AI.MAWCK HWHAI.D, THVR8DAY, RHFV ,117 WEEK1 Mrs. J. R. Wills lert Monday for a visit of several days at Ravenna. Mrs. Georsre Bckhardt left Tues day for a visit with friends at Ra venna. Doctor Spencer and family left Tuesday for Elswortb to spend a tBok at the Spade ranch. Miss Mable Sward left Tuesday night for a week's visit with relatives in Sicux City, la. Miss BeBS Reid of Lincoln arirved in AJliance Wednesday for a visit with her father, George Reid. lira. Frank Bronghurst returned from Lincoln Monday following a visit of several days. Mrs. R. V. Andress left Tuesday night for a short visit wi'h friends at L'ncoln. KBKP U NKA.T PAY CASH Jack Lucky, Manager Tom Jones left Tuesday night for Casper for a week's visit with friends. Mrs. W. M. Weidenhamer left Sat urwday for Lincoln for a two week's visit with friends. Prof. Clements of Chadron Nor mal was a week end visitor with friends in this city. Ira Houston, of Newberry's pipe 3hop, has taken a job at the plant of the Potash Reduction Company at Hoffland. H. L. Ormsby and daughter, Miss Mable Ormsby, left Tuesday for a visit in New York, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and othere points. Miss Bernardino French returned Sunday from the eastern part of the jtate where she had been visiting for several weeks. Herman Fricke left today on 44 for Antloch where he has accepted a position with the American Potash Co., as head carpenter. Miss Laura Wadum, and mother, Mrs. Ackeman, left Saturday for a short visit at Craford at the home of Mrs. Emery Cornu. H. W. Barbour, who has been em ployed in the harnesB department at Newberry's resinned Saturday night And has gone to his home ut Rich mond, Va. Out of town work u specialty. We Vay parrel post charge. Cleaning, pressing, altering. PAY t'ASH. ... KKKP V If BAT. . JACK LUCKY, Manager Mrs. Ethel Stull. of Scottsbluff, has accepted a position as bookkeep er and reporter for the Alliance Her ald. She resumed her duties here Wednesday morning. Hattie RenBWold and mother and Prof, and Mrs. R. E. Holch made an automobile trip to Chadron Saturday morning, returning to Alliance the oame evening. Jay A. Vanco has been made regi mental postmaster at Ft Funntnn He successfully passed all examina tions. Mrs. Vance, before leaving Alliance for the Natlnnnl Armv wna employed at the local post office V Rip wewed up and Buttons sewed on FEH. KEEP 1' NEAT We do the rent. Phone 133 PAY CASH Tack Lucky, Manager Roy Hildreth and Cordon Davis, toll wire chief and engineer for the Nebraska Telephone Co., were here from Omaha the last of the week test ing out the new Alliance-North Piatt toll line from the local exchange. Clifford Rogers and sister. Miss Oma Rogers, will attend Union Col lege at Lincoln this winder. They decided to attend Union College thru the advice of O. M. Burns who sent his daughter there last year and this. If you don't see me before order ing that new fall -nit we wlU both lose money. New woolens now on display. Roy II. Burns, KEEP-U-NHAT Tailors and Cleaners. 40-tf-8602 Andrew Anderson and family and Miss Julia Anderson arrived in Alli ance Monday from Louisiana for a visit at the home of their sister, Mrs. ay lioag and family. KEEP V N EAT KleansKlothesKlean Pay Cash JACK LUCKY, Manager Mrs. H. E. Gantz and Miss Doris Young will have charge of a card par ty to be given at the Episcopal par ish house for the benefit of the Red Cross on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 27th. The hostesses have arranged for twenty tables. One lady is in charge of each table and will ask 3 other ladies to play bridge at her ta ble. Each lady wil donate 25c to the Red Cross fund. See Us, And See Best DRAKE& DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS WE CAN FIT YOU WITH GLASS EH FOR EVERY PURPOSE tVe Can Duplicate any Broken LeDB 313 hi Box Butte Ave Phone 121 WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE "Omaha's Fun Centre" Musical Burlesque rand New Show EVERY WEEK 6mm, Ciattr MvtilnMt. EnnMilM. Ilk Aaifcrti UDIES' DIME UTIIil MILT DON'T GO HOME SAYING! I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY G. R. Ogden, of Shinnston, W. Va., says: "I have used AVALON FARMS HOG-TONE 56 days and I think it is the best medicine I ever used. I have two pigs 4 months and 3 days old that weigh 360 pounds, one 6 pounds heavier than the other. They are 100 pounds heavier than my neighbor's 2 of the same litter and feed." This is the experience of a typical user of Hog-Tone. There are hundreds and hun dreds of letters on file at the Aval on Farms Company's office from nearly every state in the Union, all telling of big Improvement in hogs and in hog profits through the use of Hog-Tone, the scientifi cally prepared Hog Condition er, Fattener and Worm Re mover, nog-lone is sold on 60 days' Free Trial under a n absolute money -back guarantee. Come in the store and tell us how many hogs you have in your herd and we will give you enough Hog-Tone to treat all of them 60 days. You don't have to pay for it unless you are absolutely satis fied. The decision is left en tirely to you. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING NOW TO TRY 60 DAYS' TREATMENT OF AVALON FARMS HOG-TONE - THE LIQUID HOC FATTENEM. CONDITIONER AND WORM REMOVE FOR ALL YOUR HOGS - FOR SALE BY - H. F. THIELE Drugs and Jewelry Phone 12 306 Box Butte Ave. Rex Truman, who for several months past has been assistant coun ty agent n Box Butte county and who did efficient work in aiding potato growers to organise the Box Butte County Potato Orowers Association has been appointed county agent for Sheridan county and has already as sumed his duties in Sheridan county. R. M. Hampton, president of the First National Bank of Alliance, has received notice of his appointment as chairman of the Liberty Loan board for the Sixth Congressional district hich Includes territory along the C. B. & Q., from Sheridan to Grand Inland. Mrs. Ralph Waldo Beal Vocal Studio Phone 587 Rei. SO 1 Laramie Ave trnmttmmtinHiniiiinniiiiiMiiiimttmmttmmmmmntTmnniMiMininiuu: SAVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH The high cost of Chemicals, Woolens, etc., will not effect our prices. The price remains the same, but we must have the cash. R. B. Burns has employed a PROFESSIONAL CLEANER, DYER and ALTERATER with 17 years experience to manage the KEEP-U-NEAT CI csrcis f rd Tailors The same reasonable prices will pre vail. Nothing but work of the highest standard will be turned out . COMPLETE SATISFACTION PAY CASH KEEP-U-NEAT Kleens Klothes Kleen JACK LUCKEY, Mgr. CONDENSED STATEMENT of the condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , i ft:! OF ALLIANCE at the Close of Business, Sept. 11, 1917 Resources Loans and Discounts S787.976.93 U. a Bonds at Par. . 51,000.00 Banking House .x . . 10,000.00 Federal Reserve Stock 3, 000. 00 Cash and Sight Ex change 193,390.07 ai,om,;t67.oo Liabilities Capital $60,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided Profits . . 1,710.70 Circulation 49,997.60 Deposits 893,658.74 l.U.Vi07.00 The greatest difference in lumber is in its lasting qualities. When you use lumber for any permanent purpose its durability is of first importance. We handle only that lumber which is dry and sound. Tou can depend on the life of lumber bought here. t Y 1 1 t 1 f T Y Y f 1 1 y ? i x z 1 t X T .W . v. I 1 L "" 1 LATEST FALL Millinery Customers for our other lines will find it to their advantage to visit our millinery department. Wo arc selling more liats this season than ever before there is a reason of course and that reason is very evident when yon see the splendid display of distinctive "risk-Hats" of distinctive styles. A little curve here, a how, a feather fancy, a droop and you have the "touch" that is recognised Immediately by well gowned women. Suits and Coats MOST COMPLETE LINE OF SUITS AND COATS IN ALLI ANCE, presenting all the leading featuise of the season. Gat meats not only swagger in appearance 1ml also wonderful value. PRICE, STYLE and QUALITY are dominating faetore at Mollriugs. GEORGE A. MOLLRING "The Store of Quality" Alliance. Nebraska w