ALIJANCK HKItMD. THI RH.. Al'OUST S, 1917 THK POTATO CHOP ' RNI WATt HI Mi Infection taken place It should he your aim to eliminate and rointrol them diseases an much as possible. To do this you should re sort in the practice of roguelng Set aside it p. hi Of your in M M seed I plot, practise systematic row Inspcc- I t ton :i ltd remove all dim-awed plants. If your potato plot shown a Man per- (Conttnm l from page 1) crop KiiHMrliini Wilt or Might MmtAMi i ll. 1 11 ii i-ii s willed causes this di sense in;ides the water rentage of diseased plants do not try conducting- tissue of the stem and to use tne crop lor seen wet your roots, plugs 'In water vessel and seed from some one that has a good cause, wilting. This disease Is vcr Held prevalent in this whole section. The Begin to inspect nhout flowering plants are lighter green during the time nnd if you cannot make repeat ! arly stages of the disease. If tlie iMPOCtlOM make at least one more disease devclOpM rapldl the plant one month after dowering time. De may wilt and dies with little yellow strny the diseased plants, ing If the disease developes slow- Koguelng Is the proper way to start ly the entire foliage may heroine yel seed selection. Din selection alone, low. The WOOd part of the stem though hotter than none at nil, Is not is browned by the presence of the or- satisfactory because it allows diseased Mnism The organism enters the tubers to pass by since the tubers may young tubers from the mother plant carry disease and yet appear perfect- . . ... . l . i i . I.. .... .. ,. I .1 t lm and often niarKs its presence ny tern end discoloration designated as stem end disease." Control. Roguelng and hill selec tion are Hie most effective methods of control. Cutting of the stem end be fore planting is advised if hill selec tion has not been practised. KltlZOCtnni Disease This dlsoase Is caused by an or ganism called Khizoctoniu. It in marked by a variety of symptoms such as blight, dry stem rot, rosette, Utile potatoes, russet scab end black scurf. The underground parts of the plant are attacked, I. e. the roots, melons (horizontal stems that give rise to tubers), tubers and stems of young shoots Symptoms. Missing hills are caused by this organism. Patches of brown dead tissue develop on the young stems. If these appear early enough and are extensive enough they may girdle the plant and kill it. When the stolons are affected, large tops are formed with few or no tu bers. The foliage often Is yellowish and rolled. If young, water absorb ing roots are attacked und killed the plain may yellow gradually as though it were suffering from lack of water, and show death of leaves, the lower leaves dying first. Often rosettes, 1. e. plants with an excessive number of branches are formed, giving rise to a short end and more compact type of growth. If the stem is girdled near the ground and the plant not killed, sraalll aerial tubers may develop In the axils of the leoves. If the gird ling Occam further down bo that some stolons can develop 50 to 75 small tubers may be pro'ueed in a single hill. Defoarmed. crooked and branching tubers may be formed by diseased plants. The skin often la corroded forming "the russet scab." Often times there is a sparse or dense weft of fine brown filaments growing on the stem and tubers. If these become aggregated they givo rise to bodies allied "sclerotla," mistaken for "dirt l hat Will not come off." Control. Practice roguelng, Held selection of seed and treatment with corrosive sublimate. This does not solve the problem entirely since soil ly sound. Field selection which Is carried on In a Held at digging time, even though it permits selection for size, uniformity and freedom from dl- ' sense Is hazardous If roguelng has not been practised. A very excellent method is the hill selection method. In this the held is Inspected late in the growing season and all hlllls tha show freedom from disease are marked. At digging time the hills that show the best type and productiveness of tubers nre saved. I Now is the time to begin to think about your seed potatoes for next year. Crow your own seed potatoes for next year In a seed plot, or see to it that your seed comes from some one that practices the methods out-; lined in this urtlcle. Practice has shown that this is the only method i to eliminate certain potato diseases. For further Information about po tato diseases address the Department Of Plant Pathology and Physiology of the Cnlverstty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Telephone fhroKour-Oli H R It A L I) CLAHHIK1KD A D V K RT I K KM K N T8 Five Cents per Line-Count Six Words to a Line No Advertisement taken for Lcrb Than 15c HOR8E SALE 250 horses will be sold at public auction at the Hem lngford Stock Yards, August 1st. For particulars see Calvin J. Wildy. 33-2t-8493 Out stock of new full ami winter footwear il soon be Arriving, We must clear our shelves to make room for the arriv ing- .shipments. The new footwear costs money x al money ami we have to pay for them. Carrying over summer shoes is anything tJttl profitable. We woi.1,1 rather sell them for less now ami Ket the money for them than have them on the shelves all winter. We want the money to put into our fall stock. So we are making Sweeping Reduction on Mens, Womens and Childrens Summer Shoes We're not quotm prices in this advertisement- We couldn't make the exHemely low price plain to you. Come to the store during this sale, which Starts Saturday, Aug. 4, and Continues to and Including Sat., Aug. 25 You'll see the old tas and the old prices and the new taj?s and the new taps and the new prices. You'll see honest -to-good-ness reductions - genuine savings. We say to you. "You attend this sale if you are in the market for shoes. You look at ihe prices and the shoes. That's all. You'll buy then, we know, if you need shoos." Lowry's Shoe Store FOR HALE OR LEASE at a bar gain: NWK Twp. 25, Range 50, Box Butte county. Price $15 per acre. (eo. H. Gallup, Jefferson, la. 33-tf-8492 "FolTliiu days, about 800 tons of hay. In quire of F. E. Allen, 603 Niobrara, or phone 566. 33-4t-8486 FOR SALE High grade typewrit er carbon paper. The kind that gives you a clear duplicate. The Alliance Herald. Phone 340. FOUND- A custlng, evidently part of a tractor or other large piece of farm machinery, on road leading to 206 BOX BUTTE AVE Alliance, by members of The Her ald force. This casting is evidently badly needed by someone and any one knowing to whom It belongs will confer a favor on the owner by ad vising him that it is at The Herald office, where it can be secured by calling for it and paying the costs of the Insertion of this want ad. HER ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. 34-tf-8471 POSITION WANTED by experi enced young lady. Housework or of fice work. Capable and trustworthy. Reasonable wages wanted. Phone 340, or write Box 8452, care Alli ance Herald. 34-tf-8452 WANTED Washing or day work Inquire 701 Missouri. 33-2t-8477 WANTED A furnished room for light housekeeping by lady, in a home close-In. References furnish ed if desired. Phone 2 40, Herald of fice. 33-tf-847 WE DO REPAIRING FOUND- SWITCH KEY and a Calling cards lor the ladies are bunch of keys. Owner may have i printed promptly and neatly at TU same by calling at The Herald of- I Herald office. The prices are reaa- nee, identifying tne keB, and pay- onable. Phone 340 for samples ana ing the cost or this want ad. HER ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. 34-tf-8469 price, or call at the office. FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Downtown location. Suitable for rr-w- ii. i . , i. mi;, ui m'ii!.'iiimii in yrivHie reM- 1 ri.i' nt;irl r.r r-nu-u . i nt.h " ar'' ,vwl LOST, STRAYED OR STOLE.V Phone 103. 35-tf-8532 419 Cheyenne. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA cafe with The Herald office or ad dross Al care the Herald. If you know of desirable rooms this family will appreciate the favor of your communication of the fact to the Herald office. LAKESIDE Mrs. Ramsburgh is here from Denver visiting with her husband Mr. Ramsburfgnh is night superin tendent at the plant. The Lakeside Mercantile Co., ded icated their new store ouilding last Wednesday evening by giving a dant old and young attended and all hart Announcement HIP Stephen's Bakery announces Ihe removal this week of its bakery and salesroom from 207 Box Hutte avenue 'the old location) to :il9 Box Butte avenue (the new location). The new location is the building until recently occupied by the Began store. The entire interior of the storeroom bus been remodeled and re-decorated. Both the salesroom ami the bakery (al the rear) are large, light ami pleasant. A new back bar has been purchased for the back of the lunch counter. New lunch tables have been installed. You can Ret a good lunch at Stephen 's. The bread, cakes, pies, cookies, etc., are all on dis play in glass cases. The bakery is new. The new oven was installed this week by u workman sent here from the factory. New pans ami tins are in use. Kverything is clean and up-to-the-minute. You are invited to visit the bakery. THK HAKKIt KM PLOY KD AT THK STKBHKNS BAKKHY IS A INION BAKER. Only the latest and cleanest methods are employed in this bakery 8MB THAT YOUR GROCER AND THK HKSTAl'UANT OWNER iTKNISHKS YOU WITH ALLIANCE-MADE BREAD It's I'ldon-madc Bread, too. F. F. Stephens BAKERY 319 BOX BUTTE AVE PHONE 649 Union Men Local Ultion No 26, Bakery and Confectionery Work em, of Denver, mv si riking for a minimum wage of $19 a week anil the righl to belong to the union. The Denver I n ion stiiies that among the brands of scab-mude bread being made in Denver are to be found "Honey Bread," "Butter Nut." "Butter Krust," "Mother's Bread." "Karl's Bread," "Wholesome," "Twin Scotch." "Old Homestead." and at hem. S on left hip, and one red cow brand ed M on hip; also three head of calves with no brands. A good re- j IAJST Note for $50, made out to wara win dc puia for any informa-1 W. T. Huston, signed by Warren Hon leading to their recovery. Ad-j Sweat. Reward for return to Her- urC88 any information to O. R. Rob-iald office. 3f-lt-8528 erts, Ijewellen, Nebraska. ! s- 34-tf-8472 j LOST OR STRAYED. Small, red cow. Roai: face. Branded on rieht MOVE I I ItMII i;i; SAFELY hit) with "E backward H." Notify!11 vp,- enjoyable time. We have equipped our dray wap-jA. Jacohson. 723 Mississippi Avenue.! Mrs- L c Harris and daughter Ions and auto truck with the latest i Alliance, Nebraska. 'Vivian returned Saturday from a I appliances for moving furniture 35-lt-f-8.126 . 1 v'Bit with relatives in Ells- IwiUiuut marring or scratching or do-i J j worth. John Weir, a couBin came ling damage. Up-to-date wagon pads j LAND FOR SALE CHEAP. The I home with her to spend a few days in 1 will be UHed by us on all moving I finest land in llox Uuite county. Ev- I Lakeside. Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER. Pbone 15. j ery foot ran be plowed. Level. Four j Mrs. W. E. Richardson with the 37-tf-f.950 'quarter-sections. 640 acres, in two (Cchildren, Betty and William arrived "v j tracts of 320 acres eac-. Located I here Friday. They expect to make AUTOMOHILE PAINT west Of Hemingford. One tract has tin ir home here every summer. i wind mill and good well. Excellent Mtases Mae and Ruth Pollard de soil, fenced The m ice la low urn I Darted Sunday noon for Norten. Kan $3 I will seno you enough of my high terms. Owner will show the iThOJT will visit for a tew weeks with gloss enamel to paint your car. Im-Hand. Address Box 8467 c-o Alii- i relatives and friends, rturnelng for possible to streak or leave brush jance Herald, for full Information, or .'he school term in September. . , . ... call at Herald office Harry White from Genoa. Nebr . marks. Anyone can apply. It will j 3 5-4t-8467 I is here visiting his big brother Geo . make your car look like new and 1 whc is stenographer and general you be the Judge If not satisfied ) , j.LACE WANTED FOR ROOM i clerk at the Potash office. "A f ? K-y 52? n 'oUI'Pom- ii L I AND BOARD A young lady work- W. L. Marcy was an Alliance vis V, V olumbine St., Den-; jng for an Alliance business institu-1 itor on Thursday attending to affairs yVi! 16-tf-818 (tea aBked Tft. Herald this week if0t business. HOl'SK FolTTiFNT w ha advr,'sei il Place where she j Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willoughb j could secure room and board. If left Wednesday on 44 for Central FURNISHED ROOM for rent to''ou have a place for her, phone 140.1 City where they expect to visit rela- i..,,, , ,, ti. r..4...... k, ...... e mm r-A i !iiv;s iiim irienun. Phone 1 7 T, 408 Sweetwater Ave. SO-if-8445 PAINT YOUR OWN AUTO Few TIME FOR SALE HOUSE I WANTED TO KENT Wanted to rent FurniBhed or (Unfurnished rooms for lig' t house- FOR SALE AT EXECUTOR'S keeping by family who will make SALE-- Two residence properties lo-1 permanent arrangements if desira- Icated as follows: Lots five and six I ble rooms are secured. Should be in block six, Wyoming addition to modern. Perhaps you are going City of Alliance. The residences are away for the winter, perhaps you are composed of three and five rooms, 'tot using al' of your home, or per- These residence properties must be ! haps you know of rooms that can be i After working for a couple of days on a scraper Draftsman Harold R Dunn P. B. 0. D. decided that a suu Bhade of some kind would be a pay ing investment. Mr. Dunn is nov. the proud possessor of a beautiful stetson which he purchased at the CroWther Reed store. T. H. Naylor helper at the depot left on Monday. His place is bein temporarily filled by Donald Marcy Mr. and Mrs. .las. Helmes returned sold. Inquire of L. A. Berry. Room I rented by a family desirous of secur- ; l-'ndav from a three weeks vacation 9, Rumcr Block. Alliance, Nebraska, ihk pleasant quarters. If you have i which they spent on their ranch Phone 9. 8287-23-tf ! the desired rooms kindly communi- near Seneca. Alliance Shoe Store Sale Look At These Prices On Ladies' LOW SHOES 47 Pair at - .88 73 Pair at - - - $1.38 98 Pair at - - - 1 .98 If you can wear shoes ol small size you now have the opportunity of buying low shoes at about one-sixth of the usual cost Van know what shoes are worth today. You know these prices. It outfltt not to be necessary lo say more. Remember these low shoes are small sizes. If you can Hud your .size you may taUt- the shoes al the extraordinary low price We want to close out lln se small sizes, pel rid of them, tret the moue for them, so can put the money into new shoes purchased and soon to arrive. Alliance Shoe Store 305 Box Butte Avenue Alliance, Nebraska ii , ; . HWM'.- ..(. , -mti1mtmmmm1mmmWmWmW-- ntrnmT JiSOawas- mrmn , .