22 North. Range 4 5 Went, Sixth Principal Meridian, has Died notice of Intention to make final three-year proof, to establish clslni to the land abovt described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Ijind Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 2 1st day of August. 1917. Claimant names aa witnesses: .1 II. Hatnsey. of Mumper. Nebras ka; Frank De France, of Ellsworth. Nebraska; John Hnoddy. of Alliance. Nebraska: J. T Banning, of Alli ance. Nebraska. T. .1 O'KBBPK, Hcglster. DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. MOTH'K TO CRKIHTORS Rstatc No. 53. of Robert Baxter, deceased. In the County Court of Bos Butie County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, aa: Cred itora of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presenta tion and tiling of claims against said i state is January 7. 1918. and for payment of debts to May II. 1918; that 1 will sit at the county court room In said County on September 1. 1917. at 2 p m.. and January 8, 1918, at 2 p. m.. to receive, examine-, bear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated Majf II, 1917. I It A E. TA8H. (SEAL) County Judge Burton Reddish. Attorneys. 27-41-830-8298 i litMAIi NOTICE IN BOX BUTTE COUNTY COURT J NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EMOUENE E. WILSON, DE CEASED. To all persons interested in said es tate, both creditors and heirs: Take notice: That on the 12th day of June. A. D. 1917. Eva F ande-, Sanitary science has of late made walker bled her petition in writing rapid strides with results that are of with said county court praying a de- untold blessing to humanity. The lat termination of the time of death of est application of its untiring research said deceased; names of her heirs, is the recommendation that it Is as degree of kinship and right of sue-1 necessary to attend to Internal sanlta- ension to her real estate ! Hon of the drainage system of the hu- That said Emogene F. Wilson died man body as It Is to the drains of the April 16. 1908, and at the time of house. her death was a resident of Box 1 Those of us who are accustomed to Butte County. Nebraska, and was feel dull and heavy when we arise, seized of the following described splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, real estate, towit: An undivided one- foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom half interest In the northwest quar- ach, can, instead feel as fresh as a ter of Section Twenty-one (21). daisy by opening the sluices of the sys Township Twenty-seven (27), north. ! tem each morntag and tagMtth f.,-, (4?) .... r.f ih whole of the internal poisonous stag- i ii I 6x- i .r i or x ii r " v Says we will both took and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid lllnesa illllllll!UIIMIIIIIIIIIHWMlllllHMMHIIIIlHinHllinHIMIIIIinillllllintm Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association President Harry J. Mauser, Fremont. First Vice President John W. Cuthrle, Alliance Second Vice President- Wm. P. McCune, Norfolk. Secretary E. A. Miller, Kearney. Treasurer F. B. Tobln. Sidney. Chaplin- Rev W. C. Rundln. Crawford. Board of Control- Jacob (loehrlng, Seward, chairman; C H. Mas ters, Auburn; C. R. Frailer, Cot henburg ; H. 11. Hurtling, Ne braska City; Clyde Beck with. Crawford. A lepartmeiit Ih'Voted to the Interests of the Volunteer Firemen of the StHte of Nebraska Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas. State Publicity Chairman. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS DEPARTMENT ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED Address envelope to: State Publicity ChnlMMO Firemen's Ass'n, The Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska Kile Daughter of Isabella The regular meeting of the local court of the Knights of Columbus was held at their hall last night. Af ter the mietlng a social was held in which unite a number of the Catholic ladies participated An Interesting prog ran of music and declamations was gtVoa and the sublet i or organi zing a rourt of the Daughters of Is abella discussed. This Mattel has been considered, for boom Umm ami since the me -ting held l.i.-i evening it looks iin If Alliance would have the distinction oi Mai the tirst city west of the Missouri river to institute such an organization. The daughters of Isabella is similar to thai of the K. C's and is purely religious in char l cter The Meter OStOM a Movement is on foot to place the water system of lhs city on a meter basis. This mailer has been under consideration for some time by the city authorities and will bo hrot up at a special or the next regular of t he operating ores ' t Conductor W. B. Zollinger left far Chicago and other points In Illinois to visit his children He expects to be gone a couple of weeks. HeWllnfurd orrcpondcrwe K L Breretl has bought the lots Which the Lincoln Ijtnd Co. owned in llemingford, about 110 In all. This closes the holdings of the com pany In llemingford. Ole lledgecock opened up his new limber shop In the Cilman building Sal unlay. FROM OOAMT TO CO A NT 6th Principal Meridian, in Nebraska, and that said Eva F. Vandewalker is ihe sole owner of said real estate, and said petition will be heard at the County Court room in said coun ty on the 24th day of July, A. D. 1917, at 1 o'clock p. m. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate by nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in It to wash from the stom ach, liver and bowels the previous lay's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more publication of this order in the Alii- food into the stomach. The action of ance Herald, of Alliance. Nebraska, hot water and limestone phosphate on lor three successive weeks prior an empty stomach la wonderfully ln t hereto. I vlgorattng. It cleans out all the soar Dated this 12th day of June, A. D. fermentations, gases, waste and acidity 1917. (SEAL) 28-4t-8301-833 IRA E. TASH. County Judge Serial No. 016101. .Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. 8. Iind Office at Alliance, Nebraska, .inly 7, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Myrtle If. Blain. of Pawlet, Nebraska, who and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphated hot : water Is quietly extracting a large vol 1 ume of water from the blood and (jet ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the Inside organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are CONSERVATION AHSOCIATION OF NEBRASKA The Conservation Association of Nebraska was formed at n meeting held at Lincoln June 27, attended by the Lieutenant Governor, the In surance Commissioner, the State Fire "Marshal, and representatives of Ihe State Council of Defense and the leading commercial organizations. Its purpose is to protect the food supplies of the state against the ha.ards of lire and explosion, which have been greatly increased hy war conditions, it. harmony with the proclamation of President Wilson and the recommen dations of the Council Of National Defense. The fire insurance companies, which have a large stuff of expert inspec tors and Held men trained in the investigation of such hazards, have freely offered their services for any duty which will assist the state and national governments, and these have been officially accepted. They will district the state and inspect all grain elevators, flour mills, packing plant- and other places where food supplies are accumlated They art working with official authority, and will urge all property Owners, as a patriotic duty, to make the changes recommended and to remove the preventable hazards discovered. Their reports are made to the Stai Fire Marshal, who will follow them up and see that the improvements are made. The Executive Committee of the Conservation Association of Nebras ka is made up as follows: W. C. Lyle, Chairman; E. S. Freeman, Charles R McCottcr, John J. Zlminer. W. S. Harding. Charles V. Ilendi ickson, ( (i Robertson and W. H. Ahmanson. rresidcnt Wilson, in Ins recent appeal to the public, said: Tins is the time for America to correct her unpardonable fault of wastefulness and extravagance." The preventable tire waste of the country is one of its most "unpardonable faults." Two hundred million dollars have been going up in smoke each year, and most of this loss could easily have been prevented by the exercises of reasonable precautions. Much of the pro perty destroyed was grain, foodstuffs and supplies of which the country and its allies are now In serious need. The citizens who cannot go to ths front can show his patriotism by doing everything, possible to reduce the tire waste, and thus conserve the national resources. A Itein.ii kahlc Chain of Home iv-tl-mony. Anil Alliance. Addn Its Voice to the ".mini Chorus of lal Praise From north to south, from east to west ; In every city, every community; In every state In the Union Rings out the grateful praise for meeting of the city council. This new Doan's Kidney Pills, system Will result in I derided sav- &0.000 representative people In er- Ing to those paying for city water, ; ery walk of life Publicly testify to quick relief ana I. ill Paragraph Miss May McDerniott will be mar ried to Mr. Fred Ayers on July 18, In this city. They are among out most popular young people. lasting results And It's all for the benefit of fel low sufferers. In this granil chorus of local praise Alliance is well represented. Well-known Alllunce people Tell of personal experiences. Who can ask for better proof of merit? Henry Merk. fiOl Yellowstone Ave., Alliance, says: "I haven't need ed a kidney medicine for a long time t- w u..iui... i r,i,i n.,.,vr I because 1 have none of the kidney a rWthir WeVk. rouble of which Doan's Kidney Pills I rid me several years ago. They corn- Mrs J. I. Donohue. wife of Chief - of-police Donohoe of Omaha, accom panied by her daughter, Miss, Alice, arrived today on 41 to visit with Mrs. Donohoe's sister Mrs. W. J. Con tiers. A. T. Lunn and family visited at CraWOfrd Sunday. Ilallroad Notes A. (Jregory operator will be return ed to Alliance to work nlgMs. He has been relieving O. W. lxiw at Newcastle for the past six weeks. H. P Toohe has entered the ser vice as operator and will relieve W. D. Mclntyre of Crawford. J. R. Phelan and wife went to Chi cago Sunday morning. Mr. Phelan was called there to attend a meeting pletely relieved me of backache and other ailments that came from my kidneys. I am glad to give Doan's my endorsement." Price fiOc. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same thst Mr. Merk hsd. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. Adv July 12 John McCoy, M. D. Office and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone tl on July 29. 1913. made Homestead urged to get a quarter pound Of lime Kntry. Serial No. 016101. for Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. SE U NW'a . EttSW Section 18. Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 19. Township 2 2. Rg. 4 4, KNK and NWKNEU of Section 13. Township Ration. stone phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little, but is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of internal sun Professional Directory of the Alliance Herald Professional Photographer Ouallty Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Knlaiging all Styles M. E. UK ERR. Proprietor ALLIANCE AKT STl'DIO Phone Red 165 L W. BOWMAN Phyniciaii and Surgeon Office: First National Bank Bldg Phones: Office, 362: Res. 16 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office Reasonable Rates Prompt Service IMPKRIAL ORCHESTRA H Pieces Member of A. F. of M. H . A. DUBUQUE, Mgr. M. H. W II ALKY, Director 4'oncert and Dance Work Harness hand made from best ma terial Outlast nny factory made goods. Call and sue. Harness repairing by experienced harness maker. 4. M. COVERT At M. D. NichoU' -tan. I. Alliance C E. SLAOLE, M D Physician A- Surgeon Office phone. RSB, phone, 52 ALLIANCE. -:- NKBRASKA L. A. B E K K Y BURTON & REDDISH aasiarasai AttorneMat-javr ,'A"KK I And Attorneys Phone Room Kiiuier Hlk Office Cirst National Bank Rldg PHONE 180 Alliance, Nebraska ALLIANCE. - - NEBRASKA THOMAS LYNCH "l et ' r '"r You" T " a1J& harry p coursey City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Live Stock and Ueoerol Sale OMAHA Specialist and Auctioneer Special Attention to Live Stock FARM SALES A SPECIAL I V i i Psesns Reasonable Alliance. (Phone Mid Nebr I IRE WASTE AND Ft MID SHORTAGE Eire prevention work is an important factor in the campaign for the conservation of the food supplies of the country. Reduction of the pre ventable fire waste should be regarded h every citizen as a patriotic duty. The editor of the Nashville Tenuesseeea u and American, discussing this, said: All of us. when we consider llres, fall into the worst of fallacies. It is the common practice with newspapers, when reporting (ires, to say, for instance, "The loss was $1,00, fully covered by insurance." Now. no lire loss can be fully, or even partially, covered by insurance Loss by fire is complete loss, and the fact that the oyner of the property gets from some insurance company a sum of money equal to the value of the destroyed property does not change it. The only difference between an Insured loss and an unincuied los sit that in the one case the loss Is distributed among all the people or a great number of people, while in the other case the loss is borne whollly by one man or by a little group of men. The economic loss is exactly the same, whether the property is incured or not. Here, to illustrate, is a warehouse In which is stored enough flour to mee t (he bread needs of a thousand people for thirty days. The ware house, wiht its contents, burns and the owner collects the value of it from the insurance companies. The money of all the policyholders went to-reimburse this one policyholder and the supply of flour has been reduced by a quantity that would have fed a thousand people for a month Th:;i thousand people must draw upon the supplies of flour of others for Its bread ration for that month. The price of flonr to all consumers goes up and the general public pays the value of the tire loss in increased cost of bread. The man who owned the flour pays like all the others. If the general public could be brought to look at Ures in that light, there would unquestionably be fewer fires. A carefulness would be de veloped in the public that would give effect to the work of tire prevention agencies The public may be brought, of necessity, to that view ina short while. It were well that the public bring itself voluntarily to that view a llttel In advance of being forced to It. For the first time in its history, the L'nited States faces a food shorl- Sge that approaches famine Every sack of flour, every bushel of wheat, every barrel of corn, every dozen of eggs, and every pound of butter that goi s up in smoke is just that much taken, not from the surplus that can be . pared, but from a meager supply, every ounce of which will be needed 10 prevent hunger, perhaps even to prevent starvation. Looking squarely into the face of that situation, the Cnited States can no longer afford to be the most destructive country in the world in regard to lues, (if that necessity, the l'nited States will have to cut down its tire losses to the line of Ores that really cannot be prevented. That would mean a sixty per cent reduction in tire waste iu the Cnlted States, since it has been demonstrated that at least three out of live tires are preventable And sixty per cent of the food, fabrics and lumber destroyed In the United Stales annually 'by lire would go a long way toward making good the short age thai exists in all those commodities. faK BUY YOUR GAS by NAME flH yjg Say Red Crown then you get the best. 8B Always of the same high quality. Look for Stf! SB the Red Crown sign. Ml JjJ Polarine Oil prevents overheating. J I Stops power leaks. ; I V J STANDARD OIL COMPANY ! I INBBRASKA" OMAHA CBOWN B3 J. D EMERICK It., in led Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Rooks in Box Butte County. tMMce: Rm. 7. 0era House Block IN ALLIANCE Twelve Years Ago J JEFFREY. D. C. Ph. C. A O JEFFREY. D C. CHIROPRACTORS Office MOOrS, 10 A M to S P M !KM UTI.KOX Hi m k DR. D E TYLER MtWfNff I'll ON E l Over Firt National Bank ALLIANCE NEBRASKA 's Note The following among those which ap the Alliance Herald of the July 19, 190.-. took s well Geo. J. Hand, M. D. ASTHMA ami HAY V, K V K It Rye, Kar, Haas and Thni PHONE S Calls answered from SalCS day or night ( Editor items are pea red in issue of Thursday t w siVS yeu is ago) I '..i.i 1. 1 drovteo Will Organize At a meeting of potato producer held at the West school house, north of Alliance laM Saturday a tempor ary oraaniaatOM was perfected by elect ng Albert Hadley presdent and ' boat ill Mi. in a it Stand wth cursonstl enjoyed ther .lotin Lawrence secretary Ihe pui POSS ot l. MSoratOS I to look to the proti . ton of l her nterests and all Brewers are arlad to jon same, a coinnitlee of two A lladli and Wm list sat was tpponted to eon ft wth the tanners near Hcmiigford next .Saturday and a general Bieetnl s called to take place n Allano July 9 I 1 1 W boat The lake water and the ex- row greatly n the cool of the evens K. Broneh s ,a beaulful sheet of water surrouud l ed b a aaady shore and easy of ac cess. It s only two mles from town I and l BOOM arrangements could be tads to provde the same wih row ' boats and an elect IT launch or two and boat house, t would not be lODI --re Allance would have the re potaton of heal an deal summer re port Here's a chance for someone la pet renew than "Scott) the Mn-er." i Th. srata paashn iunwm-i Mayor Bnechneiistea and Win James snd iher famles enjoyed tbe'to pleasure of a sunmei resort last ' evenng at Broncho Lake, where they Let's tins,- Sewer. demand foi a system of sew for Allauce has been sturng the etasOS ti the face so long and ne icessty for such has become so urgent !that a specal meetng for all lo attend take place n the councl room of ihe cty hall ths evenng to talk the mutter over. LINCOLN MATIC PAJNT CL1 tJCAFLjl KPKMpi ) B&h "WmlttSH MLassson Lb b-t3k'l.v'''' Stands This Climate Best Hives bettor service, protects your building" better, lasts lirlig-ci ami costs less because it is mailt especially lo withstand the peculiar climatic conditions of this locality. Lincoln Climatic Paints are the only paints made and tested to suit different climatic con ditions The only points that CAN be right. We have booklets at our store telling just how and why Lincoln Climatic Paints are adjusted to til our climate. Ask lor one of these. It m ill be of interest to you. F. E. HOLSTEN ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA