The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 16, 1917, STOCKMEN'S EDITION, Image 6

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.41,1,1 N K MKKAIJi. Till IV4DAY. AVOt'HT 16. 1917
Griffith Oil Company
Organized under the LtWI of Soulli Dakota and Operating in
the Salt Creek Field, the Oldest and Lariat Producing Oil
Field in the State of Wyoming
Capitalization 600,000 Share of the Par Value of $1.00 per
Share, I'ully Paid and Non-Assensalile. Treasury Stork,
BARRY B GRIFFITH, I Mid wood, So. Dakota President
.). A. ARMOUR, Alliance. Nebraska Viee-President
LEONARD B. JONB8, Lead, s. D . Seen itwy and Treasurer
l saunsky, DeHlwood, s. D. Director
LRE M HALL. Casper, Wyoming Director
REFERENCE .1 D. Braerick, B. B. Reddish, .). N. An.
drews, B. Ponatli, and Dr. Charles K. Single of Allianee, Nehr.
Shares now selling at 25c per share
LEONARD B. JONES, Fiscal Agent, Lead, South Dakota
Serial No. 01H101.
Notice for IMittlleatloii
DspartWIDnt Of the Interlur, II. 8.
Land Office hi Alliance, Nehrankte,
July 7. 1917.
Notice Is hereby given that Myrtle
M. Blaln. of I'nwlet. Nebraska, who,
on July 29, 1913. made llmneatead
Entry. 8erlal Nu. 016101, for Lota 1,
2. 3 and 4, SKfcNWtf. K'W
Section 18, Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 19,
Township 22, Rg. 44, r ', i: and
NU 1 , M . 1 , of Section 13. Township
22 North, Range 45 West, Sixth
Principal Meridian, has tiled notice
of Intention to make tinal three-year
proof, to establish clnlm to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver of the United States
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 21st day or August, 1917.
Claimant namce as witnesses:
J. H. Ramsey, of Mumper, Nebras
ka; Frank l)e France, of Kits worth.
Nebraska; John Snoddy, of Allruiue,
Hanniim, of Alii
Nebraska; .1. T
ance, Nebraska.
T. J.
O'KKKFK. Register
The defendants, Herbert J. Piek
ard and lena Pickard, his wife, and
each of them, will take notice that
on Julv 14. 1917, The Alliance
Huildlng and Umn Association of
Alliance, Nebraska, plaintiff, Died its
! petition and commenced an action In
I the District Court of Uox Butte
County, Nebraska, against said de
tt tnlants, Herhert J. Pickard and
L m.i Pickard. his wife, Impleaded
with Alvlna Anderson, and others,
defendants; the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose two certain
mortgages as follows: One certain
$200.00 mortgage executed May 2,
1904. by the defendants. Herbert J.
Pickard and Lena Pickard, Ml wife,
to said Association, plaintiff, upon
lot 8. block 14, Wyoming Addition
to Alliance, llox Hutte County, Ne
braska, tiled for record on May 2.
1904, and recorded in book 22 at
page 12 of the Mortgage records of
said County, and the pledge by said
Herbert .1 I'ickard atid Lena Pick-
tard. his wife, to said association of
one snare or stock in sain Associa
tion, evidenced by Its eert itlrate No.
il4J. to secure the payment of his
promissory note dated May 2, 1904,
and indebtedness to said Association,
and plaintiff alleges that there Ih now
due and payable to plaintiff on said
i note and indebtedness the sum of
$10tt.0,r, with interest thereon from
May 28. 1917. at the rate of 9.96
'per cent per annum: also one certain
$110)100 mortgage executed April
19. 1907, by the defendants. Alvlna
Anderson and Herbert M. Anderson,
her husband, to said Association,
plaintiff, upon lot 8. block 14. Wy
omlfcl Addition to Alliance, Mux
Hutte County, Nebraska, filed for
record April 20. 1907, and recorded
In book 22 at page .134 of the Mort
gage records or said county, and the
pledge by said Alvina Anderson to
said Association of live and one-half
shares of stock In said Association,
evidenced by its certltleate No. 246,
to secure the payment of their prom
issory note dated April 19. 1907.
and Indebtedness to said Association,
and Plaintiff alleges that there la
now due and payable to plaintWf on
said note and Indebtedness the sum
of $1724.47, with Interest thereon
from May 28, 1917. at the rate of
I.N per cent per annum, and
$236.01, paid May 1 1 . Ittf, to re
deem said mortgaged premises from
tax sale with Interest thereon at the
rati of 10 per COM per annum from
sAid date of payment, and Plaintiff
Drays that In default of payment of
the amounts found due plaintiff
thereon, that said premises tie de
cieed to tie sold to satisfy the K;illii
that each and all of said defendants
an I all persons claiming by. through,
or under them, or any of them, be
excluded from and foreclosed of all
interest, title, and eijulfy of redemp
tion in and to said mortgaged prem
ises and said shares and certificate!
of stock.
You are hereby required to an
swer said petition on or before the
3rd dav of September. 1917.
Its Attorneys.
33-51-843-834 I
In the matter of the estate of Kd-
wani &tutsman deceased, in the
County Court of Boa Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons Interested
estate, creditors and heirs,
tlee that James Byrne of
County. Nebraska, tiled his
in this court alleging that
Stutsman died intestati
In Baid
take no-
In Box
Untie Coiintv. Nebraska, on the 29th
day of August, 1890. being a resident
of said Box Butte County, and seized
of an Interest in Lots 8 and 4 and
the KVfc SWV4 of Section 31, Town
ship 26. north or range 47, west of
the 6th P. M.i Box Butte County. Ne
braska, leaving as his sole and only
hnir tils father. Isaac Stutsman; that
'said James Byrne, petitioner, Is the
present owner in tee simple oi tne
land above described; that all debts
or deceased and of his estate are
fully paid and that no administration
or his estate and no application for
appointment of an administrator
thereor has been had or made within
Nebraska, by any. person whomsoev
er. Said petition prays lor a decree
, to be entered herein, nnuing in.u
Isuld decedant died Intestate, fixing
the time ot his death; hnding that
For Good Results
Consign Your Live Stock to
Cox-Jones-Van Alstine
South Omaha,
A firm who handle a large percent of Sandhills shipments and are per
sonally interested in the Sandhill country, now operating a large ranch north
of Lakeside, Nebraska.
Through years of experience in handling range cattle, more especially
those shipped from the Sandhills, they are in a position to get the high dollar,
and fully understand how to get them over the scales properly filled. Success
ful handling has attracted the attention of the Western cattlemen, and today
Cox-Jones VanAlstine Company rank among the best commission firms at the
South Omaha yards.
In addition to being a live commission firm, they handle stock cattle in
large numbers, and by doing business with this firm you not only get full mar
ket value for your shipments but are given an opportunity to get your stock
cattle at reasonable prices.
Do business with a firm who are in a position to give BEST RESULTS.
Correspondence solicited
no application for administration ot
said estate has been made and that
the eetate has not been administered
In the State of Nebraska, that more
than two ears have elapucd since
the death of said deceased, and that
all debts against said estate have
been paid, that the court may deter
mine who are the heirs at law of
said decedant, their degree of kin
ship and the right of decent of the
above described real property of
which said decedant died seized;
that the hearing upon said petition
has been set for the 16th day of Aug
ust, 1917. at 10 o'clock A. M., at the
County Court Boom or Box Butte
County, Nebraska; It is ordered that
a copy or this notice be published
three weeks prior to said date of
hearing In the Alliance Herald, a
legal newspaper published in Alli
ance in said County.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Burton 6 Keddish, Attorneys.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue or Chattel Mortgage dated on
the 71 h day of May, 1917, and duly
Bled in the office of the County
Clerk or BOS Hull" county, Nebras
ka, on the Ith day of May. 1917. ex
ecu ted byJ, Herbert smith to Mar
tin King and given to secure the
payment or oije promissory note in
the sum of $70.00. with interest on
same upon which there is now due
the sum of $71.70 and interest, Ie
rault having been made In the pay
ment or the said sum and no suit or
other proceed i lies at law have been
instituted to recover said debt or
any Hart thereof. 1 will sell the fol
lowing described property to-wli:
one black stallion, age two years,
and weighing about ll,r0 pounds,
nnbranded With star in forehead; al
the livery stable of Wilson & Son in
Alliance, BOS Butte county. Nebras
ka, for cash at public sale to the
highest and best bidder therefore, on
the 1Kth day of August? at 2 o'clock
P. M. of said day.
Owner or Mortgage.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
In the matter ot the estate or James
C. Savery; In the County Court or
Hox Hutte County, Nebraska.
Stale or Nebraska, to all persons
interested in said estate, creditors
aud heirs, take notice that Mary M.
Safety has filed her petition In this
court alleging that .lames C. Savery
dled al Cable, In the county of Deer
Lodge, stale of Montana, on the 21st
day of August, 1116, being a resi
dent of said County and seized in fee
simple of the NW of Section 17.
Township Id, Range 47, Box Butte
County, Nebraska, and leaving a
will devisinu said property to Mary
M. Si.very, petitioner, and widow of
deceased and .lames C. SaVery, a
son; said will was admitted to pro
bate in lleer Lodge county, Montana,
on September 16. 190,". and letters
o administration issued thereon;
that a certified copy of said will and
of the proceedings admitting said
will to probate are made a part of
said petition: that said James C.
Savery left him surviving as his sole
and only heirs at law, devisees and
legatees, said Mary M. Savery and
James C. Savery; that all debts of
said deceased are fully paid; that no
application for appointment of an
executor or administrator and no ad
ministration of his estate has been
bad oi made in Nebraska; said pe
tition prays Tor a decree to be en
tered herein rinding said will to he
the last will anil testament or said
decedent and admitted to probate;
RDdin f that no application ror ad-
ii) inisl i'h I ion ot' miiit enlute h:ts heen
made or that said estate has not been
I a.i'nwnistered in the State of Nebras
ka; that more than (wo years have
elapsed since the death or said de
I ceased and there are no debts against
said estate within Nebraska: that
regular administration of said estate
be dispensed with, and that said es
tate descend free of all debts against
the e'eedeut and that the court may
assign said property under the pro
vision of said will to said Mary M.
Savery and James C. Savery
Thai the hearing upon said peti
tion has been set for August 30,
lfl7, at 10 o'clock A. fcf., at the
County Court room in Baid County;
it Is ordered that this notice be pub
lished three weeks prior to said hear
ing in the Alliance Herald, a legal
newspaper published in said County.
Dated this 4th day of August,
(88AL) County Judge
Burton & Reddish, Attys.
Here ia a matter that we wish to
urge for the consideration of every
farmer in the state. To prevent the
reaction of a winter wheat crop fail
ure against the spring wheat crop,
every farmer should reserve at least
fifty bushels of spring wheat for
seed Should the winter wheat crop
fail, the spring wheat crop will In no
Way be held up on aecoint of seed.
On the other hand. If the winter
wheat crop is good the wheat held In
reserve will no doubt be worth as
much as at present. There was a
great reduction of acreage of spring
wheat this year due to inahilitv to
get seed, and much that was put In
was, for the same reason, planted
late. Farmers will find the banks!
Llad to furnish money with which to
buy seed. This is just another of
those acts of preparedness for which
we have great need.
Sarah When 1 mairled yon I though
f04l were a brave man. John So dirt
everybody else.
Serial No. 018071.
Notice for Publlcatieiii
Department of the Interior, U, S.
land Office al Alliance. Nebraska.
AuBiist tth. 1917.
Notice is hereby given thai Mar
garet Qrafcass. of Allianee, Nebraska,
wuo, on December II, I9i. made
Homestead entry. No 01071, for
NWVt sv ' or Section IT, EV
NC.'i. E ' BEH Section 1. N'K'i
SB Section 19. Township 22
North. Range 46 West of Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian, has tiled notice of in
lent ion to make bnal three year
proof, id establish claim to the land
above described, before Ike Register
and Receiver of the tinted Stales
Land Office, al Alliance. Nebraska,
on lac Ittb duj : S pteuiber. 1917
Claimant names as witnesses:
William H Archer, Ooorpjp M
Nurlin and Ansel I'loe or Alliance
Nebraska, and Thomas Sq uibb. of
Hemingford. Nebraska.
T J. O'KEKKK. Register
ta;gtt4TtJ ,x
The Government needs Farmers ns
well as Fighters. Two million three
hundred thousand acres of Oregon
and California Railroad C o. CrHiil
Lands. Title revested In United
States. To be opened for homesteads
and sale. .Containing some of best
land left in United States. Large
Copyrighted Man. showine land hv
Sections and description of soil, cli
mate, rainfall, elevations, tempera
ture, etc. Postpaid. One Dollar.
rant Lands Locating Co. Box 610,
ortland, Oregon. 31-131-8446
"The House of Courtesy'
Room with detached bath,
$1.00 up.
Room with bath, $l..r)0 up.
Cafe prices most reasonable
in City.
Fireproof Sprinkler System.
Complete Safety.
Management, Rome Miller
Best saddlef
made. Have
stood the test
for 50 years.
Write for free
Alfred Cornish & Comp'
Successors to Collins Morrison.
1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
mm i
Cure tor holer Morbus
untk.. ,ir 'i.. tun now seve'll
I 11 11 uu. ' w 4
ears old. was a baby he was cured
of cholera moious ny e iniuir. i i.ti.i
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remi-
dy Writes Mrs Sidney Simmons
Fair Haven. N Y Since then oih-
l .., ,,k fHinilv have used
IE uiruiu. -
'this valuable medicine for coll. and
towel troubles w nn goou a.tni n"'
,nd I gladly endorse it SS a reined)
of exceptional merit" Obtaiuable
evnvwhe-n Adv aug
Delicious Drinks
Cur pure ice cream ami real fruit flavors make the refresh
ments you net at Brennan's fountain really nourishing food.
Aim! we keep our serving dishes ami receptacles as clean ami
Wholesome as the, liest housewife in town ke-eps her kitchen.
Stop in at Brennan's
and gel a thirst-quencher, thn take- a pail of cream home to
the family.
Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on
0mtm in
sfl mm
1 HI I
Lfe sfl mm
mm. Bfe
eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes
your car worth more.
Look for the Polahne sign it means a reliable dealer
who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel.
a aasafc. a a
Soft Drinks and Beverages
v Order a case of 36 pints
en w
sent 'to your home. De
livery made anywhere in
Alliance. Rebate for re
turn of case
King's Corner
Diatnbut in Agents for Hi iifpoit Bottling Works