The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 04, 1917, Image 8

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    A 1,1,1 ICR HERALD, THVRRDAY, OCT. 4, 1PI7
ural annt. If thero wan ever a
time the service, of the county antit
in needde, It la right now, when the
great potato and beun rrona are
about to be harvested. The selective
conscription act provides for the se-
lecton and exemption of men whose
services may be of great value to the
8uem AnmiiviI For
i5iKs' u.i. in- IWmm
KehearHalrt lot' m apiendid com
edy, "An .ou An Kik?" or "How
Father Joined Ut iw.K . givu a
nurance thut the poi tormaBct ni In
a brilliant suiceob. Alliance haa
more than Its share of spit-mild dra
matic talent, people, whom had the
fates so decreed would have made
ureal names for themselves In the
world of the stage. Under such cir
cumstances, of course, It was not dif
ficult to Belect a fine cast for "Are
You an Elk?" which is to be staged
at the Imperial Theatre on Tuesday
night, October 9th. Special interest
! this event is being manifested both
from the prominence of the cast and
because It is to be given under the
auspices of the Elks of Alliance.
Everyone .connected with this
home talent production Is working
enthusiastically to make the presen
tation one of genuine entertainment
and enjoyment, an event long to be
remembered with the greatest of
pleasure. The announcement is
made that Olen Miller will appear in
a number of comedy roles In dialect,
'while Mrs. Alma Bronkhorst will
resent song and dance numbers.
Chief of Police George F. Snyder
will enact the part of the policeman
In the play. It is stated that tho
lks will divide their receipts with
the local Red Cross chapter and with
Battery D, 127th United States
Heavy Artillery, formerly known as
Company O, 4th Nebraska Infantry
Some of the talented people who
will appear in the local production
of "Are You An ElkT" are the Mes
damea Percy Cogswell, H. E. Gantx,
H. E. Reddish and E. H. oByd; the
Misses Doris Young, Teresa O'Don
neell and Kate Knlest, and Messrs.
W. R. Mets, H. E. Oants, H. E. Red
dish, W. R. Harper and W. H. Buoch
apsttiln The ticket sale for this home tal
ent comedy opened this (Thursday)
morning at Holsten'a Drug Store.
Those desiring particular seats are
advised to make their reservations
00 tialint'an, who will leave Friday
witli the B6l Unite contingent for
Korl If 19Jt OB. Kansas, to become a
member of the conscripted army.
'ied. white and blue were the colors'
' ! in tho decorations in a pretty
rr.i n itenienl . The affair was in the
lature of a hard-times party, the
BOStl appearing in appropriate cos
uiues. A chile supper was served
oUowlna an evening devoted to
ards. Those in attendance were Mr.
nd Mrs. W. It. Harper, the Misses
(aplln,, Williams and Ilren
aman. and the Messrs. Uuhagan,
Ihlnger, Close and Wade Orassman.
Mr. Wade Orassman entertained
or Mr. Oahagan on Wednesday
tight of Inst week.
To Kntertafn Friday
it n Duck Hopper
On Friday evening of this week
vlr. and Mrs. ay Hoag will entertain
he following gueats at a duck snp
dames W. 0. Niemann, Belle Read,
Keeler and Schaffer and the Misses
Huth Read and Nelle Tash.
K. ".' to Observe
Columbus Day
The Knights of Columbus will hold
a patriotic meeting on Columbus Day,
October 12tb., in the basement of
Holy Rosary church.
Party For Mrs.
(Tarence Schaffer
This afternoon Mrs. W. O. Nie
mann Is entertaining a few friends
for Mrs. Clarence Schaffer who leaves
a .on for Scottsbluff to make her
home there.
Entertained at
Dinner Party
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Slagle enter
tained the following guests at a din
ner oarty at their home Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. George Read, Miss I day evening: Mr. and Wrs. C. E
mm. . . . . I ma 1 ... I I f .. XT I'-.i
ier :
iulla Anderson. Misa Florence Wll
llanms and tho Messrs. David Kaiif
nan, Vernon Oahagan and Bert
Women of County Have
Chance to Serve
The women of oBx Butte county
are to be afforded an opportunity to
help In this war by affiliating them
uelves with the Box Butte County
Council of Defense. Mrs. Claudia
b. Dole hus been named as chairman
of the woman's council, with Mrs
D. VV. Fisher aB vice-chairman.
The women's council is to be or
gauged along the same lines us the
Box Buttte County Council. Pre
cinct chalrmun have been appointed
and they are supposed to uppolnt
tuelr own committees In accordance
with the general plan. A great gen
eral patriotic rally and organization
meeting of the Box Butte County
Council of Defense is scheduled to
be held at tho Phelan Opera Houbc
on next Thursday evening. October
11th. The whole proposition will be
explained fully at that time and
every woman in Alliance and Box
Butte county is urged to attend this
rally. It is your duty. A patriotic
nroKiam has been prepared. There
will be a chorus choir singing pa
trlotlc songs, speeches, etc., and cor
tain valuable literature will be hand
ed out. You come.
Special effortB are being made by
M ii bert Hoover, National Food
Administrator, for a successful clean
up campaign for the signing of
pledge cards by housewives to help
in the nation-wide movement ior mt
conservation of food.
The Council of Defense is heartily
to-operating with Mr. Hoover In the
laudable work he is engaged In and
tb" National Council of Defense, to
gether with Mr. Hoover, desires the
co-operation of the several state
councils, the county councils and the
ii- cinct councils. Mr. Oudron W
Wattles of Omaha, the National Food
A tmiuistrator for Nebraska, haa
asked the council for Its assistance
and co-operation In the work he has
The women of Box Butte county
are going to respond to the call
Women are always at the front in
doing then- duty and this is going to
be no exception. The county is go
ing to bo organized. Volunteer help
is going to be needer.
your part?
Precinct chairmen for the Women's
Council have been named as follows
Dorsey Mrs. B. K. Johnson. Hem
tneford. Lawn Mrs. W. A. Randall, I Ht.rved
Hemtngford. Liberty Mrs. Iew
Barta, Hemingford. Running Water
Mrs. William Iodence, Iteming
ford. Box Butte Misa Lottie Wor
ley. Hemingford. Nonpariel Mrs
T .A. Oreen, Hemingford. Alliance
Mrs. Ogla Quick. Mrs. D. W. Fish
er. Miss Opal Russell. Mrs W. R
Pate. Lake Mrs. L B Schill
Wright Mrs. John Wright
Many Attend Red
rjNM Bridge lltrty
The Red Cross bridge party given
it the episcopal Parish House on
Wednesday afternoon of last week
BOt td the sum of f 17.18. Which sum
has been turned over to the Alliance
hipter of the Red Cross. Seventy
wo ladies were in attendance, the
arty. Each lady contributed zti
entn. Mrs. H. K. Gantz and Miss
Doris Young were hostesses.
With the exception of the chairs.
tverything in connection with the
Red Cross benefit was donated. The
.nests were favored with a fine pro
gram. Sanford Dodge, who Is hero
llrecting the home talent production
f "Are You An Elk?" for the local
Klk lodite. Kave a reading of "The
Star Snancled Banner." Mrs. Gur-
ley favored with a solo, "Keep the
Home Fires Burning. Mrs. J. K
Tuinmell won the first prize at cards
mil Mr. M. K. Grebe the second
Marks, Mr. and Mrs. A. v. Gavin,
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Holsten, and Mr.
nd Mrs. F. W. Harris.
IfatptM Ladies Met
mi Wednesday
The Women's Auxiliary ef the
Baptist church met Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. Frank Garrett, Fifth
nd Platte. It was the regular busi
ness meeting
Entertained For
Pre,sbtcrinn latr
Members of the First Presbyterian
Church on Thursday evening enter
tained at a social in honor of the pas
or. Rev. F. R. Black and Mrs. Black
who recently arrived in Alliance
from a trip In the east. The pro
virain was made up of the following
numbers: Vocaf solo, Mrs. ('. E. Dut-
; vocal solo, Mrs. Mary Wilson
piano solo, Mrs. Tlnnel; vocal solo
Mrs. Bennett of Omaha: piano solo
Miss Phyllis Thompson, and vocal
-tolo. Miss Avis Joder. Refreshments
ere served following the program
Mr. Darling Hostews
to T. A. A. tltih
Die T. A. A. Club met Tuesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. deorgt
I). Darling. The afternoon was spent
it bridge. Dainty refreshment wer
MnlertMinetJ For
House .'.ts
On Thursday afternoon Mrs.
M K. I Jidies' Aid
Met Wednesday
The Ladles' Aid Society of (lie M
E. church met Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. W. B. Lotspeich
03 Toluca Avenue.
To Attend W. C. T. B.
The Mesdames Witowack, Beck
Ralls and Barkhunrt are intending to
leave Sunday for Lincoln to a trend
he annual state convention of the
W. C. T. U. which convenes there oa
Monday. Mrs. A- A. Layton left
Wednesday on a tour for the W. C
T. U. and will arrive in Lincoln on
Monday to attend the convention
Mrs. Layton Is state organizer for the
W. C. T. U. From Lincoln Mrs. Lay
ton will go to Hastings to attend the
State Baptist Convention which startf
here a week from Monday. Hev
Lmytoa will join here there at tunt
government or the public, or whose
connection with business Is such that
his services are of vital importance
to the business or the interests of the
community. Of all the men ap
proached by George Edlck, secretary
of the Box Butte County Council of
Defense, yesterday with the proposi
tion of joining In the signing of the
telegram to the district board, but
one man objected. The action of
th district board meets with tho ap
proval of practically every thinking
man and woman In the county. It Is
believed. Mr. Neuswanger has not
yet returned to Alliance.
Entertained For
Her FYiends
Mis Ellise Carroll had as dinner
truest s Sunday evening Miss Florence
Williams and Messrs. Khinger ana
non Hum entertained at it combina
tion party and kensington in compli
ment to Mrs. Hunt of Council Blurts.
Iowa, her house guest. The guest
list included the Mesdames Hunt of
Council Bluffs, C. H. Tully. H. E.
Gantz. William Mitchell, Earl D.
Mallery. Erlcson, of Lead. South Da
kota. H. E. Reddish, W. C. Shaw and
Miss Doris Young.
Mntertnlned at 6::U
O'clock Dinner Party
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Read en
tertained at a 6:30 o'clock dinner
party on Sunday evening. The fol
lowing guests were present: Mr and
Mrs. Roy Hoag. Miss Julia Anderson
of DeQuincey. La., and the Messrs
David Kaufman. Rube Eluuist and
Vernon Oahagan.
Halo jod Corona.
By halo Is meant the large uirole o
pints ,,f circles about the sun or moon
A hirlo occurring after line weather in
dlcates a storm.
B-5 corona are meant the small colore
circles frequently seen aroiuui the bum
or moon. A corona growing smalle
Indicates rain; growing larser, iui
Eig.iU Ball at Se.
Tjlit behV" Most persons conne
it with 8 o'clock, but it Isn't alwaj
that It cau be noon, t o-'vlock In th
ufteruoou, & in tbe evei.iu. midnight
4 or s In the morning. This system, o
designating time at sea Is run by tin
half hour, one hell each half hour, end
lug with eight hells aO t, 8 and Li am
uejfliitiiuj; all over usuhj.
lUx option For M. F.
Pastor and Wife
On Friday evening an informal re
tention was given in the parlors of
Will you do.jtho M E. church for Dr. J. Walter
Morris, the new pastor, and Mrs.
Morris There was a good attend
ance and an excellent program was
eiven. Litht refreshments were
I'resb) tertan Ididics
The Indies' Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian church met in the par
lors of the church Wednesday after
noon The time was spent in doing
work for the Red Cross.
Woman's Club to
Meet Friday
The Woman's Club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Ponath on Friday
of this week. The program Is to be
as follows: Roll call, American Hu
morists. Mark Twain; "Roughing
It," Mrs. Rowan; "Innocence
Abroad." Mrs. Mollring; "Huckle
berry Finn," Mrs. Thomas Other
American Humorists, Mrs. Nellie
Wilson. Table Talk, Nebraska Hu
morists, Music.
Entertained For
On Monday ovooing the Misses
Elllae Carroll and Bthel James en
tertained in compliment to Mr. Ver-
Mcth.xtist liadies to
Meet at Stearns Home.
Th.- Methodist Ladies' Aid Society
will be entertained next Wednesday
afternoon by Mrs. K J Stearns and
Mrs M K. Spacht at the home of
Mrs K. J. Stearns, G10 Sweetwater
avenue All ladles are cordially in
Itteitaiiied For
Mrs. MchaJfer
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Leonard
Pilkington very pleasantly entertain
ed a few friends for Mrs. Clarence
Schaffer, who will depart soon for
Scottsbluff to make her home. The
evening was spent in an enjoyable
manner. Refreshments were served.
The gueats present were the Mes-
Teleirram Received Today States
That District oltard Has Ex
empted County Agent.
Box Butte county is to keep her
agricultural agent, George Neuswan
ger, according to advices received
here today which stated that Mr.
Neuswanger was yesterday afternoon
exempted by tbe District Exemption
Board at Omaha. Mr. Neuswanger
was drafted and left Alliance Tues
day noon for Lincoln to wind up his
affairs with the extension department
of the state university and the col
lege of agriculture preparatory to
responding to a call from Scottsbluff
county as a member of that county's
quota to leave for Fort Funston. Kan
sas on Friday.
The exemption came as u result of
effort put forth by the extension de
partment of the state university.
Yesterday a telegram from Alliance
was Bent to the district exemption
board urging that Mr. Neuswanger
be exempted. The telegram was
signed by a large number of promi
nent business and professional men
of Alliance who believed that Mr.
Neuswanger was needed in Box Butte
county at this time. The county
agent, it is stated, did not make any
applications for exemption and was
ready to join the colon and had. In
fact, closed up his personal business
and has gone to Lincoln to arrange
with the department to take over his
official business.
After Mr. Neuswanger left. Box
Butte eounty was without an agricul-
Majestic Ranges
stove values are
material used.
Second, The way it is pu
Third, The finish:
Fourth. The convenience.
Fifth, The universal satisfaction.
We have several styles of Majesties,
also lighter ranges and the wonderfully
attractive all year-round ALCAZAR.
i t
A Full Line of Excellent Heaters
Rhein-Rousey Co.
Anil this be our motto: "In Gol is our trust!"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph slvall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Show the World that You Are
Display Ail American Flag
offers this Beautiful, 3x5, Ameri
can Flag together with one year's
subscription to
The Alliance Herald for the price of $2.00
The Flags ar- o feet or 36 inches wide, by 5 feet or 60 inches long. Made
t specially woen soft cotton bunting, colors bright and attractive. Tof of
nag has heavy canvn. band with Urge I rass gommets on each end. A sub
stantial, durable llag. A tiag made to be used. Only because the flags are
purchased in gross lots is your Herald able to make thus exceptional offer,
which applies alike to old and lC i subscribers.