The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 30, 1917, Image 14

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McKinley Burton returned home
rrom Omaha Thursday.
Mrs .1. F. Sellers Is ublo to be out
main after a few days sickness
which kept her confined to her bed.
Evylln Ballard made another trip
no Alliance last week on account of
her broken arm, the doctors assure
her that the fractured bone will be
O. K. in a short time.
Mrs. Harley Castle and children
anme Thursday from EdgeBiont, S.
Oak., for a visit with her sister Mrs.
'hi Castle, returning home Sunday
Mrs. M L. Kincaid and two child
ren Gerald and Marshall Kay went
Thursday for a visit in the home of
her brother Alex Keyes at Bayard,
Mrs. J. M. Legere and children
from Lakeside are visiting in the
Ohas. Mason home.
Knell Fdmondson Piffle up from
Pullman Sunday. His many Bing
ham friends are always glad to ese
Harry Sutton and L. B. Bellinger
shipped several chtb of cattle the first
of the week. H. A. Townson went
along to look after the cattle and see
trn sights.
Mr. ami Mrs. Ward Willi) of Ar
thur and Mrs. Onus. Murphy of Flls
worth were visiting in the home of
their parents Mr. and Mrs. I, H. Wil
ley. Mr. and Mrs W W Cllbaugh still
!i;ive their baby daughter nmler the
doctors care at Alliance with not
much imjrovcnient.
Mrs. Hal Tyler of Hermanns. New
MeXlCO i came the first of the week for
a visit with her brothers the Shal'en
berg boys.
Fred Mollrlng of Alliance was look
ing after his business interests in
these parts last week.
Miss Flla Moravek returned to
DeftTOf Saturday night on 42 to fln
ish her school course. Miss Klla has
been home on a two weeks vacation.
('live Erskine returned Sunday on
No. 4 4 from Miller. Nebr. where he
has been for the past two weeks vis
itlng his parents.
Fred Hucke cm me hack from Den
ver Monday where he has been with
his father, who had the misfortune
i of getting hurt seriously last week
Mr. Hucke says his fnther Is getting
along as Well as could be expected.
Jerry Butler was a passenger to 1
Alliance Monday on 44.
Mrs. Mabel McClung was shopping
In Alliance between trains Monday.
Bernlce Crossley who has been
visiting her sister Mrs. H. R. Olds
for the past month returned to her
home at (Marks, Nebr.. Saturday
Mr. Stockman!
We want you to accept this as an invita
tion to visit our &ore the next time you
are in Omaha.
We are certain we can be of service to you.
Our lines of merchandise for man, woman
and child ancUthe furnishings of the home
are very complete and widely varied and
our prices are mot moderate consilant
with quality.
Ask for Mr. Peck
He will be pleased to assist you in every
way he can.
Burgess -Nash Company
Omaha, -;- Nebraska
Paid Up Capital $100,000.00 Established 1899
BOWLES way Serves and Satisfies i
Organization of Skilled Traders
Consign Livestock to
Live Stock Commission Company
South Omaha, Nebr.
Write for Special Market Advices
C. A. Mallory,
Vice President and Omaha Manager
Chicago Omaha Kansas City 1
Mr. and Mrs." Ira Phillips left Tues
day morning for Hot Spring. B. 1 .
for a few days' outing. They went
in their car.
Tony Kuhn went with the rarnlval
company Sunday to play bass horn
in their band until they can get a
buns player.
Mtb. Hattie Crimes whs a passen
ger to Alliance Mondny on 4 4. re
turning Tuesday on 43.
M. K. Hooch came down from
Crawford Saturday for a few days'
visit with friends here.
Mrs Win Curry was a west-bound
passenger Monday for Chadron where
she will visit her father.
Clark Fauekner. formerly of this
place but now of Hrunswlck, Nebr .
was looking after business matters
here last week.
Mr. and Mrs Charlie Warden who
have been visiting elatives here for
the past two months returned to
their home in Missouri Saturday.
Mrs. Linner, sister of Oscar and
Pete Swanson, left here for Colorado
Tuesiray for a few days' visit before
returning to her home In eastern
V. R. Harper of Alliance was a
business visitor here Saturday.
Several auto loads from here at
tended the moving picture, show in
Alliance Monday night.
The young son of Oscar Swanson
was thrown from his horse Monday
anil fractured his shoulder.
The baseball boys' dance Saturday
night was well attended, everybody
having n fine time. There will be
another dance In the opera house,
September 8.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Swan
son of this place on August 27 a ba
by boy. Mother and baby are both
do'ng nicely.
A number of people from here
autoed up. to Pine Hidge Sunday for
a picnic, everyone reporting a fine
Win. Delsing U having his resi
dence oast of town painted this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson are
the proud parents of a baby girl,
born August 22.
Cal Evans was taken seriously ill
here Friday night and was taken to
the hospital in Alliance Saturday.
The Crawford baseball team de
feated our boys on the home grounds
Sunday by the score of 16 to 4. Too
much carnival. "Nuff aed."
to Anselmo, Nebr., Tuesday, where
they will be the guests of relatives.
Frank Brown left Sunday for a
two weeks' vacation, which he will
spend at different points in Wyom
ing. Mr. Brown la water tender in
the holler room at the plant.
Paul I-ong Is sick In ben. He is
having a severe attack of bilious fev
er. Mrs. E C. CrlBdt is visiting her
mother, in Anselmo. this week.
Little Miss Millie June, who has
been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Wm. Shoemaker, the past three
week, returned to her home In Bro
ken Bow last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. F. owing who has been
a guost ut the O. Plcklns home re
turned Friday to her home in Mi
land, Mo.
Mlss Edith Alton of Anselmo Is a
guest at the home of her brother,
Harry Alton.
Mrs. H. K Miller was hostess Sat
urday evening to a party given In
honor of Marian West. Various
games and pastimes were indulged
in till a late hour when delicious re
freshments were served to the fol
lowing: Marian West, Helen West,
Polly Shepherd. I,enn Jamison, Krna
Long, Marie Howe, Gertrude Fauble,
I Walter Miller, Jim Shepherd, Albert
Miller, Edward Barton and Donald
Miss Lena Jamison gave a taffy
pull in honor of Miss Gertrude Fau
ble of Grand Island. Those present
A'ere: Marie Howe, Dolly Shepherd,
Helen West, Georgina Strathadell,
Marian West. Leota Williams. Albert
Miller, Raymond Miller, Walter Mil
ler, Orval Bignell and Jim Shepherd.
Mrs. Mack Davis returned home
Tuesduy. She was accompanied by
her son Rodney M. Davis, who is In
the navy. Rodney Davis Is off on a
two weeka' furlow.
Mrs. Coswell who has been seri
ously 111 the past week is better at
this time.
Mrs. Depough. who was operated
on at her home two weeks ago is not
so well this week.
Mrs. Howell Is moving to Alliance
where ahe will keep house for her
daughter Marie and granddaughter
Lna Jamison who will attend high
Lon Shepherd is on the sick list
this week.
The Red Crocs society is doing
fine work but they want More help
era. There seem to be only a few
who are doing the real work.
The Ladles' Aid meets Thursday
at the Bchool house.
Miss Marian West left Sunday fur
Gulesburg, 111. Miss Marian will ou
ter the high school an a freshman.
During the school year Bhe will make
her home with an aunt, Mrs. E. A.
Miss Gertrude Fauble returned to
her home in Grand Island, Nebr., on
Saturday, after spending the sum
mer at the home of her brother, Dan
John Barton has moved his family
to Alliance. Mr. Barton was for
merly foreman of the pump gang.
Miss Verle Alton and mother went
A. S. Motn and the Glass Brothers
of Alliance were Antioch visitors
Contractor Fuller, wife and daugh
ter of Alliance visited the Potash
plants Wednesday.
Mrs. S. W. Long of Alliance and
Mrs. U. C. Betser and little daughter
and son of Lincoln spent Thursday
with Mrs. Ralph Buehner.
Miss Eunice Burnett of the Alliance
A Reliable Company
Eighteenth Year Incorporated Juii. 4, tSfrP
Insures city and farm property against loss by fire, lightning, tor
nado and hall insurance on growing crops, automobiles, against loss
by tire, lightning tornado, property damage and collision. Pays $50
reward for arrest and conviction of automobile thieves or Joy riders.
Ixsses paid In cash as soon as proofs are made. Over $500,000 paid
policy holders for losses. An old line legal reseive company, li.i
on deposit with the Nebraska state Insurance department cash a"t-
equal to ten times the amount of insurance carried ou any one risk.
Keep your insurance premiums in Nebraska by insuring your
property with the Nebraska National, a home company managed by
men of known ability and integrity. Remember the policy holder
share in the profits of the Nebraska National.
E. D. HF.ACH, Pres. P. F, ZIMMl i; Kec.-Trem.
Agent Wanted in Open Territory
School of Music was In town a short
time Thursday.
Miss Anna Doyle of Alliance snenr
the week with her sister Mrs. Fred
James Fairfield has commenced
work on his new pool hall and rest
aurant. Mr. Woods will remove bis
barber shop to the new building.
Itev. Stephen Kpler of the Christ
tan church Alliance, held 3 o'clock
service at the Antioch church 800
day. The sermon was very much ap
preciated by the members of the All) -
attce church who have removed to An
Mrs. J. E. Dunbar returned Satur
day front Mound Valley, Kansas af
ter having attended the funeral of
her grandmother.
Miss Nellie Woolsten has moved to
town to accept a position as clerkship
in the F. D. Campbell ensh store.
Miss Klla and Gertrude Delsing. of
Hemlngford, arlrved Saturday for a
vlalt with Mrs Klmer Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs Dan Hopper of Hoff
land enjoyed Sunday dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Sly.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, re
turned from Tecutnneh Sunday
where they were called by the seri
ous Illness of Mrs. Fogers fathre.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, of
Iowa, are visiting at the W. 0. Wit
son ranch.
F. D. Cnmpbell made a flying busl
ness trip to Alliance, Monday.
Mrs. Kills Adams and little daug
hter Drusllla spent the weok end
with Mrs. Fred CampbeU.
Mrs. Charles Ferguson spent part
of the woek with her daughter Mrs
Garret at Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson
and family of Mason City visited at
the homes of C. P Anderson and
James Fairfield last week. Mrs. An
derson Is the sister of Mr. Fairfleld
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fmli Anderson
and family of Lakeside came up for
the day. A bountiful dinner was en
joyed by the families at the home of
Mr. Fairfield whro having celebrated
his birthday a few days before WM
pleasantly surprise with a beautiful
birthday cake. Those present at the
dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. And
erson and family, Mr. and Mrs C. P
Anderson and children, Mr. and Mrs
Emll Anderson, son and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. James Fairfleld and
son and Mr. gnfl Mrs, Jerry fair
fleld. Mr. and Mr, Emptor Sly entertain
ed at a delightful sik o'clock dinner
Sunday, in complrea? to Mrs. Ow
ens and Miaa DawsoA Of Oolden, Colo
and Mr. Ralph Owfrfcfl of this piaee
We understand tint 20 new bottl
es are to be built immediately on tfte
new Thompson edition weat of town.
Mrs. Jams Fairfleld and her hows
guest Mrs. George Anderson went to
Alliance on 44 Monday q expecting to
return in the Harry Denthe car.
Charles Jeffrys from Alliance was
busy writing up Insurance here
Monday, he was accompanied by Ray
Emerson of Lincoln.
George Hutchison from Ravenna
was looking over business proposi
tions in town Monday.
It's all right to lay something by for
a rainy day, but don't invest all the
money you hare In umbrellas. Phlls
lelpbia Record.
I - .
I r - , i
How it looks
when illustrated
"She's no
yo ucan hop that."
People Who Are Particular
Seek Bakery Goods
Knowing this we are partieular about
what we bake and how we take it.
Try Our Particular Baking
The defendants, Margaret E. Con
stable, E. 8. Ormsby. Trustee. Amer
ican Investment Company of Kmetts
burg, Iowa, beneficiary, and Frank
E. Alley, receiver of American In
vestment Company of Emettsburg.
Iowa, will take notice that on Aug
ust 23. 1917, Calvin L. Ilashman
filed his petition in the District Court
of liox Huttu County, Nebraska,
against you. and each of you, the
object and prayer of which petitlou
is to cancel und satisfy of record a
certain trust deed or mortgage in the
sum of 9450.00, dated April 18, 1887.
and recorded in Pook 1, of tli Mort
gage Records of box JJutt; County.
Nebraska, at page 302, executed by
Johu G. Clifford to the Deiendants.
E. S. Ormsby, trustee, and AaaerK'P
Investment Company of Einetislurf',
Iowa, beneficiary, and duty assigned
to the defendant Margaret E. Con
stable, upon the following described
real estate : the NB f Section 22,
Township 2f., North of Range 4J.
Weist of the 6th P. M : for th reason
hat said mortpnye has been jiiid and
sutished in lull in!' nol released of
record: further thst bume is barred
by the Statute of Limitations; furth
er that plaint iff has exercised open,
notorious, exclusive aud undlsputa
ble adverse possession of the above
described land since November 23,
1899, and that no demanus for the
payment of said mortgage or any
part thenof have been made and
nothing has h -en paid upon said
mortgage since - ml date, and to
clear and qui t t..e title and confirm
the possession of the plaintiff in and
to the above described real estate
and to forever enjoin and bar each
and all of the above named defend
ants from asserting or claiming any
right, title, mortgage lien, or Interest
in or to said real estate above de
scribed or any part thereof. You.
and each of you. are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day October l '.th. 1917, and if yon
fall to so answer, plaintiff will take
decree as prayed for in aaid petition.
Burton 4t Reddish, his attorneys.
Th Past as La
The past, even our past, Is nothing
except as we. quickened by Its exam
pies, instructed by Its expectance,
warned by Its voice, assisted by It
accumulated Instrumentality, shall re
produce It In tb ltfo of today, its
ones busy existence, various eensa
tlooa, fiery trials, dear bought tru
umpha; its dynasty of hero, all Its
pulses of Joy and anguish and hop
and fsr and kv and praise, ar with
th years beyond th flood Th sleep
ing and the dead are but a pictures."
Yet gsxlag en th long and Intently
and often, w may pas into th like
ness of ths departed nay aesnlate
their labors and partaks of their tsa
niortality. Rufus Choate.