i AIM f. HMMIil), IHl UMIAV, At'UCHT ftO. It1 7 mm BPA5KA5 ATE RAI Ll INCOLN 5EPT-3-4-5-6M917 w , vnrir AINU DC 1 1 EK BABIES WILL BE FOUND THE GREAT 99 FOOD TRAINING CAMP 1 FOUR ACRES SPUDS NET OWNERS $1,000 Potatoes Iuk Ami Hold SO ftny After l'lniiting Yield titn H1M1H to Acre Sell at S.1.25 wt. Al- TERNOON KVRN INO nvicoD NAunu bvokY n SEVEN BANDS PLENTY ATTENTION, STOCKMEN HAY AND WINTER RANGE ARE WANTED Inquiries arc coming to The Herald sfifoc in large numln i s for winter range and hay. The districts in the west and south west which have suffered this year front drought have thous ands of head of cattle which must be taken care of. Stockmen having either hay or winter range for sale will find a steady market if they will write The Alliance Herald on the coupon I. flow Date 191 Stock Department, Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. , I have for sale the following at prices quoted : tons of hay. Price $ - per ton. acres of winter range to care for a head. Price $.. Name - Address D. K. Maker nntl L A. Hawkins haVft demonstrated In a most practi cal manner the opportunities for the newcomer In Uox Butte county. These two men nunc to Alliance this sprint. Mr. Baker from Hed Cloud. Nehr. . and Mr. Hawkins from Central City, Iowa. Mr. Hawkins purchased 40 acres south of the Hut lington round house known as the Banjoff property and planted It to Bed Blver Ohlos. Twenty-four bushels of seed were planted on the four acres-six bushel to the acre. The planting was done on May 18 and 19. Just ninety days afterwards or on August 18 and 19 the spuds were being dug and sold, and Mr. Baker states they could have been dug a week before had they Itemized Statements Promptly and Correctly Rendered Mean Much to the Retail Merchant BSD J-PdBD Monthly Statement Outfits combine the Ledger and State ment work and reduce labor about f0 7 Simplifies bookkeeping and eliminates dispute with cos toners. Statements itemized to date and may be delivered on de mand. This loose leaf system fits every retail business. Wc will gladly explain its application to your ksusiaes. No obligation on your part HERALD PUB. CO. Live Stock Transit Insurance Live stock men over the entire west art forming the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and quick i etui i.t The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy protects shippers of live Rtock, and is the only company offering a broad pol icy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampling, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier. We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally by FRED E. PEAGINS, A. D McIVOR, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HYANNIS, NEBRASKA C. W. Sl'AC'HT, HKMIKUPOltn, N I lilt ASK. A M. 0. ANOEL, SCOTTSBLUPP, NEBR W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Live Stock Department STOCK YARDS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Omaha Live Stock Commission Co. L. J. Hough, Hogs H. T. Gant, Sheep Art Rogers B. C. (Punch) Rogers I Cattle Walt Dawson j We are all Nebraska raised boys brought up in the cattle coun try. We know how to sort and classify Western Nebraska cat tle to get the "Big Dollar" out of them. Union Stock Yards Cam U ,..L.. IV T 1 Mgr. and Cattle ttelewuan i v V. 1 I known the point or were matured. i ne spun average 12: bushels to the nrr. They are bring sold on the plntform to be shipped to Antloeh and lloffland at $3.2.r per hundred pounds or $1.95 a huahrl. On Saturday. Mr. Daker brought In some potatoea that wrre IMWd' ingly large. One of them was weigh ed on the scales at the Tom Stalos store and weighed a pound and a quarter. Mr. Maker hrought In a couple dandy looking spuds to tlM Herald office Monday morning. One weighed an even pound and the other a Utile better than a half pound. The apuda will average about half u pound earh. Mr. Maker aays that the Inad would have stood ahout two more bushels of seed to the acre with a cor responding increase In the total yield. The four acres of potatoes wily net the owners about $975. The land sold this spring at about $40 per acre. all respond to Dr. Hobson's Ersemn Ointment. Gt It today at your drug gists, ROc, guaranteed. Adv 1 ST. MATTHKW'8 CHURCH Wm Canton Shaw, Dean u. m. Holy Communion. 11 a m Morning prayer. 7:30 p. in Kvenlng prayer. NOTICE Tt CltKDITOIlH In the matter of the Estate of Floyd E. Watson, Deceased. Notice to all persons Interested in ssld Estate Is hereby given that George W. Watson. Administrator, of said Estate will meet the credit ors of said estate at the County Court Koom, In the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 12th dsy of January, 1918, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M . for the pur pose of hearing adjustment and al lowance of claims agslnst said es tate. All persons having claims or deMands against said estate must file the same with said court on or be fore January 12th, 1918, or said claim will be forever barred. Dated this 24th day of August, 1917. IRA E. TAflH. (BAL) County Judge. LEG BASYE, Attorney. 39-.rt-849-8.150 reserves tho right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids mast be - cunpHnled by a certified check for $50. T. IV ROLFSON. (REAL) City Cler. 39-2t-8f&8 i Be right up-to-date. When you order business or personal envelope see that they have the United State flag on the lower left hand corner. You can get them prlnteu In that way at The Herald office they coat but little more than plain envelop. dear Your Hkln In Spring Spring house cleaning mean cleaning Inside and outside. Dull pimply skin Is an aftermath of win er Inactivity. Flush your intestine with a mild laxative and clean oat the accumulated wastes, easy to take, they do not gripe Dr. King' New Life Pills will clear your com plexion and brighten your eye. Try Dr. King' New Life Pills tonight and throw off tho sluggish winter shell. At druggists, 2 Sc. Adv 2 ' Heal Skin Eruptions Painful eczema is more active In spring when the blood is over-h"ated, the burning itching torture la un bearable, relieve it at once and heal the eruptions with Dr. Hobson's F.c Mflsl Ointment. This antiseptic rem edy is promptly effective In all skin troubles. Pimples, blackheads, ncne, tetter, ring worm. Bcnly blotchy skin. Real Estate. Loam and lnmr tnoe. F. E REDDISH, Reddiab Block. 15 tf 672' NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the City of Alliance up to 6 p. in., Sep tember 11th. 1917, for 1,000 feet, moro or less, of 2 4 Inch fire hose single and double Jacket, fitted In 50 foot lengths. Bids must be accom panied by sample of hose. The city A business announcement In the classified columns of The Herald ought to prove a good investment for you. The cost Is small, and for a small price they sure are puller. r YOUR TRACTOR COSTS MONEY But It Is money that will return a big yield If yon safeguard your investment. You can lengthen the life nd increas the efficiency of your tractor by using STANOLIND GAS ENGINE TRACTOR OIL For the lubrication of cylinders and external bearings. It mcsiis smoother running tractor, more power at the draw-bar, and lets time oat for repairs. Best for the tractor because it's made for th tractor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nflfcraika) Oaafca i i wm ini I Itit l 1 QUIT MEAT IF Y( KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Date tablespoon fol ef Bait if hurts or Bladder bothers- Driak lot ef water. Wc srs a nation of msat eaters ad our blood Is Ailed with uric koid, says a well-known authority, who war as to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood Of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the elimiaative tissue elng end thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the satire system. When your kidneys sche snd feel like umps of lead, sad you hare stinging tains in the book or the urine is cloudy, ull of sediment, or the bladder is irri tabie, obliging you to seek relief daring he night; when you have severe head tehes, nervous sad diszy spells, sleepless ehes, nervous sad dixsy pells, newt, acid stomach or rheumatism in bod weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounce of Jad Salts; take a tableepoonful in a glass of water before breakfast esch morning and In a lew dsys your kidneys will set fine. This famous salt is mad from the said of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and ho been used for generation to flush and stimulate dogged kidney, to neutralise the scids in urine so it I no longer a source of irritation, thu ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salt is inexpensive and cannot injure; mokeo a delightful effervescent 1 itbia water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little oooasiont llf to keep ths kidneys clean and active. The latest thing In engraved call ing cards are the new style paneled cards. The Herald has been filling a large number of orders for this style the past week In a variety of new engraved styles. If you ulready have an engraved plate The Herald will be pleased to supply you with cards printed from your plate on the new style cards, If you desire. Mr. Parker (Mir new cn.k hue earned all my ways. Parker--Dou ' ivorry. She Bsay iitjro ft, - Life. Let us show you true ROADABI LITY Well take you over any road in this vicinity at any speed you wish and youH never be uncomfortable. Or you can drive yourself, and see how restful it is to be at the wheel. The deep soft cushions, the form-fitting curve of the back make St ude baker a fatigue less car to run. You don't have to drive a Studebaker two fingers on the wheel are all that's necessary. No need to shift gears on hills or in heavy traffic, the Stude baker motor delivers such a steady flow of masterful power. And the fact that Studebakers are the most powerful cars on the market in ratio to their weight explains it. Let us show you TODAY. A Studebaker has saved many m man many a dollar on his gasoline bills during tho course of a season. Lowry & Henry, Agents Alliance, Nebraska H Acknowledge tilt Operator's Repetition of the Telephone Number To make sure she has hesrd you correctly ths tele phuue operator repeats tb uuuiber you cull. Always listen to this repl tltiou. Say "Might" If she repents It correctly; If not, say "No" and give It acaio. It Is best to speak slowly nnd make a slight puuse be tween each figure when you ask for a telephone number. When too telephone al ways epeak distinctly and directly Into the transmitter, with your lips not more than n Inch away.