AI.I.IANt K HKftAU. THVRMDAV, Aftil ST 10. IIT , ,ourt ooun but fttm. l-1tnrl the Invi- oi.oiii It NOTKS tatlon extended him hy the governor By T. II. J. Ilnrrlay of Maasnrhunettn to serve on the .committee of arrangements for the . ... , 'reception of the Knynl UHlkui coin Win ! Kick C. j.,,,,. imlMtOfl now vliltin in the 0, -S. up W ,Hn!v rereiven nts word,,,, itll Viait to Boston HI .leclina tlon to serve is upon the groundn of tin unforgotten atrocities committed by Leopold of Belgium upon the Bit Uvea of the Congo. Uleerting Hel gium is paying the penalty for her were baptized. By this text let tlM ;eople learn how to receive the ens ;h-1 in order to receive further blca'a-inftB- Yes, i hey should receive it ;is .1 dog does a greased Corn none. 1. In order to be a Christian: (a) 1 You must come to him anxiously, .le less blacks of Africa. What a nation us noes not call every man as he;sowslt shall reap. We commend Mr .id Saul. If you would be his disci- Trotter s stand. pie you must give him your soul and o . i , t x I i 1 1 v I . . i i . . 1 , V . a i I w M,n. i . Z " " . Buy a home. Begin now. Kind v" , T . 7J '". .. I some suitable place within your .u ifnix ins worn giauiy. nllljn. unlt m.W. Dm mnA To too many the pure is as a knock out drop. The preacher preaches a ood sermon until he interferes with ,ome devil's hypocritical business. Then "he's done spoiled it." 2. In order to be guided by his spirit: (a) When his word opposes your plans then say, "Thy will be done." and don't kick and bellow like a cow when his horns arte being Knocked off. (b) When his word nds you to new fields, new oppor tunities, new duty, Just say, "Here am I, send me. I will go." But Mine will swell up as though poison ed and say, "(ro do It yourself. 3. In order to be nowerful: When you are among the wicked re joice. Sing and live the pure life ml you will run the tlevll out of his boots, (b) When you are in the Lord's don't be dumb, deaf and blind and cold, but rejolee because God al lows a poor devil like you to come into his house, where you should give him praise. Say amen, glory, hallelujah. 4. .In order to make his kingdom glorious: (a) When you are at work rejoice alone. As soon as some peo ple go to work they get mad. put their ears back like old Tobe the mule and begin to kick when they nould thank the Lord fo rstrength to work, (b) When off duty, join the chorus, be sociable. You can't vo to heaven alone nor to hell alone. You must go somewhere. Join in the chorus and help Ood'a people to - nc his praise. Make his house then keep up your monthly pay ments, and before you know it you will have a home of your own. Try It. Buy a home. ' o P. K. Pope of Denver will hold the fourth quarterly conference. August 29. All are invited to attend. All departments of the church will make theii yearly reports. o As we must make a good report to the annual conference September 19 at oBulder we ask all members and friends to help us make a report that (a) 'will be a credit to Alliance. Help us. o Miss Naomi Slaughter has return ed from Lincoln where she spent a few weeks visiting friends. Some body is glad and alt smiles. Guess who. o So strange, indeed, that some of our men who would be big men for the betterment of our people will not help build a church. Talk is cheap, but a man is measured by his work. Help us to build by giving something. See the pastor. A big entertainment Saturday night at Marks hall, for the new A. M. E. church. Don't fail to come. You are welcome. o Samuel Shelton and Rev. Hoard l. ..;,..... !..;...... i..;..: i -iviiuurj. urjui. ii. again, . ct..-A..., ............ ... iho .say. rejoice forever more, rejoice as , ,!,, ,,, tnr.iA. with :!oo we go through lft. Rejoice and raise his name. Tomorrow may be too late. Rev. T. B. J. Barclay. Ie, lines Invitation William M. Trotter, editor of the Boston Guardian. In his usual way. clay. perches all visible. o Several young men left for Den ver to join the colored battalion. For information see Rev. T. B.' J. Bar- ATTENTION, STOCKMEN HAY AND WINTER RANGE ARE WANTED Inquiries arc coming; to The Herald office in Urge numbers for winter range and hay. The districts in the west and south west which have suffered this year from drought have thous ands of head' of cattle which must be taken care of. Stockmen having cither hay or winter range for sale will lintl a steady market if they will write The Alliance Herald oil the coupon below : Date 191 Stock Department, Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. I have for sale the following al prices quoted: tons of hay. Price $ per ton. acres of winter range to care for head. Price $ Name Address Order Your Winter's COAL Supply NOW! t It is the wise thing to do ! You'll say so this winter, too. If we could make plain to you the situation, we know that you would put in your winter's coal supply now. We are not trying to scare you, but we are trying to tell you. The car shortage exists. It may look to you like everything is mov ing, but you'll appreciate what we tell you when winter conns and it may be next to impossible to get coal. We've got coal to sell you today. We've got coal today to put into your bin. We can't promise more. It's good coal and it's a fair price,. We urge you to get busy think act. It will prove to your advantage. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. F. W HAROARTEN, Mgr. PHONE 22 111 Lkramie Ave. LIVESTOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Fat Cattle In Active Demand at Stronger Prices H06S IN 20 30c ADVANCE Moderate. Rtcepta of Shtap and . .I.anilt Largely RtsponatbU for a .Runaway Markut Prices Fully SO 7So Hihr Than th Cloaa of Laat Wtak. Fat Lamba, $15.79, Ftadtr Lamba, f 16.00 Union StH-k Yard. Mouth Ouiaha, Neh. AiiKtut 14, 117. The week atari a out with a rather liberal run of cattle, n.VX) heail, uml about 90 per cent of them western rangers. Both corn fed and ictam ItStin ruled ac tive mid BtnmgWi let corn fed bring ing ftSJNI and next grnaaera fC'.OA Cows and helfera were ulxo activw ami BtrtJagef and to-k cattle and feeding steer were In kewn demaud and unevenly higher all around. Quotation n on "tic: QoOd to cholca beeven. $1ft.2ftt4.10; fair to good beeves. ljt.GO01A.OO; common to fair beeves. ! .'.Oif I I ."0 ; good to choice yearlings. $U.7."i 18,78 ; fiilr to good yearling, $tl.S0S)12.fl0; common to fair yearlings. S' ; good to Choice grass beeves. $10 00 titJRO ; fair to good grass stews, $S.0O$?U.-Vr; common to fair grnsa steers, u 8.M: good to choice heifera. $H.OO 9)9.00; good to ehoiei" row. $7.rtOfft 8.."0 ; fair to good cows. $tt.7." 7."0 : Canned and eutrers. $.'.00o..riU ; veal calves. 8tj0Of)lS.O0; bf bulla, frt.75 t)8JN; bobigna bulla, $0.00011.75; good to cboi feeder. H..'! Jf. : fair to good feeder. 1 7.00H.OO : gool to rbotec toeker. 7eWf)aVM fair to good 4tockera, 88.78078; common to fair gradea, f.".7."7.00 ; stock helfera, 88.8098X10; atock cowa. $5.507.,5; Stock calves. .5..'0 10.00. Hog Scora a New Top, $17.00. Kerelpts of bog were light, even for a Monday, about '.',800 head, and both packer and shipper were eruxy for the mat prices 28088c higher than the close of last week. Rnlppera paid up to $17.n for choice llglir butcher weights and for the bulk of the hogs It was a $18,288)18.78 ileal. Prices are just about $1.00 higher than on last Monday. Sharp Advance in Lambs A rather light Monday' run of sheep and lambs showed up and prices took one of the biggest jump of the season, the limited offering selling ouh'kly at prices that went fiORT.V higher than I-'rlday. Wat lambs sold at $l.r.7." and choice feeder lambs brought $18.00, Aged stock was scarce and strong. Kverything win cleaned up in short order at the high er price. Quotations on sheep and lamb: ). nmhs. fair to chob'o. I J."i tj. I .". r." ; lamba, eiiM. $120018jOO; lamb, feeders. 81&28UL28i yearlings, fair to choice. $10.0001 1.88) J yearling, feeder. $1)1.000 l'.'.no ; wethers, fair to choice. $IO.tMi9 11.00; ewe fair to choice. $K.509..V); ewea, culls and feeders. $3.5008.00; ewes, breeders, III ages. $8.50915.00. POTATO LATE BLIGHT STRIKES EASTERN FIELDS l . H. Icpt. if Agriculture Aiuioiiim cs That lUiirht. if I'montrolld, .May Imm 2,000.000 Daily Potato late blight, a fungous dis ease, capable of causing enormous destruction, has appeared in several states from Maine to New Jersey and West Virginia, according to the Unit ed States Department of Agricul ture. The blight occurred early this year' and 'reports show that it is more prevulent than usual. While in some fields the blight ia already beyond control, prompt spraying with Bor deaux mixture will, in most cases, still be effective, the specialists ad vise. Unless potato growers spray thoroughly with Bordeaux mixture, they fear that the large potato crop that has been promised will, not be realized, as late blight, if uncontroll ed, is capable of reducing the nation al crop at the rate of 2,000.000 bush els per day. Potatoes in the northern states are just beginning to form tubers. To produce a large crop the tops must be kept healthy till frost, as the tu bers increase in size most rapidly during the last weeks of the season. The late blight kills the tops and causes the tubers to rot in the grouud. The blight starts in a few centers in the field where diseased potatoes were planted. Brown spots develop on the leaves and a whitish mildew appears on their underside Frequent rains and warm, muggy weather furnish ideal conditions for the development of the blight under which the foliage blights rapidly, the leaves hang blackened aud dead, and the tubers begin to rot. Dry and hot weather, on the other hand, tends to check the progress of the blight, but growers should spray immediately and not trust their cropB entirely to improvement in weather conditions. As an effective preventive of late blight Bordeaux mixture has proved its value for 25 years. Every grow er from Maine to Michigan and south to Virginia is urged to spray at once and repeatedly. Home-made Bordeaux mixture is best. Use: milestone (copper sulphate), lbs.. 4 Quicklime, lbs . 4 Water, gallons r.n Prepare the copper sulphate fej suspending It In a gunny sack Must below the surface of several gallons Of Miter in a clean barrel When the sulphate is dissolved, which requires three or four hours, remove the sack and stir Into the barrel enough ad ditional water to make exactly 2.r. gallons of the copper solution. Preprfre the llnie by slaking It slowly and thoroughly in a clean barrel, strain, and add enough addi tional Water to make exactly gal lons of lime milk. Stir thoroughly. Pour the two Ingredients together Into another barrel, or. better, dir ectly Into the spray tank, if it will hold ,r0 gallons. It is highly im portant to stir the mixture verv thoroughly and to strain both ingred ients before they are combined, ns otherwise clogging of the spray 1107. liles might result. Use COpper 01 hronse wire strainer of 18 meshes to I he Inch. Do not put copper sul--phate or Bordeaux mixture into tin or iron vessels; use wood or coppei containers, mix the Bord m as needed, and apply at once It is ne er so good after it has settled. Where poisons such as arsenate ni lead are to be combined with Bor deaux mixture, add the poison after the two solutions are mixed. Then stir well. Those who ttse Bordeaux mixture frequently and In quantity will find it convenient to keep concentrated stock solutions on hand, as these keep indefinitely If the water which evaporates Is replaced. Build an elevated platform to hold the barrels. 1 The flight before the day you wish fr commence spraying, suspend !"( pounds of copper sul phate to dissolve In a :.( gallon bar rel of water. Slake r.O pounds of lime in another barrel Add water to make 80 gallons of lime milk. When Bordenui mixture is needed, si 1 1 iioth stock barrels well and tar 4 gallons from each stock barrel. Di lute the roppor sulphate in one bar rel hy adding enough water to make 15 gallons. Dilute the lime milk la another battel by adding enough wa ter to make It gallons Stir each thoroughly Combine the two at Iff previous directions. Thorough agi tation is essential in making good Bordeaux mixture. The rail Journey from 'otistantluople io Bagdad requires fifty-four houra. Japan has a wireless system which is extensive aud complete. Farmers Service Does It Ring True? in Discriminating shippers who have tested it toll us that it D0E8 RING TRUE We are equipped to the highest efficiency for handling your stock. K great number of shippers have tried our service and found it to be unequalled. FARMERS SERVICE is built on definite lines of work that shippers recognize and appreciate. Get acquainted with a firm that is especially equipped for handling Western rattle. Why not take advantage of others' experience? You cannot afford to take a chance, and you will not if you consign your stock to the Farmers Live Stock Commission Co. We are strong financially, and will look after your shipments from A to Z. At your Service, for Remits, I . 1. .;!;. . I I Farmers Live Stock Com. Co. Union Stock Yards Omaha, Nebraska Would You Like to Join the Strong est Fraternity in the World? , ? ? ? ? ? ? THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES This fraternity has 400,000 National Members Its members are tho ablest public men, the most diutiiiffuiHhed lawyers, the most progres sive business men, the. ambitious and rising men in every community. THE APPLICATION OF ANY MAN OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER WILL BE CONSIDERED all membership in this fraternity entitles you to Sick Benefits of ir".00 per week for 10 week, si Funeral Benefits of $60.00 The services of a physician for the wife, the minor children, the member, and those who are dependent upon him for support. You can he admitted to membership for TEN DOLLARS Our Dues are $1.00 per Month No Fees No Fines No Assessments. If you would like any further information regarding this fraternitv, call at the Magics Hub Koonis, 114 West 4th St. DO THIS AT ONCE. We meet, Thursday at 8:00 o'clock. l W. HICKS, Secretary. LLOYD C. THOMAS, Worthy President Aerie No. L56 . . .. '. UF Omaha Live Stock Commission Co. U J. Hough, Hogs . H. T. Gant, Sheep Art Rogers B. C. (Punch) Rogers ; Cattle Walt Dawson We are all Nebraska raised boys brought up in the cattle coun try. We know how to sort and classify Western Nebraska cat tle to get the "Big Dollar" out of them. Union Stock Yards South Omaha, Nebr. sftf J7 i Alt I IMMiKllS Mgr. and Cattle Kaletonan