AI.MANCK HKRAIJ), TKMDATi (KT IN, 1917 Demand For Foodstuffs Increases Wonderful Opportunities Presented in Box Butte County for Investment and 1 development Help Yourself and ioui Country F" ' ' ', yW&Sth .' . ".. 'V - ." 71 Home of William Davidson at Alliance The demand for foodstuffR is bound to increase right along. Whether the war ends today, next year, or ten years from now will make no difference. The demand in this country alone will increase yearly. Half of Kurope and more is depending now on foodstuffs from the United States is calling upon us to supply them with wheat, with Hour, with potatoes, with meat and other staple foods. Never was the world so short on bread stuffs as right at this moment. For a considerable period o ftime submarines have been sinking more wheat each week than any county in Nebraska raises. It will be years and years after the close of the war before many of the nations participating in it will be in a position to supply a very large production of their own food. You know i 111 I II Mi lli I C33 A Box Ilntte County Farm Tractor Weld of Wheal liaised Thin Year Prom New Ground there is the greatest demand now that there has ever been and it is steadily increasing. Men if you have any patriotism in you wake up and size up present conditions. Cultivate the soil. Make your income safe. Look at farming from the dollar stand point. Where else or how else can you do as well? Every part of northwestern Nebraska, wherever agri cultural development has been established, is splendidly prosperous: but the rich range and uplands of Box Butte county in particular, comprise the most inviting field for investment ami development to be found in the entire west. Men who already own some land in this county should take advantage of this present opportunity, and the present emergency in our nation's affairs and buy more land. Those who do not already own land in Box But e county should lbok the county over and purchase as large tracts as they can afford, while prices are still low and before someone else jrrt in ahead of them, Fathers now have a Splendid opportunity to set their sons up in a paying business. It is a good county, whatever way you look at it. If you want to work for Uncle Sam and yourself, too, you can't do bet tor than to buy land in Box Butte county. The opportunity is offered you. Will you take advantage of it? Others are making money -lots of it in Box Butte county. What are you going to do Just look at the photo in the center of this page and you will see wheat raised by Mr. Davidson, at the north west corner of Alliance, this year, and off land that v. as broken out last year and was never farmed before. Then look at the photo in tin I ewer l ft hand corner and see the picture of the rye raised this year by Mr. Harris just at the northeast corner of the corporation. Now see the picture of the spuds just east of town on Mr. liealey's place. They should convince any reasonable mind that the word "can't" should not be used, and that "We can, let's do it." are the proper words to say. Men we're sorry that there are men in our midst who are willing to knock. One of our new settler customers informs us that reeently an Alliance business man stated that it was too bad that this country was ever taken from the cattle companies, that no one could Old Line insurance companies will insure you against crop failures from any cause and charge $1.20 per acre, and if you are dried out, drowned out, or burned out, hailed out or frosted out, they will pay you more money than it cost to plow, seed, and culti vate your crops, so play the cinch game. Buy a farm as cheap as you can and from the man that will sell you on your own terms what yon want at the lest price. Com, on, let's gi t busy Tin re never va as much money in the IJ. S. as at tin present time and there are millions more coming Yotl ean buy land now and pay for it with what it produces, so it does not cost you one half the bushels the present owner paid for it. Come on! The picture in the upper right hand corner shows you what we mean to say. ever make a living here farming. Do you know of any farmers starving hercT He discouraged this newcomer in every way he could, and this knocker made every dollar he has here, and docs business on about the largest scale of anyone in town. Now, this man knows better than to speak in that light of the country, but he just has a habit of knocking at those who try to settle up the country and to build up homes, which would certainly be good for Alliance, and help feed the world. If this knocker will spare the time to go to the Assessor's Record, he can in a very few minutes sec that Box Butte county has never been taken from the cattle men, as we have more cattle, more horses, more hogs, and ten times the value of live stock now than in the times he would recall. Besides, we have the productions of the farmers, all his machinery, all his improvements, for taxation. Besides, we have the farmer and his family to sell goods to, and also the priv ilege of buying his products fresh from the farm, which all goes to help the knocker's business, and this same knocker js one who calls himself a "Community Club Booster." Now, we know by knowledge gained from big expense and by travel and persona! inves tigations that no place within a thousand miles of Alliance has the advantages thut we ha vie in values of good land, in proportion to what W produce, ami we know thai investment here in lands pays much more dividends than the high' r priced lands east pay, ami we know this country shoidd bit producing, instead of 8ft per eeni p it laying idle. Yes, an! t i can b lone if some of you obi time knockers will !, rp still and say nothing, if yo i ea riot say something good of the country, and you boost . b ok for all you are worth We correspond with all non-resident land- imem in th eounty and knn t' value of lands here. We cai show you the best ba'rg bi th ebuitt,',1 and will b glad to give you the benefit of any knowledge we have and help you to Holed a tarn' t ri 1 Bin buy a farm on your own terms. Do this and get a tractor. Do like Davidson did. He lives in town and farms with a tractor in the country, has a jitney to go back and forth t. look after the farm. Don't covet his hoim , shown in the upper left-hand cu-m r bill Lid one to suit you. You can do this with Uncle u gufrraiit of n per h f ' i IsfeMMHttfiMMMMrihiZlf' 'iiSsISIlfr1ji .tf9flnM&flR3flMfijfcfe& Kye Field Adjoining Alliance on Main- lunii .it Km- Field of Mpudft IbtitMM) Thin Sen hi HaftJy Place PANY NEBRASKA LAND COM ALLIANCE. NEBR Firt National Bank Building. Opposite Posoffice. Telephone 50