AM.IANCK HKItAI.D. THUIKDAY, (Ml. I, (M7 m IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER BmlM to flamh Kidneyi and neotral la irritating acid-8p Undid for system. a district i:plmiHllon of home-demon! ni hil work will hp ulvn to rtny group f women who deHire It. For par k iiIhtb. wrlt Stale Ldf f HoOH Dvmoturt ratio Asent. l!nlvrlty Kami, t.lni'iiln. Kidney and Bladder wenkneM result from uric acid, ay a noted authority. TTip kidneys filter thin nn.l from the Wood and pm it on to the bladder, where it often remain to irritate and inflame, eaiminff a hurninp. scalding enation. or teiting up an irritation at the neck of Uae bladder, obliging you to eek relief two or three times during the night. The ifTrrrr lg i" constant dread, the water paae eometimea with a scalding wenaation and ia very profuse; apain, there is diffirulty in avoiding it Madder weakneKS. most folks call it, herause they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and some time very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Oet about four ounces of Jad Salt) from your pharmacist and take a tabla apoonful in a glass of water before , lireakfast, continue this for kwO or three vtays. This will neutralize the acid in the urine ao it no longer ia a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary or- ran which then act normally again. Jad Salt is inexpensive, harmless. nd it made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with fithia, and ia used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorder caused by uric acid Irritation. .Tad Salt is splen did for kidney and cause no bad effort whatever. Ti Here you have a pleasant, efferveacent ithia water drink, which quickly relieve 4 ladder trouble. rtiMmnvrlHln' ouirli ltmel the Mm Rcfiksbte After many yeara' experience In the in of it and other 00 I b medi cines, there are many who Drofof Chambortata'l to liny other Mr. A. 0 Rl nteB, (iri'envllle, Ilia , writes. "Cbataberlaln'i Cottgn Roatodjr hM !. ?! nsi (I ill my mother's home and mine for yeara. and we always found it a null k riire for colds and hron . I.inl Iron MM. We find ll to be the moot reliable cough modtelM we RAVI ued." Oil Adv. an the animal kicked man he didn't like In the fnee and broke hi jaw. The cow ran play the piano and he iikuleee. and when asked to per form for strangers never beefs about he task. Not so long ago Lee awnt- ed to raise a sum of money all at once In a hurry and the cow offered o sacrifice a hind leg to the nient rust so that Lee could secure that wad i I cash. ' This row I always pullinc new tuff," Lee told a reporter who called o pay his respects to the cow. "I an imagine this anlmnl can produce anything. In fact, Judge Tash lias warned me against feeding Lll any hops, fearing she might give beer. You MO the man I bought her of once placed a case of this fluid near her tall and in the morning he got near- beer Hut the prize stunt of all rnme his Morning. Lll rubbed her nose in COW GIVES NEAR BEER AND BUTTERMILK Lillian ItuwwIU Bottae Orvnlure Breaks ah Record in Hor I'nrticiilnr Line Russia's Timber Resource. Huasla. of all the nation! of the world has the greatest timber ra Houncs. It Is said that the total nam tier of acres of forest owned by the Hnasian government readies almost I dU)on. HOM tnKafONMTRATION AfilCNTS Ten emergency home-demonstration agents have been appointed In Nebraska to work under the provis ions of the Federal Food Production and Conservation Act, which set aside $28,000 for home - demonstration wot k In this State. The State has been districted, with headquarters in the following towns: Omaha, Fre mont, Wayne, Central City, dilution. Bridgeport, Grand Island, Beatrice, Holdrege and Hastings. Each new agent appointed will be assigned to (By HECK.) County Attorney Lm IliiBye is COB' Hiderable of a dairyman. In fact, he purchased two rows at a sale held near Alliance recently. One of the cows la a wonder. While It may not be the most wonderful cow in the world, it appears to be the most won derful cow on record so far. The eow'a name Is Lillian UHsell. This animal gives Mr. Hasye any sort of milk he desires, including the milk of human kindness. All he has to do ia to plan for the sort of lacteal Bub stanco his family demands and he gets It with little or no trouble. One evening Lee was ordered to go down town for a Jar of cold cream He didn't feel ao Inclined hut knew the order must be filled. So Lee weni out to aee l,llllan and gave tier a chunk of ice. In a few minutes he returned to the house with a jar of cold cream that was yielded by Lll. Whenever the family desires a drink of buttermilk, Lee feeds the cow a lemon and the refreshing beverage la forthcoming. The other morning Lee wanted a milk shake. He told the cow a ghost atory and the animal shivered until the milk shake was produced. When Iee smokes 10-cent cigars in the stable it gets the cow's goat and goat's milk ia the product that re suits. Ioo wouldn't take any kind of money for his preeioua Lll. The anl mal is a genuine pet. !. has a sort of reverence for the bovine critter International Typographical Union No. 755 UNION m?- LABEL The UNION LABEL on printed matter ALWAYS means the BEST, in both the front office and the workshop the com posing room. There are two printing offices in Alliance en titled to the use of the'UNION LABEL : THE ALLIANCE HERALD THE ALLIANCE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES UNION MEN and LABORING MEN of all trades, if your tradesman solicits your business with printed matter ask him to get the UNION LABEL on his advertising. Demand the UNION LABEL on Your Printing BOX BUTTE LANDS City Property Ranches We have a large and well-established list of farming lands, stock ranches and city property which we are pleased to show to persons interested. You are invited to call at our office. Burns Real Estate Exchange 207 Box Butte Avenue. Phone 133. Alliance, Nebraska Don't lei friction hcaj your . r toward the repair shop. Um B H FOR AL1 I R E"? ,,u.b''ct,on-e' d'op. Kmpi all the power eatlnc up the mitaa H H Endt friction and over heating. Adda yeara to tha life of your motor B 9 if .I" ' Ii'-lE?.??"' ""'J m,rk ' ' P'aoe m H to atop. Uaa Red Crowo Oaeoltne, tha power-full motor fuel. Ht 9 STANDARD OIL COMPANY tNebreaka) OMAHA I a pile of burned rubbiah yesterday, petting soot and charcoal all over her s.x.t map. This morning when I mill eri her nil I got was shoe black ing ' Sloan's Llnlmeitt for lUieumatiNm The torture of rheumatism, the pains and nches that make life un bearable are relieved by Sloan' Lin iment, a clean clear liquid that It eaay to apply and more effective than rnuaay planters or ointments be cauae it penetrate quickly without rubbing. For the many palna and aches following expoaure, itraina. and muscle soreness. Sloan'a Lini ment ia promptly effective. Alwaya hare a bottle handy for gout, lum bago, toothache, backache, etlff neck and all external palna. 15c. Adtr 1 At druggist Ancient "Puddlnotlme." In olden daya dinnertime waa called "puddingttme," pudding being the flrat and principal item My First Bottle ot HOG-TONE Made Me $100.00 and an ved mora than that many dollar' worth of hoga for me. I had 30 head of hogs in all, and they got sick. I thought they had the cholera, as two of them died and there waa cholera nil around me. I got a bottle of your HOG-TONE and my hogs got better at once, declares H. O.MIchael,R.No.2,Mark!e,Ind. Frees hogs of worms and thus protects them against contract ing Cholera, Rheumatism and scores of other deadly hog dis eases. Try It. Come In the store tell us the number of your herd and we will give yon enough HOG-TONE tb treat all your hogs 60 daya and we will guarantee it. If its re sults fail to satisfy you, it will coat you nothing. H. F. Thiele Drugs and Jewelry Phone 12 Alliance. Nebraska YOU ARE DRAFTED 17 . WHEN INOMAHA VISIT THE Kery wIek Musical Burlesque CittR, Cissae Entertainment. Cr -ryhothf Got i. tnrbesi DONT GO HOME SAYING I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY and Called to Send to the Omaha Market On or before Sept. 3rd a Good Consignment of Cattle, Hogs or Sheep I While you are doing this you may as well do it right by shipping to BYERS BROS. & CO. IB . Omaha ia. IA Gene Melady Larry Melady FARM, FINANCE OR FIGHT! America's slogan in the present War crisis, gives every American a chance to do his "bit" for our country. The live stock producers of this country are on the job and will do their share toward furnishing beef, mutton and pork for the true blue boys in the trenches. PBOTECT EVERY POUND OF BEEF, MUTTON AND PORK. IT Wil l. HELP US WIN! WE WILL SAFEGUARD THE PRODUCER'S INTERESTS. Seventeen years in one spot, in the heart of Am erica's protection to the live stock trade SOUTH OMAHA STOCK YARDS--possessed of an equipment in every branch of the business that has no equal, we have gained success through sheer determination TO WIN. From a humble start, to the top rung of the Udder of muci ns, we have slowly, surely and honestly rained the goal of oar am bition THE MOST SUCCESSFUL HANDLERS OF LIVE STOCK IN THE TRADE. WE WANT YOU TO CONSIDER US FIRST when deciding on final disposition of your live stock for YOUR OWN PROTECTION AND INTEREST. Write us regarding the shipments of live stock you have to market later on. Let us post you on conditions of the present market and future prospects. REMEMBER "SELF-PRESERVATION is the first law of nature" and reftrdleM of any inducements offered in return for your valued patronage, don't forget that we give you THE LAST WORD in efficiency in the handling of live stock 100 Per Cent SERVICE. Yours very truly, MELADY BROTHERS !rSi?jBBfla5rs""