AI.MANCK IIKUAI.n, Till IWDAY, OCT. I, 1017 FARMERS DO YOU NEED HELP? If so fill out this blank and mail it to the labor bureau named below nearest to your home: Alliance Box Butte Farm Bureau. Alliance 11. M. Bushnell, Jr., Sec. Commercial Club. Angora O. O. Buck. Bayard George Harms. Hemingford -Community Club. The above named agencies in co-operation with other vol unteer agencies will endeavor to supply your needs. Married or Single? - ,. When do you want help? Kind of work? Wages you will pay? How long can you use help? Remarks - - - - Name . Address SPECIAL NOTICE PIANO BUYERS A GOOD PIANO will last a lifetime. A POOR PIANO, under very favor able circumstances, may be in condition to be used at the end of five years. WHICH IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END? The Schmoller & Mueller Pianos and Player Pianos have un Established Reputation. They are manufactured of the beat materiala and by lhnmn(hlr akilled workmen. They are mode I a of good laatet beautifullona and artistic wnrkmanahip and, last but Dot leaat, tc aold from factory to home, aavinf you the usual $100 to $150 retail profit. We pay all freights and our 57 yeara experience is yours if you five ua your trade. Write today for our free catalog and trial ofTer in your borne, the only way to teat an instrument. Our unlimited guarantee barked by our entire resources of over SI ,000.000 and our easy payment plan 3 to S yeara if desired, afforda you absolute protection and makea buying easy. Write today how to obtain a beautiful Jewelry Set by placing your order thia month or giving ua the names ol prospective customers. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Larqest Retailers of Pianos In the World. OMAHA, NEB. 133 Established 1SS9 -- Capital and Resources, over $1,000,000.00 FREB JKWELRY SET Mail thia Coupon todsy for Free Catalog and information how to get Free Jewelry Set for just a name. NAME E 13 ADDRESS. Professional Directory of the Alliance Herald Harness hand made from best ma terial. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienced harness maker. .1. M. COVERT At M I). Nichols' stand, Alliance 0. E. SLAOLE, M. D. Physician A Surgeon Office phone. 65 Rea. phone, 52 ALLIANCE, -:- NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-lAW I, and Attorneys Office: First National Hank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE. -:- NEBRASKA Professional Photographer Quality Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlaiging all Styles Its E. GREBE, Proprietor ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: Norton Block Phones: Office, 362; Res. 1G PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office Reasonable Kates Prompt Service L. A. U E K R V LAWYER Phone 9 Room O Itunier Bltck Alliance, Nebraska "Let Me Cry For You" HARRY P. COURSET Live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable Alliance. (Phone 664) Nebr. DR D. E. TYLER DENTIST PHONE 362 Over First National Bauk ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Geo. J. Hand, IY1. D. ASTHMA aud HAY FEV BR Bye, Bmr, Nose and Tbroavl PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day or night. THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1519-1521 City Nafl Bank Bldg. OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Books in Box Butte County. Office: I tm. 7, Opera House Block CANCER A IHrOOD DISEASE Dr. O. A. Johnson, who has been pursuing scientific cancer research for a number of years, was among the first investigators to announce cancer as a blood disease. The doc tor has published a new illustrated book in which he explains the cause of cancer and describes symptoms In various locations and stages of d -I velopment. Also many reports of cases treated during tho past 17 years are given In evidence of Hie success of his method of treatment, which Is entirely non-surgical. This valuable book ought to be In the hands of every cancer sufferer. For a free copy address Dr. O. A. John son. Suite f.30, 1320 Main St., Kan sas City, Mo. Wise Is the man who declines to take his troubles too seriously. Spring Cold Are Dangerous Sudden changes of temperature mihI underwear bring spring colds with stuffed up head, sore throat and general cold symptoms. A dose of Dr. King's New Discovery Is sure relief, this happy comtflnntion of an tiseptic bulsams clears the head, soothes the irritated membranes and what might have been a lingering cold Is broken up. Don't stop treat ment when relief Is first felt as a half cured cold is dangerous. Take Dr. King's New Discovery till your cold Is gone. Adv 1 J JEFFREY. D C. Ph. C. A. O. JEFFREY. D. C. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours. 10 A II., to I P. M. NEW WILSON BLOCK Lalsft li ' r- : ."':it art J6 ," . T. jj A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship Ker manahah. KernUsDshsttl Is n Mm familiar by reason r the rantoM rugs which the . liy has for many years sent out Into all quarters. Lying athwart the great titU route from Hngtlad to Tehe ran, BluM rtrfc pastures ami llelda of wheat and barley, Kcrmnnahah still make I Igorons SHOW of trade. It glory, however, has departed, its great walls t lute mile In circuit, are In ruins a id iis iiioiii ehoked with rnb blah, Mke an many other t itles there a Units, Kertnaushah Is a place of the past - a rgotmul Worms Mak Children Fretful Children suffering from worms arw dull and Irritable, puny and weak. Often grind their teeth and cry OBt In sleep, being a constant source of worry to their parents. Klckapoo Worm Killer Is a mild laxative rem edy in candy tablet form that child ren like to take. Promptly effective. It kills and removes the worm froan the system. Irregular appetite and bowel movement, lack of interest la play are sure Btgns of worms. Re lieve your child of this burden. At all druggists, 25c. Adv 1 Pleasant. Nodd Are you sure your wife know I'm going home to dinner with you? Todd - Known ! Well, rather! Why, my dear fellow. I argued with her about it this morning for nearly half in hour. Life. There China. arc 35,000,000 Christiana PUBLIC AUCTION Having sold our ranch, located fourteen miles north of Bingham, eighteen miles northwest of Ashby and eight miles south of the Spade ranch, we will offer at Public Auction, at that place, beginning at one o'clock in the afternoon, following a dinner served by the Red Cross ladies of Bingham, on TUESDAY, OCT., 9th The following described stock and property: 140 HEAD OF CATTLE ' 75 head of tows and heifers, including several good milk cows. 35 head of yearling and two-year- old steers. 30 head of calves. 2 EXCELLENT BULLS 1 Three-year-old pure bred Angus bull. 1 Two-year-old high grade Angus bull. 6HEAD OF HORSES 1 pair two-year-old mares- 1 pair black geldings, coming 3 and 4 years old. 1 yearling colt. 1 8-year-old saddle horse. FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. 0 1 hay stacker. 1 hay rake. 1 hay mower. 1 low down iron-wheel wagon with hay rack. 1 buggy. 2 sets work harness. 1 Fremont saddle, almost new. 1 kitchen range, almost new. 1 piano, Gerhard make, good condition. 1 Minnesota sewing machine. And complete set of household furniture, including chairs, beds, rugs, stoves, etc, 10 dozen chickens. 50 bushels rye. DINNER to be served by the Red Cross ladies of Bingham. Tr I) MC Six months time at eight per cent interest on all sums over $10 ' IIVlvliJ." on bankable paper approved by the clerk. No property to be removed until settled for. TUTTLE BROS. COL. H. P. COURSEY, Auct. CLYDE RAY, Clerk Alliance Ashby