The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 23, 1917, Image 10

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3 JA
The United States thru Federal
District Attorney Allen Wednesday
afternoon filed suit in the federal dis
trict court against Kilpatrick Bros,
company, principal place of business
at -Beatrice, to recover $8,119.31 al
leged to he due the plaintiff as a
special excise tax for 1910. The pe
tition alleges that the net income of
the defendant in 1910 was $811,
S 3 1.0 4 and that the special tax 1b 1
ler cent of this amount. Kilpatrick
Bros, company Is engaged in rail
road building and. nas held large
contracts with the Burlington rail
road and other big transportation
systems over the country- Lincoln
.State Journal.
Be right up-to-date. When you
order business or personal envelopes
see that they have the United States
flag on the lower left hand corner.
Vou can get them printeu in that
, way at The Herald office they cost
but little more than plain envelopes.
Mrs. CharleB Reler and little son,
Carl, of Sargent, Jfebr., were week
end guests at the home of Mrs. Rel-
r' aunt, Mrs. W. M. Wilson. They
were on their way home from Den
ver, where Mrs. Reier had been at
tending a convention held by a cor
set firm. The Relcrs conduct a
store at Sargent.
Albion Roberts, who has been em
ployed at the express office, left Mon
day for Scottsbluff, having been call
ed there to appear before the exemp
tion board for examination.
Mrs. C. L Wilson and children
left yesterday for a visit of a week
-or ten days with her slater, Mrs. C.
H. Johnson, on the ranch near Mars
land. The Eastern Star held its regular
meeting Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. W. Johnson has been vis
iting at Deadwood for several days
the past week.
Mrs. James B. Walker returned
Thursday from a visit at Antioch
with Mrs. Fred Campbell.
Miss Edna Benedict, employed at
the money-order window at the Al
liance postofBce, is enjoying her va
cation this year in the Black Hills.
Mrs. Herman Frickie is home from
Whitman where she had been visit
ing at the home of her sister. Mrs.
(irover Bump.
Jack Burns and his son, Jack, Jr.,
returned to Alliance Friday follow
ing a stay of several weeks at Roch
ester. Minn., whore Jack. Jr.. under
went an operation. He is getting
along in good shape.
Miss Marie Franzden arrived the
last week to be employed In the mil
linery department of the Harper
store this season.
Victor Jeep of Omaha spent sev
eral days in Alliance and at Hoffland
the past week looking after his In
terests in the Potash Products Com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. William OBtenberg,
Jr., of Hoffland, wore over-Sunday
guests at the home of Mrs. Osten
berg's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
P. K. Christensen was down from
Hemlngford the last of the week on
business. He had thirty-six acres in
winter whrat and renorts a twenty-
five bushel yield per acre. This
piece has been producine good wheat
for five years now.
Miss Mai.ic Ornisby was a week
end guest of friends at Broken Bow.
" Miss Mable Young enjoyed a short
visit, at Mitchell the past week. She
accompanied Miss Mildred White
head to that place.
- If you have a house or rooms to
rent it will pay you well to advertise
it In The Herald. Don't wait until
Thursday to bring it in bring It In
Friday f you want to, and the
chances are we'll have your bouse or
rooms rented n just a day or so. may
be the ad will not have to appear.
Vou get service here.
A business announcement In the
classified columns of The Herald
ought to prove a good investment
for you. The cost Is small, and for
a small price they sure are pullers.
A. B. Wheeler has the small pox
in a mild way. He Is confined at
the city detention hospital.
Mrs. J. R. Willis and sister arc en
joying a visit at Kansas City. They
left last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith returned
to Alliance the latter part of the
week from a visit in Chicago and
other points in Illinois.
Ben Potts, who had been enjoying
a short visit here, returned to Hot
.-Springs, S. D., Friday.
The latest thing in engraved call
ing cards are the new style paneled
cards. The Herald has been filling
& large number of orders for this
style the past week in a variety of
new engraved styles. If you already
have an engraved plate The Herald
will be pleased to supply you with
cards printed from your plate on the
new style cards, if you desire.
Vernon Gahagan and A. M. Black
wood attended a week-end house
uarty-at one of the Denver fraternity
houses. From Denver they went to
Casper for a short stay.
Jesse M. Miller of the Alliance ho
tel returned home Friday after en
joying a week's outing at Boulder.
Colo. Mrs. Miller and their daugh
ter accompanied him to Boulder, but
they will remain there for some little
time yet for the benefit of Mrs. Mil
ler's health.
Mrs. T. H. Barnes has been visit
ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles LaMon, in Lincoln, since
Friday. Mr. Barnes will go to Lin
coln this week to represent a num
ber of local dairymen in the pur
chase of a herd of Holsteln dairy cat
tle near there.
s e
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rlordan and
son are home following a visit of
several weeks in the Platte valley
with relatives.
Ed. Henry and Joe Black returned
Monday from their auto trip In Ida
ho. They had a fine time and en
joyed the camping out very much.
They did not visit all the places they
would have, had they not been on
short time.
The L. A. Collins home has been
enjoying a visit from Mr. Collins'
niece, Mrs. Blanch Morris, of Har
ris, Mo.
Mrs. E. O. Laing, Mrs. Jerry Ro
wan and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas were at
Lakeside Friday. They conducted a
Red Cross publicity meeting at
Lakeside that day.
Theo. Liros, who for several
months has been employed at the
Brennan fountain, loft the last of
the week to affiliate hlmseir with the
regular army. He joined at the Al
liance recruiting station.
Miss Jose O'Donnell is visiting in
Mss Eunice Eldred Is home from a
visit at Omaha and Iowa points.
Mrs. R. P. Monfort has been visit
ing relatives and friends at Craw
ford the past week.
No services were held at the Ger
man Lutheran church Sunday be
cause of the absence of the pastor.
Following the recoipt of a message
announcing the death of his mothor.
at Nebraska City, Harry Thiele and
family left Friday noon for that
Mrs. Ida Satterfield left Saturday
noon for Belmond, la., having been
called there by the serious illness of
an aunt. She expected to be gone
about ten days.
Services of the Christian Science
Society of Alliance will be held as
usual Sunday in the old Masonic hall
in the Adler block. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., to which all up to the
age of 20 years are admitted. The
regular morning lesson sermon at 11
a. m. On Wednesday evening at
7:30 is held a service at which ex
periences, testimonies and remarks
on Christian Science are given. All
are welcome to the services.
John Snyder is at Hot Springs this
week enjoying a short vacation.
Mrs. J. C. Davis of Ixng Beach,
Calif., arrived Tuesday for a visit at
the home of her brother. James H.
T. J. O'Keefe returned Sunday
from several days spent at Denver.
Pearl DeBelly of near Bayard has
made application for the filing of
final proof at the Alliance land office.
Mrs. John Wallace returned Tues
day noon from a trip to Colorado.
James Feagins purchased 141
steers from Dclss Barber, the
steers averaging 14 50 pounds after
allowing three per cent shrinkage
for trailing and loading.
R. A. Wilson, a boyhood friend of
Col. H. P. Ceursey, Is visiting the
colonel here this week. Mr. Wilson
Is looking for a location in this coun
ty. He lives at Miltonvale, Kans.
Mrs. O. E. Ormsby left Sunday for
a visit at Ravenna.
Martin King has purchased the
Becker place at 812 Toluca avenue.
Dr. H. H. Bellwood is enjoying a
visit this week from his brother,
James Bellwood, of Long Beach,
Calif. Mr. Bellwood left here sev
eral years ago. He formerly con
ducted a ranch near Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Emerson went to
Deadwood Saturday for a visit of
several days.
The Lady Maccabees met Wednes
day evening at the Reddish hall.
Mrs. James Keeler on Monday
went to Henry to Join her husband,
who was there on a fisulng trip.
W. B. Barnett of the Golden Rule
returned to Alliance Monday follow
ing a buying trip which Included
Kansas City, St. Joseph, Chicago and
New York. Mrs. Barnett accompan
ied him on the trip but remained In
Illinois at the home of her parents
for a more extended visit there.
Miss Hannah Keane, who has been
employed as bookkeeper at The Her
ald office, resigned her position Sat
urday night, and Monday morning
went to work as stenographer in the
general foreman's office at the Burlington.
! L A. Weeks went to Lincoln Sun
day for a short visit at the home of
his parents.
Miss Margaret Shay Is enjoying a
visit this week from Miss Pharania
McDonald, of Ravenna.
Herbert Seidell is visiting at the
home of his parents and at the home
of his brother, spending a two weeks
summer vacation granted by the vet
erinary department of Iowa State
College at Ames. Mr. Seidell la a
senior in the veterinary department
of the Iowa college. The school re
mained open through the summer to
allow students to finish early and to
qualify for positions In the army.
Dr. Cornell, who is director of the
university band at the state univer
sity but who during the summer has
been at Chadron Normal, was in
Alliance on business, Monday,
Mrs. W. E. Cotant and daughter
arrived home this morning following
a visit at Lincoln and lloldrege.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson who
had been on a trip through Estes
Park and visiting at Colorado points
for a week, returned to Alliance Fri
day. s a s
Mrs. Wi H. Beach went to Dead
wood Saturday for a visit,
Mrs. A. V. Gavin and children are
visiting in Omaha this week. They
left Saturday.
Prof. W. H. Bartz of Long Beach.
Caljf., at one time superintendent of
schools here, and bis daughter Pearl
have been visiting in Alliance this
week. Prof. Hertz returns after an
absence of eleven years, being on his
way to visit relatives in Pennsylvan
ia. His daughter will accompany
him aa far as Omaha where she will
visit a short time before returning
to California to take up her school
Eva Seidow returned Saturday af
ter spending two weeks at the home
of her parents, at Sidney.
Walter Buechsenstein left Tues
day, in company with some eaatern
friends, to make an overland trip,
and will continue the trip with them
to California. He expects to be away
about three weeks.
'Mrs. Mike Elmore of Gillette.
Wyo., ia a guest at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Foley. Mrs. Elmore
Is a former Alliance resident.
The firm of Jas. Feagins Son the
past week sold 100 cara of feeders to
Illinois parties.
Three automobile loads of people
from Lewellen were In Alliance Tues
day on an advertising tour for the
Garden county fair, which is to be
held September 3. 4 and 6, at Lew
The O. H. Bremer family returned
Friday from a visit at Denver.
Bishop Beecher of Hastings. Bish
op of the missionary district of
Western Nebraska for the Episcopal
church, was in Alliance Monday on
his way to Chadron on church busi
ness. He was entertained at dinner
Monday by Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Was.
Clyde J. Kosseau of Phoenix, Aril.,
arrived in Alliance the last of the
week for a visit at the Dr. L. W.
Bowman home. Mrs. Rossoau has
been a guest at the Bowman home
several weeks. They will return to
Phoenix in about three weeks.
Mrs. George Reed left Saturday
for Julesburg for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry DuBuque are
home following a two weeks' auto
trip through the Black Hills. Much
of the time was spent camping.
The Misses Dolly Hagaraan, Neva
Howe and Lottie Owens, and vvu-
lia mLaMon were Sunday visitors at
Scottsbluff with friends.
An addition of six rooms is belns
built to the Wolf Ficlmuth ranch
house about twenty miles north of
P Van tiraven of the Van Graven
sin. lii this week received and in
stalled at his studio a new multiplex
r. ti, 'mil' rone romnoseu or a i.vuv-
watt nitrogen Incandescent electric
lamp surrounded by an arrangement
of 120 mirrors which reflect the
light from the 1,000-watt lamp mak
Ina a hlne lleht for nhotography
equal to 15,000 candle power. This
lamp and the multiplex renecuug
mirrors are for use In night photog
raphy and for making motion pic
tures of interiors, etc. Mr. van ura-
vnn is an exneriencod maker of mo
tion pictures and owns a complete
motion picture camera ana eiecinc
printing outfit. He also nas a sup
ply of motion picture negatives on
hand with which to make motion pic
tures. The new lighting system
makes It possible to take photo
graphs of the fine ntort as easily at
night as by day. and eliminates tne
inconvenience of taking pictures on
a cloudy day.
Mrs n s r.romwcll and Mrs. Ad
ams, who have been spending the
summer In Colorado, are guests at
the home of their daughter ana sis
ter, Mrs. Claude Vaughan.
m m m
Mrs. E. C. Drake and daughter
were visiting relatives at Minatare
this week.
The youngsters and their parents,
i, r thinking these days of the
opening of school on Monday, Sep
tember 3.
The ahortage of housee and room
continues. Have you rooms you
could rent for light housekeeping?
tiuvA vnii a house to rent? Coin-
mnnirate with The Herald. This
paper receives requests practically
every day from persons looking for
a place to live. We can help you
while we help the house-seeker.
A ttrn craneiv is being erected
on the L J. Schlll place to take care
i . :
i of the large crop thia year.
S. O Carr of Wheatland. Wyo..
was a business caller In Alliance the
last of the week. He Is an old res
ident or this city.
Miss Neva Howe returned Satur
day from Denver where she visited
the Alliance young men stationed
there with the Colorsdo field hospital
The W. J Hamilton family ivade
an auto trip to Chadron Sunday and
enoyed a picnic dinner there
a a a
(Mare A. Dow accompanied a force
of workmen to Antioch the first of
the week to finish the wiring on the
Hulen residence and the office of the
Nebraska Potash Works Company
there. Electric energy will heat the
building, being the first building In
this section of the country to be
heated by electricity.
Elmer Kronvall was an over-Sunday
visitor at Hot Springs, S. D.
Mrs. Ed Kldred, who has been vis
iting at Afton and Plattsmouth In
Iowa, returned to Alliance Monday.
Misses Winnie and Emma Barry
are visiting their psrents. at Ells
worth, this week.
Mrs. Fred Helpbrlnger, who spent
a month with relatives in California,
has returned.
The Alliance Herald is on sale at
news stands in Alliance. Always 5
cents the cony, no matter whether
alxteen or thirty-two pages.
Dr. Stutr.nian has been a guest at
the T. J. O'Keefe home a nart of this
week, being on his way to Montana
from Denver. Dr. Stutzman taugnt
the Hi-liool which the tr Keere cmid-
ren attended in Illinois some thirty
five years ago, this being the first
time the teacher and the () Keere
children, now grown up, have met.
Rav Stansborrv is now the owner
of the blue ribbon Cheaepeake dog
"Ueaver s Kex" until recently ownea
by J. F. Parks of Hot Springs. Mr.
Parka died a short time aeo and left
"Heaver's Rex" to Mr. Stanaberry.
Chief of Police George Snyder
"nlnched" T. R. Thomason for ped
dling in the city without a license,
WcdnoRd.iv morninK. Thomason was
carrying bla warea in a new Ford
runabout and waa canvaaaing from
house to houae. He refused to plead
Kuiltv to the chance ana tun trial waa
aet for Friday afternoon. He atatea
that he haa Lincoln counsel who will
repreaent him
J. M. Schirk of Alliance, who Is
resting up on a ranch at Sheridan,
Wyo., wrltea frienda that he is im
proving in health rapidly and will be
back about September 1.
George D. Darling. Alliance furni
ture dealer, on Wednesday sold a
S400 bill of furniture to people at
Gillette. Wyo.. in competition with
stores at Denver and Kansas City.
Alliance merchants are brancning
out more and more into tho western
territory in this district and getting
business In competition with firms In
the bin distributing centers. It only
serves to emphasize the fact that Al
liance is an Ideal location fo distrib
utes housea for furniture, groceries
and other lines of necessities. Alli
ance's wholesale hardware and har
ness business has grown and contin
ues to grow each year. Other lines
could do likewise.
W. A. Swlegard. Irvy Cave, Ed
Pinny and Rex Jones of Bedford, la.,
composed a party traveling overland
by auto who stopped In Alliance
Wertneadav. on their wny to Oel-
Ichs, S. D. They Intended to visit
with Percy Jaqua but he Is on a trip
to Denver and Greeley and they were
compelled to continue their trip with
out visiting him.
a a
Ed Henry and Joe Blake returned
Sunday night, from a trip of 1938
miles through Wyoming, Idaho and
other adjoining states. The object
ive points of the trip were Mackay
and Custer, Idaho. The trip waa
made in the Studebaker Six auto In
which Mr. Henry made an eastern
trip with his family a year ago. The
trip occupied about two weeks. Joe
Blake proved himself an adept at
fishing and pulled tve speckled boys
from the water as fast asd, who Ik
no slouch when if cornea to eating.
could put them away.
O. F. O'Bannon, father of Dick and
oscar O'Bannon of Alliance, died at
his home at Seward. Nebr., Tuesday
evening. Dick was at his bedside at
the time of bis death. Oscar left on
No. 42 Tuesday night. Mr. O'Dan
nnn Sr was In Alliance visiting his
sons about two weeks ago and was
taken 111 on the way home. Mrs.
Dick O'Bannon and children left
Wednesday evening for Seward to
attend the funeral.
Mrs 1 F. Longcoy and family of
Cobart, Ore., are visiting thia week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F D Mc-Cormick.
nr W J Mahaffy left Tuesday for
nwViatr Minn., where he accom
panied hla brother from Mullen. The
latter is aeverely ill and waa taken
to Rocheater for medical treatment.
The doctor expected to be gone about
ten daya.
Rom to Mr and Mra. J. R. Muntz
at 2:15 o'clock Tueaday aftornoon. a
bouncing baby boy, to be named
John Richard. Jr., after hla father,
who saya the boy la going Into train
ing right away for service in tne u.
8. A.
A. C. Slbbitts of HyannlB. well
known western Nebraska ranchman,
was in Alliance on buainosa Satur
day, ataylng over for only a few
Mrs. J. C. Rutherford of Grand
Island Is guest of Mr. and Mra. A. J.
Nelson this week.
Si Miller left Saturday night for
(Mra o where he went to buy a
stock of shoes for the Alliance Shoe
Store. Mr. Miller is eaprcted home
the middle of next week. He will
probably visit relatives In Illinois for
a day or so on tho return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. WUker returned
home Friday from a short visit with
relatives at Douglas, Wyo. The re
turn trip was made by auto,
a a a
Mrs. Flegg of Omaha is a guest at
the Burton Roland home this week.
The Dierks Lumber Compnny of
Alliance is figuring on building sev
eral small bunKalows at Antioch In
the near future.
Mr. and Mrs Beeson were Antioch
visitors Monday. Mr. Beeson is the
representative of the Standard OH
Company here and was at Antioch on
company business.
Fred Hucke of Hemlngford was an
Alliance visitor yesterday.
Resta White was here from Casper
Sunday visiting with his parents.
Miss Hattie Grimes of Hemlngford
was In town several days the last of
the week. -
a a
A. M. Miller of Hemlngford left
Saturday for Boston to attend the
national encampment of tho G. A.
R.'s. He will visit a number df cit
ies before returning home. James
Barry, also of Hemlngford, left Fri
day for the encampment at Boston,
a art
Erneat Olday, ropreaenting Swirt
& Co., meat packers, was In town the
last of the week calling on the trade.
He visited at Hemlngford Thursday.
He is an old Box Butte boy.
a a
Hemlngford Is having a taste of
its first carnival thia week. The
Hodgaon Carnival Company Is filling
a date. If tho carnival la aa much
of a one-sided affair at Hemlngford
as It was this year in Alliance when
the outfit showed on unpaved Box
Butte nvenue the week of the Stock
men's Reunion, then Hemlngford I
paying well for a visit of the freak,
dancing girls, etc.
Dr. L. W. Curtis was at Hemlng
ford Sunday, being called there to
doctor some sick horses belonging to
Fred Mellck.
Mr and Mrs. Will Marquardt of
Ooodstreak were visiting relative
hee Saturday.
The Beren Sunday school held aa
all-day picnic in the Clark Lewll
grove Sunday. Sunday school waa
held during the day, the picnic din
ner was a success, and all had a good
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mallery and
Mra. J. A. Mallery and daughter
and the William Manion family were
dinner guests Sunday at the Jo
Manion home In the country.
a a
The Burlington's construction
crew arrived at Antioch Thursday
for the purpose of removing the
stock yards and building a new de
pot. When this work la completed
Antioch will have better accommoda
tions in the way of a depot than the
present box-car depot affords.
Mrs. Newton Delavon of Hoffland
was shopping In Allianeo the middle
of the week.
Thomas Spencer and family visit
ed at Masland Friday, going by auto
mobile. The Mlaaea Hannah Louden and
Kate Hill of Ellsworth were Alli
ance visitors a part of laat week.
a a
E. L. Stinnett of near Spade waa
a business caller in Alliance the last
of the week.
J. K Gaunt waa here the last of
the week from Ellsworth, on business
Mall to CHAB. C. JAMESON, Sec. Trees., Ellsworth, Nebraska.
SH Cents per Heed Horses and Cattle. $8.00 Annual Does
Application for Membership
Post Office . Date
No. Cattle 1. Horace
County Assessed in .
Ear Marks ...
Ear MarkH .
Remark . - -
The "Stay Satisfactory" Range
1 Ww':m LHPBIHnrslKf
HHBhVi" -BH Bb Ik JBaBBBBtfaais8tBa aaa
W J MBtytlria k
LfYl taalSli--'fr 1
VaTl as' : 1
I at ' IB1 AiliiaiTaaSairiBMiV " . -4V
Ba--BKjaMSBSyjBBj BSsaTBsaaasy . .
' B9b3jYBBHBK!B''""8nBV I T T3t
"It's a pleasure to work with a good Kanjje. I enjoy cooking
because I can always depend on my MONARCH Range. I can
control it perfectly; bring my oven to just the desired temper
ature and hold it cool it off all just as I need to. And it'e
all just the same today as when 1 bought it several years ago."
"Why? Where is it any different from others T"
"Well, really, I'm not sure I know. It has something to do
with Malleable Iron and Riveted Joints that stay tight. You
see it's so long since 1 bought my Range, I have almost forgot
ten what the salesman said."
"I only know the Range did all that he claimed.
"You go down to
Geo. D. Darling's Store
- they'll tell you all about it. And the MONARCILS they are
Kill ng today are finished far finer than my old one but I'm