The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 30, 1917, Image 6

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Hotel Castle
Absolutely Fireproof
We want the Western Business. Best Place in Omaha for
Stockmen to Stop. Ask Your Commission Men
Interesting (( i from m of the
Hoy of ComNin- i lrovc
Sond Along IVtry
Chief L K. Pllkinitton of the Alli
ance tiro depart mcnt is In receipt of
a letter from Jnrk Phillips, ft mem
ber of the local fire department . who
is a member of Company O, now sta
1 Honed at Camp Cody near PeminR,
. N. M. The letter was written Aug
ust 23 from Camp Cody nnd Is an
I Dear Chief: These few lines will
let you know that the never-lenving:
Company (1 la now lorated near the
elty of Deming, New Mexico, and all
the men here are hardening tip to
the life of a real soldier.
! We have done very little drilling
. hT" ;is y t for it Int.- taken tilM to
beeome settled and have the ramp
properly mad up. iut it won't be
lone nnttl sre win po to work right.
Kveryhody is in ROOd health, es
peelalljr John Williams, and I think
he could be content if cast out alone
on some desert island as tOflf iis he
I COUld have his "phic"
I see yon are an officer of the
home guards. Well, Pllk. do your
duty and maybe if you con qualify
you can become a part of Company
ti. Don't feel offended about this.
tor Company is the best company
in the 4th. and will be riKht with
the rest-when they all eat Christinas
dinner on the banks of the Rhine.
. I must stop writing for this time.
jtJive all members of the A V F. I),
imy best regards. Will write again
When we are not so busy.
A member of the A. V. F I.
Co. "... 4th Nehr Inf.
Doming, v M.
Write if you run.
!xoked over by John Williams and
found "O. K."
The letter was written at one of
the public correspondence tables in
the building of the Army ami nmwj
Young Men's Christian Association.
That the boys think of home many,
many times is evidenced by the let-
i "4
We will sell af Public Auction at the Burlington
Stock Yards in Lakeside, Nebraska, com
mencing at 1 o'clock sharp, on
Saturday, Sept.
300 Head of Cattle 300
100 Head of Steers.
200 Head of White Face and Short Horn Heifers
These are native Kansas cattle, all are well bred
and are in good condition. Will sell in lots to suit
purchasers, so remember the date and be sure to
attend the sale.
tera they write back to the folks they
left behind them. Phil drove. In n
letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Art droves, encloaed a poem "1111
In New Mexico." by the author of
"Texas A l'aradlae." It la calculated
to give aome Idea of the country and
la published below :
Hell In New Mexico
(By the Author of Texaa a l'aradlse)
The Devil in Hell we're told was
And a thousand years he there re
mained. He neither complained nor did he
Hut determined to start a Hell of
his own.
Where ha COUld torment the souls
of men,
without being chained In pris
on pen.
So he asked tho Lord if he had on
Anything left Whog he made this
The Lord said "Yet, I had plenty
on hand,
Hut I left it down Ofl the Itlo
n rands;
The fact Is 'old boy.' the Bttttf Is so
1 don't think you can one It In Hell
any more."
Hut the Devil went down to look at
the truck.
nd said If he took it M a gift he
was stuck.
For after examining it carefully and
and well.
He coucludeil the place was too
dry for a Hell.
80 in order to pet it off His hand;
The Lord promised the Devil to"
water the land.
For he had some water, or rather
some dretis,
regular cathartic that am oiled
like bad cues.
Hence the trade wna closed, the deed
was uiven,
And the Lord went back to hla
home in Heaven;
The Devil said to himself. "I have all
that is needed,
To make a good Hell." and hence
he succeeded.
He began by putting thorns all over
the trees,
And mixed up the sands with mil
lions of fleas.
He scattered tarantulas along the
1'nt thorns on the cacti, and horns
on the toads.
He lengthened the horns-of the New
Mexico steers,
And put an addition to the rabbits'
He put a little devil in the broncho
And poisoned the feet of the centipede.
Six months time on bankable paper at
8 per cent interest from date.
Ghent & Maltby, Owners
H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer
plnn stings.
The mosuulto delights you with
his bur.lng wlnga;
The sand burrs prevail and so do the
And those who sit down need soles
on their pants
The Devil then said thnt throughout
the land.
He'd arranged to keep up the Dcv
U'a own brand.
And all ahrould be Mavericka unleas
they bore
Marks of scratches, of bltea and
thorns by the score.
The heat In the summer lis one nun
dred and ten.
Too hot for the Devil and too hot
for the men;
The wild boars mama through the
black chaparral;
'Tts a hell of a place that he has
for a hell.
Alliance Creamery Anhoniwo tllgli
cM Prkf! Kver PM In Alliance
for Sweet Cream
The Alliance Creamery Company,"
in The Herald this week, announces
price of llfty cents per pound for
butter fat for sweet cream, the high
est price ever paid in Alliance. They
are in need of more sweet cream and
milk for the Ice cream department
and also offer $2.50 per hundred for
whole milk and $1.25 per hundred
for aki mmilk.
A herd of good dairy cows, at the
prices paid for milk and cream, now
is better than a potash plant or a
gold mine. A farmer with good
dairy cows and a big field of Box
Butte potatoes is the most independ
ent man on earth.
The creamery company emphaali
es three Important points for western
Nebraska In their announcement
the "local institution is due the cred
it for the high price being paid for
the dairy products. Station prices
are lower.
states Mr Marts district cover
Kloux. Box Butte, Dawps and Sheri
dan counties.
Mr. Dillon, In an Interview, wltl
...n.... . ,..., ,K
work done by Mr. Marts In this dls
the many friends In northwesteri
i Nebraska who are interested In gos
ne miss on work a li n t statemen
of the work done in behalf of out
..i.nttli t roc. ,l..itlu iliinnir wi Itac
1 year.
"h' rt (i a 111 flit IU...I u tT n
.. . 1 m l . ,(.,.,
lit 111 in i- 1 . 1 111 1 : 1 " cennu
In this district Sioux, Box Butte
Ttuwi-s and Sheridan over wnic
Mr. Marts works, as 27.812 people
or tnts milliner zu.vso are strim.
country resiuenis uini Hie mmum vi
wlmllv wllhnut fhridtlun hnln exreni
as the'inisslonary can reach them.
J II I 1 1 1 n t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t u.n mniiT-u i i i
. n s 1 I ...111. J 1 11 ........
II I II nilllilli.l ni iiiiinn, " 1 1 11 m -m m m. ii mm
bers; visited or aided Sunday school
fifty-two times. He has had under
his care thirty-two active union Bun
day schools, from which has been
reported forty hopeful conversions.
In doing this work he has traveled
by team 8686 miles and made 702
pastoral visits to homes.
I ... a... .1.1 " I .1.. 1 . . . . 1 . . . ...
111 niium. nniu i.iMi-ii 1111-111-
her of the law Qrm. "that we are caus.
lug our client nniiccesHar.v trouble."
"Oh. that's all right." rejoined the
senior memler; "we'll charge him f
It." Boston Transcript.
.en. ml Missionary Of American Hun
day School Union CompllmentN
the Alliance Missionary
A. W. Marts, district missionary
for the American Sunday School un
ion, with headquarters at Allance,
received a strong compliment from
E. E. Dillon, general missionary . who
The rattlesnake bites you. the scor- visited Alliance Tuesday. Mr. Dil-
Our Hobby
It Goad
Printing Mrw
ness cards,
wed ding
and other iovkations, panv
phlets, folder, letter heads,
statements, shipping tags,
envelopes, etc., constantly
carried in stock For your
Get our figures on that
printing you have been
thinking of.
New Type, Latest
Style Faces
50c a Pound
Butter Fat For your sweet cream'
Highest price ever paid in
Alliance for Cream, j
We need more sweet cream and milk
for our ice cream department.
$2.50 per hundred for whole milk
$1.25 per hundred for skim milk
It Pays to Dairy
Get Better Cows
Alliance Creamery Co.