Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says glass of hot water phosphats pravanta lllnat and kaapa ua fit and Just aa coal, whan It hum. learns fcahlnd a certain amount of Incom hurt I hie material In the form of ashen, a Uw food and drink taken day after 4sr lea res In the alimentary canal a certain amount of Indigestible ma terial, which if not completly ollmlna- from the system each Jay. rxv food for the millions of bacteria vhlch tnfeat the bowels. From this mass of left-orer waste, toxins and ptoinaln like poisons are formed and ticked into the blood. Man and women who can't Ret feel In tight must begin to take Inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot grater with a teaspoonful of lime atone phosphate In it to wash out of the thirty feet of bowels the previous day's accumulation of poisons and toxins and to keep the entire alimen tary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick head ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foal breath, backache, rheumatic stlff ness. or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will OOM very little, bat i sufficient to make an von e an enthusiast on the BUbJact Remember Inside bathing Is more Impo1"'""1 lhan outside bathing, be cause tba sun ores do not absorb taapurltlei into the blood, causing poor health, while the bowel pores do. Just as soap nnd hot water cleanses, and freshens thu skin, so hot water nnd limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. , Written on Glass. afisi Harrial Aobar'f baaotlfu) Una NOut Biassed Uedeemer. Kre II Breathed were written by the an r ireas on n wtudo,wpanfl in bar botts lit Boddaadon, a town in Kngtaad. tier in curios triad to purchase ihi tt teres ting and peculiar uairaacrlp from the owner of the botiae after tli i' atu of Mian Auber In iflOi but hi h,ih DnsaccessfnL The pane or (las i 1 1 1 hi:)seMently stolen, and it lla t . ef since bee.; i fonnd or its fate dfa ararao. SAVE GAME BIRDS IS PURPOSE OF NEW MOVE cumo. iiir,ls Marked With Bead Hhmilri lo 8Mtt to Profit Head, quarters When Killed. Western Nebraska sportsmen will be interested in the following bulle tin, known as Bulletin No. 6, Issued by the Nebraska Stale Sportsmen's Association, especially at this turn when the hunting season is on. BULLETIN NO. 6 The object of this bulletin is to enlist your support if possible in the wild water fowl in this country. The department of agriculture, to laarn more of the age, lives, migra tions, etc., of wild ducks, and geese have had their agents capture younv birds in practically all their breeding grounds of this continent, and attach a metal band to their legs. This band contains a serial number, which ta a key to a record. When one ot these birds are killed this band hould be immediately sent to th Department of Agriculture, Washing ton. D. C, with the date killed and (Hrcumstances under which it war billed. Or if desired your secretary or the State Game Commissioner will receive this data and see that it reaches the proper destination. It Is your duty to spread this in format n namong shooters so not on of these birds will be killed without the record being saved. Post thi bulletin in your club house. NEBRASKA STATE SPORTS MAN'S ASSOCIATION. Oeo. L. Carter, Sec. No Professional. "1 was In hopes my sou would be i professional man." "Isn't he willing to take up suel orfcT" "Hasn't shown any signs of doing s as yet. Whab II eomes to work li seems to be in eonslderaldo fear o jeopunli'.iiiK his amateur stuudlng." Louisville Courier-.loiirual. Communications Names of contributors will not be used lit this column if not desired, but the name of the contributor must be known to the editors before an article will be printed. (Of our nation to take control of our wheat supply. Tim world is at war. It Is the greatest war of all time. The task of feeding the armies Is Herculean. It Is a big problem not only because of the monstrous armies to be fed, but also because of the great dis tances the food must be transported ind the difficulties that surround Its transportation. Although this task would be a big one for the entire world, conditions are such Just now hut almost the entire burden is placed on America on Canada and the United Statea. We acquire a per sonal intereat in feeding these armies when we place our own sol diers at the aide of those already on he battle front. Nearly one-third of the food neces sary for the armies conaists of wheat. Our exports of wheat during the past three years have been the heaviest in our history and our aupply la now the lowest in ten years, so our gov ernment cannot afford to take a chance on the supply of wheat for our army. The aupply dare not be left in private control where it can be hoarded In great elevators, nor In the control of speculators who cnn. f they so desire, demoralize our army more effectively by withholding wheat supplies than in any other way. Our domestic demand for wheat will of necessity be acute. Were speculators permitted to manipulate our supply In such a way that they COttld extort fro mour public unnec essary and unconscionable margins, such serious uprisings would result in our large consuming centers as i DUWld materially Interfere with our I peace at homo and our successful conduct of the war. These uprisings 1 would be serious because- they would I result not alone from the high prices bin from the unjust extortion con-i neeied with those high prices. As a war measure- -as a war no cpssity our government must con trol the distribution and the price or our wheat in order that our country may be sure of its supply for the army at the front at all times, and in order that disaster may he prevent - it at home which would surelv re sult from ruinous speculation and artless extortion. w. bhohthill, Secretary National Council of Farm- era Co-operative Associations. Kditor's Note: Mr. BbortbiU, While he wrote the above letter as a direct representative of agriculture, also Write from Information gained i:,s a member of the committee ha1 lixed HI price of the 1307 crop of wheat and also as a member, at the pres ent time, of the board of directors of the l S. Grain Corporation, the v.rnment agency of the Food Ad ministration which is buying our wheat. Old Diadems Ma le of Ribbon. The diadem of the nations of an timidly was h fillet "f silk two incite broad! botibd round the head and tie behind. Its color was generally wliitt Sometimes, ka thai Of Darius, it wtt. of blue, it was sown ,vitlt pearls 01 other gems and enriched with gold. It was peculiarly the mark of orlenta. sovereigns he. got the big "Uncle Sam" style hat ed he la 7 feet 8 inches talf and when on hia head it raised" him foot or two more. Madaen would make a good apeci men for any big top aide ahow. He was In Denver not long ago and put to shame Denver a tallest man, who Is7 feet 4 Inchea tall. The Denver Post wrote up Madsen- in the follow ing language: "Ralph Madaen. human skyscraper, is In town. Ralph Is the gentleman who can uae the Eiffel Tower for a music stand while he plays tho cor net for the benefit of tired aviators. Hla parents always uae a atepladder when they klaa him goodby, for he is so tall he can whisper In the ear of Gray's peak without standing on tip toe. Ralph stands 7 feet 8 inches above sea level and Is 20 years old. He Is always having a high old time of it. "Incidentally. Carl Sandell. Den ver's tallest human building, almost shed tears when he saw Ralph tak ing a constitutional down the avenue, making about four steps to the block. Carl is 7 feet four inches tall. The two giants greeted one another be side the Daniels Fisher tower. This was the only building In town they cottld lean against without trippinu themselves up and spoiling a few roof roof tilings. "They're almoat aa high aa tbe coat of living." said a pedestrian. "How'a the weather up there?" yelled a newsboy "Sandell and Madsen talked for awhile. They were so far above the , city, however, that no one could catch the drift of their conversation. A bleary-eyed cltUen who had been out late leaned againat Ralph'a shins. mistaking tnem for telegraph poles. ! When he Anally lamped thia human 'observation tower he thogbt be, 'had 'em' and went down the street howling 'never again!' "Ralph weighs only 197 pounds. He waa born at Norfolk, Neb. He at tributes hia growth to the fact that hia father uaed to pull him out of bed in harvest season, using Ralph'a lega for handles Although long and slen der, like a glass of lemonade, Ralph la broad minded. " "I came a long way to see thia fellow Sandell,' aaid MadBen. lean ing against the second story of an office structure, 'but I am Just a bit taller than he. I am going out with the Sells-Floto circus next season and think 1 will be an attraction as I have never met a man who is taller than myself except the Bunker Hill monument and the Woolworth build ing.' "Madsen wears a No. 16 collar and has to reach to tho shelf of the dress ing table with a boat hook when he wants to put on hia necktie. Many shipbuilding companies have offered him a position aa a vessel s mainmast but to date he haa declined. Madsen la unmarried, but ia not unwilling to fight. If he goes to war he will n doubt replace several army balloons for observation purposes." PARIS HACKMKN STRIKR Paris. Because their demand foi an Increaae in pay had been refused, the employeea of the Automobile Omnibus and Tramway lines voted a 2 i -hour strike. Do your duty before blaming others for not doing theirs. SUBURBAN FOR RESIDENCE SALE SITUATED CORNER 10TH STREET AND MISSOURI AVENUE This property consists of a 7-room house, pantry and toilet, hot and cold water. Good stable with hay loft, will stall 10 head of stock. Room for buggy or auto. Good hen house, corral and coal shod. Fine windmill, stock tank, two-story milk house with upper and lower tanks, all piped and in running order. Apple, cherry and plum trees in bearing condition j also small fruit. There is an acre of land with this property which can be divided into house lots. For other information, terms, etc., see owner. MRS. AMY BROWN, Phone 495 or Red 717. SALTS IS RNE FOR " KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT Flush the Kidney at once whan Back hurt or Bladder bothers Meat forma one acid. WHY FtXH CONTROL IS NHCKS-SAKY Editor Herald: Any attempt at food control in thia great prosperous land of plenty la an Innovation. Nationally we have sever experienced a criaia in our food aupply. eBcause it haa not been given any thought since the -ml) colonial daya more than two centuries ago, the necessity for food control la not now appreciated by our people. It ia so difficult for ua to realise that an national scarcity of food might possibly exist For this reason it ia proper to consider the a that have made it necessary No man or woman who eats meat regu larly can make a mistake by flushing he kidneys occasionally, says a well nown authority. Meat forms uric acid liieh clogs the kidney pores so they luggishly filter or strain only part of he waste and poisons from the blood, hen you get sick. Nearly all rheuma ii, headaches, liver trouble, nervoua cse, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, ladder disorders eoma from sluggish kid leys 'the moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended y a sensation of scalding, get about four uncos of Jad Baits from any reliable l:!nnacy and take a tablespoonful in i glass of water before breakfast for a "w days and your kidneys will then set ne. This famous salts is made from lie acid of grapes and lemon juice, oo al ined with lithia and has been used for .-titrations to flush clogged kidneys and Limulate them to activity, also to neu ralire the acids in urine so it no longer arise irritation, thus ending bladder dia rrlera. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all reg ular meet eaters should take now and thrn to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ney com plications. Noth a con Nothing More Needed. "i)u sf house you're building. iBf I'Ot I druwitig room and erva tory "That's the house you see described In a iHipulur love story. "' Louisville ouiier-Jouniul. HUMAN SKYSCRAPER VISITS ALLIANCE Tweuty Year Old Youth Towers I -et and 8 Inchea Above He Level Weighs 197 Pounds Alliance was visited on Thursday by what one lad termed to be "De tallest guy in de hole woild." It was Ralph Madsen, human skyscraper, who waa in town to do a stunt at the local picture ahow. He appeared on the streets Thursday afternoon dressed in the garb of "Uncle 8am" and was sure a tall one. It ia claim- NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE COMPANY Get Acquainted With This Big Store Special Showing of Seasonable Goods! In spite of the scarcity of joods and slow shipments by railroads, we are showing more lines and a better assortment of goods than ever before. Many of our goods we are soiling under the present market. Anticipate your wants in our line and save both money and time. n- S O o H 9 p PS 09 (A H M 5 2a We have till the. leading makes of Sliot Guns Uiiles. Also ;t full line of PETERS Ammunition! aassggiiiiig REMINGTON REPEATING SHOT GUN 11 hot, take down, 12-gauge. Our price $"2.70 REMINGTON AUTOMATIC f shot, self-loading. Our price $41.75 PETERS SHOT GUN SHELLS 12 Gauge Target, box of 26 $1.00 16 Gauge Target, box of 25 ' - 95 20 Gauge Target, box of 25 90 Case, 500 Shells, 5c per box less. Goodyear Watet Waders All Sizes. Price $17.00 Duck Shooting is Fine NOW Get into the stock of f J tins plete. game and bo prepared. OUr and Ammunition is most com- Our prices are lower than tttoae quoted by the casli-in-advance mail Order house as We save you the express charged, money order fee, postage stamps, etc. Canvass Gun Cases, Well made and fully bound with leather, for take down runs $1.50 Up To fit all over run without being taken down $1.25 Johnson's Folding De coys, dot. in cart. Allen's Duek Calls 50c Shell Veat $1.25 "sf aaaaiaattu 1 43 HIGH GRADE MAZDA GLOBES Sizes 15, 25 and 40 watt. Price 25c Packed 5 in Carton. !V2 and 110 volt. 5 r pleas good keeps ELECTRIC IRONS All ironing is ant when a electric iron steady even heat. Electric Irons $5.00 ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Make the coffee prob lem solve itself, with the Universal Percola tor $3.50 to $7.00. Electric $6.00 up We carry a complete line of Wiring Material, Sockets, Lamp Cord, Wire, Switches, Fuse Plugs, etc. ' We manufacture Harness and Saddles. Also do first-class repairing. Fanners! Get This Hog Oiler Now and Get Rid of LICE Let your hogs rid themselves of these blood-sucking pests. Give them a fighting chance to live and thrive and resist disease. Every time they rub against the "New Idea" Hop Oiler they apply the re freshing, vermin-destroying Oil right on the itch, killing the lice, destroy ing theeggs, bealing the skin of mange, scurvy and other skin dis eases. It soothes and heals pro motes a healthy skin and a smooth, glossy coat of hair. Rowe's "New Idea" Hog Oiler Price - $7.75 5 gallon can Rowe's Medicated Oil $2.75 CstmIw WtoM The Dandy "Pipeless" Furnace we otter you tnc Dandy Pipeless Fur nace the highest quality wrought fur nace, Gas, soot and smoke tight. Ask for circular showing details. The furnace body is guaranteed for ten years by the Wrot Iron Heater Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, who have stronger financial support than any other ex clusive furnace manufacturing concern in America. This is just the thing for out-of-town people. Come in and let us explain glad to show you. Icy-Hot Vacuum Bottles and Cases 1 t t I' P jgjgsaajejajssjg ju H MS 10 li o o 3 a in ! l Keeps liquids hot or cold, just the thinj? Cor motorists, will keep baby's milk hot all night. There are sizes and prices for every body. Pints $1.50 to $3.00. Quarts, $2.75 to $5.50. We repair Bottles and put in new tillers, springs, fiber rings, rubber rings or caps. Bring in your old Bottle and have it renovated. THE BIG HARDWARE STORE ALLIANCE NEWBERRY S HARDWARE COMPANY