t. -. ..,, n TilllimtAV. OCT. 11, 117 COMB SAGE TEA IN TO HAIR IT It's Grandmother's Recipe to keep her Locks Dark, Glossy, Beautiful. Tbc old (Into mixture of Pnpo Tra and Rnlplmr for darkening ftrav, otrokyl and faded hair is Kramlinntfirr'ii recipe, and folk arc again using it to keep tlieir hair a gtiod, vrn rolor, which ia quitf ftenslMr. tit we nro living in an a'i- when a youthful n)Karunce it (if the greateat adrantapc. Nowadays, though, w- don't have tho tFeubleaoaie taok of gathering the aage and the musty mixing at home. All lmg store nell the ready-to use product, improved hy tlie addition of oilier ingred ienta. callou "Wyeth's s.iii' huh Sulphur Compound" for about ,'jO cents a bottle. Tt fa very popular because nobody can discover it has Ix'cn applied Simply moisten your comb or n soft brush with it and draw this through vour hair, tak ing one small strand at a time; hy morn ing the gray hair disappears, but what leliplita the ladies with Wveth's Sage cunl Sulphur Compound, is that, beside beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also produces that oft luatre and appearance of almndonce which is so attractive. This readytu-tiie preparation is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful ap pearance. It is not intended for the cure, Mitigation or prevention of disease. liu.vtiaity of Minaeaota. I o Iot those who complain of wars coata think a moment of the tribute that would have to be paid to a (ler in in army in triumphant occupation or the cities Of the Atlantic seaboard. Itieh and poor alike would be squeez ed to the limit o I Kvery eltlsen who buy a Uhtftt IborHl whacks the near-l raltors and masked foes in our midst as well a 'senda the right kind of a message to the center of C.ermnn militarism th.it has been felicitously described as j "I'otsriamnatlon." i A Texan Judge has named aix Sen jatora of th United States who. he Buys, ' ought to ho linen up againm tin adobe trail nnd shot " This ought to ho enough to make even those six H4 Mtors nit up and takn notice. 1 The 1fi6 lenders of I. W. W. who hart ban Jailed for nation-wide con spiracy to hamper the government in !tw niiiMtM'iit Ion of the war can no longer deny that the Initial letters of their organization atand for "I Won't Work t'nleaa I Work for Wilhelm " r. Brief War flnmmpnt 51 . 7 , B fcll, , ln . .irjll Germany's s-'venth war loan may at least ileim how much blood can be squ t i ip. ut of a withering Brer ea so-making. Col onel RoOMi I fully auatained bis reputation with "the Hun within our gates." o To think that it was in I'hiladel phla'a "bloody fifth" ward that the I Declaration of Independence was signed 141 years ago. o The names of the arrested 1. W. W. leaders confirm the assertion that most of tho members are of German or Austrian birth. o Professor Wm. A. Sehaper has four nephews In the American army and "first cousins" in the Kaiser's forces, but, although born in this country. he confessedly stands by his cousins rather than by his nephews. No won der his sixteen years' service has not prevented his expulsion from tho f ILL off the worms and get I yourhofs feeding rich! and they dteeaee. They'll f .ot-n fast end MAKB YOU MOKE MONUY. Fine tor preg nant sows, We want too to treat all your hogs with HOU-TONB FRKK forcOdays. Come hi we will give you sufficient HOQ TON It (the iff" "tworm Killer and H og Condlttoner) to treat your tntire herd tat 60 days. It Its results (aU to satisfy you. It will ooat you nothing. H. F. Thiele Drugs and Jewelry Phone 12 Alliance. Nebraska Professional Directory of the Alliance Herald Harness hand made from best ma terial. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienced harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand, Alliance 0. E 8LAQLE, M D. Physician & Surgeon Office phone, 65 Res. phone. 62 ALLIANCE. -:- NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attornes-Ht-l, Land Attorneys Office- First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE. -:- NEBRASKA Professional Photographer Vitality Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlaiglng all Styles M. E. GREBE, Proprietor ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and surgeon 302 y Box Butte Phonea: Office. 362; Res. 16 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office IUa4onable Raton Prompt Nonice L. A. li K K R Y LAWYER Phone 9 Room It unit i Block Alliance, Nebraska Von Tiiim. 1 1 su if thai (he sub marines will MTTflf p unit tho trans portation of an American army to Europe. But he was even more con fident the same piratical craft would bring Great Britain to her knees within five weeks. Evidently there is nothing serious i ho matter with Wisconsin, after all. Its Republican state central commit tee, wltb two exceptions, calls for the expulsion of la Follette from the Senate of the United States. "Germany," writes Sir Edward Gray in a preface to a collection of President's Wilson's state papers, "can not get peace except on condi tions that the United Statea may con sidor essentiul to Its own interests and to the future peace and freedom Of the world." That Is precisely the situation, and Germany has only her self to blame. .sprains ami Strains Killeti-o Sloan's Liniment quickly takes tin pain out of strains, sprains, bruises and all muscle soreness A clean clear liquid easily spplied. it quickly penetrates without rubbing. Sloan's 1 Liniment does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy plasters or ointments. For chronic rheumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, gout and lumbago have this well-known rem edy handy. For the pains of grippe and following strenuous work. It gives quick relief. At all druggists. 25c. Adv 2 Real Estate. Loans and lniur nee P B REDDISH. Reddish Slock 15 tf -6727 The alien population of New York tate Is estimated at 3.000.000. Wise Is tbe man wbo declines to take ids troubles too seriously. "lx-t Me Cry For You" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable Alliance. (Phone 664) Nebr. DR. D. E. TYLER DENTIST PHONE 362 Over First National Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Geo. J. Hand, (VI. D. ASTHMA and HAY FEVER Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat PHONE 261 Calls answered from ofllee day or Bight THOMAS LYNCH lt'-itl;i 1 5 1 9 -1 f, 2 1 City Nat l Bank Bldg. OMAHA spot i.il Attention to Live Stock Claims WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE "Omaha's Fun Centre tuts, tuttr Intrltliw Ec - a IWiS' n 'l- MTWEI DON'T tl MH I DIDN'T J ' '." T Famous Collins Saddle Best saddle made Have stood the 't-st for 60 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp' tSMOeaaort o nlllns & Morrison 1210 PwnwSH Mt Omaha, Neb J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Books in Box Butte County. Office : Bin. 7, Opera House Block J. JEFFREY. D C. Pb. C. A. O. JEFFREY. O C. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours, 10 A If., to 8 P. kf. HKW WILSON BLOCK s i , ' A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship CLOSING OUT SALE Sj The undersigned will sell at Public Audtion at their ranch located 15 miles south of Bingham, Sheridan county, Nebraska, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m the following described property: Five Sections of Land Five sections of land, all joined up, located 15 miles south of Bingham, the site of the sale. This property will cut about 200 tons of hay, sixty-five acres in alfalfa and the balance in wild hay. About 75 acres under cultivation. Machinery and hay already cut goes with the land. Property fenced and cross fenced. House, good barn and corral 1 Entire five sections to be sold in one piece. Anyone desiring to look over the land any time before the sale will be afforded the opportunity by addressing the owners, in advance, at Bingham. Prospective buyers will be met at Bingham and taken to and from the land. TERMS Half cash, balance one to five years time on security approved by the Clerk. 203 Head of Cattle 203 45 Head of Milk Cows, 2 to 7 years old. 39 Head of Range Cows, 2 to 6 years old. 19 Head 3 year old Heifers. I 37 Head Yearlings, mixed. 63 Head Calves, mixed heifers and steers. 3 Hereford Bulls, 2 and 3 years old. Fifty-Three Head of Horses 2 Bay Mares, 4 years old, weight about 1400 lbs. each; broke. 1 Bay Gelding, 2 years old, weighs about 900 pounds. 1 Iron Orey Gelding, 4 years old, broke to ride. 15 Head of Mares, 2 to 8 years old, part of them broke. 16 Head Yearling Colts. 12 Suckling Colts. 2 Geldings, 3 years old, broke to work. 2 Mares, 6 years old, weight about 1100 pounds, broke to work. 2 Mares, 12 years old, broke to work. Empire Milking Machine 1 Empire Four-Unit Milking Machine. In good condition; may be seen in use. FREE LUNCH at NOON TERMS On all Live Stock and the Milking Machine All sums under $10.00, cash. One year's time at eight percent interest on all sums over $10.00, on bankable paper approved by the Clerk. No property to be moved until settled for. R. C. & J. C. CRANM0RE, Owners COL. H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer FRANK ABECiO, Clerk