23 STATES ARE BARRING LIQUORS Federal I tVnhibittnft Shipments of I i 1 1 i - Went Into KfTect on SiiimUv, lul- 1 Tbe Mate of Nebrndcn, with twon-ty-two others, became bone dry by federal statute at niidnUht Saturday night, the effective hour of the Reed 'either ease the penalty is made one prisonment for nix months, or both, on any person who shall "order, pur chase or cause intoxicating liquora to be transported In Interstate com merce except for scientific, sacra mental, medicinal or mechanical purposes Into any state or territory the laws of which state or territory prohibit the manufacture or aale therein of Intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes." The same penalties are prescribed for violators of the antl-advertlsint section. For a second offense In amendment prohibiting shipment of liquor into any territory where its manufacture or sale is prohibited. Eleven other states are partially af fected by the legislation, which has been hailed by temperance advocate as the greatest single step toward abolition of the liquor traffic in the nation's history. The law bars from prohibition areas, whether state or smaller corporations, all mail matter containing advertisements or solici tations for ordem for intoxicants, a provision designed to aid in enforc ing the anti-shipment feature by sup pressing the activities of mail-order houses in dry territory. Justice and postofflce department officials have made extensive prepar ations for enforcement of the stat ute. Ethyl alcohol is regarded by the federal government as an intox icating liquor within the meaning of the act, but methyl, wood and de natured alcohols are not so regard ed. No ruling has been made re garding the stains of patent medi cines containing alcohol, and that question may be among the first to be passed on by thevourts under the legislation. The language of the anti-shipment section Is very comprehensive, imposing a fine of $1,000 and im- year's imprisonment Following are the states wholly af fected by the act: Alabama. Arixona, Arkansas. Colorado. Georgia, Idaho. Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Ne braska. North Carolina, North Dako ta, Oklahoma. Oregon. Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota. Ten nessee. Vermont, Virginia. Washing ton and West iVrginia. Those partially affected are Cal ifornia, Connecticut, Delaware, Ixu isiana, Maryland. Massachusetts, Minnesota. New Hampshire, New York, Ohio and Texas. The following are affected at fu ture dates: Alaska, aJnuary 1, 1918; Indiana. April 3. 1918: Michigan. April 30, 1918; Montana, December 31. 1918: and Utah, August 1, 1917. Famous Collins Saddle Beat saddle made. Have atood the teat Tor 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp' Successors to Collins Morrison 1210 Karnam St., Omaha. Neb. JACK TRUE HAS LEXINGTON AGENCY Well-known Alliance Automobile SiUoinnn Taken Sale Agency for I.' xinut.'ii Six KnmsnofiAL SUNiWSfllOOL Lesson (By K. O. SKLLKRS, Acting Director of the Sunday K. honl i'our In Ilia Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyrlfht. 117, Weetrm Newetpr I'nlon. ROX BUTTE SPUDS NOW ALL PLANTED LESSON FOR JULY 8 AHAZ, THE FAITHLESS KINO. LESSON TEXT-II Chron. tl:l-6. H:27. ;!. PTN TKXT-Wlthout faith ii la Impossible to plenee hlm. -tleh. 11:. LESSON TEXT 11 Chron. ):1-1. Dr Weather Diuiuie KaiiAn mid Southern NebmakR tTop Old Smi.K Sell SI 7"V to S Potato planting in Box llutte enmity was practically completed last week. Some extra acres were planted following the rains of Tin day night and Wednesday of last week. It la estimated that the acre age pointed to potatoes In this coun ty this year will exceed last roar's acreage by fully forty per cent. The National Crop and Weather Bulletin r ports dry weather affe t inu the potato crop throughout Kan sas and southern Nebraska. The big P n enlage of the Hox Butte potato crop goes to this territory- Kansas and southern Nebraska - and if the crop Here Is short it means more Jack True of Alliance, who haB been connected with the Itumer Mo tor Company as a salesmnn for some time, has taken the selling agency for the Lexington Six autouiob.le. Distributing points in Nebraska are Lincoln and Bayard. The car sells for $1375 f. o. b. Alliance, with choice of live body designs. Mr. True is maintaining his headquar ters at Alliance with the Burner Mo- tor Company. A. At. Miller of He.nlngrord lias purchased a new Iexington Six through Mr. True. Mr. Miller has owned a Lexington car for six years and has received such good service from the same that he purchased an other of the same make when he wanted a new car. John McCoy, M. D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 RKV. LAYTON MODKItATOK Of BAPTIST t'ONVKNTlON YOU NEVER SAW A MEXICAN WITH A BALD HEAD We have learned their wonderful and carefully guarded secrets of price less value, and have embodied tlies in our Pence's Origins I "Mexican Herb Hair Tonic" Si ops Falling Hair This tonic is positively guaranteed to cure dandruff, relieve eczema sores and itching scalp and stops fall ing hair. thereby isareguardins against baldness. Money back if not represented Just try It. un introductory offer, send us this ad which is word 40c and 60c in two-cent stamps and we will send you prepaid a full-sixefl fl.00 bottle of this guaranteed pre paration. The Irwin Industries Trust Hldic. . . I I I'sso, Texa M w T :T SM a ' w t B 0 -t 8 "jl Wo I - s ! mm . t a 1 2-f it : ? s s . 5 ? LI N HKS, SANHUH HK.S. RTC 1 iSJ Start! SIS "I 1,1 business again at the King Corner. Third and Box Butte avenue. , A good pises to ent Come in and see Hie Kit. THOMAS, N "The House of Courtesy" HOTEL ROME OMAHA will) leta iialli. Kooni $1.00 up Koom with bath. tfJO up rate prices most reasonable in City. Fireproof Sprinkler System Complete Safety. Management, Rome Miller Rev. A. A. Lay ton, pastor of th? First llaptist church of Alliance, was elected moderator of the Baptist con vein ion held last week In Seolts bluff. There were something like lifty delegates from the various Bap tist churches assembled in Scotts bluff to discuss and plan for enlarge ments of the work. R. R. Phillips j of Chadron was clerk of the conven tion. The spirit of the entire convent ion was good and muc h that was helpful was brought out One of the im portant items of interest was the planning to help the church at Bay ard to get started. Over $100 was raised to assist in the work. Rev. VV. A. Mulford withdrew from the Baptist denomination at the convention. This leaves the Bayard, Bridgeport and McGrew churches pastorlcss. M 'AXN'INti" VXHiS Many persons use fresh eggs for baking, tho preserved eggs are just as good, says the poultry section of the College of Agricull lire. Ill fact, preserved egg is so n aii like fresh egg that it Is hard to distinguish them after they have been cooked. Eggs may be preserved by ftoring them in a solution of 9 quarts of wa ter to 1 of commercial water glass, or by immersing thtD In solution of 1 pound of air-slaked lime to gallons of water. They may be stored in these .solutions, in tin can dy pails, labeled, and put with other fooils without farther attention. They may be removed from the solution as they are needed, and fresh eggs may be added at any time. 'ailing cards lor the ladles ar printed promptly and neatly at Th Herald office The prices are rest unable. Phone 340 for samples an price, or call at the office rimufli athios Cabbage aphid, or plant Ilea which infest the cabbage, are caus ing considerable damage to cabbage lu Nebraska, according to reports re ceived by the department of entom ology of the College of Agriculture. Experiments conducted Uf this de partment show that this pest may be controlled by the application of a kerosene emulsion prepared as fol lows: Shave U pound of laundry soap and dissolve it in 1 gallon of hot water, remove from the fire, add 1 rations of kerosene, ssttsts vio lently for several minutes until a lamooih cream-tike emulsion is form ed without any free oil Add water to make 50 gallons of liquid, and the i pray is then ready for use. Further i information about the control of this pest as well as other allien pests will be sent upon application to the entomology department, University Farm. Lincoln. MILK (WKAPHR THAN MEAT Milk is a cheaper food than meat, areordini to the chemist r) depart ment of the Nebraska Experiment Station For a family of limited means, the motto might wll ht Buy 3 quarts of milk I BB before you buy any meat.-' This amount of milk will provide the aaeaeaarj annual protein for a family of V persons, and no nuat need be pro rides' for the needs of th" body The addition,! protein required may b iUPPlloS in the form of regetaMSs and cereals Ahax reigned sixteen years from Shout 739 to TH B. C. over the king dom of Judsh. its capital being in Jeru salem The kingdom was Hearing Its ' . . , h i,,,.,,, ,.,. amiH end. and was destroyed within a few lJ fo nm, ,ncl(,inK hllie 26. a venrs after the denth of Alms. Ills fota, of 17 773 car ouH Qf ntw po- chnracter presents many Interesting tatoes had been shipped from the questions for discussion; the character southern states according to the bul- of his reign, the wealth and prosperity letins issued by the OfAce of Markets of his father and grandfather, the de- and Kural OrgSSlSStlon, United vclopment of his charncler from the Department Of Acriculture. . 1 t . I.. Heavy shptnents are conmiencing on home wherein he originated, why a m - of Vr- tion can be successful and not be right- RnJa ,( u ,llni,tf,(l ,,lH, nr,ia eons or virtuous. Hint Is. outwardly 1 wtii produce approximately eleven successful, and the application of these m(lion bushels or potatoes this year, questions to our present-day political The total production of early crop aud commercial lives. j potatoes this year is estimated at I. Ahax, the Ruler, (vv. 141). Tke 33,516.000 bushels as compared to character of AkSS Is not to be admired, j 26.481. 70r last reef. He ptwyed a prominent and evil part The f. 0. b. price on Bliss Tri in the history of the Kingdom of luda.K ?J mff STjffi We find his name recorded among the bahel Th8 prlri how. Syrian Inscriptions of the year rn B. ) eVi,r haH dropped considerably dur C, the Hebrew historian having ing th(1 p.l(,, f(w (ljiyf, and shipping dropped the prefix "Jeho" from his l8 pmcticStly oyer In that area. nsm The full name Indicates that shipments commenced this week he had "grasped Jehovah." yet he was in ,ni, Kirw nllj ,,,,, u districts ad mit rue to his name. The historian says joining Kansas City. Wagon loads "he did not that which was right In the of Early Ohios were jobbing on the sight of the Lord." This puts It mildly. ( Kansas City market Saturday morn hut indeed-few of the kings of Judah ,lng. field run, immature and small. , .. i. .i m. mostly $2.40 to $2.50 per bushel. . 1 .3 . Old notatoes are bringing the contra notattcr.neg.Kamo.e.o.n.s, pr.fi m $J 2 ppr buflhp, father, hut the thoroughly bad conduct ailianeo. One sale of a hundred of the kings of the northern nation. busn8 or niorP i reported at the Israel. He was but twenty years of iow,.Ht pr,.e paid this year $1.50 age when he took the throne, but had p,.r bushel. already entered u,H, j m hi ; HOKHK 1AY IIOAHH opposed to that of his father th work II. Ahax Ruined. The choice lay (n Nflbraskll la8t year wni 74, before him of following in the steps of r4.ordnB fD records kept by many bis grandfather tjastai and his father fArmerf of the state (compiled by the lothara (11 Chron. 1 :10). He chose to fartn nianagement department of the deft c.od. onenis dlsobevod hltn and College of Agriculture). This year was disloyal to his Ood and Ml COUH Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in Headaches or other Pains. Don't suffer. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly drive your Pain away, and Dr. Miles' Nervine will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. IF SIRT BOX, OS BOTTLE, SAILS TS) NriT YOU, YOUPt stONSY WILL DC SCFUNDBO. DlZZY SPELL. "My nerves beoain ail worn out. I had bad hsed achs and severs dlssr spells. I csuld not slsB and my appetlts was psor. I began uslns; Dr. Miles' ami rain rills and ther always fve me instant re lief no mstter what the pain. Then I used Vr. Miles' Nsrvlns regularly and was aoon In perfect health acsin." MRS. B. L. TOUNO. nt Pittsburg 8L, Newcastle, Penn. mom:y TO I4MH ON MONTHLY PAYMKNTN MM Those who think of loiitlliiia. -I n. should se lis al once. I K RKOHISH et SON. Hot Hutte Ave try. WSlklni in the ways of the Kings of Israel, (v. t), BSTOt his children In tbe Hie. alter the nlioiniiiations of the henrbeit, (v. .".). mads mettea Imafea of Hnal, (v. '). and spread that wor ship Into the high places on the hills mid under every green tree (v. 4), nuide MCTtlegkKM use of the temple's treasury, and was dts&onsat n well as profmie. He trusted Hnultut more than he treated God, III. Ahax Rebuked. Ood did not al low him to pursue his course of Bfttott without protest When the children Of j good men go wrong, there Is 1.0 mess- J uring the etent of depravity to which , they will STOk. Nevcrthelesc C.od was , opposed and tried to save the young j man and the nation. Gad used the Sine a Syria as one agency for rebuk ing this mad young man. He carried away great multitudes captive, one hundred and twenty thousand In one day (v. 0). and "two hundred thou sand women, sons and daughters'' (v. 8) ut another dr.te. Ahas himself was Ailed with terror ut the great ca lamity that overtook him. (Isa. TlS.) While he received temporary help (II Klng Ifi: . 10). he received ultimately ruin from the king of Assyrls, ftr he became a vassal and was summoned to Damascus to pay homage to that king, ss appears from the account II Kings 16:7-9. and also from the Assy rian Inscription, above referred to. Other enemies also attacked him KdomttSS from the southeast carried away captives, and the Philistines from the southwest Invaded the cities of the low plains, south of Judah. and took possession of them (vv. 17-111) and the army of the Assyrian, which ASSS led to rob and profane the temple and Its treasures In order to buy them off (r. 22-24), completed the ruin of his nation. Ahaz was forced to pay a heavy tribute to the Assyrian king (v. 21). and got no help for his out lay. He put his trust In sn arm of flesh Instead of in the mighty arm of Ood, which brought upon MM the curse that always comes to those who trust In man (Jer. I7:.V 6). There Is a blessing erhleh always awaits tleSSS who trust in Jehovah (.ler. 17:7. 8). The nine man turns to Ood not In tin? time of his distress hut at all time-.. Instead of sacrificing to the Ood afes saved bis father and who would save him. Ahaz sacrificed to tbe god "which smote him." His defiance knew no bounds (v. 24). He seemed to have dabbled In every known form of falsa worship, thereby "provoking to anger the Lord Ood f bis fathers" (II Kiic's 28:11, 12). Qsd Is long-suffering to those who v mider from him. but there coiiies an end to his patience (II IVter 3:. 10). IV. The Reverts Picture. T'o-re are several problems to he solved as we view this pirtlire. for II Is u ttttrj of real life, not only of the early HaMM but Is being repeated area today and In this country (I) Men will fap that which they sow. Due cannot sow wild oats and rasl the fruits of rlhi eousness. (2) Jehovah places rluhi- eousness above security m prosperity. (3) God's1 BBrpueoe are for tbe uplift and the milking of the mil loo and the individual better. Ood never does evil that good may come out of It. A lov ing father must etewisi discipline, and let us not be mistaken. feeds are much higher, and OW Bill" must he kept busy on profitable work a large part of the 365 days a yar if he is to return a profit. For this reason, il is necessary that a farmer have no more horBcs than he really needs to take care of his work. ESTES PARK, ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL This niaRiiiticent vacation-lsml, ho near at hand, has been made a National Park and it certainly has every requisite for a National Summer playground, h ia a region of foreata, canyons, streams and lakes a paradise of mountain air and wild flowers, a natural amphi theatre of 150 square miles, with snow-capped panoramic barriers, Long's Peak, James' Peak and the Continental Divide. Burlington trains take you there quickly and at a small cost, only $27.00, generally speaking, from middle and Eastern Nebraska to Bate Park. This includes rail and auto via Lyons or Loveland. Over 50,000 tourists visited Kates Park last Summer. Colorado has. hundreds of resorts, recreative places anil automo bile tours. You have every day the lowest possible rates to Denver, Colorado Spiing-H and Kates Park. Arrange early for any accommodations that you will want in Colorado Ibis coining summer. Let, ine help you. J. KKIHHLHAroH, Agent. Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKKLKV, OeneroJ raHseugci- Agent. IOOI I'. 1 nam St., Omaha. Neb. Live Stock Transit Insurance Live stock men over the entire weat are forming the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and quick retun.s The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy ttfotsets shippers of live Stock, mid is the only company offering a broad pol icy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampling, Are, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier. We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally by FRED E. FEAOINS, A. D. McIVOR, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HYANNIS, NEBRASKA c. w. NPAi HT. hkmin;kohi, nkhkahka M O ANGEL, SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBR W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Live Stock Department STOCK YARDS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Bj A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of Great Western Commission Co. Salesmanship