish ment of theae Rates there will be no ntnt to open between the two towns. John McCoy, ML D. Office and Hospital Eeddish Block Telephone M White posts are to be erected at all culverts on Box Ilutte county roada. This will be done under the direction of Joe Wanek. county road flomnitsaloner. In compliance with a law paused by the 1915 legislature. Dig sale is on now. 2A per cent discount on all articles in the store. Mrs. Anna Hunmons. llu) your Hour from O'lWuuion Brothers. W lutndle t urtis Het, UUKle b I lie I. ! Mills; King David, mi a. I- by the lavll n Mills. If you are not a regular customer (or Hour we tnvlui you to tend us a trial onier. O'llanuon lirotliers, plume 150. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge I). Darling relumed this morning from the east. Mr. Darling left nearly two weeks ago lor a business trip to Chicago, be purchased while there two car loads of furniture for his store in Alliance. He will soon give Herald readers some intereatlng news in the form of store announcements through the paper. While in Chicago Mr. Darling had the pleasure of seeing the second game of the world's base ball aeries. Mrs. Darling met him In Omaha, and after a short visit there Ihey returned together. F. E. Holsten and son, Bernard, returned to Alliance a wecg ago from a short business trip to Chicago and other points. Harley A. Ham, a roving character eually termed "tramp" by the aver age person, was picked up by the police Tuesday evening under some what suspicious circuiUHtunces. Ham had a large live-gallon lard can which he waa carrying rather gingerly. The officers scented something and ap broached carefully from the rear. They suspicloned that he had five gal Ions of "suds," sometimes called beer. Imagine their surprise when they opened the can to find that It contained twelve dozen "hen fruit," eually known as eggs. Kggs are a cane article these days and they knew that Ham did not come by them honestly So they took Ham and the eggn to the police station. Shortly afterwards the Adams Kxpress Com pany office notified the police that a ease of twenty-four dosen eggs had been stolen from a truck. This ex plained the twelve dozen that Ham had. but the others have not yet been (bund. Judge Roberta is now won dering what to do with the eggs. He roasted Ham severely in police court. We would suggest thut he fry the eggs. J. 8. Finch, representing the Lin coln State Journal Company, is in the city today on business. William E. Taylor, traveling repre sentative or the Mergenthaler Lino type Company, waa in the city the rat of the week. W. L. Carroll, the blacksmith, left Wednesday noon for York to attend the state convention of blacksmiths. Buy your flour fnuu O'Bannon Brothert.. We handle Curtis Bent, made by the Crete Mill,; King David, made by the David ty Mills. If you are not a regular customer (or floor we invite you to send us a trial order. O'Banuou Hrotlieia, phone 155. - Visitors in Alliance this week from Rushville were Judge W. H. Went oer and Hobert Bruce, the former is judge of the district court of this dis trict and the latter sheriff or Sheri dan county. Dr. G. K. Condra. director of the I Nebraska Conservation and Soil Sur-1 rey, was in the city on Monday and Wednesday or this w.-k. Between tli es days he made an extended trip through the western part of the stale and alone the state lines of South Dakota and Wyoming, looking over the oil situation. The doctor Is much . in demand these days of oil and not- bah excitement and does his duty as a faithful public servant, rendering favors to mne and treating all with fairness and courtesy. His many i years of training and experience are of much value to the state in his invest igat ions and in directing the! work done by his assistants in mak- I ing their surveys. New line of Silk Waist on sale at from fS.OO to 3.54. Mrs. Ainu Simmon. The Nebraska Land Company takes occasion this week to place be fore the readers of The Alliance Her ald an interesting announcement of Box Butte county lands. This com pony, the pioneer land company of this section, has settled farmers upon thousands of acres of fertile farm ing lands. These farmers today are doing their part In turning out of the fertile soils the enormous crops of potatoes and other products The announcement made la this issue ia well worth reading. If yon are re siding In the high priced land dis trict farther east, you should con sider the advantages offered by this section of the state. Box Butte has plenty of space (or hundreds of set tlers who want to get the profitable returns which are being enjoyed by who have been reaping the bar- here The Famous Clothing for Men This greater store for men if today far more than a clothing store. Here's ft mighty exposition of the finest oast cm clothes makers' productions and every thing else men wear, from hats to footwear. We are developing a service institution for discriminating people, a man's store second to none from every standpoint. The Famous A Store For MEN The Famous Men's Superb Quality Clothes In spite of soaring prices wonder values In , America's Best Suits and Overcoats. $15 S20 $25 $30 $40 Th. accomplishment of the seemingly impossible has given this greater store its dominating posi tion In men's wear values. In the face of rising prices, the tremendous buying power and evident foresight, dness of this organization arc again most convincingly demonstrated America's finest tailored garments are here and prices, as heretofore, arc based on our supreme value-giving policy. Best Clothes for Every Man Hart, Schaffner & Marx of Course The matter of fit is important with every busy man; don't get the idea that you are "hard to fit" until you have tried this wonder-stock we can fit the average man in 15 minutes; fit his form and fit his purse. Suit and Overcoat Values ffPYJCI HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $25.00 to $40.00 In Young Men's Regular, Stouts and Slims. A big variety of patterns in all the stylish models. Young Men's Military Cut Suits in other makes, $12.00 to $20.00. Our Overcoat lines are the largest and finest we have ever had and we invite your inspec tion. Voting Men's styles with belt all around are the hit of the season and we are prepared to fit you in any size, 33 to 50. Our Nationally Advertised Lines Mackinaws Patrick Mackinaws $11.00 to $15.00 Sheurman Mackinaws $7.50 to $12.00 McKibben Mackinaws $6.50 to $10.00 Big Line of Boys' Mackinaws Mousing, Lewis, Wilson Bros. UNDERWEAR Manhattan, duett, A t row SHIRTS Big Line of VKLOUR HATS In All Shades Spauldings, Bradley SWEATERS ' Boys Wear Largest Lines and Lowest Prices Shoes EDWIN CLAPP $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 Jerseys, WALKOVER SHOES Sweater ('oats, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, Suits, Overcoats, i $8.00, $9.00 Shoes, Shirts, Army Shoes in the Waists, Neckwear, MUNSON LAST ( !gps, Hats ami Special Shoes at everything -for the boy to wear. $2.98 BORSALINO AND STETSON HATS The World's Best In all the new shades and shapes, from $5.00 to $15.00 Best Clothes for Every Man This &ore is FIRST inlvariety, in value, in fit and finish, in beii - fashions, injnewness of: goods and first in mammoth &ock The Famous The One Price Clothing Store Alliance, , Nebraska