The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 8

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    News of Interest to and Pertaining
to Railroad Men
Kdward S. Roller, vice president and liance Rood muny years ago and la
general manager of tin- Colorado K now assistant demit pascngcr agent
Southern Hallway Co., died at hl at Chicasgo. Mr. Kogei has been
home, 790 Franklin street, Denver, at fcdgemont for the lust couple of
Colo., at 9:20 o'clock Sunday night, months on some special work. Mr
from heart attack, after an Mines of and Mm. lingers left on No. 42 Wed-
a week. He became ill Just after his nesday nigh for Chicago
return from a lititdneRS trln to Lead-
vllle. wnere. hla physicians believe, Mrs It It. Uice went to RaVHM
tie was seriously affected by the altl- Tuesday for a visit with her husband
i.iHn IIm i r.a veara old Kd- wHo working out of ICaveimn ns
ward 8. Roller had been vice presl- brakeman
dent one year, and general manager
three years for the Colorado and
Southern company. Ho had lived In
Denver three years. He began hla
career in the railway business as an
operator 911 the Burlington road In
Nebraska at the sge of 19. He sub
sequently became superintendent of
the Mi ( 00k division, genera) super
intendent of the Chicago division, as
sistant general manager of the Chi
cago division, assistant general man
ager of the lines west of the Missouri
river, with offices at Umaha, and, af
ter the Burlington company acquired
its Interest In the Colorado & South
ern, vice president and general man
ager with headquarters in Denver.
He is survived by his wife and a
daughter, Mrs. M. E. Oillia of Chi
cago. Superintendent Wcidenhamer left
on No. 42 Friday night lor Lincoln,
where he met Mrs. Wcidenhamer,
who was on her way home after ten
days' trip to St. Paul. Mrs. Wciden
hamer made a trip with a party of
friends from Lincoln to St. Paul, via
boat from Burlington, and reports n
very enjoyable trip.
K. J. Stern left on No. 31 Satur
day for Mitchell for a couple of days
on his farm at that point. Mrs. Stern
who has been on the farm for the
past six weeks returned with Mr.
Stern Monday night.
Mrs. H. W. Johnson arrived Alli
ance on No. 41 Friday morning. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson will make his
home at Alliance, Mr. Johnson being
employed ss trainmaster's clerk.
Mrs. C. H. Richer left on No. 41
Saturday for Deadwood for a visit
with her daughter.
J. H. Carlson went to Simla Sun
day. a
Yardmnster R. B. Coates of head
left for the training camp the tirat
of the week, and A. D. Snow, yard
master at Seneca, has been transfer
red to Lead vice Mr. Coates. J. Mc
Relvey. who has been night yard
master at Edgemont, was transferred
to Seneca vice Mr. Snow. C. L. Frank
lin of Ravenna has accepted the pos
ition at Edgemont. vice Mr. McRel
vey. Switchman J. T. Raylor lefr for
Denver Sunday for a few days.
Mrs. C. D. Reed of Torrington
was an Alliance visitor first part of
the week.
A. R. Reynolds went to Hot
Springs Sunday for a few days.
Brakeman D. L. Bennett returned
to Alliance Wednesday after a vaca
tion, of about ten days in Lincoln and
Denver and resumed duty Wednes
day ight.
Trainmaster Ourley went to Sene
ca Tuesday on business.
Dispatcher A. J. Welch la laying
off for few days rest and recreation,
getting away from the very strenuous
work for a short period.
Dispatcher L. D. Perrin made trip
to Ardmore Wednesday for visit with
his family.
Francis Young of Chicago arrived
in Alliance Sunday for a short visit
at the home of his father. General
Superintendent E. E. Young, before
enlisting. He left on 4 2 Wednesday
M. E. Coleman, who was formerly
night chief dispatcher at Aliance.
and who was just recently transfer
red to Casper division as chief dis
patcher, has been promoted to chief
dispatcher at Sheridan of the Sheri
dan division. All are glad to learn
of Mr. Coleman's advancement. C.
J. Connett, who has been night chief
at Caaper, was appointed as chief
dispatcher there in Mr. Coleman's
Miss Marian Mote, who has been
chief clerk In chief dispatcher's of
fice, resigned Wednesday. Miss Mote
wll leave the 12th of September for
Lincoln, where she will attend the
State University, taking a course In
Arts and Sciences. R. E. McKenzie,
who has been working at the yard
office, will relieve Miss Mote.
Chester Hagan, check boy. was
promoted to clerk at the yard office
effective Monday. Glen Hagan, west
ern Union messenger, was promoted
to check boy. Miss Alforetta La
Mo n filled the place made vacant by
Glen Hagan. This is the first time
there has ever been a girl on this
job but on account of the scarcity of
men, it was necessary to employ a
Mrs. J. M. Johnson of Ravenna
come to Alliance first part of the
uk for a visit with her husband.
who is working as conductor out of
II. E. Rogers and wife arrived In
Alliance on No. 44 Tuesday for a few
davs visit at the Weiaennamer
Hlakeman F. R. Adams was called
to his home at liiughaiii Tuesday ac
count sickness of his father
Mrs. C. W. Forest went to Broken
liow Monday to pack their household
goods for shipment to Alliance
where they will make their future
home, Mr. Forest being employed as
Conductor D. W. Eenner and wife
left Tuesday for Glrard for a visit at
the home of Mrs. Kenner
Switchman P. H. Dittemore left
Tuesday for Bridgeport for a few
days' visit with his father and moth
Mrs. 1. D. Whaley left for Bing
ham Tuesday for a few days' visit.
Brakeman L. C. Davies left for
Mystic Tuesday to go on his farm
near that point.
ft. M. McClanahan arrived in Alii
ance today. Mr. McClanahan will
go to work as brakeman ut Alliance
Frank Smith returned to work in
General Superintendent's office Mon
day after two weeks' vacation.
H. Ttmmel, road foreman of en
gines on Casper division, formerly
road foreman on the Alliance divis
ion, arrived Alliance Tuesday. Mr.
Timmel is packing his household
goods for shipment to Greybull.
where they will make their future
Assistant Paymaster E. D. Branch
on pay car will arrive Alliance on
302 morning of September 17 and
will pay at Alliance until the depart
ure of No. 43 that day. Pay at Edge
mont afternoon of the 17th after ar
rival of No. 43 at 4:34 p. m.
Ceneral Superintendent E. E
Voting and son and A. V. Arnold
went to Denver Monday night to at
tend the funeral of E. S. Roller, vice
president and general mauager of
th Colorado & Southern Railway
Company, who died at his home in
Denver Sunday.
Chief Bridge Kngineer tr A. Hag
bander of Chicago will start his an
nual bridge inspection on the Alli
ance division today, arriving Raven
na from Lincoln division about 10
a. in. 1 ney win run special liaven-
na to Sf.neca and deadhead on 41
Seneca through to Englewood Fri
day. Run special Euglewood to
Spearilwh and return to Deadwood.
Inspect bridges Lead to Piedmon'
Saturday. Master Carpenter Bell
will accompany them over entire div
ision and Assistant Superintendent
Holtorf of Deadwood will accompany
them over Deadwood line.
Operator L. J. Toohey of Heming
ford laid off Wednesday for couple
weeks vacation. He will spend bis
vacation at his home in Denver.
Helper J. W. Harper at Ansley
was promoted to operator Wednes
day and went to work at Heming-
ford, relieving Mr. Toohey.
Agent J. B. Jolly of Orella has en
listed in the signal corps of the reg
ular army and will be called either
September 16 or October 3.
Operator C. W. OBborn of Edge
mont is visitlug at Laramie, Wyo.,
for a week.
Mi. and Mrs. C. O. Madden are ex
pected from St. Louis last of this
week, destination Bingham, where
Mr. Madden Is agent.
Erakeman W. R. Robertson has
been off duty for couple days account j
being atck.
Perley Beach, who was one of the
tirst drafted for the allotment for
Box Butte county, left on No. 42
Wednesday night for Ft. Riley where
he will go In training. Mr. Beach
has been working for the company
in different offices for the past five
years, and his services will be great
ly missed. H. W. Johnson will take
the position of chief clerk to Train
Master Gurley. vice Mr. Beach.
Brakeman A. D. Lander has been
on the sick list for the past ten days.
Will have very heavy run of live
stock off Casper division this week.
250 cars will reach Alliance within
the next three days enroute to the
Russell Cox. night caller at Alli
ance, expects to leave the first uf
next week for his home at Heiuing
ford, where he will attend school. I
We are all very glad to hear that
night Chief Dispatcher Ralph Cox, '
who has been in the hospital for '
some time, is slowly improving.
Miss Frances Gadient, telegraph!
operator, will arrive from Davenport,
dames Frank Abegg, Max Wilcox and
Percy Cogswell; Messrs. Michael No
lan. Martin Nolan. Adrian Resne,
Milton Reegan. Orville Davenport,
Herbert Butler. Richard Young. Nor
man Newberry. James Graham, Ev
erett O'Reefo, Donald Spencer, Wal
ter Metz, Frank itiiAchdonaioin
J Davenport. Albon Hall. Marvin Dick
enson, Mourlce Nelson. Howard Ben
tnett. William O'Reefo. It ernurtl II.. I
sten. Lloyd Tully. Kiting Bennett,
u 7 J??n- David- Kauffman.
Harold Weidenhamer, Archie Black
wood. Frank Abegg. Max Wilcox and
Percy Cogswell.
I'tioto b American I'resa Association.
The mcmltershlp of the aviation rot? of Yale tmnenitv iiun.l.eip gDout tilty A group or tlieui sie here seen
gstberlng IsfOlMlltM on vital part of u machine at an aero fsCtorf now building a big order of machines for ths
Towcrman I. J. Stephenson of
Crawford came to Alliance today for
Mrs. N. T. Shawver went to Sid
ney Wednesday.
The flve-months-old child of Mr
and Mrs. H. M. Cusick passed away
Wednesday. Remains wore taken
to Mullen. Nebr.. for burial.
I .' ,11 (I m iul..r II f' Y I
.-, ,. , , . v. .'iiimsoii ieii on
4 4 today for Seneca on business.
Miuu I i. . . , 1 1 .
...... vjuiiiiuiiiuui went 10
Crawford on No. 43 Wednesday.
System Ham Affected 28 Per Oent In- in Avcragr Tom per Car
for Month of June
Figures made nnhlic Kv ih. n...
lington show that tha t HYHfiiin has
fected an Increase of 28 per cent in
average tons per loaded car for the
mourn or June. 1917, compared with
June. 1916. The road hnn,H...i 4 .
918.227 tons of rreight, an average
of 29.28 tons per car in June, 1817.
and 22.98 tons per car in June, 1916.
jan increase of 6.4 Ions per car. This
'increase in average loading repre
jsents a saving of 46.622 cars for the
j month.
1 "This increase in car effjeiency
I has not been due entirely to the ef
: forts of the Burlington's manage
ment and its employes," said H. E.
jByram. vice president in charge of
operation. In commenting upon these
I figures. "A large part of the credit
jfor the increased loading of cars is
(due to co-operation on the part of
; shippers along the line. To a re
imarkable degree our shippers have
j exhibited n sense of appreciation of
wnat tne Hurlington, in common
with other systems. Is attempting to
do in furnishing the greatest possi
ble volume of transportation with
tne amount or equipment that is
i available. The practical effect of
this co-operation Is clearly shown by
jthe large number of cars made
j available for other purposes as a re
sult of loading care more nearly to
Thia Maine itnirlt nf ort-nnnrotirtn
appears to have developed rather
generally, in the last few months,
j throughout the United States, though
not always to the same extent as
shown by the Burlington's record.
11 appears that tne spirit of co-operation
on the part of railroads and
shippers so strongly urged by the
Itailroada' War Hoard la nrnducintr n
beneficial effect in securing the load
ing of cars to capacity and thereby
accomplishing the same result that
would follow the placing of many
thousands of additional cars in serv
ice without the additional congestion
that more cars in service might entail.
tion of their studies, when they will
enter ministerial work. They have
the good wishes of a host of friends
in western Nebraska.
T. O. T. Club ietT"
This Afternoon.
The T. O. T. club meets this after
noon at the home of Mrs. Lee Basye.
Two tables were arranged for bridge
the guests being Mesdames Toohey,
Eubanks, Burke, J. O. Walker. Sla
gle, Darling, Beckwith. Gurlev and
Mr-. Bennett HoHtesN
at Dinner Party.
Mrs. C. E. Bennett was hostess at
a five-course dinner party at her
home, 920 Big Horn. Tuesday after
noon, incompliment to her bouse
Kiiest. Miss Ada Bennett of Miles
City, Mont. The decorative scheme
was in yellow and white, while the
floral decorations were yellow sun
flowers. Following the elaborate
diner, the guests enjoyed a pleasant
afternoon at cards. Mrs. Mitchell
won the first prize at cards, and
Mrs. Andrews, the consolation prixe.
The guest list was as follows: Mes
dames ChaiieB Britton, Marcus Fran
kle. A. V. Gavin. C. E. Hershraan,
Frank Was, Nellie Wilson. William
Mitchell. F. W. Harris, Wm. Weiden
hamer, Percy Cogswell, Earl Mallery,
J. N. Andrews, Horaco Bogue, F. T.
Helpbringer. M. S. Hargraves, Wil
liam Carson Shaw, A. V. Arnold. B.
T. Gilman. Sam Tillett. J. Rridel
baugh, E. A. Hall. Robert Reddish,
and Howard Reddish.
Ml i.i. Ih- F.ntertaJiMMi
for Hoiim- Ouent.
Miss Marian Grebe was hostess
Friday evening at a kenslngton In
honor of Miss Mary Wilson of Chad
ron. her guest. A dainty luncheon
was served at the close of the even
ing. Mrs. Deitlien Httes
at Dinner Party.
Friday evening Mrs. George Deit
lien was hostess at a 7 o'clock dinner
party which was followed bv a ken
slngton. The dinner and kenslng
ton was given in compliment to the
Misses Clarabel and Helen Deitlien
of Vancouver. Wash., who are guests
here. The guests were the Misses
Hazel Bennett, Cynthia Davenport
Teresa O Dounell, Ethel James, Hat
tie Renswold, Thelma Fitzpatrick,
Goldie Leith. Glen Mounts, Julia
Frankle. May Schafer of Scottsbluff
and Mendanies Clarence Schafer and
William Ostenberg.
Ifostess at Red
Croaa Remington.
Mrs. Ira E. Tagh was hostess Fri
day afternoon at a Red Cross ken
sington in compliment to Mrs. Carl
Richmond Nelson of Ravenna, a for
mer Alliance resident. The color
scheme was la red and white and the
table decorations were red and white
flowers. The place cards were in
the shape of Red Cross ambulances.
A two-course luncheon was served.
Those in attendance were the Mes
dames C. E. Nelson of Ravenna, J.
A. Hunter, J. C. McCorkle, Daven
port, C. L. Lester, F. W. Lester, Rol
la Wilson. H. J. Ellis, W. W. Norton,
Lloyd Thomas, F. E. Holsten, C. E.
Slagle, W. C. Mounts, C. C. Smith,
and Miss Rate Bogue.
Bananas are ut to eat as soon as
hey hsve lost all their green color ami
mail, nt, no matter how black they
nay be, as long as the skin is uubni-
Card of 'I banks
Wo wish to extend our thanks to
oar friends and neighbors who so
kindly assisted us during the illness
and at the death of our little win.
Elmer Archibald.
Saturday evening the Misses
Brown, Priess and Alexander enter
tained a number of their friends at
ihe home of Miss Helen Alexander.
The evening was spent with gamps
and music, followed by a dainty
luncheon. The guests were the
Misses Flo. Richards. Rose Sigler.
Frances Brown, IaVaughn Brown,
May Shaughnessy, Helen Shaughnes
sy, Helen Alexander and Lena
Priess, together with Messrs. Adkins,
Witty, Charles Safford, Purdy. V. O.
Jackson, Norris. Fielding, F. J. Vo
gel and Mr. and Mrs. Steinman.
I'he Speed Fiend bus the Fa steal Lit'
Ol Car iii 1 be-I'. S. A. He inlmit h
Hliuaelf and is willing to Tell All
about it any time. Dldja never hear
how he went from Here to
13 Wilas In 7j minutes, and how he
Mails the Whnozisi hill 011 High? He
should have his Speedometer inspected.
With apologies to Dr. J. P. Maxfield.
Marriage" Monday .
orkmar ' tent'
f Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Workniin of
Alliance, and Mr. Charles E. Hannar j
wre united in marriage Monday
ornlng at 9 o'clock, at the First I
christian church In Alliance, Rev
Kpler officiating.
The bride was born in Box Buttt
county, inirxy miles west or Alliance, j
on her parents' homestead. She re
ceived her schooling in Alltance, be-1
ing a graduate of the Alliance high
school In 1914, graduating with high j
The groom is an exemplary young I
man, studying for the ministry at :
Bethany college, near Lincoln. Both
he and the bride will continue thofr j
studies at Bethany college, making !
their home there until the comple-
Mi--ses Frankle HosteeMvs
Friday Evening.
The Misses Julia and Matilda
Frankle dollghtfully entertained a
large number of guests Friday even
ing at a party dance given at the
Episcopal Parish house. The decora
tions were of autumn leaves and the
national colors used most effectively.
The "souvenir" and "ribbon" dances
were two of the features of the ev
ening. Mrs. Marcus Frankle, Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Cogswell and Dave
Raufmann chaperoned the party.
The guest list was as follows: Misses
Hannah Reane. Leone Mallery. De
vona Dickenson, Helen Hewitt, Char
lotte Mollring, Eunice Eidred, Ter
esa O'Donnell. Ruth Morris, Cynthia
Davenport, Helen Schott. Hannah
Coutant. Doris Young, Martha Shaw.
Mable Young, Margaret Harris, Delia
HolBten, Teresa Morrow, Mildred
Griggs, Clarabel Deitlien, Bernard
ino French, Edness Kimball. Mes-
Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Shepherd and
Pearl Lorenson returned Saturday
night from a two months' pleasure
trip thru Colorado and Arizona and
several other states. They had good
luck and the roads were good both
ways. Mr. Shepherd says the croos
aren't any better any place than
they are here.
W. F. Walker, Sr., was a passen
ger to Crawford Sunday on 43, re
turning the same night on 42.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muirhead and
daughter Faye returned Sunday
night from Hot Springs, S. D., where
Mrs. Muirhead and Faye have been
taking medical treatment for hay fever.
The Misses Pauline Dowd and No
na O'Neil came over Sunday from
their homes at Chadron to take up
their duties again this year as teach
ers in the school here.
Wm. Iodence and family of the
Dunlap neighborhood were shopping
in town Tuesday.
Bill Elder returned Sunday from
Auselmo, Nebr., where he has been
for the past month working in the
drug store.
R. L. Pierce returned Sunday from
his 2,r,00-mile auto hike around thru
Minnesota and other eastern points.
W. W. Norton and wife of Alli
ance were attending to business mat
ters here Tuesday.
Miss Lillian Caha left Saturday
night for York, Nebr., where she will
finish her course at the business college.
home. Mr Rogers formerly worseajiowa. aunuay ror service on Alliauce
in the superintendent's office at Al- division.
Set 1,000 to 2,000
More MMes out of
Your Auto Casing
1 are repairing and re-building automobile
casings so that you will get from 1,000 to 2,000 more
miles out of a tire that is apparently ready for the
Tires are li trh right now. They cost real mon
ey. You owe it to yourself to hold down expenses,
and especially so when you have the opportunity
right at your door
Bring in your tin We will inspect il tree and
tell you whether it is worth repairing or re-building,
We":' gut u IMluipOU'Ut 10 do the lttlsi ess
with and we are doing the hi will IT We're ready
to help you cut down your tire expense. Drop in
Vulcanizing, U. S. L. Sirvice
Charles Shindler moved his family
nun rooms up over tne urst aiate
Dank building the last of the week.
Mrs. Mabel McClung was shopping
in Alliance between trains Tuesday.
Dr. Charles Moranville and family
will leave Wednesday for their old
home at Red Cloud, Nebr. Dr. Mor
anville has been living here for the
past five years and every one regrets
to see them leave.
J. T. Butler was a passenger to
Alliance Tuesday on 44, returning
the same day on 43.
A nunrber from here autoed up to
Pine Ridge Sunday for a picnic. All
reported a tine time.
Mrs. N. O. Palmer is spending a
week here visiting old friends while
Rev N. O. is at conference.
Mrs. Mary Shepherd was a busi
ness visitor in Alliance Tuesday.
Jim Hunter came up from Alliance
Tuesday going on up to his ranch,
north of town, looking after affairs
, there.
- o
Mrs. Ed Zurchler returned to her
home at Crawford the last of the
week after spending a few days with
her father, at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moser were
east-bound passengers Tuesday on
. r
Mr and Mrs. M. ChristenBen and
little son returned Saturday from
J 11 eii. Wyo., where they have been
visiting Mrs. Christensen's sister,
Mrs. Kwart Hughes.