AlilJANCK I1RRALD, THriWDAT, OCT. 4. II7 SAVE AND SELL OLD WASTE PAPER Herald Publishing Companjr Piir chMN Old -i- I'im r. Maga zine, Mooks, 11(11 1 1 (;. Mtc. It will be of Interest to the readers of The Alliance Herald to know something about the uses to which waste paper and rats are put in the manufacture of paper. This Is a mat ter that is receiving considerable at tention at the present time In the United States and Canada, due to the ncarclty of raw materials. Foreign governments realizing the scarcity of paper-making material, have forbidden its export to other countries. Imports of rags .nl old papers have decrease 5 to such an ex tent that there has recently been al most a famine of paper-making raw material. This condition is wide spread in Its effect, and the demand for raw merial being greater than the supply, prices have advanced. The effect of this increase in cost of all paper-making raw materials has been ' make a corresponding increase in the cost of all kinds and grades of paper. All grades of rags and old pa pern should be saved. The highest grades will go into the highest grades of paper, while even the lowest grades of this material can be made into box board. The product known as box board is an excellent substitute for wood used in the manufacture of boxes, and when made into shipping containers it is fully as strong and very much lighter than the wood Which it replaces. The saving of this material produces a new superfior product and at the same time con serves the forests. Wluii to Save ('lean white cotton or linen rags and clean unbleached cotton and linen rags are always in demand, Mcraps and small pieces being just as suitable as larger pieces. The finest trades of paper are made from such material and the demand is always steady. Soiled white rags, both new and used, enter into the composition of a very large variety of high-grade white and colored paper. Old cotton rags containing colors which are bleachable and which are known to the mills as thirds and blues make up the largest amount of .my Blngle grade of rags used in the manufacture of high-grade book pa pers and medium grade writing pa pers. A limited amount of old can vas or awnings, etc., may be in cluded, but should these lattet trades be obtainable in very large quantities, It would be well to make separate bales of them. Practically any light colored soiled rag may go into this grade provided, it is free from rubber and excessive grease, because the manufacturing process converas the ordinary soiled rag of this character into a white mass, whiter than the original cotton from which it was made. Any rags too poor or dark in color to go into the above grades are used for the man ufacture of roofing felt. Woolen rags of all kinds are of value. The higher grades are re turned to the woolen mills for man ufacture and the lower grades are in demand for manufacture into roof ing papers, or roofing felts. These roofing felts after being saturated with tar, pitch or asphaltum products are used under cnn rete cellar floors, building foundations, etc., to make the building damp proof. White clippings and shavings from book papers, ledger papers nnd writ ing papers are especially valuable and a steady demand for such mate rial is always found White and colored writing papers are suitable for remanufacture into many diqerent grades of paper. Clean wrapping papers of all kinds an valuble for remantifact ure. Old books, magazines, periodicals, account books, etc., ran be remanu factured Into book papers of excel lent quality. All material of this kind that is saved is a direct benetlt to the forests of the country, as mag azine and book papers are very large ly made from wood pulps. Clean folded newspaper is suitable for a number of paper products. All grades of cardboard, straw board, cor rugated box board, and soiled wrap ping papers, newspapers, etc.,, :v suitable and in demand for remanu facture Into cardboard required to make containers for packing food products. The process of remanufac ture is such that the materiul used is thoroughly sterilized. Burlay bagging and manila rope are also of value In the production of strong wrapping papers, and the sup ply of this material is always less than the demand. In the collection of waste paper and rags it is essential that all such materials be kept dry and in such a manner that they will not accumu late additional dirt. Damp papers and rags are liable to mildew, and are also a source of Hanger from spontaneous combustion. In grading waste materials, sepa rate rags and old papers. Keep folded newspapers, books and maga zines separate from other waste, and tie them in buudles for convenient handling. All other waste papers and rags put into bags or bales. In every home, office, or store, there is quite a bit of this waste material that can be collected, graded and sold. The Herald Publishing Company purchases old waBte jmper, rags, cat alogs, etc. These are sorted and baled to be re-shlpped to eastern points. While the heavy freight rate eats up most of the money received for the baled paper, rags, etc., it still leaves a small margin, allowing the company to pay twenty cents per hundred pounds. If you live In Al liance and have one hundred pounds or more, phone 340 and The Herald will call. If you do not live In town, bring or send in your bundles. SCHOO tWO ONER Final preparations for the open ing of the School of Agriculture of Nebraska, October 12, are nearing completion. Students are already beginning to arrive at the University Farm to engage board and room. Class schedules and assignments of rooms and teachers have been map ped out. The school accepts free tuition cer tificates (given by school boards in rural districts) in payment of fees. Complete information regarding en trane requirements may be obtain ed upon application to the Principal, School of Agriculture, University Farm, Lincoln. mrtffsnsnra D 1 1i -tjJ T Soldiers Sailors and Nurses all know the comfort and refreshment to be had from WRIGLEYS It allays thirst and fatigue soothes the throat and stomach helps digestion. After every meal The flavor lasts m i m 4p LEXINGTON MAKES A MIGHTY INCREASE ntti pan. v ( liangen Its Name anil In i Ten ne. Ilreitdth of Meld Now tt.HOO.OOO Concern. The texington automobile, known M The Fashion Car." Is fast becom ing one of Nebraska's most popular cars and is at the same time making inroad In the automobile business in western Nebraska. The Ixird Auto Company of Lincoln Is the distribu ting company for this state, while the Armogast Auto Company of Iiayard Is handling the distribution for west ern Nebraska. .1 W True Is looking after the Lexington interests in this Immediate vicinity. The company behind the Lexington is an eighteen hundred thousand dol lar concern. A recent reincorpora tion of the company gave it a greater capital and placed it In a way to more clHciently and economically turn out more and even better "Fashion Cars" the Lexington. A recent issue of the Connersville, Indiana, Kve- ning News in telling of the re-organization of the company manufac turing the Iexington, says: Articles of incorporation for The Lexington Motor Company were filed In Indianapolis today. The action rings in a greater era for the already great local concern, which, until now, has borne the name of The Iexington-Howard Company. The new concern, springing out of the old one. is capitalized at a million and eight hundred thousand dollars. Of this twelve hundred thousand Is preferred stock and six hundred thousand common stock. All the common stock and a great deal of the preferred was subscribed some time ago. Of the preferred stock u portion will be held, for sale at fu ture times. If that becomes expedient. None will be offered for sale Just now. The doing of this great thing by the local company really la a natural, though It is a picturesque and com manding step. The company has en- Joyed a very remarkable and constant growth. Its trade already almost en compasses the whole world. It has been building annex after annex and is still without as much room as It ought to have. The day when It must build still larger is not far off. These changes made the increase of capitalization a necessary, accom panying change, and it Is made, and very satisfactorily made. The transaction entails so much that It cannot all, nor the half of It, be given In any coherent form today. More of the details of the change and its meaning will appear tomor row. It Is proper to remark, however, that the broad vision of the late K W. Ansted. who saw deeper Into the future than most men can see, and the great talent for organisation which F. B. Ansted. the new presi dent of the company, has displayed, have united and reached their flow ering In this very step The manage men of the company has been really splendid and Its growth Is the proof of the saying. The Levi nut n Motor Company, greater in all respects than Its par ent and predecessor. Is not limited merely to the building of motor cars. Under Its charter It may build aero planes, hydroplanes, motor boats, or any mechanism which Is power driven. In brief, the new charter throws open every gate Into the lin mense Held of mechanical vehicle manufactory. The alien population of New York state Is estimated at 8,000.000. Nothing Mar N.sHsd. "Qui ?r JWM V'U re building. Notfr uig but a drawing room und a cost icrvHtor.v." "That's the house you see described In a M(pular love story." LotilarllJ Courier Journal. The new panneled cards are the latest thing In engraved stationary. Your Alliance Herald offers lou wide assortment of designs and style from which to select. Your old plate, If in good condition, can be used on the new panneley destgne. Kngraved Christ mae cards may al so be ordered here. Live Stock Jransit Insurance Live stock men over the entire west are forming the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and quick returns The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy protects shippers of live stock, and is the only company offering a broad pol icy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which give absolute protection against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampling, lire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier. We arc represented at all of the live stock market in the United States and Canada, and locally by FRED E. FEAGIN8, A. D. Mcl VOR, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HYANN1S, NEBRASKA C. W. 8PACHT, IIKMINOFORD, NEBRASKA M O ANGEL, SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBR. W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Live Stock Department STOCK YARDS, - OMAHA, NEBRASKA ! People Read I This Newspaper I That's why it wtuld be f M 1 SB txavertise in u If you 'sjant a Job If you tvunf io hire somebody If you muni to sell something If you tvant to buy something If you tvsuit to rent your house If you want to sell your house If you want to sell your farm If you want to buy property If there is anything that you want the quickest and best way to supply that want is by placing an advertisement in this paptr The results will surprise and please you I L. E. ROBERTS & CO. Live Stock Commission Merchants Cattle Department Hog Department L. E. Roberts Established Art. A. Daly Jas. Burns 1899 Sheep Department W. J. Orchard ' Frank Roberts Walter B. Roberts, Treasurer Union Stock Icards Omaha, Nebraska Fair List Prices Fair Treatment Nebraska Soil Produces $350,000,000 a Year OtSO Fair Treatment BKflj A FORMIDABLE portion of that income, you Nebraskans expend in automobiles and automobile tires. And the expenditure in tires is the more important because tire service more quickly and emphatically translates itself into dollars. Well may you Nebraskans in these days of sane economy study economy in tires, and learn by actual use the economy of Goodrich Tires. GOODRICH BLACK SAFETY TREADS Are tires which embody the BEST in tires The Best that has stood the Test of Goodrich's , . Test Car Fleets. That Best is the Goodrich, CLOSE-C LUTC H CROSS-B ARRE D tread, a practical non- skid, not a novelty design; and the Goodrich Unit-Mold, Un broken Cure, the most lasting fabric tire body. You can get the best only in "America's Tested Tires." THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY THE CITY OF GOODRICH. AKRON, OHIO Mifcit also of the Famous Silvsrtown Cord Tiros Best in the Long Run i