ALLIAN4 K H I'll 4 11. TH1 ItSHAY, AITU'mT t. Ittl7 Live Stock Transit Insurance Live stock men over the entire west art forming the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and quick return The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy protects shippers of live stock, ami is the only company offering a broad pol icy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampling, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals arc in the custody of the common carrier. We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally by FRED E FEAOINS, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA A. D. McIVOR, HYANNIS, NEBRASKA C. W. SPACHT. HKMINtiKOlU). NKIlltASKA M. O. ANGEL, SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBR. W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Live Stock Department STOCK YARDS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA , "IF THE 8HOK FITS YOU THEN WEAR IT" By ADAM LIAR A friend of mine was in a while ago and suggested that we go "have something." I went, of course. "What'll yer have?" is sure get ting to be some question these days. Ijet's shake for it, the loser has to drink BOTH cokes. Yesterday I spied a .lamaeia gin ger carton on the street. Guess some poor cuss must have torn it off the bottle before he devoured the con tents. He probably then went off Hmew!ipre and went to sleep. May be he dreamed he was somewhere and was flush. He probably told the barkeep to "make TWO .fumacia gin ger cocktails, an' no olive in mine." That was in his sleep, of course. r O Barkeeper, have that man put out he said - "He's talking about the good old days so that I'm weepin' in my grapejuice rickey." o While we're at it I'll say don't ask me to take another drink now, boys. Positively. I'm so full of root beer the foam's ticklin' my ears. "Can't you put a dash of gasoline In it, or something. Just to give It taste?" o "It sure has got the looks, 'aim it? It's not so bad at that, is it?" o And then last night I was invit ed out to dinner and the host said. "Come on, let's have a vinegar cor dial, just to top off the dinner with." o "That," said a local physician, as he examined the lump on the neck of one of the railroad boys, "is the re mains of an old boil that started to come and then became encysted there." "Well," said the patient, "it bus sure encysted in staying there." We wpic talking about a ceriiiln well-known Alliance Spanish athlete when my friend passed this one. "Why, he's so successful with the bull that he would call any other way of doing things hard work." o Just this morning 1 was talking with one of those guys that are al ways trying to pull some quotation to express what they can't say In their own Knglish. Well, this fel low said, "Still water runs deep." That didn't express it at all, at all. for ya know still water doesn't run at all. at all. 6 I wonder if this line-o-dope isn't pretty tame this woek so far. May be you are expecting something hot ter. If you want something hotter than some of this weather we've been having. I can tell you where to go. No. it's not where you think It's just on farther in this column. o I was talking to one of the mer chants this week about advertising. He didn't feel like it. I suggested that In view of the wide skirts and the regular breeze that a hosiery ad would be in order. He said. " don't need to advertise, my custom ers always advertise my goods." Then I had to tell him it didn't al ways rain here. w, .w -w -w -w w BOWLES Live Stock Commission Company CATTLE HOGS SHEEP I went to Yankee Robinson's cir cus last week along with nil the oth ers I was looking at the animals bi fOW going Into the big tent when 1 heard a couple of fleas on one of (lie monkeys in convei satlon. "Come on," said the tirst flea, as he hopped frqm the big monkey's left foreleg; "come over and Join me In a short game of golf." "tiolf." exclaimed the second flea hastily taking a bite of hyena. where In the realm of Yankee oi ilMOn are we going to play golf" "Why," said the tirst flea, 'over on the lynx, of course." o I guess that one upholds my rep utation as well as my name. What say est thou? o- But talking about reputation 1 know a couple who won't have any more reputation than September Morn has clothes If they don't quit getting so public with their frolics. I had been tipped off to the goings on by a man who was tipped off by another man who whs tipped off by someone else. So along with the rest of the sight seeing multitude I went. I saw. My advise would be to either turn out the light or pull the curtain down. It's getting think so? o warmer, don't you I've got another one in my sys tem. 1 don't pretend to be a Billy Sunday, a preacher, a saloon keep er, or a lovc-slck girl, but if the per sons read this for whom it Is intend ed and will gSJt wise to themselves I have a hunch some unnecessary trou ble may be avoided. The mnn Is no school boy by any means and is Wife to the way of the world -at least he says he is. The girl is not so old by ten years or more. Probably the parents know nothing of the affair. I hope they don't, yet they ought to. Something might happen some of these day! and the explosion would be awful. You can take this for what it's worth. Of course the girl Is no relation to you. It's always that way. o I'm all done but finishing now for tikis' week. I've got just one more little nut to crack and then I'll leave you to your thoughts for another week. It's about the lnctdont that happened in connection with a man. a woman and an automobile. They went out riding. They could both drive a car. They had been gone a couple of hours out into the country somewhere. Then she came to town alone, driving the car. She told them Mr. would be along In due season as he was walking in. You can draw your own conclusions. SAFETY INSURED BY CAPITAL STOCK 3100,000 PAID IN FULL SATISFACTION ( GUARANTEED BY 1 Courteous Treatment Prompt Returns Best Sales Good Fills DECIDE NOW TO HAKE BOWLES YOUR COJIMISSION COMPANY Choice of Three Great Markets Chicago Omaha Kansas City V V T f t X ? f 1 ? 1 i t 1 1 t i t t t i i 1 ? 1 ? ImEMnONAL SlINMrSOBOL Lesson (By RKV. P. B. FITZWATEB, D. D., Teacher 0f Kngilah Bible in the Moody Bible Institute nf I'litcago.) (Copyright, 1917, W, (tern Xewipaprr t'nlon. I LESSON FOR AUGUST 19 FINDING THE BOOK OF THE LAW. LESSON TKXT-II Chronicles 34:14-33. OOLDKN TEXT-l will not forget, thy word.--Paa. 119:16. I. The Book of the Law Found (w. 14-17). 1. The occnslon (v. 14). It wits found while the work of repairing tin Winnie whs going on. At what part li the temple we lo not know; perlinp in the treasure house, for It whs fouin while bringing out the money to pit. for the reimirs. Perhaps this wan ii or near the ark, fur the luw was usual ly kept In r by 1 1 if ark. 2. By whom (v. 14). Hilkiah, th' high priest, was the flutter. It Is strange that the high priest was Igno rant of the place where the law WU fotiii'l. It is a sad comment upon tin moral and spiritual condition of priests ami kings, since they were appointed guurdluns of God's law. It is, however, itlwavs true that when one does not want to have his life ordered by the P.ihle he will put it out of his night. The disappearance of the Bible from our homes, and the neglect of It In our Kimly, is a certain sign of evil in our lives. Be assured, however, that though the law of the Lord be removeu from our sight It shall sooner or later come before us to judge us. God has deelaretl that his Word shall not return unto bin void, but shall accomplish Unit whereuuto It hath been sent. :i. Its disposition (v. 16). Hilkiah gave the law to Shaphan the scribe, who delivered it to the king along with his report as to the disposition of the money which had been collected. II. The Book of th Law Read (w. IS. 28, :). i. To the king (v. 18). This wir a most impressive scene, the king listening to the reading of the law of 004, It was the proper thing to do, for those appointed by Cod to rule over the people should be unxlous to know the will of ;m! concerning them. Tlie pious king, beUcvUkl in it ;is Hod's Word, was anxious to kngw Hod's thought concerning the nation. His interest bet aim intense, us he wits made conscious of the apostasy of his people from God's law. His chief anxi ety was to know what was God's pur pose as to the nation in view of their idolatry. It Is a sensible thing to make oneself intelligent as to his responsi bilities, even to know what Judgments thall befall those who have turned from God. One should know the worst while there is time yet to escuie his wrath, for renentance Is the only dnr of escape from petilMion. 2. To tin- people (vv. J10). At the direction of the king the priests, eldets and till the people were called together to hear (inil ., Word read. This was us it ever should be. People have a right io b ar whui God has to suv to tie 111 as wen an Mc King. n Keep me people Ignorant of the Word of the Lord is a great crime. The trying nee.l of the age, with all Its lioastcd knowledge, tine church equipment ami cultured minis try. Is for the Word of Odd to be brought to the ems .. the people. III. The Effect of the Reading of the Law. (w. 8(M Ml :t:t. when ! Wortl Is Intelligently reafl and under stood there Is hound to be an IIMBft shut made. 1. The king rent his clothes (v. 1!t). The man who will honestly listen til the reading of Hod's Word will In brought to his knees, for lit will he Cot. vlctetl of sin. and will take the place ill seir-iiliasem. in before the Lord. Th king tirst saw his own sins and con f eased them. It Is a good sign whci one sees fils own shortcomings am failure, ami not primarily those n. others. 'J. The king made inquiry of the L r through lltlldah the prophetess (vv. 88) Ills supreme motive Tn this jjh qtilry was to find out whether the: wits forte way to inert the awful JUtlfl. ments which were impending, ns se forth In the Word of Qnsl Alter all the human heart instlnetlvely turn from threntetied woe to Impure wheth er there Is not a way of escape. A lorn, side of the tla'iiing. thundering Sinai was placed the l.evitiiill system ol offerings. Law ami grace ure not fat removed. The law heeomes our school master to bring us to Christ. Through Hlllilith the message came that GkxJ had taken account of all their sins ami that Judgment must fall, Init oetab. would be Sjntrcd the sight of all (bid's visitation of wrath. The pcnilcm I the king turned aside (toil's wrath from himself, but the nation would be ..I. Heed iii snffer for Its aw ful apostasy. 8. The king mane n covenant tvv. , 32). Thla was to the effect that be would walk !n the commandments of the Lord. He nlso made the peopla stnnd to this covenant. He no doubt acted from the slucerliy or his heart. 4. Further reforms (v. X). Joslah now rem lied out as far as the national boundaries, took away their abomina tions and made Israel to nerve the Lord their tiod. The fart that the book of the law was found Implies that It had been lost. The way It had been lost Is not definitely set forth, hut nu merous ways niay be suggested. The BlblO Is a lost hook to many profeaslng Christians today, maybe through lack of laterest In It, willful neglect or neg lect through the stress of life's busi ness ami pleasures. May we not each? one Inquire aa to whether our Bible are lost) i i - - Fourteenth Century Life. In the fourteenth century people lived In mud hutn, with a rough door and Bo chimney. It waa not till a century lat er that the erection of a chimney wa coneldered more than an Indulgence in luxury, .a fire commonly being hu agalnat the mud plaatered wall of th' hut and the nmnke escaping throug'i the roof. All furniture waa of wood Moat persona on straw pnllc with s log of wood for a pillow. BVeu the nobility had no glass In the win dowa during this time, cleanliness wn not a characteristic of the sople. r.ud Thomas a Beeket wns considered mo, than necessarily nice hisnune he ha 1 the floor of hla house strewn with tres.t straw each day. To the minds of most people educa tion and pleasure are mutually exclu sive Ideas. Herbert Spencer. jj Hot Water Each Morning i I 1 1 Puts Roses in Your Cheeks To look one's best and feel one's best! is to enjoy an inside bath each morning to flush from the system the previous day's waste, sour fermentations and poi sonous toxins before it is absorbed into the blood. Just aa coal, when it burns, teeTes behind a certain amount of in oorabustible material in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken esch day leave in tbe alimentary organs a rertain amount of indigestible material, which if not eliminated, form toxina and poisons which are then tnirked into the blood through the very duct which are intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon ariaing, a glaaa of hot water with a teaspoonfu) of limestone phosphate in it, which is a harmless means of washing the waetr material and toxins from the stomach, Dver, kidneya and bowels, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Girls and women with aallow skins, liver epots, pimples or psllld complex ion, also those who wake up with coated tongue, hsd taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, bilious apella. acid atomach or constipa tion should begin this phosphsted not water drinking and are assured of very pronounced results in one or two weeks. A qusrter pound of limeetone phos phate coats very little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just ss soap and hot water oleanses, purifies and freshens the akin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the inside organs.. We must always consider that internal sanitation ia vast ly more important than outside cleanli neaa, because the akin pores do not ab sorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. Women who desire to enhance tbe hesuty of their complexion ahould jual try this for a week and notice results. YOUR TRACTOR COSTS MONEY But it is money that will return a big yield if you safegusrd your Investment. You can lengthen tbe life and increase the efficiency of your tractor by Ming STANOLIND GAS ENGINE TRACTOR OIL For the lubrication of cylinders and external bearings. It means a smoother running tractor, more power at tbe draw-bar, and leas time out for repairs. Best for the tractor because it's made for the tractor, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nceruka) Daubs