I u.mw u ii,,. mhnm vLo is ronii- or fraction thereof, of additional Inarjr live stock I expected from it hand? In your medicine cheat for 'the menu reads, which wa -m foi M, I.IAN K H KIM I D, THI KHIVA V, At ;i s I ml,. 117 Telephone "fhree-Fonr-Oh fit K R A LI CL-ASSIFIKO ADVFKTIHKMKNTH fire Cents per Line -Oount Six Words to a Line No Advert tuement taken for Less Than ISc FOK SALE OH LKAHK at a bur (tin NW' Twp. 26, Ramie r.O. Box Ilutte county Price $15 per acre. tleo. H. Gallup, Jefferaon. la. tf-tf-I492 "mTATrToTT days, about 800 tona of hay. In quire of P. K. Allen. 603 Niobrara, or phone 566. 31-41-1486 " FOR SALF High grade typewrit er carbon paper. The kind that glve you a clear duplicate. The Alliance Herald. Phone 340. FOUND- A cHating. evidently part of a tractor or other large piece of farm machinery, on road leading to Alliance, by members of The Her ald force. This casting Is evidently badly needed by someone and any one knowing to whom it belongs will confer a favor on the owner by ad vising him that it la at The Herald office, where it can be secured by calling for it and paying the costs of the Insertion of this want ad. HER ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. 34-tf-8471 POSITION WANTKI) by experi enced young lady. Housework or of fice work. Capable and trustworthy. Reasonable wages wanted. Phone 340, or write Box 84 52, care Alli ance Herald. 34-tf-8452 WAmOIVWsM Inquire 701 Missouri. 38-21-8477 WANTKD A furnished room for light housekeeping by lady, In a home close-In. References furnish ed if desired. Phon 240, Herald of fice 33-tf-8476 FOUND- SWITCH KEY and a hunch of keys. Owner may have same by calling at The Herald of fice, identifying the keys, and pay ing the cost of tins want ad. HER ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. 34-tf-8469 LOST. ST II AY ED OH STOLEN- -Three head of cows, branded O over 6 on left hip, and one red cow brand ed M on hip; also three head of calves with no brand. A nood re ward will be paid for any informa tion leading to their recovery. Ad dress any information to O. H. Rob erts, Lewellen, Nebraska. 34-tf-8472 Ot .nmunlcatlon Herald office. of the tact to the j consldei ed and thi directors of the association will deride upon one at i an early diite. MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wugon pads will be used by us on all moving Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 15. 37-tf-5960 AUTOMOBILE PAINT PAINT YOUR OWN AUTO Foi f 3 I will send you enough of my high gloss enamel to paint your car. Im possible to streak or leave brush marks. Anyone can apply. It will make your car Wok like new, and you be the Judge. If not satisfied, I will gladly refund your money. J. C. MILLION, 258 Columbine St., Den ver. Colo. 16-tf-8180 HOUSE FOR RENT FURNISH ED ROOM for rem to gentleman. Modern, private home. Phone 17 5 4'K Sweetwater Aye. lfi-tf-8445 FOR SALE HOUSES """olfSAUE AT EXECUTOR'S BALE- Two residence properties lo cated as follows: Lots five and six In block six, Wyoming addition to City of Alliance. The residences are composed of three and five rooms These residence properties must be sold. Inquire of L. A. Berry, Room 9. Rumor Block, Alliance, Nebraska. Phone 9. 8287-23-tf Catling cards tor the ladles ar printed promptly and neatly at Tbt Herald office. The prices are rets onable Phune 340 ror samples anc price, or call at the office. kTrnTTkD ROOM foTenT Downtoyvn location. Suitable fori! lady or gentleman. In private real j MUSH' INSTRUCTION Ida Mark Satterfleld teaches the piano, elocution, theory and round table work. Prices reasonable. Phone 909. 8458-34-tr WANTED Man"aidw1f"trork on ranch. Permanent place If you suit. C. E Clough. P O. Box 104 7 34-tf-H4fi2 orsXliToii SccITange- Modern hotel of 60 rooms at Chey enne, Wyoming. Would exchange for real estate near Alliance. Nebr. Address J. B. Morrow, 912 Third street, Cheyenne, Wvomlng. 36-4t-8533 LOST Plrln gold cross imTcTmTn Kinder please return to II- raid office and receive reward. 36-H-8596 tXH'NTV AGENT LEADF.lt VISITER ALLIANCE TUESDAY Charles E. Gunnels, county agent leader, was in Alliance Tuoart II V II f- ternoon. conferring with President chill of the Box Butte County Farm Bureau concerning the choice of a successor for F. M. Seidell, who haa resigned as county agent to become appraiser for the Federal Farm Loan a n K. several available men are COUNTY LABOR BUREAU PROVES EFFECTIVE Farmer Who are doing to Need Help Should Make Want-. Known Eorly an PoHHihle The organization i f the state wide system of labor bureaus, directed by the Agricultural Extension Service through the State Labor Bureau at the State Hous . IA icoln. Nebraska, is now utmost completed. The Box Butte Farm Bureau Is handling the work of the Box Butte County Labor Bureau. The Alliance Commercial Club and the Homingford Community Club are each working In connection with the county bureau and replies addressed to them will receive prompt attention. The Alliance and Hemingford bur eaus have undertaken the task of listing all labor available ps well as trying to fill all calls for labor. They are endeavoring to nil their demands within the locality, but in case there is a surplus of labor or a shortage of labor, workers are shifted to meet the need. The local bureau reports Its needs to the county bureau, which in turn will try to supply the needs within the county. A shortage or surplus in the county, under the Plan, will be nut by shifting men Trout one county to another. The county bureau makes Its reports to the State Labor Bureau However, it is felt that most of the demands for labor can be mett at home without importation of labor from other sections. "This is not a Isbof importing bureau," said Coun ty Agent Seidell. "Karri community is expeded. so Tin as possible, to sup ply Its own needs. This is being done to a very large extent by a can vas of the local supply of lnbor." The solution Of the labor problem seems to be In the willlngmss of city or town to volunteer their pare time for work on the farm, when labor is most needed. It is stated that in Fairmont, for example merchants and their clerks have offered to close shop and help the farmers when work is heaviest, leaving the stores in charge of women or keeping them open only at night. Labor needs an- n ? h nni : pressing at tins moment as they will j be when the machinery of conscrip- iiou gei8 mio run swing and as soon as the "peak load" season arrives. Engineer Houth has returned from a vacation of a week spent In Wy oming and Colorado He reports an excellent time. His family accom panied him and have returned to their home at Ravenna. Mr. Routh Is at present employed on the "goat" in the Alliance yards. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH Win. Caron Hhaw, Dean 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 11 a. m. Morning prayer. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer. dancing specialties introducing real buck and wing dancing. A good or chestra will provide the music. The cast is busy these days whir ping the show into shape. Those who have the show in charge state that the local colored minstrel show will be a real one from every standpoint. Your order for piano tuning will receive prompt attention, and your piano will be properly cleaned, reg ulated and tuned If you will but fa vor me with your patronage. Phone 500, or the Wiker Music House. So liciting your patronage, I am, very respectfully. W. D. Field, Alliance. 36-H-8599 John McCoy, M. D Office! and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone il LIST OF UNCIaAIMED LETTERS AT THE ALIJANCE POTOFFRTK HOME TALENT COIX)RHD MINSTREL SHOW AUG. 27 A home talent colored minntrol ,show will be given at the Imperial Theatre on Monday "night, August ; 27th for the benefit of the Afrlclan Methodist Episcopal church building 'fund. The congregation of the church is raising funds with which to pay for its new church. The show is being put on under the direction of John W. Chapman of St. Louis un jtil recently a member of the Smart Set company. All actors will be lo cal colored people. 1 The Dixie Minstrel show will meke up the first part. The second part will be composed of singing and Following is a list of letters n mainlng unclaimed In this ifflce for the week ending August 5. If not called for on or before August 20 they will be sent to the division of dead letters, Chicago, 111.: Adams. John; Blair. Mrs., Clenmn. Nebr.; Bewman, Bob; Boyuton, Mr Truman; Corey, Mr. M. N. ; Caraar em, Juan; Camarena, Juan; Hall, C. B. ; Herner. Mr. Charles; I,aBau. Mrs. C. H.; Lawson, Mrs. Mary: Mandeii, Mr. Donald; Morrisaey, Thos.; Owens, Mrs. D. B.; Putt, Mi Arthur; Perrln, Mrs. Wayne; Rem ods. Joe; Stockberger, Miss Daisy: Watson, Mrs. Glen. Real Estate. Loans and insnr nce. P. 1. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15tf-S727 dence. Phone 103. 35-H-8532 4 19 Cheyenne ft LAND for BALK cheap. The finest land in Box Butte county. Ev ery foot can be plowed. Level. Four quarter-sections, 640 acre:;, in two tracts of :t'Jn acres e.ic Located west of Heniingford. one tract has wind mill and good well. Excellent oil. fenced The price is low. on easy terms. Owner will show the land. Address Box 8467 c-o Alli ance Herald, for full information, or rail at Herald office. 35- 11-8467 PLACE WANTED FOR ROOM AND BOARD A young lady work lug for an Alliance business Institu Hon asked The Herald this week if We had advertised a place where she could secure room and board. If you have a place for her. phone 3 40 and ADVERTISE IT THE NEXT TIME. wNrlciTTTrTHvr Wanted to reni Furnished or unfurnished rooms for lig' t house keeping by family who will make permanent arrangemen s if desira ble rooms are secured Should be modern Perhaps you are golug away for the winter, perhaps you are apt using aP of your home, or per haps you know of rooms that can be rvuted by a family desirous of secur ing pleasant quarters. If you have jk deaired rooms kindly eommuni 0te with The Herald office or ad tfreea Al care the Herald. If you know of desirable rooms ibis family will appreciate the favor of your What Four Passenger Cruiser Model S148 (with Wire Wheels $100 Extra) THE EIGHT ... 5 Passenger Wolverine $1395 We also build 2 Pass. Roadster llSfl ANEW TRIUMPH has been written into automobile engineering history by the combination of the two great features of engine design Valve in Head and the Eight. Heretofore the advantages of the silken-powered, flexible Eight were somewhat offset by additional gas consumption over fours and sixes. The Eight was not so accessible. Oiling the motor while running was more difficult than in the four or the six. It took almost an engineering miracle to give you in the Eight the fuel consumption of the four its accessibility and oiling at high speed. But ingeniously com bining the great Valve-in-Head principle with the Eight, the miracle has come in the Jack son Valve-in-Head. lis gas consumption of 17.7 miles to the Dillon in owners' hands is better than most fours .-Hid sixes. Your foot throttle automatically regulates the ailing as you feed ihe gas. The higher the speed, the greater the oil flow to all moving motor parts. When idling the oil sup ply is automatically reduced. The accessibility of the Jackson Valve-in-Head Bight is as sim ple as the tour. Everything is within easy reach. You can adjust all the valves in 12 min utes. Now every reasonable excuse for not enjoying the advantages of the Eight is wiped OUt by the wonders of the Jackson Valve-in-Head Bight. A fifty million miles test 5000 Jackson cars averaging 10,00(1 miles proved by astounding performances the success iii combining the Valve-in-Head and the Bight. Jackson power was increased 2(1 per cent. Do you know of any other motor of the same displacement or weight that gives -or claims to give equal horse power? Its silk-like smoothness is almost uncanny for a piece of machinery. You ean creep along at f miles an hour in traffic in high. From a standing start you can speed up to .'0 miles an hour in 7 seconds. Climbing a winding eight per cent grade over four city blocks, the Jackson Valve-in-Head Bight went over the top al .'(I miles an hour in high. Summed up the Jackson Val vc-in-Hcad Bight means emergency power ; absence of gear shifting; ability to surmount anything; com fori in traffic and quiet, smooth going that leaves you without fatigue at the end of a .'HMI mile one-day trip. Write for Book on Jackson Valve-in-Head Eight See how the Jackson engineers have mastered t his great engineering (oat of Combining the Eight with the Valve-in-Head principle, Read bow the wonderful Eight construction, with iis maximum flexibility, now has supreme power, and surprising economy. We are distributors for the Jackson cars for Western Nebras ka, parts of Colorado, Wyoming and southern Dakota. We want agents in every town in the above territory. Write or wire us for territory. The RIMER MOTOR CO. Phone 290 Alliance, 116 18 Box Butte Avenue -:- Nebraska VALVE IN-HEAD EIGHT