M M i 'K HKKAMV Till ICHOAV. Al il HT 2.H. lIT f RED CROSS WANTS GOVERNMENT PROPOSES I WOOLEN GOODS TO INSURE SOLDIERS Alliance Chapter Ask for Knitted 1'lnn nff Sci n-lnr) McAAM h1K for Woolen Uooda for ProdcrUoa Imnwei t lcm Hate for Mem- of ioMIlN In Pra-nrr "f National Ann, The plan of Hecrotary of thr Tress urp Mi ilio for 1 1 f and inliiimlty insurance for the soldleis anil snllnis Of Hit- (7fctt4. St it H. MftlT lliSCIIS- sloiis ly rcprespntRtUc insurance tnm and report on by advisory com uiHttey, lias boon put in definite form and submitted to Pltildsill Wilson. The FlMllls Ill's, comment was aa Inline - "I have examined the ttlClOMd p i peft very carefully and take pleasure i in returning theni with my entire appro al." 1 A bill has been Introduced in Con- along the lines susKealed by I the Secretary of the Treaauiy nnd apliroved by the President. In essentials It Is proposed that the government furnish at cost to the pointers and sailors of the United Slates life and Indemnity insurance. The main feature oT the Secre tary's plan, are that the governmetn shnll hear all the cost of the admin iatratlon of the Insurance plan und that no expense of any kind shall be a charge on th funds created by the payment of premiums by the soldiers and sailors. Relieved of over-head charges, eight dollars n year for ev ery thousand dollars insurance will be an adequate charge, under the plan, and this fleure will put the maximum Insurance of ten thousand dollars within the reach of practically every private soldier or sailor. Insurance In private companies would cost many times this nun for men actually en gaged in warfare. After the war the insurance may be converted into other forme. The in surance is to be payable in Install ments, is iinn assignable and free from the clalnia of creditors of the insured or of the beneficiary, and is limited to the wife, children, and other speeiited kindred. If total disability results or disease is contracted In the coarse of ser vice, the compensation is to be baaed on percentage of pay, with a mini mum- however, of from forty to sev enty-five dollars a month according to the: size or (he family. Partial disabilities are to be computed on a basis of percentage of total disabil ity. Medical, surgical and hospital treatmehS. supplies and appliances and re-education of the injured sol diers or sailors, fitting them for lives of activity and usefulness is part of the plan. The plan also contemplates free allowances to the families of Boldlers and sailors the government supple menting the sums bM aside by the soldiers and sailors out of their live wages. The insurance is not to be a gift of the government but is to be paid for out of the pay of the insured men. The government, however, is to take upon itself the cost of col lecting and administering the funds and also the extra hazard caused by the war. the rato of eight dollars per thousand being a normal rate In peace time and an entirely inadequat rate for war risk. The workmen's compensation laws and the experiences of Insurance companies in this country and the laws and experiences of other coun tries have been studied and used In The Alliance Chapter of the American It e d Cross expects to this week com plete the making of the articles for the Red Cross box. The box will be shipped to Central Division head quarters In Chicago. The ladles have done valiant work in making up thla box. which contains a wide U sortment of articles for hospital use. including sheets, pajamas, hospital socks, etc. The box is being packed this week and as soon as It Is ship-' pe dthe ladies will be ready to get busy along another line. To use the expression of one of the ladles who is devoting a consid erable amount of her time to the work of the local chapter, "The decks are being cleared for the knitting program." The local chap ter has received a call from the dir ector In charge of this division for knitted woolen articles to protect the troops in the trenches thin winter along the battle lines in France. The allotment for Alliance Is one hundred pairs Of mufflers, wristlets, sweaters and socks. Those Who ran knit are especially urged to present theni selve at Red Cross headquarters In the Masonic Temple and assume a part of the work. Those who can not knit are now provided with the opportunity of learning and working in this worthy canse. There Is work for all, and plenty of it. Women are asked to do as much as they enn The request made to the local Red Cross comes as the result of a re- tuesf received from Major Drayson Murphy to the American Red Cross for an enormous quantity of knitted woolen articles. Major Murphy In a eablegram from France to the nat ional headquarters' t.iys: "Last Winter broke all records for i old and misery among the people here. They Inexpressibly dread the coining of winter finding us without upplics to meet (he situation. I urge ydu on behalf of our soldiers and thosNp of our allies, who will suf fer In their froxon trenches, and also thousand'- of French and Belgian refugees and repatriated being re turned through Switzerland to France. Every one here looks to America. Begin shipping at once 1. BOO, 000 each of warm knitted woolen 'articles already requested. They must come before cold weath er, and in view of shortage of fuel und other discomforts they will be of immense value In both military and civilian work." You Nerd a Spring Laxative Dr. King s New Life Pills will re move the accumulated wastes of win tor from your intestines, the burden of the blood. Get that sluggish spring fever feeling out of your sys tem, brighten your eye, clear your complexion. Qet that vim and snup of good purified healthy blood. Dr. King's New Life Pills are a non griping laxative that aids nature's process, try them tonight. At all druggists, 25c. Adv 1 2 Let us show you how It Conquers Hills The fact that Studebakers are the lightest cars on the market in ratio to their power, tells the story. There's no hill so steep that they cannot climb it easily, swiftly and without undue shifting of gears. A Studebaker was the first automobile to ascend Pike's Peak. Let us show you how a Stude baker conquers hills let us give you a Studebaker demonstration today. A Studebaker demonstration has shown many a man where real motoring comfort actually lies. Lowry & Henry, Agents Alliance, Nebraska 'hi' preparation of this bill. .Secretary McAdoo emphasizes the Justin' and rightfulness of such a function of the government by citing the fact that In this war we are not relying upon the volunteer system but are drafting American men and compelling them to undergo danger and, if necessary, make the supreme sacrifice for their country. A higher obligation, he says, therefore rests upon the government not only toward the light Ulg men but towards those dependent on them and a Just, gen erous and humane government should see to it that so far as Is practicable they should be given this protection, not as a matter of mercy or charity bu! as a matter of right. And that thev IhotlM enter Into the service of their country with the certain know ledge that If death or niisforutne comes to them they and their depen dents are protected by Insurance af forded them by their government as part of the compensation for the ser vice they are rendering their coun try. In conclusion Secretary McAdoo points out that while this plan may call for considerable expenditures at present, yet the eventual cost to the government of this plan will be very I much less than that which would ft 'suit from the adherence to the nres ent pension program of the country, 'and. further, that the pension system i will not provide the same benefits nor cover the subject In the same com prehensive, humane and equitable way live the Telephone Number Distinctly It is Important in making a telephone call to speak the number distinctly. Saveral numbers sound much alike over the tele phone tinless spoken clearly. For example, 0 sounds much like 4, and t Hie 3, and 5 like 0. In calling a telephone num ber speak slowly sad dis tinctly, with the lips half an Inch from the mouthpiece. Say "Itlght" when the operator repeats the number correctly. If the operator misunder stands, say "No" and gfve the number again. John McCoy, M. D. Office and Hospital teddiah Block Telephone 81 See Us, And See Best DRAKE& DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS WK ("AN FIT VOL' WITH (II.AHsr rK KVKKV l'UIUOMK We Can Duplicate any Broken LeM 3134 BOS Butte Ave Fhone 121 America First Then Your ROVJM Your Photograph for llin Who Ikm- You The Van Graven Studio Phone roi AI.MAXCK. NKIllt. You Can Put in Your Supply of Win ter's COAL Now -This Winter May See a Coal Shortage Save Money by Paying CASH! AH Coal is Cash NOW is the time to put in your winter supply of coal. The Alliance Creamery is pre pared to fill orders of any sise from car loads down A large supply of coal is on hand now and a large supply ia in transit. REDUCED PRICES ON CAR-LOAD LOTS. If you can use a car of coal it will pay you got into immediate communication with us. See us before placing your order fof coal. We say this in all earnestness, because we honestly believe it will work to your advantage. The Alliance Creamery is handling the Best Grades of Colorado Coal Nut, Egg and Lump sizes. . i Genuine Kirby Coal in Lump and Nut sizes. Alliance Creamery Alliance, Nebraska Phone 545 E LaasV . 4k iff Omaha Bv - - P RREBiSaAaaK, Oene Melady Larry Melady FARM, FINANCE OR FIGHT! America's slogan, in the present War crisis, gives every American a chance to do his "bit" for'our country. The live stock producers of thin country are on the job and will do their share toward furnishing beef, mutton and pork for the true blue boys in the trenches. PROTECT EV,ERY POUND OF BEEF, MUTTON AND FORK. IT WILL HELP. FS WIN ! WE WILL SAFEGUARD TDK PRODUCER'S INTERESTS. Seventeen years in one spot, in the heart of Am erica's protection to the live stock trade SOUTH OMAHA STOCK YARDS possessed of an equipment in every branch of the business that has no equal, WC have pained success through sheer determination TO WIN. From a humble start, to the top rung of the ladder of BUOOeaa, we have slowly, surely and honestly gained the goal of our am bition THE MOST SUCCESSFUL HANDLERS OF LIVE STOCK JN THE TRADE. WE WANT YOU TO CONSIDER US FIRST when deciding on final disposition of your live stock for YOUR OWN PROTECTION AND INTEREST Write us regarding the shipment! of live stock you have to market later on. Uet us post you on conditions of the present market and future prospects REM EMBER "SELF-PRESERVATION is the first law of nature" and regardless of any inducements offered in return for your valued patronage, don't forget that we give you THE LAST WORD in efficiency in the handling Of live stock 100 Per Cent SERVICE. Yours very truly, MELADY BROTHERS