AMJANCK IIMIMIjD, THWlMnAY. AlV.rST SO. 1P17 Griffith Oil Company Organised under the Laws of South Dakota and Operating in the Salt ( rook Field, the Oldest and largest Producing Oil Field in the State of Wyoming CAPITALIZATION Capitalization 600,000 Shares of the Par Value of $1.00 per Share, Fully Paid and Non-Assessable Treasury Stock, 400,000 Shares. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HARRY B. GRIFFITH, iVadwood, So Oakotn President .1 A. ARMOFR, Alliance, Nebraska Vice-President LEONARD B. .lON KS, ,ead, S. I) , Secretary Slid Treasurer f. SAMNSK Y, Dendwood, S. I) Director LKE M. HALL, Casper, Wyoming Director RKFKRKNt'K I .1 I). Kmerick, H. K. Reddish, J. N. An drew, B. Ponath, and Dr. Charles K. Slagle of Alliance, Nehr. Shares now selling at 25c per share LEONARD B. JONES, Fiscal Agent, Lead, South Dakota NOfICK In the matter of the estate Of JaflMi C. Savery; in the County Court of Box Butte f'ounty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, to all portions Interested In mild estate, creditors and heirs, take notice that Mary M. Savery has filed her petition in this court alleging that James C. Savery died at ('able, In the county of Deer Lodge, state of Montana, on the 21st day of August, 1905, being a resi dent of said County and seized In fee imple of the NW of Section 17. Township 26, Range 47, Box Butte County. Nebraska, and leaving a will devising said property to Mnry M. Savery. petitioner, and widow of deeeared and .lumen C. Savery, a son: said will was admitted to pro- , bate in Deer Lodge county, Montana, on September 16, 1905, and letters Of administration issued thereon, that a certified copy of said will and of the proceedings admitting said will to probate are made a part of naid petition; that said James ' C. Savery left him surviving aa his sole and only heirs at law, devisees and legatees, said Mary M. Savery and James C. Savery; that all debts of said deceased are fully paid; that no application for appointment of an executor or .-idniinistrntor :nd no ad ministration of his estate baa been had or made In Nebraska; said pe tition prays for a decree to be en tered herein finding said will to be the hits will and testament of said deeedent and admitted to probate that no application for ad Minisiratlon of aald estate has been r.ade or that said estate has not been a '.ministered In the State of Nebras ka; lhr.1 more than two years have t iapsed since the death of said de ruaacd Mid there nre no debts against Mid estate within Nebraska; that r -gular administration of said estate I dispensed with, and that said es t. te descend free of all debts against Vo c'.ecedent and that the court may assign said property under the pro visions of said will to said Mary M. Savery and James C. Savety. Thai the hearing upon said peti tion has been set for August 30, lsl7. at 10 o'clock A. M , at the Cr'iniy f'otirt room in said County; it Is ordered that this notice be pub lished three weeks prior to said hear ing in the Alliance Herald, a legal newspaper published in said County Dated this 4th day of Augult. 1917. I it A K. TASH. (SEAL) County Judge Burton i Reddish. Attys. 36-31-846-8347 , , SeTiMrNlToT8ll7T Notice, for Puhllcatlou Departnu m of the interior, r. s. Land Ottlce at Alliance, Nebraska. August 4th, 1917. Notice la herehy given that Mar mret Craham, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on December 28, 1916, made; Homestead entry, No. 018071, for ;NW4 SV of Section 17, K 4 I NE , E V SE 4 Boot ion 1 S , NE U NE'i Section 19. Township 22 North. Range 46 West of Sixth Prln- ipal Meridian, has tiled notice of in tention to make linal three year proof, to establish claim to the land , abort described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States! Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 10th day of September. 1917. Claimant Battel as witnesses: William H. Archer. George S. lie Nurlin and Ansel Cloe of Alliance, Nebraska, and Thomas Squibb, of llemingford. Nebraska T. I. O'KEEFfc, Register. r.;--.t-S47 8348 If you have a house or rooms to rent it will pay you well to advertise lit in The Herald. Don't wait until Thursday to bring it in bring it in j Friday f you want to. and the chances are we'll have your house or i rooms rented n just I day or so, may : lie the ad will not have to appear. You get service here. ImriMONAL SiNMrsawoL Lesson (By REV. P. R KITZWATEIl. D T)., Tractor of English bible In lh Moody Kltile Institute of Chicago.) ' o(.rlht, 117, Wvatt-rn Newspaper t'nlon I LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 2 THE SHEPHERD OF CAPTIVE ISRAEL. JUMP FROM BED IN MORNING AND DRINK HOT WATER Open sluices of system each morning wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter, says authority. and glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, drank each morning hefore breakfast, keeps us looking-and feeling fit. f&tmfr . Life is not' merely to live, but to live well, eut well, digsst wrll, work well, sleep well, look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and vet how vei v e.isy it is it' one will only adopt the morning inside hath. Folks who arc acriistoined to feel dull and heavy when ihev arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a Gold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stoniaeh. i-au, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by open ing the sluices of the system each morning and Bushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether suing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a tflass of real hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stoniaeh, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigent i hie srsste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary eanal before putting more food into the stoniaeh. The action of hot water iftul limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonder fully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity ami gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phos phate is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of peope who are bothered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have allow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, which will cost but little, but is sufficient to make anyone a pro nounced erank on the subject of internal sanitation. l.FBSON TKXT-KtrklPl 34. OOLOttN THAT The Urd U my shep hril, 1 hall not want. I'h. .? 1 with the complete robtetaloii of thf kingdom of Judith, the national mOMkMMHMM 'n largely crushed ami Hm people erere without heart for the common ii fTiii is- of life. Kzekiel. though bom in Jerusalem, prophesied In Babylon near the BlTef Kebar. The object of ins prophesying was to en pourags the captives by piscine before IbeBi God's procttlse of their return to their own hind. His mime dignities. "God will sij-enuiheii." which is very appropriate to the mission which In the providence or Qod he inn culled upon to fill. I. Israel's Faithless Shepherds De nounced. (vf 1-10). These false thep herds Included the klngSi princes, judges utid priests, Ezckiel points out thnt the i-aptivi'y v:is hecause of sin. out he siloes that the greatest gulti pt tains with reference to these lead ers. They were placet! in the position III eare lor and protect the siieep. The lollowing indictments are brought a::ainst thcui : l. They fed themselves Instead of the dock (v. S). They were essential i. set nub. They ministered to them- selves Instead of the sheep. Too litany today are tillinir public offices for the sake ot private gain. Sometimes even ministers nre found who are more con ceriicil BbOOt themseives. their pleas ures and profits, than they are BDOUt the souls of the people who support thrill. . They were cruel (v. 3). They were not only mere hirelings, guilty of ! in.' nft r thenn -b but they set uellv lichavcil like roMiers. preying upon the Unfits. AH are guilty of (his -ante sin who use their Influence and power to the disadvantage of other-. in the theocratic kingdom such behav ior was peculiarly ohnoXtAUS, its the pilers i-tid mlntstera were representa tives of Jehovah himself. The mini--ter mid public officer today is nctin;; in his capacity for Qod, not for him self, therefore he should make the cattse of heaven hi 'liief concern. S They neglected the diseased, w ounded. W a. B at d. nnd lost (vv. 4-tl) . As a result ot' their s..tKh cruelty the sheep were without food J there tore exposed to disease; had no bond if unity, were exposed fo the ravage f wild beasts, find's docks are in tiutuy ph s thus suffering and dying ! ecatlse they have not been fed. QlMl'a Jodgujettta are agalMsl mi !i (vv. T-10,.1 It, The FaithTuI Shepherd, (vv. 11 1t). The Shepherd here is none other ilian .lesus 'hii-it. The wonderful blessings her'' itcKrrtbed will be real ised b' Israel in lllltli Ulal times. This hlessed eouiiltion Will he ushered iu v the secoud coming of Christ, Uow sincerely all should pray. "Thy king dom collie." When the true Shepherd cwntes : 1. He will seek his lo-r sheep (v. 111. rhougb they have .uh' astray through tvilfulliess on their pari, nnd neglect !i the part of faithless shepherds, 1 1 sua will seek theni out and save rbeut. To save the lost was his pe culiar mission (Luke 10:10), . He will roacoe then from the power ot th'ir enemies (v. 1L'). Qod'a dleep have real elieui'es and they have . 1 lt-ii Into the enemies' hands, but the I SlthfUl Shciherd is aide to deliver i hem. "No one is Hide to pluck them out of Ins hands" (John 10:28, 90). 3. lie will bring them back lo their own land (v. IS). Tooi', scattered 1 -raol shall OM day (may It be soon!) be brought back to their own laud. This is the one unmistakable sign bf which we may know the beginning of the end of this liiapenaatiou. Be as nred that it is not wars, nor pea Hlencoa that mark the sign of the close of this age, but the movements of Is rael. 4. lie will feed them (vv. 14. 1"). T will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down. it h the Lord God. T will aseh that which was lost, ami britig again that which was driven gamy, Mid will hind up that wMch was benkajU, and will .strengthen that which vn siek; but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment." 5. lie will seek that which was lost (v. Iff). Thai which has been driven away he will seek and bring It back again. & lie win heal them fnaat uaak nest uul suSVrluf (w 10). All the wounds which Israel has received these many centuries shall be healed. III. The Golden Age (w. tS87). The vision of the world as it now is. is nio-i dtaSegrtenlng, It is midnight darkness, in ihis blackness we won .ler why Qod does not iniei msc. We wonder how he figaj he silent. While midnight Is Opog us we are hoeful. for vve see the bow of (Sod's promise of better thing flung across the sky. I his present ordi f shall dUStp(MMr be fore the tu w. Iu that new order : 1. .lesns I'hrist, Ivld's Son, shall oe king (vv. Si. 1?4). This new era of blessedness cau only ifine Into reuli (iitioii when Ood's Son Khali estatdiidi bis kingdom upon the eartb. Bentley I .and Co. to Jesse R, Sykes. NE4 13-26-4 8, $1. John J. Skinner to Mrs. Jennie Morgan, lot 6. blk. 8. Hills add. to Alliance, $1. Mack Linear and Klla Lane to Jennie Morgan, lot 6 blk. 8. Hills add. to Alliance, $1. Jacob W. DlerberRer and wife to Thomas K. Evans, 8-27-49, $300. Ora B. Phillips to Keith L. Pierce, lots 3 and 4, blk. 19. llemingford, $1. B, Sherwood to Keith L. Pierce, NB1( 3-28-48, $. Loret tti Kutkouska et al to Marv A. Potts, lots 3 and 4.sJ3H BWU 19-25-47, $1. Keith L. Pierce to Oeorge P JottOS, NE 3-26-49. fl. Addle L. Jackson and htuband to Chas. B. Roland, NW 4 9-27-49. $100. David E. Host and wife to Chas. E. Roland, NW',4 9-27-49. $6,400. Win. Eosket and wife to Chas. B. Roland. NW-V4 9-27-49, $1. United States to King L. Hisbee, NW 20-2d-4i. Flora A. McCorkle and husband lo Stella S. Stanton. L. 12, blk. R. 2nd add., $50. "The House of Courtesy" HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room with detached balh. $1.00 up. Room with bath, $1.50 up. Cafe prices most reasonable, in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System Complete Safety. Management. Rome Miller Fsmous Collins Saddle Best saddle made. Have stood the test for 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp' Successors to Collins ft Morrison 1210 I a i nam St., Oinalia, Neb. Delicious Drinks Our pine tee cream and feol fruit flavors make the refresh' meiits you oet at Bteniijin s fountain really nourishinir t'ool. And we keep our Serving dishes and veeeptaeles as clean and Wholesome as the best housewife itl town keeps her kitchen. Stop in at Brennan's and jret a thirst-quencher, thn lake n pail of cream home to tli' family. LUNCHEONETTE IN CONNECTION Brennan's PHONE 81 301 BOX BUTTE AVE. wm I " HIM .V :-. A. ' 'BwmfBmKiy'y'i ' ata IHm jB tm J MOTOR lJ""".. Q HBr s 4 BBSBsl a i 3 SMOOTH as SILK Perlectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on THR STANDARD OIL FOR ALL MOTORS eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes your car worth more. Look for the Polarine sign It means a reliable dealer who will give you what you ask for. Uae Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wsfetstfeal OMAHA Soft Drinks and Beverages BEVERAGES ON DRAFT AT ALL TIMES Order a case of 36 pints sent to your home. De livery made anywhere in Alliance Rebate for re- or m J turn of case CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDY. LUNCHES Ring Corner .loHN BODOKIN80N, Mr. Uiatributins Asjaats. for Brklfepoil Bottlius Worlta i