AXIJAltCK HHRAIiD, TTRDAY. OCT. 11, IMT flPOTfCK OP FINAL AOTOITNT AM PETITION FOR DISTKIIU T ION. IS thf County Conrt of Box Dutte Countv. Nrhranks tH THE MATTER OF THK ESTATE OP TRUMAN F. BROWN, DE CEASED. 9UI of Nebraska, Wn Butt County. Tt nil porsons Jntfrppted In said MUtK Uke notice, that Cora A. Brown . oxcfutrtx, has fllod final M aunt and report of her administra tion and petition for final settlement, distribution and disrharit aa auch, Which have been set for bearing be fore the Mid court on tbe lOtb day ef November, 1917, at 10 o'clock av an., when you may appear and con stat the aame. Dated this 29th day of September, Nit IRA B. TA8H. (Seal) County Judge. Published October 4th to Novem Sr 1st, tndaaltst LBS BASYE, Attorney. 44-SM64-881S kkholution it rkbolvkd by the mayor AND CITY COUNCIL OF THK CITY OF ALLIANCE, NEBRAS KA. That street guttering be within thirty days from the publication of (tllia resolution constructed at and long both sides of all tbe streets ad avenues or parts thereof em Scared within that part of street im provement district number 10 of said ctty abutting upon and adjacent to to 18 Inclusive, to 17 Inclusive, the following lots and parcels of land, to-wit: Lots 1 to IS Inclusive. Block : Lots 7 to II, inclusive Block 10; I Ota 10 to II Inclusive Block 16; Lota 1 to 12 Inclusive, Block 16; Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, Block 21; Lots 7 Block 22; Lots 7 Block 27; and Lots 1 to 11 inclusive, Block 28, all within the Original Town of Alliance, Nebraska. Said guttering Is to be laid in accordance with the provisions of Ordlnsnce 200 of said city and all other ordinances regulating the construction of same aad under the regulation of the com mittee of the City Council on streets and alleys. W. E. ROU8EY, Mayor. Attest: T. P. ROLFSON. Clerk. (SEAL) 40-5t-8612 MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTHLY PAYMKNTH Those who think of bnidUng, thi spring, should see na at one. F. K. REDDISH at SON, H Boa Butte Ave. Soar Stomach Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, abstain from meat for a few days and in most cases tbe sour stomach will dlaappear. If It does not, take one of Chamberlain's Tab lets immediately after supper. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find It beat to cut them out. Oct. Adv. Griffith Oil Company Organized under the Laws of South Dakota and Operating in the Salt Creek Field, the Oldest and Largest Producing Oil Field in the State of Wyoming CAPITALIZATION Capitalisation 600,000 Shares of the Par Value of $1.00 per Share, Fully Paid and Non-Assessable. Treasury Stock, 400,000 Shares. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HARRY B. GRIFFITH, Casper, Wyo - President JOE MEYERS, Sturgis, So. Dak Vice-President LEONARD B. JONES, Lead, S. D., ...... Secretary and Treasurer I SALINSKY, Sioux Falls, So. Dak. L Director LEE M. HALL, Casper, Wyoming Director REFERENCE: J. D. Emeriek, H. E. Reddish, J. N. An drews, B. Ponath, and Dr. Charles E. Slagle of Alliance, Nebr. Shares now selling at 25c per share J. A. ARMOUR, Fiscal Agent, Gasper. Wyoming REWARD $100.00 REWARD If you can buy a more practical, convenient and efficient telephone Intenst- swr than our 1917 Barypnone at any price. Increases ton sound wonder fitly. Makes bad connections good. Conversations as distinct as in the same room with you, distance no matter. All noise excluded. Allows tbe tara hearing tbe use of the telephone. Permits 2 persons or more to hear a message simultaneously. Always adjusted and ready. Leaves the hand free for annotations during the conversation. Indispensable to all telephone users. Founded and based upon scientific principles. Lasting longer but guaranteed for 2 yean. Sent by insured mail for 82 and this ad. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Particulars free. Ac; IM S WANTED KVKItY WHKRK 8. A S. Manufacturing Co., (108 Hartford Hulldlng, Chicago, III. Hotel Castle sf 300 ROOMS New Absolutely Fireproof W want the Western Bus iness. Best Place in Omaha for Stockmen to Stop. Ask your Commission Men. FRED A CASTLE, Prop. Mall to CHAS. C. JAMKhON, Sec.-Treas., Kllswortli, Nebraska IK Cents per Head Horses and Cattle. Application for Membership to NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION Name Post Office Date No. Cattle Horses So.OO Auiiual Dues County Assessed in Brands Eer Marks Ear Marks Remarks FRENCH INDUSTRY IS RECOVERING Natural Thrift and Economy Promise Rapid Progress IRT BUSINESS GROWING Our Ore Any stlvs Powers Which Justify Belief That ens Will Meet antf Sefvs Tri umphantly the Problems Which Con front Hsr After the War. With Paris boulevards echo! nf with "vlves" for American troops our Inter est In the welfare of our ally vastly Increases, and tbe fscts sre not lack ing to encourage the belief that she Is already on tbe road to recovery from the blow of Invasion by a ruthless enemy. One of the most Important utvel opments Is tbe announcement that one of the largest buuklug Institutions In America couccrucd with foreign trade, the Uuaiuuty Trust company of Niw York, has opvned a Paris brancb to handle tbe rapidly lncrees Ing volume ot French business. This action may surprise many per sons who bad thought of France as bowed under a calamitous Invasion. Tbe bank, however, gives figures Indi cating that France Is not only meeting her military and civilian problems with a stout heart and never fnlllng cour age, but is re-etsbltshlng her export business with this country. In 1914. the year of tbe outbreak of tbe war, Imports from France to this country totaled $141.446.2fl2. This to tal was reduced to 177.188.740 In 1915, bnt last year the value of French Im ports to tbe United States rose to 1 102,077,060. "A nation tbat can achieve such a commercial recovery while her terri tory Is being ravished by the Invader," says the Trust company's statement. "os8csses recuperative powers which Justify the belief that she will emerge from the present conflict prepared to meet and solve triumphantly the prob lems which confront her." The commercial and Industrial rec ord of France, following past wars, In dicates that she should recover qulekly from the actual physleal destruction Inflicted In the prewnt conflict. The reconstruction of railroads, the erection of factories to replace those destroyed, and the replacement of the mechanism of industrial activity that will be re quired snd that Is In part already planned, offer a peculiarly Inviting field to American capital and enter prise. Tentative steps have already been taken by representatives of Amer ican engineers and business men In this work. Aside from Its attractive business aspect, tbe enlistment of American money and effort In tbe great task of reconstruction that will remsln st the end of the war will tend to cement still luore Hosely the ties thst bind the two great republics together, and will en able American to discharge In part the debt they owe to Franco for her friendly Interest In the welfare snd progress of the Tnlted States from the beginning of Its life as a nation. In Judging the Industrial stntus of any nation, Its production and con sumption of coal. Iron, and steel and the growth of Its transportation sys tems are highly significant factors. In 1800. French Industries consumed 21 million tons of coal, of which l!t..r millions were taken from home mines. In IBl'J, the consumption was 01 mil lions, of which 41 million tons were taken from home mines. In 1809. the French output of cast Iron was 1,;iNO,0OU tons, and of steel, 1,000.000 tons. In 1914, France pro duced 5,311.000 tons of cast Iron and 4,0X5,000 tons of steel. The Increasing activity of her ratfc. wsy system Is similarly demonstrat able. In 1869. there were In Franca 10,743 miles of railway track; In 1912, there were 81.R46 mile. Between 1869 and 1912, Inland navi gation Increased 150 per cent; while the traffic of her mercantile marine has amazingly expanded. The tonnage entering French ports In 1869 la set down ss 11.000,000 tons. In 1912 this bad been Increased to 53,000,000 tons. Leaders In American finance ascribe this solidarity of the French republic to three Influences ; first, s thoroughly sound banking system, centralised In one of tbe greatest hanking Institutions of the world, the Bank of France ; sec ond, tbe Ingrained thrift and frugality, of the French people M a whole, to gether with a national economic vigor not elsewhere surpassed ; third, wise supervision, snd patriotic co-operation by the government wltb banking and business Interests. The government does its part to war rant and retsln the confidence of the holders of Its securities. One of Its wise policies Is to impose new taxes to defray the Interest charges on new se curity Issues. It began this practice' after the Franco-rrusslan war, and Is today following the same rule In regard to securities IssuimI to finance the pres ent "i. met. This continuity of pur pose, doubtless, will provs renssuriuH to nil holders of French government securities. The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 1871 taught the French people the meaning of thrift snd economy. So well did they learn this lesson, that the whole sum of the Indemnity de manded by Germany,, was raised within the republic's con fines by Its own inhabitants and paid off more than one year before the time stipulated by the Germans. The habit thus acquired has, never been forgotten by the French, and to day the aggregate number of Investors purchasing the French war loans has reached the amaeing total of 4.800,000 Individual subscribers. Perhaps no oth er country. In proportion to Its popula tion, can make so good a showing. France Is particularly fortunate In that her small Investors prefer "safe" Investments rather tban offerings which promise high returns. Govern ment rentes, In France are perpetu al, and this characteristic seems to ob tain for these government bonds in creasing favor In the eyes of the French people., The points 6f sympathy between France and America are too many to enumerate, but the spirit of liberty and Its resultant democracy are, today as always, the major Ideals of both na tions. Seeking no victories but those of peace, no territory except their own, no sovereignty except sovereignty over themselves the Independence and equal rights of the weakest member of the family of nations are to tbe people of the r nitcd States and of France en titled to as much respect as those ot the mightiest empire. In defense of these principles, France Is engaged In a death struggle with militant autoc racy and ruthless aggression, and It Is not surprising to lesrn tbat she has loaned to her allies snd to other friendly states 7.000.000,000 francs with which to further the cause of democracy. It Is in keeping with America's traditions tbat since the date on which we for mally aligned ourselves with France and her allies In the great straggle, our government nns lent to France It is eminently fitting that America should now be fighting on French soil to make the world safe for democracy. The liberty that America has enjoyed for 140 years France helped her to achieve. The swords of Lafayette and Kochamheau. aided by the guns of De tlrasse upon the high seas, assisted In cutting the foreign ties that bound the American colonies prior to the War for Independence, and from the private purse of King Louis himself came the Brat loan to America unsecured and unconditional to finance that historic undertaking. It was with entire Jus tice that Wnshlngton wrote to Rochnm beau. "To the generous aid of your na tion and to the bravery of Its sons Is to be ascribed In n very great degree tbat Independence for which we have fought." Serial No. 017g38. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, 8ept. 13. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Emma 8. Crawford, of Angora, Nebraska, who. on April 10, 1916. made Home stead Entry. Serial No. 017838, for Lots 1 and 2, and 8ViNE of Sec tion 3, Township 22 North, Range 50 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Sol dier's Widow's final three-year proof, to establish claim to tbe land above doscribed, before tho Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on tbe 30th day of October, 1917. Claimant names at witnesses: Leo D. Carnlne, of Angora, Nebr aska; Frank Boon, of angora, Nebr aska; Bert HuVchinnon, of Angora, Nebraska; Glenn Gentle, of Alliance, Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. 42-6t-8Dl-83G2 NOTICE To Cora J. Reynolds, James G. Len- nord, and John Doe. Notice Is hereby given that Martha J. Cox on the 3rd day of November, 1913, purchased at public sale, of the County Treasurer ot Box Butte County, Nebraska, the following de scribed land, to wit The SW4 of section 28, Township 27, North, Range fifty-one (51), West of the 6th P. M in Box Butte County, Nebraska, for taxes for the year 1912; that she has since aad after the same became delinquent, paid as subsequent tax, the taxes for the years 1913, 1914, 1915, 191$ that said land was taxed and assessed for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 191f. 1916, 1917 in the name of James G Lennord; and that said land stands In the name of Cora. L. Reynolds In the Register of Deed's office in said county; and that after tbe explra tlon of three months from the 2 GO day of October, 1917, tbe said Mar tba J. Cox will apply to the Treasur er of said county for a tax deedtr said land. I Dated this 12th day of September. 1917. MARTHA J. COX, 42-5t-852-8353 Purchaser "The House of Courtesy'' HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room with detached bath, (1.00 up Room with bath, $1.50 up. Cafe prices most reasonable in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System. Complete Safety. Management, Rome Miller tfflsW bbbbbbbIIBssbbbB V fBA w"BL tin sTI Delicious Drinks Our pure ice cream and real fruit flavors make the refresh ments you get at Brennan's fountain really nourishing food. And we keep our serving dishes and receptacles as clean and wholesome as the best housewife in town keeps her kitchen. Stop in at Brennan's and get a thirst-quencher, thn take a pail of cream home to the family. LUNCHEONETTE IN CONNECTION Brennan's PHONE 84 301 BOX BUTTE AVE. Soft Drinks and Beverages BEVERAGES ON DRAFT AT ALL TIMES Order a ease of 36 pints ent to your home. De livery made anywhere in Alliance. Rebate for re turn of case. CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDY, LUNCHES King's Corner JOHN HODGKINSON, Mgr. Distributing Agents for Bridgeport Bottling Works T SOLDIERS IN THE VERDUN SECTOR REPAIRING A RUINED CANAL. SMOOHT as SILK Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on isBBBBBBBBBikV HBSBBBBBBBaSKsSBBBBSBBVl ttSB Wutf PsBSBBBBBsfV .BjAS LpHrY . , ysMMsPBsBM aMBssPsfTss! mmi ti VsssB IwKsssssssMm tffllwFffV.' aaafe LV vfft V jv : J fl sHI BhLI RksShUMK 'Tr laaaTi ifiBwHsn ?JBa4BL"CTffj 'Jsm jflr JK " " A -ROmk fSi. '-aaaai (mbbTvAi IN THEIR RETIREMENT FROM OCCUPIED TERRITORY THE GER MAN ARMY DESTROYED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF AGRICUL TURAL MACHINERY. drtflrtr ii i SftissS ffipkirina s motor 1 1 K I J ..A 1 ,f ... . HWTrSH BBBBaV.V.VAV"--" - vtfS H La THE STANDARD OIL FOR ALL MOTOKS eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes your car worth more. Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Mbrsasal OMAHA J -JsssssWEJHBIWBssWBBsaa' "11 III B i iSji tLJ.