AMJANVK H KRAI. It, THl' USD AY. AKilST th, 1117 A BEAUTIFUL PICTUREOF President Wilson FREE With Every Payment on Herald Subscription ' A picture of President Wood row Wilson should have a place in every home and office thru out the land. The Alliance Herald is going to furnish ev ery subscriber who makes a payment on subscription of a year or more a handsome and attractive portrait of our pres ident, without extra cost. This portrait was made by Harrison & Ewing, the best photographers at Washington, D. C. It is beautifully printed in natural colors with double patriotic border and just below the picture is his autographic signature and an extract taken from his Declaration delivered at Washington on April 2, 1917. The small picture printed herewith gives but a faint idea of the beauty of the photo. The card on which the picture is mounted is 12'oxl8 inches in size. The photo is magnificent. The mount is a stiff cardboard ad suitable for framing. We will deliver one to your address frith a payment of $1.50 for a I year 's subscription, either newj or renewal. The supply is lim ited. Send your remittance as early as possible. fellowship and became an outlaw nation, but we did not no to wnr un til fit realised that our own safety wii f imperiled. oint tinif ao Secretary Lane very pointedly explained that we are at war not merely because Prussian- woith having. You will then appre rlate much more the opportunity of having In the scat beside you next next time the quiet, sedate person who likes to ride and who SppfWlStfl that the attention of the driver should he on the road. It saves err repairs to heinR taken thru the woods or Melds every day by Rlrls in feeble health? Tin re are two sides to this argument. ism has shanu d ClVllltatlOB. by its 'and avoids accidents. outrages and cruelly stamped on tin rij-hts of the weak in Kurope but be cause (Jermany has deceived, betray ed and outrageously wronged us and intends our ruin. It is literally a war for self-defense, a war of fun damental self interest, and. in or der to arouse and sustain the real fighting Spirit of the country, It is desirable that this fact should be more persistently proclaimed and kept before the mind of a forgetful public. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass Ing of hot water each morn helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Waiting. Wailing. Waiting. Speechless with wrath, a little man was ushered into the dock. An orna ment of the Philadelphia police force had found him loitering abottt and had arrested him. "What were you doing at the time of your arrest?" asked the tNf) magistrate. "Simply waiting:" spluttered the prisoner. "What were you waiting for?" My money." "Who owed yon the money?" "The man I had been Wetting for?" "What did he owe it lo you for?" "For waiting." The magistrate took off his glasses and glared at the prisoner. "Do not Jest with ine." he said "Now tell me, have you a trade?" "Of course 1 have! " "Then what is it?" "I earn my living waiting. Von The Alliance Herald Alliance Nebraska Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a Rood clear Bkln; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of the morning; Inside bath, what a gratifying- change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complex ions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundown.," "brain, fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy checked people everywhere. An Inside bath Is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glaps of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it. to wash from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and fr aliening I the entire alimentary cannl In fore ) putting more food into the Stomach. Those subject te sick headache. Ml j lousnes, nasty breath, rheumatism, ! colds: and particular- those who have j a pallid, Fallow complexion and who I are OOBBtlpated very often, are i urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store j which will cost but a trifle but is ; sufficient to demonstrate the quick I and remarkable change In both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We must remember that inside cleanliness is more important than outside, be cause the skin does not absorb impur ities to contaminate the blood, while the pores ia tho thirty feet of bowels .lr ' You see I'm a Walter. l,lol' I iilnnui He Wanted No Lawyer An old colored man charged with stealing chickens was arraigned In court and was Incriminating himself when the Judae said : "You ought to have a lawyer. Whi le's your lawyer?" Ah ain't got no lawyer, .ledge," said the old man. "Very well then," said his honor, "I'll assign a lawyer to defend you." "Oh, no, wuh; no, sub! Please don't do datl" the darky begged. "Why not?" asked the Judge. "It won't cost you anything. Why don't vim want a lawyer?" "Well. Jedge. Ah'll tell you suh," said the old man, waving his battered old hat confidentially "Hit's din way. ,h wan' tuh enjoy deni chickens mii se'f." i.loil l ii mi it Fooled Life Insurance Agent The story is told of a ham actor who applied for a job in a certain stock company. "What can you do?" asked the manager. "I can take any part." ledged the Thespian. "I all sorts of experience, but in heavy stuff GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARK AND BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. XOTH'K TO TFAl HK.HS gperlal examinations In County ai I't nfesslonal subjects, also Ell v 10 I Sociology, August 17 and 18. OPAI. IM'HSFl.F. Lloyd's Column -1 1 ?? t, r? ? ?rt?ti ttirsTi n mn t?irtmrv n "Don't you think, Mary, you are jtoo old to play with the boys?" "No. Mamma: the older I get, the j better I like them." I.lll.lll'ft ( III Mill n Pat "Mike, 1 joined an Insurance and it's fine." kind of Insurance order last night Mike -What order?" Pal Wi ll. I as long as 1 live a week as long pay a dollar a week and gel two dollars as I'm dead." ILLU5TRATOR5 DESIGN t5 o fcNGHAVtR m m r a ps. .-t -j as FOK SKI.F DtWRNSK Many will agree with the New York Tribune that, for practical pur poses, too much stress is laid on the altruistic aspect of our participation in the war and not enough on the imperative need o f a fight in self defense. We are not at war for ter ritory or trade or to improve our position in the world, and we are fighting for democracy, for the spoil of the weak nations, and in order to chain the beast of Teutonic militar ism that would tread down the world. Such motives are altruism and very largely unselfish, but, as the Tribune points out. we could hate gone to war tor these reasons UlOlre than two yean RgO and we did not do so. Germany long since put herself beyond the pale oi civilised I l)ll' O I II III 11 "Well. Whal sort of weddin;: pres- enta did you get girlie - the usual as sortment of berri spoons and pickle forks'' Not on your esteemed life. I got ark of Potatoes, four dozen eggs, a peck of onions and a liberty bond Couier-Joumal. isMje '"i 1 The Talkative Motor Itider Did you ever go out riding with one of those "sweet young things" in the stat beside you? Of course iu were well chaperoned by the bevy of older ones in the hack seat, hut your i mind was diverted by the interesting experience throng which you passed I la endeavoring to keep oue eye and ear open to see and listen to the "svveel young thing " She apparent ly didn't realize that ruiuiing a motor Car is something to which the atten tion of tire driver should be given, but thought that she was there for the express purpose of entertaining you and did her best to keep your mind off the wory of listening to the engine and watching the road ahead, as well as watching a side street from time to time to see that no speed bug ran into you from the side or rear. It's an experience that is well acknow have had I am best My pathos has gained encom tennis every w her." "Your sob BtUff gets across, does it?" "Gets across? Let me tell you The last time 1 played a death scene a man in the audience fainted away And when I sent out to find who it was whom 1 had affected so power fully. I found that it was the agent who hatl insured my life!" l.lo;Ti I olumn No Orders to Superior The son of the well-to-do family had recently joined up as a private, and was spending his week-end leave at home. Returning from a walk, his mother espied a figure in the kitchen with the housemaid. "Clarence, " she Called to her son, "Mary's got someone in the kitchen. She knows perfectly well that 1 don't allow followers. 1 wish you'd go and tell the man to leave the house at once." Clarence duly departed to the kit chen, but returned 111 about half a minute. "Sinv mother, but 1 can't turn him out " "Can't turn him out .'" Why on earth not?" "lie's my sergeant ! " l.lo) iI'h Column Heals the Potash Bssrineaa Two younu Irishmen in a Canadian regiment were going into the trench es for the nrst time, and their cap tain promised them shillings for every (ierman the) killed. Pal lav down to rest while Mike . ...... .1.1...- 0.. Wpertorniea 1110 tuny 01 ;iu' s. m lout not lain ong when tie was awa kened by Miik shouting: They're1 eomtn'3 They're com- in . "Who's comln'T" shouts Pat. "The Qermans," replied Mick. "How many are there?" About lirty thousand." "Begorro," shouts Pat, jumping up and grabbing his rifle, "our fortune's made! " 111 1 ttrfl 111 11 in 11 An Horrible Twister TiMik the M later Handsome mister. Some one's sister, Sitting in a chair As he kissed her Vlciuos twister Tossed them in the air. Alniont everyone known Hint Sapr Ten ami Sulphur. properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lurtro to tko hair when faded. streaked or grSJT, fears ago the only wnv to get tlila mixture was to make it at dome, whisk i massy and troublesome. Nowaday! we simply Sf-k at any drug "tore for ' "Wyctli'n Sspc mi l Sulphur Com pound." You will get 1 large bottle of this old time recipe ImprOVi I h the addition of other iMfredlcntp fur about fo cent. Rverysedy usm kids prepare tied now, because no out 1 in nssiblj tell that. you darkened year half. a it does it so naturally and cwi.U. Vou dSMpsa a sponge or soft brush Milk ml draw thii through your hair, taking rasa Mall strand t a time: h mini the gras burr disappears, and afti trther appli cation or two, year hail ber ousts bsatttl fully dark, thitk nil glossy and yi.u look yrsrs yOUngvr. Wyetlrs Sap- am (Sulphur Compound is 1 dt igbtfal toilet requisite. It i net Intcndi d for the euro, mitigation or prevention uf disease. s Kill KM KM III Kl.l'IVi I'AY KXPKJiSKS At a spm ial met ling of the Alli ance Volunteer Pin Department held last week. lh department voted to charge all member! as well as the general public for the use of the Wlmmtns; pool, in order tbnt the in creased expanse of coal, laundry and other supplies might be met and the pool kepi running for the balance of the season. Ivicli member of the lire department has already donated $15 toward I he cost of the erection of the pool an I the boys are HOW showing a public spirit by paying for the use-of the same. Alliance people who appreciate public enterprise and the right spirit, as show n by the department In build ing and maintaining the pool, should do their ' bit" by purchasing swimm ing tickets and giving the boys their needed rapport. Dozens of boys and 1 iris and older folks get much enjoy ment from the use of the pool, which is kent in a healthful and snnitary condition by frequent changing of tin water. I RAILROAD men's time books. i The handy kind for the busy rail road man. Buy them at The Herald office for fifty cents each. Promptly and Correctly Rendered Mean Much to the Retail Merchant Monthly Statement Outfits combine the Ledger and State ment work and reduce i.tocr about GQ Simplifies bookkeeping and eliminates uiwutes with cus tomers. Statements itemized to data) and may be delivered on de mand. This loose lerf bystem nts every retail business. We wi:' gladly explain its anpticattan to your bnitiueNM. No ob!i(it:., on your part HERALD PUB. CO. a UK County 1 2 1 - 8 f. 2 7 Superintendent. Herald ads bring results, in the next issue. Try on I Use The I-Pinsi Ledger beceuee ii openi with one tUs71 of a. key (1(K) per vnl expansion) and etOsV es (tight) with a Nlight pressure ot the liand. That saves n lot of time. The half round bach and scientilic crimping of the h aves gives feM a Hat, solid writing surface. Mi The mechanism is very Nimple, hut thoroughly efficient. I can always get ledger slieets that really fit, on short no tice. My dealer stocks them in many standard rulings and in the In st grade of ledger paper. Herald Publishing Co. I erquTiTiI.tfgnsTJti Let us show you the TONNEAU CHAIRS They are real armchairs, not mere seats. We want you to sit in one, to sense its comfort, its easi ness. Then, we want to show you how, when not in use, it folds away under the rear seat, leaving the handsome leather-bound carpet without a single unsightly gash. These chairs are standard equip ment in both the Studebaker FOUR at $985 and the SIX at $1250. A Studebaker Demonstration has enabled many a man to have real pride in the car he owns. Lowry & Henry, Agents Alliance, Nebraska GET LAND -BUY IT NOW IF YOU WAIT, YOU ARE SURE TO PAY A HIGHER PRICE. In Nebraska, Colorado and Wyouiiiig, there ire thousands of pcrjcH of prairie lends tlmi ithould be cultivated. I f vtni want to BUY I will post you on convet prices. RENT I will help you to get best terms. HOMESTEAD I'll t.ll you where heal free 840-eero selec tions ate loeateil. ASK ABOUT THE TOWN OF DEAVER, WYO., THE NEW GOVERNMENT TOWN PUBLIC SALK nr TOWN MrTA in August; (bis town will be the, trading center for 90,000 acres of QovernmeiiKirriajatcd Big Horn Itasin lands, l-'irst luil of 12,000 lo be drawn for early ill Kepi em I cr j lands free; pay for Governeieui water rinlit on such easy terms as to make thcae lands (he fl Ileal pi i.e I'ncle Sam has for you If you will go with me into the Mi Horn Basin and see the wealth in that locality from oil, reclamation and irrigation, you will lose no time trying lo gel holil ot one ot these new tarniK. They are free; likewise my personal service for the Burlbtgton Uoad. k. ii. how Alto. mMKHUTIOM i.ini HHII I ill Ii. till Si.. IHiimIim, N'elt. lonely sister Missed her Blister Win n the twister qjilt ; For the mister Who sad kissed her Never even lit. l.lud'a t'olHHIN More Isulpavitt Olllekly The taaebai wan iaaertWni tea dolphin and its BSSitS. and ehildren.'- she said ISSBrsS sivetjr, a suiale dolphin will have tWO thousand oflsprini: " "Ooodness! " aaaeod little alri In the hack row. And how BSaOl mar ried ones?" MsySTs l wIuimm Smaller Without WhMkUSS Tilli A friend of ours by the name of Miinihv had a wisdom tooth rCOlOVed one day last seoh We B84 " think that she was the Ijest looking irl in town but since the toothe was Rons she says that she has lost her "p l and wants u hark. A reward ol Ivi 'dollars will he paid for information le.iilink; lo the recover) m tiie wisooin i tOOt h l.lw d'm I SSaSSB i. Vou I'jti Uaiosjs? Don't you know IhOTS'l UO am lhai Will l.aste tobacco excepting a tobacco worm or a Koat?" 1 "Yea, replied Farmer CoTBtOSSI I ! "but do roll eat onions'.'" "Of course." Well, liieiv isn't any annual, not even a mat or a worm iliat will eat onions " 1 lT i ulUIMH Hum AImiiii I hi- I A physician says: "(iirls in fasbls BealtB should take a n. imp thru the woods or fields every day." Hut suppose a tramp should ohjeet A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship