WLC iLlikY KI-n-TP -1 - BTRAT KI.KKNS KliOHK KliKKN Phono 188. JACK LUCKY, Mgr. L. E. Balllnger, well known Blng- large output. Mr Taft also visited Hemlngford and other sections of the county. C. U. Carpenter has on exhibition In his carpenter shop a monster ham stockman, was in the city on horned owl which was captured by Friday of last week on business. I tne son of George Clark on the lat- ' ter's ranch. The owl is a big fellow Martin King on Tuesday finished and 8omething very unusual in this he deal for the sale of nis aire section of the state. It is for sale. tract of land near Angora, me saie nric was 112.50 ner acre. Martin Joe Smith, the new proprietor of win no devote all of his tlmw to the the billiard parlor In the Reddish uto firm of King & Smith, local block, left Sunday night for Denver Hudson agents. to purchase new equipment. Joe ex- j pects to serve luncheB, Ice cream Born on Monday, October 1st, to : candy and cigars. The billiard par- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas, a seven-: lor was re-papered and re-painted pound boy, named Philip Edward. this week, placing it in fine condi tion. J. O. Walker is now in charge of the Antioch State Bank and the new It is First R. M. Hampton, the Alliance banker, Just "plays In luck" all the Lime. Mr. Hampton bought 206 head of cattle In April from Gene Hall for bank is already under way $65 per Head. He gave i&.OO per closely associated with the head to Mr. Hall to keep and pasture state Bank of Alliance, '.hem during the summer. On Satur- flay Mr. Hampton sold the cattle for $86 per head, a clear profit of $16 per head. He never had seen the ttle from the time he purchased them until they were sold and didn't Jose a head. Fred Johnson, who was employed by W. O. Barnes In the jewelry busi ness at Alliance fifteen years ago, was n the city Sunday visiting old friends. Johnson Is still an "alarm lack Jeweler." Seven hundred and sixty-three car loads of cattle passed through the Alliance yards during the twenty four hour period between 12 o'clock Friday night and 12 o'clock Saturday night. During the first twenty-seven day sin September of 1916 a total of 2,740 carloads passed through Ravenna. During the same period in 1917 a total of 3,180 cars .passed through the same yards. B. F. Lockwood of Sidney, former ly of Alliance, was in the city Sat urday visiting old friends. Mr. Lock wood is proprietor of the Sidney hotel. His son, Guy. and family were his hosts while here. Simon Spry says that Omaha isn't the same old town any more and that fellow who goes down there has the dickens of a time finding any of the boys, because he don't know where to look for them. In the old days, before May 1st, they were easy to find because each one had his par ticular haunts and a place before the mahogany. But now things are changed and you have to know what particular brand of sort urins. eacn fellow likes before you will know where to locate him. Tom Miskimmon of KlRin, Neb., an old friend of F. F. Stephens, the baker, bought 320 acreB of Box Butte county land near Berea last week. Mr. Miskimmon will move onto the land in tme to farm it next year and will make a valuable addition to the farming community of the county. Jack True, representative of the Lexington Six automobile, sold a new car this week to Joe Caha of Hera ingford. Jack is expecting a carload of the newest autos the latter part of this week. He Is receiving a fine business for this popular car. which ts daily making many friends. e 'The baby daughter of Rodney El dred, aged one week, died on Sunday. The body was shipped to Kearney for burial. T n Ilosa of Denver, prominent operator in the Salt Creek oil fields of Wyoming, who is becoming inter ested in the western Nebraska potash fields, was in the city on Tuesday. He left for Pittsburg and New York Cltv Tuesday noon, expecting to re turn to Alliance the end of the wees Sam Graham was down from Hem BKford on business Thursday. nnrr Taft. representing the Nor folk Tannine factory, was In the city the first of the week for the purpose trntini' for the entire bean crop of Box Butte county for the year. The nomoik iaciuu Mrs. Ralph Waldo Beal Vocal Studio Miss Grace Luther, a former Al liance girl, is now a graduate nurse, iccordlng to advices received here by Friends of Miss Luther. She received her diploma from Wise Memorial hospital at Omaha. Lowry & Henry last week secured title to three lots on West Third street, purchased from Mrs. Chris tina Fox, the consideration being in the neighborhood of $3,000. Lowry &. Henry will erect a new garage on the lots that will, it is said, be one of the most complete garages in west ern Nebraska. Work will start on the new garage as soon as the mate rial can be secured and tho ground broke. John Moravek and son, Charles, of the Canton neighborhood were in Alliance the last of the week attend ing to business matters. KEEP Ai - NEAT KLKKN.H Kl us! KLKEN Ilione 188. JACK LUCKY, Mgr. Dr. J. J. Jeffry went to Lexington. Nebraska, the last of the week to get his car, which he was compelled to lpnve there on his return trip from Davenport, Iowa, a short tine ago on account of the condition of the roads. Lincoln Lowry attended the fair at Crawford last week and visited a number of western Nebraska town on business connected with his firm. I). .1. Pollock, a popular stockman of Scottsbluff, was in Alliance Friday on business. Tom Lynch, an Omaha attorney, was in the city the last of the week attending to legal business. Mrs. J. V. Anderson and son, of Guernsey, Wyoming, have been visit ing at the W. 0. Marcy home the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Albright of Long Pine are the parents of a baby girl born on Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Rice visted her husband at Omaha the past week. Mr. Rice is in a hospital there, but is very much improved and expects to re turn home this week. E. J. Malone, a Burlington brake- man, has resigned ana lias joined the regular army. County Clerk W. C. Mounts and Mrs. Mounts, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Laing, the past week have been enjoying an automobile trip through Rocky Mountain Na tional Park in Colorado. The county clerk welcomes the opportunity of taking a short vacation from his duties. He has been some busy this spring and summer as much of the work in connection with the registra tion and examination and certifica tion of men under the draft has fallen upon his shoulders in addition to his regular official duties. Mrs. C. O. Davenport and daugh ter, Miss Cynthia, left last week for California for an extended visit with relatives. ( J. H. Show of Omaha was in the city Thursday on business connected with the Potash Reduction Company of Hoffland and also on business in connection with the roads east of Alliance. Here comes the flag. Hail it! Who dares to drag Or trail it? Give it hurrahs Three for the stars, Three for the bars. Uncover your head to it! The soldiers who tread to it Shout at the sight of it, The justice and right of it. The unsullied white of it. The blue and the red of it And tyranny's dread of it I Here conies the flag! Cheer it! Valley and crag Shall hear it. Fathers shall bless it, Children caress it All shall maintain it. No one shall stain it. Cheers for the mOoti that fought on th wave for it. Cheen for the loldieri that elweyi were bravo for It. Teen for the men that went down to the grave for It. Here comes the flag! Youth' Companion. Hand from Scottsbluff will supply th music. Joe Htecher, former world'i champion, and Carl Kchoulti of 8iou City will put on a wrestling match goon time is assured to all who at tend the celebration. William Mitchell, acting as referee In the case involving the Uradner- Orant county line dispute, was at llyannie and Oshkosh a part of last week taking testimony In the case. The testimony as taken down by Jerry Scott, district court reporter. The trouble dates back to the time of the division of the county and In volves a strip of land about three miles wide. e e Harry aGntx of this city has turned down an offer to act as one of the attornies for the Federal Land Hank at Omaha, it is said. His business connections here are such that he I was compelled to decline the offer extended to hiin. a Libby drove of Crawford, was a week-end vlstor here with her friend, Cyril Havllk. She returned to Craw ford on Tuesday. a Cyril Havllk, who has been em ployed at The Right clothing stor, left Tuesday noon for Crawford to spend the time from then until Fri day with friends. He leaves on Fri day with the Hox Butte quota of drafted m i tor Camp Funston, Kansas a a e The Wiker Music House has been doing a big business In Victor Voc t rolas the past week. They were al most sold out the first of the week and were compelled to wire Omaha head quarters for six new machines. a a a Mrs. B. II. Shepherd and Mrs. Mabel McClung of Hemlngford were Alliance visitors on Sunday. a a Mrs. William Huckmau visited with relatives at Hemlngford on Sunday. a a a William Clark and M. E. Mutton of HoKiingford were in the city on busi ness Saturday. St. Joseph feeder show last week Ith a car load of Black PoUnder cattle and thereby Increased his purse by $200. a a Judge l A. Berry was at Rush- vllle the first of the week attending thethe session of the Sheridan county district court In session there. a a a W. R. Harper left Monday night for Denrer. a a a Fred Campbell of the Campbell Cash Store at Antioch was In the city on business on Monday. e e e The Maccabees will meet at Red dish Hall on unpaved Box Butte to night, (Thursday). YE EDITOR'S TROUBLES and rolled over on Vocel. His com panion. Jacobs, summoneu help and Vogel was taken to the home of his mother. a a KEEP - I - SKAT K LEEKS KL08K KLKEN Plume ItB. JACK LUCKY. Mgr. a a Miss Frazler of Chadron Normal school, was in Alliance Saturday in the interest of the extension work of chadron Normal. She met a num ber of the teachers at the county superintendent's ottice in hc court house on Saturday afternoon. There was a large crowd in attend-1 ance at the C. L. Powell Kale Friday afternoon. Mr. Powell, who has been engaged iu the dairy business, deter mined when he found he could not get satisfactory labor for the opera tion of his dairy business, and as one son is attending the State Uni versity and the other was called to the National army, to sell off his dairy herd. Mr. Powell was reluc tant to sell his business, but felt thai ho had no other choice. He stated to a Herald reported that he would be willing to take the milk from some of his cows from now until next spring and at the end of that time h would be pleased to give the cow to the person caring for her. Col. II. P. Coursey did the selling at Friday's sale and, as usual, made things inter esting in that vicinity for a while . Miss Mary Regan and her mother left the last of the week for Lincoln Where they will make their home. Their address is lf.08 Garfield Ave. Miss Regan's sister, Mrs. Robert Harding, has been a resident of Lin coln for some time. Dr. George J. Hand is acting city physician during the absence of the city physician. Dr. H. H. Bellwood, who left last week for Chicago. 111., and Rochester, Minn., to attend a series of idinics. . e s Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, who were guests at the L. H. Mosher home here, have returned to their home at Farmington. 111. They spent a week in Alliance and while this was their first trip to the west they en joyed it all aud expect to return for another visit at some future time Before coming to Alliance they vis ted at Denver and Billings, besides making a number of side trips from thos;e places. The Police Magistrate suspended the 'ha Kinselln of Hemlngford was tine during Hulan's observance of the " ousiness caner in Alliance on lues- speed law in Alliance. The Judge aa- said he would keep up with the city council in this instance at least. Hulan is said to have made the state-j(h4i mem mat nis car was ioo iasi ior Alliance's" speed ordinance and that he didn't own slow-going cars. Mr. and Mrs. William Hollamnkes of Hemlngford were here the first of week on a shopping trip, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Dlles Howell return ed to their horn at Blng on Saturday cards are the I following their stay in this city. www The Bingham Red Cross auxiliary lu hueu m nblnir 11 AA tir . i-t K , . mn mi at a it f 1 . .,-. I " "UOI Kill n I II h T 1 " " TV V I V LI Vl III UO wide assortment of designs and sty I es ,in , ghwtB d mow caf)eH Th from wjilch to select YottT Old afJ dong whe waltinK for tne The new nanneled latest thing in engraved stationary Your Alliance Hers Id offers lou a plate, if in good condition, can be used on the new panneley designs Kngraved Christmas cards may al so he ordered here. receipt of supplies so they can start knitting operations. The Poor Editor Is holding his fiend. A Merchant has just Been la and told him to Raised with the Mall tinier houses. The Merchant does not Relieve In Advertising aud uses 8ts tlonery furnished by an Axle GrtsSS concern. No Wonder the Poor Editor is holding his flesd. With apologies to George Edict. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Dr. L. W. Bowman was at Hay Kibble has purchased six Springs Sunday night, having boen i .men mere on proiessionai Diisinega. He returned to Alliance on Monday. K. T nuarter sections of land from Wil liam King. The land is located about nine miles west of town. M. M. Hullo, i. returned early in the week from a six weeks' stay at Pocatello. Idaho, where he had been looking after business affairs. W. J. Bogard has resigned SS chief c lerk Si the Burlington stock yards Mrs. Gus Larson is at Ravenna vis iting friends. F. E. Slussen and I). 11. Fishborn Joe Smith, who recently sold his cafe at 2 Li unpaved Box Butte ave nue to Mr. Kidd, has purchased the Byers' billiard hall at the corner of unpaved Box Butte avenue and Sec ond street and is now in possession of same. He is contemplating con verting the place into a cafe and lunch room within a short time. a a H. V. Dleutchler, formerly employ ed on a randch in the sand hills, but . " 'l . . , . , : .,,,. . now ;!ving in Wyoming, was award C m,," CI yZ V p" arc based SiS - ZX' l k lrew OlSOn place of 2. W0 acres, lo ated south and west of Heining- ford. a a a Fred Johnson, who in 190.! was mploved at the Barnes Jewelry Co.. was In the city visiting with friends on Sunday. He now lives in Omaha. Bert Duncan and Charles Howe Phone 587 Res. 501 Laramie Ave See Us, And See Best DRAKE& DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS WK CAN KIT YOU WITH QLASHK FOR kVKKY PURF08B We Can Duplicate any Broken Lena UStt Box Butte Ats Phone 121 Jess Miller, proprietor of the Al liance Hotel, has purchased a new Jackson "Eight" touring car from the western distributers. The Rumer Motor Co The Rumer Motor Company the past week sold a new Crow-Elk-Hart car to M. J. Comas of Antioch. Mr. Comas drove the car home. a Ray Stansberry is wearing the smile that will not come off. The cause is the arrival of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stansberry The young lady has boen named Mary Ellen. a a a James K. Walker is now located at Great Falls, Montana, aa cleam agent for the Great Northern. Mrs. Wal ker expects to move the household goods to Great Falls in about two weeks. She is at the present time enjoying a visit at the home of her mother. a a a Walter Vogel, a rancher living west of Alliance, is recovering from a fracture of tho leg sustained on Mr. Dleutchler was the possessor of ticket No. K-71, which was the win ning ticket at the Antioch celebra tion almost two weeks ago. a A number of Alliance people re port having seen an aeroplane flying over the city early Friday evening. The belief is expressed that the ma chine was probably on a trial (light STRAWBERRIES WALNUTS AND CIDER! 24 full hIzo quarts Fancy Straw berries. 98.00; Black Walnuts' ft. US per bushel; Sweet Cider, 90.00 per barrel of fifty gallons. Apples by the Barrel or car load, ask for deliv ered prices. WK KH AM RkRRY FARM. Sal. m, Nebraska Tum5R?iilsD' Downtown location In strictly modern private homo. Newty fur nished; suitable for gentleman who works downtown or on railroad. Phone 347. 44-tf-8665 made an auto trip to Gordon on Sun-lout of Denver. day. The C L Lester Company is hold- on Monday s member of the I nittd ing an inspection of war horses at the SPir..t Serviee was in Alliance Muriington stock yarns nere u.uay inveatiimtinn the case of George The inspection started yesterday and a -1 . . if..Ii,.......r....r vhn was fined siiiti conunuen over lonay. i ne noises and costs by Judge Tash in the coun ty court for desecrating the flag Rothenberger s case was neara oe are oeing purchase!! ror tne i niteo States government. No grey horse are being accepted. All horses must fore the county court on the advice be fifteen hands and one inch high. of the United States District Attor ney. It seems that -the case was called to the attention of the federal government with the result that a secret service agent visited Alliance. The agent left Alliance for the east ern part of the state, the home of Rothenberger Riders are bringing 9130 and light gunners $160. George I). Darling is in Chicago this week on a buying trip. This week Dan Wataon sold fifteen hundred bushels of wheat at Omaha for $1.92 a bushel, to total of $2,880. TWO ROOMS for light housekeep ing. Telephone R. 436. forsaTeTs der "Reo" Roadster. In perfect con dition. Inquire Dr. Jeffrey. Phone 865. 1 1 -tr-8679 WOR SAL&V-Tarse soft coal and three hard coal heating stoves. F. B. Reddish. 42-2t-8637 LOST AUTO TIRE Pennsylvania Vucuum Cup casing with tube on spare rim. Inflated ready for use, be tween Crawford and lakeside on Thursday. September 27th. Size of casing, 31x4 inches. Reward for re turn to Keeler-Coursey Company, Alliance, or D. A. Thomson. Iake Mide. 44-2t-$-8863 M EN WANTED Thres miles east of Alliance. Nebraska, lo.-ated cn Burlington Kailway at HoffUnl, Nebraska, tlftod wages to all classes of liibor. based on 2T, cents per hour, Itu-luding board and room tor com mon labor; car fare refunded after sixty days service. Ample accom modations for married men with families. Address: Potash Reduc tion Company. Hoffland. Nebraska. 4 4-tf-8667 All taxes now unpaid are delin auent and have been so since the first of the month. They will be ad vertlsed for sale the first of Novem ber. The office of the county treas urer has been a busy place so far this month and it Is some job, so the treasurer says. The list of prop erty to be advertised has been pre pared and now whenever owners pay their taxes the treasurer scratches off the notation on the list of prop erties to be advertised. . Mrs. P. Van Graven and little daughter, Patricia, left last week for an indefinite stay at the home of Mrs Van Craven's parents in the slate of Washington. Her sister. Miss Eunice Overton, who arrived about a month ago, intending to spend the winter here, returned with her. Ul im FOR ' HAM I. SALES. ETC. Lt'NCHHH FOR SALES AND OTHKK SPECIAL OCCASIONS PUT UP COMPLETE TO OIUUCK. FIG URE WITH US. STEPHEN'S RAK- ERY. aiO BOX BUTTE AVENUE. PHONE NO. 640. a a a The Charles Lods family was quar antined Monday noon at the home of Mrs Belle Brown on unpaved Box Butte avenue on account of the ill ness of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lods with scarlet fever. Mr. Lodz was allowed his liberty. He Is a ranchman Bring some 20 miles northeast of Alliance. e a a L F. Hulan was arrested recently for the violation' of the traffic ordi- I nance of the city, the specific charge Thursday when the horse he was rid-1 being speeding. He was assessed a ing stepped into a gopher bole, fell fine of G and costs, s total of $10 E. I. Gre?g. who has been 111. threatened with nneumonia. Is re ported to be somewhat better, a a a Calling cards for the ladies are printed promptly and neatly at The HeYald office. The priceB are reason able. Fhone 340 for samples and prices, or call at the office. a a a Dave anil Tom Briggs and their families from nar Antioch were in town on Monday on business con cerninv the leasnig of certain lakes In that territory. A. B. Wheeler is now back on the job firing for the Burlington. He had been off the Job for some months due to illness with smallpox and complications. He made several trips to his old home at Lincoln aur- ing the time he was off. a Miss Grvce Coleman, dati,"hter of Mr. and Mrs. t. Coleman, who for some time past has been employed as a stenographer at the Government Experimental Farm at Ardmore, South Dakota, has returned and has resumed her studies at the York Bus iness College. e e e Mrs. W. A. Coleman returned from York where she accompanied her daughter, Miss Grace Coleman, who is now attending business college there. e e e On Friday of this week Bayard will have a "Patriotic Flag Raising Day" sad a general invitation has been extended to the people of Al liance and western Nebraska to at tend. It is stated $1,000 has been expended for the entertainment, in cludlns an addreas by Hon. W. B Andrews at Has tins The Boys' FOR RENT Two modern rooms, furnished or suite. Gentlemen pre- Peter Becker won first prize at the f erred. Phone 90. The Event of the Season The Bright, Brilliant. Witty, Scintillating Comedy "ARE YOU AN ELK" OR "How Father Joined the Lodge" AT THE IMPERIAL oB Under Auspices of Lodge B. P. O. K. FUN AND LAUGHTER FROM START TO FINISH. Don't Miss It ORDER YOUR SEATS NOW TO BE SURE OF GOOD ONES PRICES: 26 Cento for Children; 75 Cento for Ad alto. No Extra Charge for Referred Seats. TICKETS ON BALE AT H OLSTEN 8 DRUG STORE