The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 02, 1917, Image 3

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    AtUAWTW HTCKALD, THl'lts., AIGI ST 2. ioit
a - -
HmoKAM itfik
Mrs. FWk and daughter Mrs. Con
ner arrived from Alliance for few
days' visit at the ranch.
'. H Anderson made a flying trip
to Mllance and returned Monday.
The family of J. F. Sellers visited
at I lie R, R, Kincaid ranch the Inst
of the week
Herbert Mccarty is assistinp la
the .1 II. Rentfro store a few days.
.leff Devasher shipped four cars of
cattle to Omaha Saturday.
Mi and Mrs John Skipper enter
tained if lath es and friends at Sun
day dinner.
Klnier B rammer and family Sun
dayed at Frank Anderson's.
McKlnley Burton made bin regu
lar week-end visit south of town last
week His is a strenuous life.
Mr. atjd Mrs Knrncst Powles and
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Andrson were
the chesen delegates to represent our
Sunday school at the convention to
be helc in Hyannis Thursday.
Fdna Marr who has been in Alli
ance for several days under the doc
tor's care is reported as doing well
and will return home soon.
Audley Harp returned home Mon
day ultei a few weeks spent in Col
ora do.
A most welcome shower reached
these parts Monday evening, which
greatly relit red the oppressive heat
of the lasl few days.
G. W. (Jilbaugh who has been in
Colorado fcr the past six weeks for
his health lo not much improved. He
and his wife are now at the home of
their son Charlie at Jennings, Nebr.
Frank Beers of Rackett spent sev
eral days in the Bingham vicinity,
posting bills for his sale to be held
August 7 on the Ballenger ranch.
Win, Welch is stepping around
like a colt these days. He has a
little daughter two weeks old, of
which he is very proud.
Bill Nicholson as he is familiarly
tailed by all his friends is now in
Pennsylvania, he having enlisted in
the ambulance corps. A late letter
to his sister Mrs. Pat Welch says tie
expects soon to be in France.
have been employed for the coming
I year.
Another Red Cross social will be
held at the home of Mrs. Ruth Mr
Catty Saturday night, August 4. A
good time is assured all who attend.
We wish to make these socials pop
ular, and many more are likely to
follow The Biiuliam Red Cross
members are all pushers and they
expect to keep moving.
Name of contributors will not
be used in thin column If not
desired, but Uie mime of the
contributor must be known to
the editor before an article
will I., printed.
Objecl leMOS), with Stone,
Club and
adds draft and fuel to the flames of
hell for the wicked They will fry
in hell worse than rats in a burning
(b) They will bite a sleepmg
child. The wicked even dare to
harm God s little one. They would
lietter have a millstone tied about
their necks. Cod is truly aiiL-ry
with the wicked and will allow them
to be trampled down as ashes Ye
wicked, thievish, ditty, destructive
ret men, repent now and be saved
tomorrow mav be too late.
Ray Westover was buy in;
in this vicinity last week.
Mr. and Mis. Dudley and daughter
Margaret started on their vacation
trip Monday, going overland, via
Grand Island to Omaha. Council
Bluffs and other eastern pouts where
they have relatives. They will re
turn September 1 to take up their
duties here in the school where they
"And ye shall tread down the
I wicked, for they shall be as ashes
I under the soles of your feet." Mai.
' Hv this text it ia intended Mm
readers should be thoroughly im
pressed that God intends to handle
the wicked who will not heed.
Roughly, even as man is rough on
rats. He will see them tread down
and walked over as ashes beneath
the feet of the righteous. Their
very hearts shall be ground into dust
and distributed over Mother Earth
for better use.
I tough on the Wicked Ik-cause They
Steal for a laving
(a) They steal the crackers from
an infant. They have no feeling of
sympathy or mercy, but ate all for
self. Some would steal the white
out of a pig's eye, and would venture
day in torment to steal a watch
(b) They will steal the corn of a
peasant or king. As rats the wick
ed will steal from the hog pen to the
palace, and as rate from eating
"rough on rats" they shall sicken
and die, be tread down, be kicked
around in the fires of hell.
Het-ause They Are t'noleaii
(a) They frequent unclean places
the whiskey and beer houses, the
reprobate dives, the gambling shops
of devils. Witches have besmeared
the wicked with mud from the cess
pool of hell, and have made many
rhnracteYi beyond repair.
(b) They take no bath, as rats.
Some people give neither body, soul
nor character a cleansing bath. They
crow dirty from head to foot, from
skin to heart. Been Jesus Christ
cannot cleanse the 1 1 a nipled-down
BeCMtne They Are Destructive
(a) They gnaw holes into good
property, as the rat. The wicked
man will cut into pantry, bed room,
parlor, even your trunk for self, but
every piece of property destroyed
What If You io to France?
R. W Itonnineld, prominent cat
tleman of Hyannis, writes The Her
ald the following interesting letter
and asks Ha, a question that we can't
Hyannis, Nebr., July 27. 1917.
Kditor Alliance Herald,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Dear Sir: 1 received your subscrip
tion statement and am slipping one
over on you by enclosing my check
to pay Be ahead for a good period
on your paper. Now. what will I do
if the whole force has to go to
Don't forget to send my Wilson
picture, for it must be a good one. I
like The Herald. It's a good paper.
; i n NOTES
B, Set by has
but is getting
been on the sick
around again.
Bud Darnell
Denver for 0.
not pass.
has been examined at
S. service, but could
A big concert and a musical treat
will be staged soon by part of a min
strel troup and home talent. Pro
ceeds for the new A. M. E. church.
Watch The Herald for notice.
Rev. Barclay
ford Sunday.
will preach at Chaw-
Leo linear who has been in with
a sprained ankle is hopping to work
The colored boys at the yards have
a splendid orchestra
James Thornton gave $26 to the
new A. M. E. church. How much
will you give. You know the Lord
loveth a cheerful giver.
Harry ryler, Joe I'ricc.
Brown with Mac Linear cams
Sunday from Cherry county to
up bey.
For the purpose of housing
colored people who come from
South by the thousands the negroes
of New York have purchased 11,300
000 worth of realty and will build
collages to house the masses who
come north for better treatment, pro
tection and higher wages than the
get in the South.
VereeTeeTe e7M
w w
For Good Results
Consign Your Live Stock to
Cox-Jones-Van Alstine
South Omaha,
A Arm who handle a large percent of Sandhills shipments and are per
sonally interested in the Sandhill country, now operating a large ranch north
of Lakeside, Nebraska.
Through years of experience in handling range cattle, more especially
those shipped from the Sandhills, they are in a position to get the high dollar,
and fully understand how to get them over the scales properly filled. Success
ful handling has attracted the attention of the Western cattlemen, and today
Cox -Jones Van Alstine Company rank among the best commission firms at the
South Omaha yards.
In addition to being a live commission firm, they handle stock cattle in
large numbers, and by doing business with this firm you not only get full mar
ket value for your shipments but are given an opportunity to get your stock
cattle at reasonable prices.
Do business with a firm who are in a position to give BEST RESULTS.
Correspondence solicited.
Live Stock Commission Company 1
Courteous Treatment Prompt Returns
Good Fills
Choica of Three Great Markets
Chicago Omaha
Kansas City
There are all sorts of people, hut ,
they have eouimon sorrow, common
experience and common Joys. Let us
be kind and helpful and sympathetic ,
toward all people. Simply because
lik us they are people beset with sins
and inllrmities. This is not a ser
mon, but it will heli you to think
about it.
stotis itiiiir (Jasnsty utstea i-vt
(harden County 5 IWt
HuMcs Quota is .51
. 1 111
t f f f ft tttf f I tftft t Mfr4Q4ii
A dose perusal of the ratio of men
to be supplied by the different coun
ties in the state of Nebraska to the
conscripted army show some rather
interesting figures.
Hamilton county seems to be the
champion patriotic county of the
state. The allot! menl in Hamilton
county was 145 men and the county
has already sent 180 men to the col
ors, bcinj: live in excess of the re-
qulrmeoti of the draft. Two Boun
ties of the state, l.oup and Blaine,
liaii- furnished not a single man to
either army or navy and therefore
receive m credit ixup is called
upon to furnish Id men and itlaine
10 men for the draft army Haulier,
OOSper. Hayes and Wheeler counties
have furnished but one man each to
the service of the count r
ComiiiM closer home, and taking
the eleven counties of the panhandle
11 is discovered i hut Harden county
is by far the most patriotic in pro
portion than any of hei neighbors
Her requirement are ii men and
she has a tread) furnished 60 to the
country, ihus leering onl live to he
drafted. Banner Is the most lax.
having furnished but one. vita Sioux
next. tOe latter llSVing only tWO rep
resentatives ill the country's service.
Ilox BUtte'e 141101:1 originally VII
!::. but the county oaa credited with
enlistment, leaving a total of I
lo he supplied BCOttS Hlllff's QUOtU
originally was J lo. but ibis county
ha furnished men already, leav
ing the men drawn at 1 ." The fol
lowing is the liai of the nanhandle
counties wflh the number required,
the credit given for the Uien already
ill the service and the number drafted
upuiyncnnn ntP'T
I iiLminui unu uli 1 1 1
B. U, Shepherd retumud from
dty niffht from Omaha bringing with
him a brand new Monroe roadster.
A If. Miller and M K. Goach
went to Cheyenne, Wy., for the
Frontier Days celebration They re
turned Sunday
Frank Nsgolschneidcr and It I
Miller returned from Wyoming the
latter part of the week
Mr. Keiinci formerly employed at
Miller at the Flouring mills at this
place visited friends here the first of
the Ueek
Mrs I). W. Kenner was up from
Alliance a couple of days the latter
pari of the week.
.1 T Butler returned from a ten
days stay up at Douglas, o . on
Mr. aud Mrs. Norton Jackson of
ChadrOB Uncle and Aunt of Mrs.
Win. Baling were over Friday ami
Sal unlay visitors here returning lo
their home Sunday
Ralph Hopkins aud Jay Woods at
tended Frontier Itays at Cheyenne
last week.
returned the hrsi of
a Wet k V loll W Ith
eastern pari of the
wife and children re
a longer visit
Muble McCluuu itiirnetl from
a COUpIC Of la Stay al QordOU Sunday
Pred M eii. k
the week front
friends in the
Slate. The
111. mied for
Amos Able) of Omaha kg
Willi his parents this Week.
v ISItillU
Ralph Jackson was looking after
ins laterests In this locality the mid
dle of I he week
Mi and Mis
son Uoyd wore
rcl.itives in and
It. week.
John Q relume! and
visiting friends gad
round town during
Quote Credit Draft
Banner 1 II
Bos ituiie s'.r.s :ti
Cheyenne loi.s 71
Dawes ti.4.'. ".6 40
Deuel 40 Oh M
Garden && 55 50
Kimball . 42.07 ! II
Morrill 1
Bcotta Itlufi :'oit II .4 IM
Sheridan . ItT.II : 1 77
Sioux r,0.2k I 4H
The osi idhce was moved into the
new location west of Burlewi store
on Tuesday evening.
Mrs Clarence itosenbereer was
taken lo Alliance the latter pari ol
the Week Where she was operated Oil
I for appendicitis She Is reported
to be doina tine at this writing.
- o
itorn on Tuesday ssoralng July I
to Mr and Mrs ChaS Sharp .1 nine
pound boy Mother and hahe getting
glOng tine and Charlie I able lo lie
Mrs. F.v.i Thompson weni down 10
Alliance Salurtla) for a days visit.
Cm! Foskel shipped his household
r Is to Luttg Pine, Nebr.. the first
of the week where they will reside
in the future he huvin purchased
.' home at that place.
Mrs. Brown returned from Scotts-
bluS Monday ami is preparing to
(move to that place where they will
make their home in the future.
H f. Shepherd and wife and Pearl
! Lorenson left Monday noon for a
months OUting in the mountains they
iwili visit Cheyenne, Denver and sev
eral places in Arizona before return
inn, tftey went overland i" th" BOW.
-1 1
Uill Elder returned Tuesday from"
a rew days stay with relatives at
Ira Phillips returned from Sioux
City Saturday with his new Ford.
the piano contest at Wiltseye
store closed Saturday iu;lit. Julia
Foist rum won the piano
u -
, Our kids team Weal ohut to Kl
1 bridge MellS place where they met
(the Sunny Slope boys Sunday for a
ball name. From accounts it was
Mjuiie an interesting game and the
.result was in favor of the kids.
.Score 1 to 'i.
Alliance came up Sunday and
crossed bats with our boys for the
i third lime resulting in Heiuinxford's
'favor Bcore 16 to S, Alliance s pltch-
lerdld'nl seem to have any thing at all
only a large amount of hot air which
lbs could not make work at any state
of the game, BnBtae to say Alliance
! is a poor looser
I o
1 Mi. Michael and daughter Brace
who have been visiting Ifl the coun
try for a couple of weeks returned
Tuesday having enjoyd themselves
very muog
I u "
Mrs J Kinsley who has been
visiting at the home of her daughter
Mrs. P. J. Michael for the last three
weeks returned to her home in Au
burn. Nebr . Monday
1 n 1 i M 1 1 UCTTNHM AT
M 1 1 M l pi NsTI WW U
Hobeit tiraham. postmaster at Al
liance, advises The Herald that the
following is a list of the letters re
maining unclaimed in the Alliance
noetoBke for the week andlng July
H ..i.! thai if they are not called for
on 01 before august IS they will be
seni to 1 he deed-tetter office at Ohi
eagju !
Belle, 6. A Besusatt, C, B.i H01-d.-n.
Edward K ; Clay. Mr Floyde;
Crary, w c.; Cruse, L B.; ciered.
'Fred W.i npmlUf Miss Josephine.
Grove, Frank Petty; Heller, K. B.;
Uindsey. Mr. J. Clyde; Lee, Mr. Earl;
Martin. Albert A.; Porter. Mr M ;
Smith. Mr F.
BOO. j l ay lor.
Mr Koy; White,
Raver Mrs. L.
Shanks. Mrs
Huth: Warner.
Km ma.