The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 20, 1917, Image 15

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John Nolnn. commonly Known as
Johnnie" Is working km online dis
patcher this week, while F. B. Brown
the regular man la enjoying a vaca
tion Engineers B. W. Beardon, J. O.
Paraons. Wm. Mahoney ami Frank
Wilson spent the latter pari of the
week in the sand hills near Seneca,
leoklng for grouse. If they reported
the actual facta, they weren't the
fortunate victims of rery good luck.
Thev an the only got six birds dur-
tng the whole time. They nil re-
tamed to work Sunday.
C. O. Davenport, rond foreman
pent the fore part of the w. k, In
0neca, and other points on thu east
ad of the division.
Construction- has been begun on a
new office for the round nouse, and
Also a new engineers room, (or use
Of engine men. The nw building
will be twenty five feet longer tha
the old oe, ad will cotaln besides
Modern commodities, a fine shower
bath, equipped In such a way as to
make the said engine men forget
thai he is now in his own home. He
will probably think he Is in some fine
hotel. It is well to say however,
that the engine men deserve all they
Will get.
The Purdy Brothers, bollermakers
at the round houso for tho past few
months, have resignea. It is n'ot
known what their plans are for the
future but we venture to say that
they can take care of themselves.
J. M. Schlrk, who was temporarily
transferred to Sheridan as a machin
ist, has returned to Alliance, and tak
en up his duties at that place again.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stry
eon, who was formerly employed at
Alliance but who was transferred to
Seneca aa a machinist, will be glad
to hear of the arrival if a baby girl
at their home in Seneca. All are re
ported as doing well and Shorty sttlll
wears his smile It Is larger than
heretofore too.
H. H. Fink fireman on west end
local laid off the fore part of this
week to go to the sand hills for a
little hunt. The funny part of It
was, he never showed up at t h" sand
hills at all. They are still looking
for him down there.
J. L. Ward who haa been employed
ae stationary fireman at the boiler
room for the past few months has
resigned his position.
o -
Engine 2982 has arrived on the Al
liance division from Havelock and
was exchanged at Seneca for engine
2983 the latter engine being bro't
to Alliance for more repairs. Bcarly
Beard on made the transfor assisted
tf fireman Wallace. The first en
gino mentioned, 2982, has been in
the Havelock Bhops for some time
and Is undoubtedly in a condition to
withstand the knocks occasioned by
eervlces In the Senoca yards.
Fireman E. L. McKlnson who reg
ularly works out of Alliance, has
been working on the euBt end for the
past two weks.
J. A. Allen who has been store
keeper here for the paBt few years,
has hsen transferred to another
point on the division and h. o.
Dondit hua been nHlencd to thin rn;
"tlon hefe. Mr. Allen made many'
friends hero and their wish for him
Is all to tho good. On the other
band they extend ft welcoming band
iO Mr. Condlt and all hope that he
makes good and likes his new posi
tion. o
George Inman. who has been em
ployed as machinist at tho round
house for tho past few months, has
resigned and gone back to his old
home at Seneca.
We failed to "mention last week
that a new addition was being built
on the storehouse. The new addi
tion Is amply large enough to give
the store room for all needs for some
time to come. This is a much need
ed Improvement and meets with the
bearty approval of all concerned.
Mrs. C. E. Wills and daughter Jan
ice, are visiting their husband In
Barney Egbers. who has been em-J
ployed by the J. H. & tor turn pasi
63 years has obtained a million dol
lars worth of transportation and has
departed for his old home In Quln
ey, Illinois, and also for other points
in the eastern parts of this United
Names of contributors will not
be used in this column If not
desired, but the name of the
contributor must be known to
the editors beforv an article
will be printed.
Alliance, Nebr., Sept. 15, 1917
Lloyd C. Thomas,
Editor Alliance Herald,
in. .. Nnhrimka.
aiv nar sir: l'non the eve of my
leaving to take up the study of law
at Crelghton University in Omaha,
urmli mn to lake this OUDOrtUnlty tO
extend to you and through your pa
tn tha eitizeiiB of Alliance my sin
cere thanks and appreciation of the
honora and courtesies that have been
extended to iye during my residence
In this city.
While my stay from your midst
.in a hut temnorary it iB with ex
treme regret and a Bad heart that I
am leaving. The cltisens oi anance
have honored me many times, which
iiuniv nnnreclate. and while we
- .11 htm nollt IcallV or UI-
MUM J Uv V m
on certain municipal questions, we
TO all CitiieilB OI one grenv uawuw
An city, stading together with only
sne aim In view "The advancement
nd betterment of all that is Just and
flSbf . ,
Yours very truly,
Penrose B. Romlg
Again we emphasize the importance of selecting your new Fall Clothes from stocks of a
known reputation for quality. With the scarcity of good woolens it is easy to "go wrong"
ynless you depend upon the reputation of the makers. The Famous has long been fore
most in the line of Nationally advertised goods of known quality such clothing as Hart
Schaffner & Marx, such hats as Stetson and Borsalino, such shoes as Edwin Clapp and Walk
over, such underwear as Munsing, Lewis, Wright & Cooper, such sox as Holeproof, such
shirts as Manhattan and Cluett are your protection. And it is just so tnroughout the en
tire store. We have been constantly preparing for these critical times in the clothing indus
try and backedjby the United National Clothiers one of the largest buying organiza
tions in the world we are prepared to offer you this good merchandise reasonably priced.
Besides the quality they contain the very latest style ideas wanted by up-to-date men.
Hart Schaffner Marx Suits
Beautiful new ideas in single ami double breasted belt backs, suits in
worsteds, cassimercs and cheviots
$25, $27.50, $30
Young Men's
Suits in regulars, stouts, shorts,
and slims, range in price from
$20.00 to $40.00. All the finest
exclusive patterns. Don't fail to
sec the new 'Varsity 55 Family of
Other Makes $12.50, $15, $16.50,
$18, $20
The Fashionable Coats
The Military Idea
You'd expect this Fall to have the military touches. This is particular
ly so in the new Hart, Schaffner & Marx overcoats for young men. They
have snap and vigor the young
man likes. Specially priced at
$20.00, $25.00 and $30. New line
of young men's belt back suits,
just received
$12.50, $16.50, $18
Special Overcoat
values at
Quality and Dependability in Men's Clothes
Union Suits
Munsing Union Suits
$1.50, $2.00, $3.50, $4.00
and $5.00.
Lewis Unions
$1.50 to $6.00.
Don't fail to sec our wool
mixed unions at $2.50.
Extra heavy Scotch Knit
$10.00 values specially
priced at $7.00.
Black all-wool Unions at
Other lines at $1.00, $1.25
and $1.50.
Largest lines we have ev
er shown. Our sizes fit
tall men, short men, fat
men and thin men
Models for all.
Small Wares
New Neckwear 50c
Wool Hose ... 25c
Cashmere Hose 3 for $1.00
Good leather Gloves, 75c
Men's Work Shirts 50c
Boys' Work Shirts ,50c
Khaki Pants $1.25
Khaki Boys' Pants 49c
Special Socks, 2 for 25c
Fine Silk Socks 35c
100 Tics .special ... - 75c
Men's Pajamas $1.50
Best Work Shirts made
at - 75c
Men's Unionalls $2.50
Silk lined Gloves $1.50
Fleece suede mittens $1.25
All grades of mittens and
gloves for men and boys.
Jen? and Sweater Coats
for men and boys.
.25 values
... 98c
$5.00 silk mixed ...
$4.00 values
$3.50 values -
Wc have
America's finest in big
varieties. We have a real
shirt stock for men and
boys. Special new crea
tions just in. Big line of
work shirts.'
Edwin Clapp Shoes
New fall styles, $10.00,
$11.00 and $12.00.
Walkover styles all in
Prices $5.00, $6.00, $7
and $8.00.
SHOE at $2.98.
See something extra good
in $4 welt for men.
Our $5.00 and $6.00 line of
Walkovers are beyond
question the best shoe
values in America.
Our army shoe made on
the Munson last at $6.00
is a winner.
Work Shuts that wear,
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and
Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Shirts,
Mackinaws, Jerseys, Sweater
"If Men Wear It The Famous Has It"
The Famous
One Price Clothing House
$4 50 to $12 50
$6 00 and $7.00