Our Country's Greatest Asset Automobiles Absolutely Essential to the Conduct of Nation's Business and Industry ALLIANCE'S PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE NEVER WERE BRIGHTER CENTER OF THE PANHANDLE OF THE RICHEST STATE IN THE UNION, IDEALLY LOCAT ED FOR THE MANUFACTURER, JOBBER AND DEALER THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS HAS BEEN A GREAT FACTOR IN THE CITY'S PROSPERITY. Alliance is rapidly developing as a producing and distrib uting center. It is located in the center of a rapidly develop ing agricultural district, surrounded by smaller towns, includ ing the rich potash producing districts to the east, the big cat tle grazing district, with good labor conditions and fine trans portation facilities. As a market, Alliance now has a population of nearly 6,000 people, and is also within shopping distance of twice that number. The future of Alliance and Box Butte county is indeed bright. Hundreds of thousands of acres of rich agricultural lands surround the town and are rapidly settling up with farm ers irom farther east, who are beginning to realize that a home and independence can be attained here with less labor than in the thickly settled eastern farming districts. They also realize that farms here sjive a maximum of income for a minimum of invested capital. THE COUNTRY AT LARGE IS PROSPEROUS BIL LIONS ARE BEING SPENT FOR WAR SUPPLIES, FOR FOODS AND MEATS, AND THE PEOPLE OF WESTERN NEBRASKA ARE GETTING THEIR SHARE OF THE PROF ITABLE RETURNS FROM THE TURNING LOOSE OF THESE IMMENSE SUMS OF MONEY. Important Facts Automobile industry best organized industry in the coun try. Supports over 2,000,000 people. In 1916 there were 1,583,617 automobiles and trueks built, the value of the oars sold was $1,226,000,000. The total registration of automobiles in the United States for 1916 was 2,932,455. Automobiles registered in Nebraska to July 1st. 1917, nearly 130,000. Automobiles registered from Box Butte county to date, 748. One automobile in Box Butte county for each 13 inhabitants. "Eventually Why Not Now?" The roads arc now in good shape almost everywhere. The belated summertime is in our midst and the Call of All Out doors is very, very insistent. Four of the best motoring months on the calendar are ahead. Ho "Buy Your Car Now" is a very timely prelude to the enjoyable months ahead of you. We know you will find it difficult to resist the impulse to buy that car when you read all of the allurements that are fortlicoming. "Eventually why not NOW?" is trite but true. Take a tip from these columns, watch the advertise ments carefully, telephone the dealer who sells the car which is nearest to your heart's desire, and have a demonstration. Buy your ear now- -be happy in those pleasures it brings you and content in the thought that you did right by putting the cost of the car back into circulation where it will do the country the greatest service. "Buy Your Car Now" You, as the prospective purchaser of an automobile, should purchase NOW. You should take the time for an investiga tion "of the various makes represented by dealers whose names are at the bottom of this page, and then make your purchase without further delay. The people of Alliance have been making unusually big money for nearly three years now and with greater prosperity ahead it all means that business here will have its big share in the increase. For the business man who stays at home in these war times and does the work formerly done by two men in many cases an automobile makes it possible to do double the work and DOUBLES HIS EFFICIENCY BY KEEPING HIM WELL. . American farmers the backbone of the country are now producing food for the world and to them the automobile is a great boon. It soon pays for itself in the saving of time, la bor and horseflesh, and brings him to the city, where he is a big buyer. It gives him rest and recreation and opens up a broad er life to him and his family, keeping them satisfied with life on the farm. Business concerns have recognized the necessity of the au tomobile. It widens their delivery range, saves time, works 24 hours a day, 360 days in the year if need be, and will do three or four times the work of a horse By The Herald Editor When President Wilson wTOte a New York business man, "This is not only not a time to allow any slowing up of busi ness, bill is a time when every sensible process of stimulation should be used," the automobile and allied industries decided that meant them, too. Thoy figured it out this way: Mere you are, an average reader of automobile news in these columns. You have the money to buy a car, either a new one from $345 up, or a partly used car. Yon really want that car want it badly, for the pleasure and health it will bring you and your family, for its conveni ence, or possibly for business use as well. You're weary of walking, or strap-hanging, or depending on friends for lifts. Or you now own an older model (which, confidentially, has an enormous appetite for gas, tires, oil and new parts) and you want a better car as your position de mands. And a newer car, you lightly figure, will cost much less for upkeep. They Have "Your Number" The auto-folks know about you and know that you're just holding back without any logical reason. For you know as well as they that business is going to keep good, unless ev eryone does like you and just "holds back." In which case, of course, you are operating contrary to President Wilson's statement to not allow "any slowing up of business. " So the auto-folks intend to have, you set right on the mat ter to sho you where you not only uncage the pent-up en joyment iu those "resting dollars" of yours, but also do the nation a good turn by putting them back to work in general circulation when you buy that car you want. THE AUTOMOBILE IS NECESSARY TO THE ARMY IN SAVING TIME AND LABOR TO THE BUSINESS CON CERN TO THE BUSINESS MAN TO THE FARMER AND TO ALL IN INCREASING EFFICIENCY BY KEEP ING US WELL AND HAPPY. These great war times have demonstrated to a marked de gree the necessity of the automobile to the army. We have ev idence of this right here in Nebraska by the constant use made of cars by the army men encamped in the state The automo bile is indispensable in transporting men and supplies in sav ing of time and labor. Only the other day the United States Government announced it would buy 74,000 new cars for the army. A Canadian paper headline said the other day: "Canada, despite war, buying 100,000 cars. ' ' Canada has gone through precisely the same conditions that now confront us, so the ef fect of the war there ought to be fairly indicative of what we may expect here. One of the largest tire companies found on investigation that in 1913 Canada had increased its number of registered cars 16,783 or 38 per cent, against the 1912 registration, and during 1914, 22,070 or 36 per cent, as compared to 1913. War was declared August 1, 1914, so that the last figures were little affected thereby. Now, after two and one-half years of war fare, Canada is this year buying 100,000 new motor cars al most five times as many as were purchased during 1914, and an increase of 85 per cent over the normal for 1913-14. So Canada under war conditions, with a constant crusade for economy, with the withdrawal of man power and money far in excess of anything contemplated in the United 8tates is, after two and one-half years, buying as many automobiles per capita as the United States. Theory and prophecy are not very convincing, but here are the actual facts. The experience of Canada and her pres ent liberal patronage of the motor car ought to be an evidence of what the future has in store for us. If there is any doubt as to the stability and prosperity of the motor car business, or business in general, the experience of Canada ought to dispel it. The automobile means rest and recreation plenty of fresh air to all. It has proved its worth in countless ways everywhere. ALLIANCE AUTOMOBILE DEALERS LEXINGTON Minute Man Six The Fashion Car for 1917 Touring Car The Clubster The Convertible Sedan The Convertible Coupe You Must See This Car Armogast Auto. Co. Distributors Bayard, Nebraska J. w. TRUE Alliance Representative 19th Year As an automobile purchaser you are interested in just 6 things: Appearance, Reputation, Durability, Performance, Service and Price You will be satisfied with your OLDSMOBILE $1367.00 f. o. b. Lansing Nicolai & Son Corner Second and Cheyenne Alliance, Nebraska The New Era and Crow-Elkhart Automobiles We Have The Cars Rumer Motor Co. Distributors Phone 290-116 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, . Nebraska