The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 10

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Oeorge Neuswanger arrived in Al
liance Tuesday to take up his new
duties an county agent for Box Butte
county. He la a very pleasant fel
low to meet and will without doubt
make friends fast. The first work
of Mr. Neuswanger of course will he
to get to know the people of the
county. The field work in connection
with the office of markets in the
marketing of Box Butte potatoes will
ive the new county agent an excel
lent opportunity to get acquainted
with the farmers and ranchers of
rhe county.
John McCoy, M. D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 81
W. H. Robinson, of Council Bluffs,
has been in Alliance this week look
ing after his business interests and
advertising his big sale to be held at
Fair Valley farm on Wednesday, Sep
tember 19. The sale Is a big one.
and is fully advertised elsewhere in
this Issue of The Herald. Mr. Rob
inson will plant some seventy-five
.teres to wheat on his other place this
Real Estate. Loam and Iniur
tnoe. F. R REDDISH, Redditb
81ock. 15-tf-727
Mrs. A. P. Keil, sister of Mrs. J.
W. Tynan of this city and well known
here through her former residence,
died Sunday morning in Denver af
ter a lingering illness. Mrs. Tynan
was in Denver and Mr. Tynan left
Tuesday to attend the funeral.
If you don't see me before order
in that new fall suit we will both
lose money. New woolens now on
display. Roy B. Hums, KEEP-V-NHAT
Tailors and Cleaners.
A contract of sale was entered in
to this week for the sale of the E. P.
Sweeney ranch of 2680 acres located
ast of this city. The buyers are
Morton Sweeney and Jess Wilson.
The consideration is said to be in the
neighborhood of 835,000. The new
owners will take possession the first
of March, next year. Considerable
hay land and one lake containing
potash are contained in the tract.
K. N. Foss left Monday for his
home at Omaha following a visit at
the home of his sister here, Mrs.
Hay Stansberry.
Mrt, Ray Stansberry is enjoying a
visit this week from her mother,
Mrs. Ellen Foss. of Omaha. Mrs.
Foss arrived in Alliance Monday and
will stay an indefinite length of
s s
Miss Kunice Overton arrived Sun
day night from her home near Spo
kane to spend the winter at the home
of her sister, Mrs. I. Van Graven.
Feagins ft Son, commission mer
chants, report that within the last
thirty days they have purchased 275
car loads of feeders on order for
eastern stock men. They expect to
have purchased better than 300 car
loads before the week Is over.
Horace Bogue arrived in Alliance
Sunday following a three weeks' bus
iness and pleasure trip spent in New
York. A part of his time was spent
in looking at the new merchandise
and buying to fill the needs of his
The Commercial Club gave a din
ner at the Alliance hotel Wednesday
noon for Perley Beach and Jay
Vance, who left last night for Fort
Riley to Join the national - army.
Those in attendance at the Commer
cial Club dinner other than the
guests of honor were four in num
ber, being: Earl Mallery, president
of the Commercial Club; H. M. Bush
nell, Jr., secretary; County Judge
Ira E. Tash; and County Clerk W. C.
Mounts, who is also secretary of the
exemption board. The Commercial
Club plans to feed the other drafted
men before they go to Fort Riley.
Work is going along nicely on the
new federal building now being
erected in Alliance at the corner of
unpaved Box Butte and Fourth
streets. A ear load of interior fin
ishing material. Including windows,
etc., was received this week and
since that time n number of carpen
ters have been busy. The work Is
fast nearlnc completion, although
there seems to he considerable vet to
On Saturday Miss Alforctta LiMon
started to work carrying messages.
It is said the management is anxious
to hire one or two more girls.
Miss IManehe Kibble returned
from Denver Monday where she at
tended the Hnnual meeting of the
stock holders of the Nehrosku Pot
ash Company. L. F. Ilulan. until
recently of Antioch but who has tak
en quarters at the Drake hotel, was
also in attendance at the meeting.
Mr. Hulan. who has been general
manager of the company, has re
signed the active management of the
company, being succeeded by Harvey
W. Lamb. Mr l.amb is already at
Antioch and has taken up his duties
as manager of the company.
When the new pipe line front the
potash plant at Hoffland is completed
to the Ryan and Richardson lakes on
the James Rice ranch, the company
will have access to 320 acres more
:of water. The lakes are located
some fifteen or sixteen miles from
the plant. Work on the pipe line
will start immediately, the pipe hav
ing already been unloaded at Hoff
Fred Smith, who gave his home
I address as Oceola. Ia., but who stat
ed he has been employed at (.Jrand
Island for a poriod of seventeen
months, was arrested at the Burllng-
tun depot here Saturday morning on
suspicion. It was found he had six
pints of booze in his grip. He con
fessed to having purchased the liquor
in a saloon at Douglas, Wyo. In
imposing sentence Judge Tash gave
him a lecture and a thorough "call
ing." The fine was 8100 and costs.
Not being able to pay the fine in
full, Smith was sent to the county
Jail until he could secure the funds
or otherwise satisfy the law.
Emil Seeling, who was at the local
hospital for treatment, returned to
his work at the Herman Krause
ranch Tuesday. He was brought to
the hospital after accidentally shoot
ing off three fingers on his left hand
while cleaning a gun. The first two
fingers are entirely gone and the
third finger is off at the first Joint.
j Mrs. L. H. Highland and Mrs. L.
7. Hollow. ty left Wednesday night
I for Newton, Kans., for a visit with
j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Da-
ivid. They went via Denver where
! they stopped over to visit a brother
and an aunt,
I J. W. Outhrie, insurance man, goes
this week to Mackinaw Island, Mich.,
to attend a national meeting of the
agents of the Equitable Life. He is
one of the seven Nebraska men who
j attend the convention. One of the
i i -it-Hi r iur Kiinnnnnre is inai
the agent must have written flf0,
000 In business during the past year.
A special train will take the dele
gates from Chicago to Michlgsn.
Jake Herman and wife left Tues
day morning for a trip through east
ern Nebraska, going via auto. They
will visit Lincoln, Omaha and other
nearby points on the trip.
"Silent" Jim Heeler, all-around
sportsman, has surprised his friends
ithe last few days by appearing in
public clad in an up-to-the-minute
II. iialtbarh left the last of
week for Billings. Mont.
Mrs. Vem Andress Is visiting this
week with friends In Dead wood s
Mrs. Jim Jamison of Hoffland was
here the last of the week having some
dental work done.
Five new boilers are btttn in
stalled In the new boiler room at tin
potash plant ot Hoffland. Three new
swlnsens have also been installed
H. O. Valleau and daughter. Miss
Monetise, or sparits. Nebr.. are
golf coat. Jim refuses to tell where guests at the A. V. (lavln home this
the goir links are. but evidently has week. Mr. Valleau is an old timer
been taking golf lessons perhaps he n the railroad game here,
has been practicing auto polo with a
! Ford. n. B. Kelthlv of Walla Wmiim
' Wash., has been buying mules in th
(' .1 FUgnt, representative of the vicinity of Alliance during the past
L. C. Smith typewriter, reports the wecK. He is shipping the mules
sale or one silent eight and one silent east. Mr. Kelthly bought the Big
three model machine to Box Butte mil mules. C. C. Smith assisted
county, ana a silent eight model to
Principal Crawford of the Alliance
high school.
Former Sheriff A. D. New of Rush-
Mr. Kelthly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mild
Crawford were guests of Mr.
Mrs. W. A. Bennett Saturday
r id
a nd
vllle, Sheridan county, motored over Sunday. They were on their wav to
Uuliinl kin . .... '!.....,.. n. .
l 111 UUJ nun nin null i nil i in ' , via jLjOUIS.
business, returning
home Sunday
Does The Fashion Shop sell more
Ladies' Ready -to-Wear Garments than
any other Alliance lore
There is a Reason
TheJOnly Exclusive Ready-to-Wear Store in Western Nebraska
i mi' i
" ff
C. M. Looney and R. C. Strong.
two of our live-wire traveling men,
returned recently from the Black
Hills, where they spent vacations in
company with their families.
Oeorge Darling has rented the
west room on the ground floor of the
. Masonic temple building for use as a
storage room In order to care for the
Immense stock of furniture and
house furnishings which he is stoek-
, ing up with.
I Oeorge Darling, Edison dealer, re
ports the sale of fine Edison ma
chines to a Orand Island party and a
fine Chippendale mahogany model to
O. C. Moore of Alliance.
' The fire department was called out
at 6 o'clock Sunday morning to ex
tinguish a small blaze In an out
building at 420 Laramie avenue. A
few minutes' work with a garden
hose sufficed.
Clarence Schafer has resigned as
bookkeeper for the Keeler-Coursey
garage and his place has been taken
by E. M. Martin. Mr. 8chafer has
accepted a position with the Burling
ton. -
J. C. MofBtt of Baldwin, 111., forty
miles from St. Louis, was an Alliance
visitor last week. Mr. Baldwin came
to Box Butte county in 1888 and has
been gone from the county eighteen
years. He homesteaded south of Al
liance. While in the city ho greet
ed many old friends.
T. E. Stevens, president of the
i a . i. rj.JiiAiinM nn wr nf 1 1 riff.
roil "7 iinmnnrt Wtf, giving part of his time to this
land, was an Alliance and Hoffland r ' " ' . .
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rosseau of
Phoenix, Ariz., who have been visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Rosseau'a
parents. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Howman.
left Monday for Hay Springs for a
visit of about a week before return
ing to their home.
A baby boy was born Thursduy to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mashek, living
twenty-five miles north and east of
Mrs. Ray Hoag left Tuesday night
for McCook where she is visiting at
vbe home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith, former Alliance residents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Show of Hoff
land are the parents of a baby boy,
born to them Monday.
Misses Tilma Smith and Bernice
Nienabore of Antioch were over
Sunday guests of friends in Alliance.
was in
Anna Hoffland of Antioch
Alliance on business Satur-
Mr and Mrs. C. A. Laing are home
from a visit with relatives and
friends In Sarpy county.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Marr of Bing
ham were Alliance visitors the last
of the week as was also Mrs. Ruth
Judge J. H. Broady of Lincoln,
widely-known Lincoln attornoy, was
in Alliance today, stopping over be
tween trains for a short visit with
Lloyd Thomas, editor of The Herald.
Judge Broady Is an instructor in the
law department of the state unlver
the pioneers in the potash business
and deserves much of the credit for i
the rapid advuncemont of the indus
try. Adolph Carey with Mrs. Aville
Hart and son, all of Ladora, la., ar
rived Sunday for a visit with Joe
Carey. O. A. Odell and relafves. They
were much surprlsod at the crops
which grace the farms of this vicin
ity, coming as they do from the corn
bolt of the country. Ears of corn,
from ten to fourteen inches long,
taken by Mr. Odell from the Bhort
stalks of the local fields, amazed
er, Lloyd being a member or tne
committee which drew up the prohi
bition bill, and Judge Broady assist
ed the committee in the drafting of
the bill. He was much Interested
this morning in the trial held In
county court, the chargo being
brought under the prohibition law.
The Judge left this afternoon for
Bridgeport and Srottsbluff on busi
ness relating to cases in which he Is
W. D. Rumer. head of t' e Rumer
Motor Company, returned Wednes
day afternoon from a trip to Casper,
Wyo. Mr. Rumer is general western
representative for the Jackson Auto-
c m ,i, i I.., tVia mobile Comnanv and on the trip nr-
r . 1 . UBI 111, ill-' i IV. V v. j - -
Mitchell automobile, autoed to Gor-'need for a representative at Cas
don Wednesday on business.
Charles Spacht left on 4 4 today
for Plattsmouth. Nebr.. where he
Leo N'icolai of the firm of Nlcolai
& Son left Wednesday evenlnp for
win tenrh mathematics and at hlet ics . Denver. He will return before the
in the high Bchool. He will stop ov- end of the week, driving back a new
er In Lincoln for a day to attend the Oldsmoblle Eight roadster,
state fair. I .... .. ....
j . .1. vance nna wire leu Wednes
day night for Lincoln, accompanying
their son Jay that far on his way to
Fort Riley . where he and Pearle
Beach will enter the cantonment as
the first of the new army from Box
Butte county. Mr. and Mrs. Vance
will take in the state fair at Lincoln
before returning.
The remains of Mrs. L. D. Carter,
a former resident of Alliance, passed
through Alliance Sunday enroute to
Table Rock, Nebr., for burial. Mrs.
Carter was killed at Portland, Ore..
Thursday in an accident to a riding
device called "The Whip," used in
amusement purks and carried with
carnivals. The husband accompan
ied the remains Mr. Carter is a
Clayton Worley left this noon for
former Burlington fireman. The fam- ; ncoln to "tend the state fair. Mr
ily left here about five years ago. I Worley left Wednesday night but he
Their small son was burned in a took the wrong train and found him
flre In a barn at Seneca ,ust before ! M on the way to Denver before he
the family moved from this city. got "wise. lie came pack and
, . started over again, making sure this
Albert E. Mitts. 13-year-old son of !"" nat he was on a trrtln bound
Frank Scanlon of Axtell. Kara.,
who has been visiting his brother,
John, returned home Wednesday
John Scanlon and wife were in
from Curly, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frost were suf-
i prised this week by a visit from Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mltts, living near
Ellsworth, died Sunday morning
from ptomaine poisoning. The body
was taken to Rapid City for burial.
Miss Caroline Kirchnavy of Chad
ron has been visiting here with Miss
Mable Ormsby tor several days.
! School opened in Alliance Monday
morning as per schedule. All teach
ers were here for the opening The Frost's brother, who arrived Wed-
riuviiiuvin 19 m w w u: iar;;e8i nesdav
111 iue nisiory or tue schools, rne
enrollment in the freshman class is
especially large.
I Mrs. Charles Pennicuick is home
from a visit of several months with
Ttt-n aiiituo ... ...
., i . . . . - - ii i
..,...,.-,. Mien.ia ai iMR Aiigeies, nisneu rooms. One of two and one
and other California points. of three rooms, at S2l Big Horn ave-
The Rebekah 'circle will meet with Fourth Tef3 to" k" 322 W
Mrs. L. T. Burrow. 606 Missouri, this T VT' f key
nfi..r.. ...... a . I
U.'i UTLin n ii
f nm j . . " 1 rj" rosnion
. . ,ii i,uiuiauu. n 1 1 II III IT mAlsl n I. ... I
as chamber
rooming house
resident of Alliance, will conduct Phone i 06 and ask rrm,nHU
services at the city mission Sunday Jf-U 8570$ Jacobson
I'm uu cm up ami every j
night next week. A general Invita-1 FOR 8ALE Five-room residence
tion Is extended. It is hoped the at- at 609 Sweetwater avenue Electric
tendance at all meetings will be lights, city water, bath. Barn Ideal
,arge . . , ; down-town location. A bargain and
Mrs James Fairfield and Mrs R. l2j92& "
J Wilson of Antioch w,r vi.u I. ior runner in
here Monday.
The first edition of the Antioch
News will be Issued today.
formation, price and terms.
for sai.k Hf.n.KiT2jrr
. - ..uiv. F.UUUB 1 II-
1 DP f Iodine V. ....... I
Antioch New. .iiceeerf. h Alll. -"""""" "ccouill of
ii i i a
Born to Mr. and H. D. Ha kef,
a baby hoy, on September 6. Ut.
Maker Is a government mall clerk.
Mrs Oeorge Fleharty was a visit'
or In Alliance from Curly this week.
Bill Trabert takes the place a
mall carrier at the Alliance postof
vacated by Jay ance, who enti
the army.
Pie Plate
Bnkra so uniformly
nnd quickly that pies
actually taste better and I
do not burn easily.
There is something'
entirely different about a
PYREX Pie a whole
someness a want-some-inore.
PYREX your kitchen it
will mvc you dishes, ahelf
room, drudgery- Guaranteed
not to break in actual oven
Start today buy a
PYREX Pie plate at
every day
For Sale By
George D. Darling
'Ml I' RSI) A V NKillT Sept. fl
Marie Doro. in
FRIDAY Midi I Sept. 7
Diistin Fnrnum. in
Sessve Hayakawa, in
Lou-Tellegen, in
I'm Out by the
Blanche Sweet, In
rannie ward, in
EVERY NIGHT A rei of com
edy, cartoon, plctograph. of
See Us. And sue 0est
We Can Duplicate anv Bn.k.. i.
313 Is Boi Butte Ave Phone 11 1
Boi Butte ave-
Mrs. Ralph Waldo Beal
Vocal Studio
Pboee S87
Res. 512 Platte