The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 05, 1917, Image 8

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i IVfwirtmit of Tnuiuorttion
Hrtng Hhnrtcnnl by I til -Bring
Knli-t.xl fur Srriioc
Fourth of Herie for lfc Mint.
MrhrdoJm Tfttal of 15
(JroupM OnranJsrd
"The oryln nwd of thr- railroads
in nien unci more of them." is the as
eertlcm of Frank n Thoman, for
merly of the 8afMy-flrst depart sMBl
of the Burlington, but recently trans
ferred to the frelnht car chasins bur
eaus.. Mr Thomas is atiite well
known in Alliance and over this di-Hh
islon, blnK a more or leas rrequent
caller In the city. Tin- freight car
chasing burea ins a new department
and has to do with the expediting of
frMght cars In their movements In
order that the service may be made
more efficient.
Mr, Thomua says that the depart
ment with which he Is connected has
done much in the way of solvinu the
freight car shortage In his work
Mr. Thomaa travels over the aystem.
impressing upon agents, consignor
and consignees the necessity of hur
rying the loading, unloading and
moving of freight cars. During the
few weeks that he has been at work
he has speeded up the cars and in a
great measure has reduced material
ly the car shortage that existed dur
ing last spring.
Need More Men
According to Mr. Thomaa, the
most serious problem with which
the railroads all over the country are
wrestling now is the shortage of la
bor. He says that apparently men
are not available Higher wagea
than have cvr before been paid are
being offered to men to engage in
railroad work, but these wages fall
to bring the men.
At this time Mr. Thomaa says that
at (tlbson, where the Burlington Is
ronstructing new and larger yardB.
sixty men could b- given employ
ment, but not a man can be found
who wants to work. In addition. In
the (tlbson repair shops thirty skill
ed car repairers and engine men are
ne.-ded. but apparently there are no
men who want the Jobs.
What is true with reference to
conditions at (Jibson applies equally
as well over the lines generally.
Through Nebraska and Wyoming the
Burlington has employment for 250
to 500 men on track and mainten
ance works. It Is said the North
western needs about the same num
ber, but neither the Burlington nor
the Northwestern iR able to find men
who want to work.
Box Butte. Sheridan and Dawes
counties' country women are enjoy
ing University Instruction In their
own homes, although many of than
ai" far from a railroad and far from
toe usual university short courses.
For three months. Miss Mary Kok
r. ol the Agricultural Kxtenslon
service of MM University of Nebras
ka, hat beat) meeting groups of wo
men in tli'e three counties. She
Las orgai.lred fifteen groups of wo
men, each of which she visits In
'urn to give instruction in home
economic, This is virtually woman
county agent work, and there it
much talk of placing the instruction
n a permnnent basis by employing
a woman county agent for the whole
year instead of for a few months.
Miss Rokahr announces the fourth
of the prrlea of meetings being held
In Box Putte county this summer to
start the week beginning Monday,
Jilt) 0. The schedule is as follows:
Monday, July 9, home of Mrs. Kn
och Boyer, 4 miles southeast of Al
liance. Tuesday, July 10. home of Mrs. D.
K. Furinton, 6 miles north of Alll-
:i nee.
Wednesday. June 11, home of Mrs.
Fred Nason, 14 miles northeast of
Thursday, July 12, home of Mrs.
I, P. Jensen, 9 miles southwest of
II niingford.
Friday. July 13. Hemingford Com
munity Club rooms.
All meetings begin at 11 o'clock
in the morning. The subject will be
h" planning of well-selected meals
and labor-saving devices. It is hop
ed that the attendance at the fourth
series of meeting! will be even larg
er than at any of the previous three
Worm Handicap Your tilld
Worms drain the strength and vi
tality of children, making them dull
and listless. Their power to reslat
more serious diseases Is reduced and
energy and Interest in play la lack
ing. Kiekapoo Worm Killer la a
mildly laxative remedy In candy tab
let form that children like to take
It kills and removes the worms and
lets your child grow strong and
honithv like other children. Don't
let your child be dragged down by
worms. Full directions on me oox
At druggists, 25c.
Adv 3
HmaH-brnlnrd lU'gist ration Official
at QmMUllll. W. V., Ilef use
to IterfKtcr Him
Joseph (Joldate. aged 26, is hav
ing a hard time getting registered
under the conscription act On June
fj, the dale of registration, he was at
Devalur, Where he was employ
ed. He went before Jerome J. M
ger, city clerk, and gave hi home as
Comerville, N. Y. A registration
blar.k was tilled out and given to
bid w"n instructions to send it to
jKEJcrMla. ftoidale sent the Wank
to Comerville. giving the home ad
dies of his parents at No. 1. Sand
fit., aud statins that he was bom
bre Aucust 13. US$9. The Com
erville registration board, Instead Of
accepting the registration blank and
sending him his registration card, re
turned the blank, atatlng that they
could not find his parents.
(ioldati is now up against it He
faces i.rrest for not having a regis
tration card. The boneheaded reg
istration board at Comerville refuaed
to issue him the card, in spite of the
sworn KtHteinent of himself that that
own is lis home. Under the law
be cannot register elsewhere. In the
meantime, Sheriff Cox's office is en
deavorii.p to help him solve the rid
dle. MumcIc Soreiie.j Itelleved
fi.usual work, bending and lifting
or strenuous exercise is a strain on
.h. miiu.'loa thev become sore and
at iff. vou are crippled and in pain
Sloan's Liniment brings you quick
relief, easy to apply, it penetrates
without rubbing and drives out the
uronpu A clear liquid, cleanei
than mussy plasters or ointments. It
does not stain the skin or clog tb
notes. Always have a bottle hand)
for the pains, aches of rheumatism
tout, lumbago, grippe, bruises, stiff
ness, backache aud all external pain
At your druggist, 2 5c.
Adv 3
Don't liet Your Cough Hang Ou
A cough that racka and weakens
Is dangerous. It undermines your
health and thrives on neglect. Re
lieve it at once with Dr. King's New
Discovery- This soothing balsam
remedy heals the throat, ioosena the
phlegm, its antiseptic properties am
the germ and the cold Is quickly
broken up. Children and grown
ups alike And Dr. Kings New Dis
covery pleasant to take as well as
effective. Have a bottle handy In
your medicine chest for grippe,
croup and all bronchlnl affections.
At druggists, 50c.
Adv 3
More Ik-ef In the Making " the
Itnngev Mow Than There Ha
It.-, n for He vera I Years
Sioux City Live Stock Record: Re
ports coming direct from the conven
tion of the Nebraska Stock Growers
Association, held In Valentine this
week are to the effect that there are
more cattle in the western Nebraska
stock country than last year or for
aeveral years. This is directly in
line with findings of the Sioux City
delegatea to the early spring con
ventions in the range countries of
western South Dakota. Wyoming
and Montana. We may not have
beef enough next fall and winter to
meet the extraordinary demands of
these war times, but there Is hardly
a chance to doubt that there is more
beef In the making than this country
has had for several years. If the
corn price, as well as the young cat
corn in the coming fall, and th ear
ly season haying gives every reason
to expect an abundance of roughage.
Normally, an viewed from tbls first
day of summer, there should be an
; increase in the beef supply with the
coming fall and winter but these
are abnormal times and these is no
safe predicting next winter feeding
Hick Mollnear, Aged Twenty-six
Yean., Will Probably fJo to tiie
Federal Penitentiary
Elck Mollnear, a railroad section
hand, bound for Powder River,
Wyo., fro mChicago, was arrested
Saturday by Deputy Sheriff Jim Mil
ler after the former had refused to
show a registration card and had1
stated that he would not register.
Mollnear is an Austrian. In his
that the authorities could send him
back to his home country if they
wanted to. When told that failure
to register meant a federal Jail sen
tence he shrugged his shoulders and
said that he had been in Jail many
times before.
Mollnear was neatly dressed and
appears to he educated. He had
been sent by the Empire l.nbnr
Agency of 20 8outh Canal atreet,
Chicago, on June 27, to Powder Riv
er, Wyo. He had formerly worked
for the aBltimore ft Ohio railroad
company at Olenwood, Pa. He stat
ed that he had been a miner in Penn
sylvania and Montana.
The federal authorities have been
notified of Mollnear's arrest a,nd he
will probably be taken to Chadron
this week to await trial.
tie price, is such this coming fall as broken English he stated to a Her
to warrant reasonable expectation of
profltftbhl winter feeding operations,
then there should be some increase
in the tonnage of beef yield next
winter, as well as in the number of
cattle. At present there is reasona
ble expectancy of a bumper yield of
aid reporter that he left Austria
Hungary five years ago in order to
avoid military service, Just before he
became twenty-one years of nge. He
stated that those who wanted to
could register under the conscription
act but that he would not do so and
The domestic consumption of salt
In 1916 was 4 5.720,860 barrels of
280 pounds each, an Increase of more
than 7.000,000 barrels over the con
sumption of 1916. According to
statistics compiled under the direc
tion of R. W. Stone of the United
States Geological Survey, Depart
ment of the Interior, the domestic
production of salt in 1916 was 4 5,
449,329 barrels, the imports were
871,992 barrels, and the exports
were 600,461 barrels. This was an
increase of 19 per cent in the quan
tity of salt produced. The total val
ue of the salt was tl3.645.947.
Michigan, as usual, was the larg
est producer, and New York was a
( lOM second. The production, in
barrels, by the leading states was as
follows: Michigan, 14,918.278; New
York, 14.087.750; Ohio, 6.706.19H
Kansas, 4.564,793; California. 1.-124.236.
I Perhaps the most marked feature
in the salt Industry in 1916 was the
, great increase in quantity of brine
sold as such or used by chemical
works, the Increase being 37 per
cent and the total production over
18,000.000 barrels. The production
of rock salt increased over 17 per
cent and amounted to 9.973,950 bar
rels, valued at $2,665,270. On the
other hand, the production of evap
orated salt Increased only 5 per cent,
to 17.575,629 barrels, but the value
was $10,i49,412. an increase of
nearly 15 per cent.
Mr. Business Man, on your next
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The. expense
is light and they are business getters
The Herald's Job printing edpart
ment will turn them out promptly
Phone 340 and we will call.
Get a contract for a desirable city
lot on easy payments. This will be
the beginning of a fortune for you.
Call at Alliance National Hank today
for further information.
"Itoviinr Ait" Tennev Precedes the
Hlitertniuiueiit Which Tomes
Here Middle of Jul
Roving Art" 'Penny, the genial
advance man for the Savidge Broth
ers auto polo players, blew into Al
liance the first of the week and an
nounced In his breer.y way that this
aggregation of daredevil auto play
ers will he at the fair grounds on
Holiday. July 15, at 2:30 o'clock for
one performance. The entertain
ment is not a moving picture, but
real life, played with autos.
They use Ave cars and two at u
time, with a driver and mallet man
on each car.
Auto polo is beyond a doubt the
king of twentieth century sensation
al games, and the Savidge Bros, who
play the game are a family of real
daredevils. They are not only
among the first Q play auto polo but
ajge have been in the flying game
for seven years. Matt Savidge, the
Nebraska aviator who was killed
while writing his name in the sky-
last Hiiring. was a brother to these
During the polo game they guar-
ntee to turn the cars over at least
line times, to smash one to six
wheels and raise hair on a bald
man s nenii.
Save the tacks. Save the tacks
Alliance auto owners are advised to
save the lacks they are now picking
up on unpi.ved Box Butte avenue in
their tires in order that they may be
fnrwurrien in the Worthaui rurnlvul
shows who evidently lost a hug
number when they packed thei
tents and flew the town" betweei
sundown Saturday night and sunrise
Sunday morning.
One auto owner reported pickin
even larks from his tires. So fa
he holds the record. Others only re
nori bavins one. two, three or fiv
nunctures. "Never again." said
iimun Hills this morning, "will
we allow that gang or any other lik
it" to use our streets, if 1 have m
way about it."
Ham loss to flash Kidneys and neutral
las irritating acids-Bp Undid
hr system.
Kidney sad Bladder weakness result
from uric acid, says a noted authority.
i ne kidneys niter this acid from the
blood and pass it on to the bladder, where
it often remains to irritate and inflame.
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three timet during the night.
The sufferer is in eonstaat dread, the
water passei sometimes with a scalding
sensation and is very profuse; again,
there it difficulty in avoiding it.
ni. jj t .
manner weuwu, moot iouts can r,
because they cant control urination.
While it is extremely annoying and some
times very painful, this is really one of
the most simple ailments to overcome.
(let about four ounces of Jsd Salts
from your pharmacist and take a table-
spoonful ia a glass of water before
breakfast, continue this for two or three
days. This will neutralize the acid ia
the urine so it no longer is a sou roe ol
irritation to the bladder and urinary or
gans which then act normally again.
Jad Hahs ia inexpensive, barm Use,
and is made from the acid of grapes aad
lemon juice, combined with lithia. aad
is used by thousands of folks who are
subject to urinary disorders caused by
uric acid irritation lad salt is solan
did for kidneye and causes ao bad
effects whatever.
He re you have a pleasant, eeTervs
labia water drink, whisk quickly relieve 1
l ladder trouble.
Phone South 750
Call Us Any TimeDay or Night
Live Stock Commission Merchants
Stock Yards Station, Omaha, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois - Sioux City, Iowa
G. J. Ingwersen, Manager and Cattle Salesman
R. R. Keenan, Cattle Salesman
F, . Crone, Feeder Buyer
E. G. Smith, Hog Salesman
G. S. Campbell, Sheep Salesman
F. E. Randall, Sheep Salesman
Jos. Krejci, Hog Salesman
E. V. Keagle, Office
Orders for Feeding Cattle,
Sheep or Lambs
Carefully Filled