The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 05, 1917, Image 3

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Telrphoiar Three-Ponr-Oli
cuMMOtM AMmnrHMmm
Five Cents per Line Count Si
Words to a Line
No Advertisement taken for Less
Than 1 c
We have equipped our dray wag
ons and auto truck with the latest
ttppliances for moving furniture
without marring or scratching or do
ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pads
will be used by us on all moving
Jobs. JOHN R SNYDKR, Phone 15.
ai tomoiim; paint
$3 I will send you enough of my high
nloss enamel to paint your oar. Im
possible to streak or leave brush
marks. Anyone can apply. It will
make your cur look like new, and
you be the judge. If nnt satisfied, I
will gladly refund your money. J. C
MILLION, 258 Columbine St., Den
ver. Colo. 16-tf-8180
band roadster and a second-hand
... Ford touring car for sale cheap. In
quire at the Sturgeon garage.
WANTED. A capable and respon
sible lady or gentlemen for outside
work, soliciting and collecting. Work
is pleasant and profitable. Perman
ent position. Experience desired but
not absolutely essential if you have
ability. Give full particulars in ap
plication. Address Box 3369, in care
Alliance Herald, Alliance, Neb.
FOR SALE! Nearly new Edison
phonograph. Perfect condition. A
bargain. Oak case. Phone 340, Her
ald office
2 4 -t 1-83 18
The Government needs Farmers as
well as Fighters. Two million three
hundred thousand acres of Oregon
and California Railroad Co. Grant
Iands. Title revested in United
States. To be opened for homesteads
and sale. Containing some of best
land left in United States. Large
Copyrighted Map, showing land by
sections and description of soil, cli
mate, rainfall, elevations, tempera
ture, etc. Postpaid, One Dollar.
Grant Lands Locating Co. Box 610,
Portland, Oregon. 31-13t-8446
lost On Saturday, Jtraa 30, a
black mare. Bloeky build, two
white hind feet, fetlock. White
nipper on nose. Six years old.
Branded bar over five on right Jaw.
Finder please notify I. E. Nussbaum,
Alliance. 31-tf-8450
Phone 166 if you have anything to
sell. T. J. THOMPSON, New and
second-hand goods The Conley Mil
ler place. 27-tf-7987
FOR SALE High-grade typewrit
er carbon paper. The kind that gives
you a clear duplicate. The Alliance
Herald. Phone 340.
electric lights,
format ion.
-Five-room house.
Phone t67 for in-2S-tf-8Sl
nne Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska.
kTrnTsUED ROOM for rem. 315
Niobrara. Mrs. John H. Carroll.
FURNISH ED ROOM for rent to
gentleman. Modern, private home.
Phone 175. 408 Sweetwater Ave.
lTlTlsAr ITu H SKS
wTXCuT at eXicHjtThus
SALE Two residence properties lo
rated as follows: Lots five and six
in block six, Wyoming addition to
City of Alliance. The residences are
composed of three and five rooms
These residence properties must be
sold. Inquire of L. A. Berry, Room
9. Rumor Block, Alliance, Nebraska
Phone 9. 8287-23-tf
Hlne! War Comment
It is believed" that Congress will
enHCt legislation to prevent the spol
iation of the public by excessive pric
es for cou! next winter The ecr.; in
ty would be nattir.
'Ihe KalfOr militarists ar- Mill
talking of indemnities and promis
ing that the United Suites will reim-
bi'rse Oeramny for the cost of the
war- while Uncle Sam merel smiles
;mi1 uels ready.
After Waterloo was fought lot
years ago Napoleon was safely dis
posed of on a far lonely island pris
on. If Prance had such snotber
Igbter 'lie allies would not send him
to St Helena bul to Berlin.
The German war Lords have nev-
r and never aTlll bavt any love of
paaee. it they really want to unit,
i is only bomiiefi of the reluctant
ami anted conviction 'hat they ran
DUke better temu now than utter
The Union .lark curried reverentl)
on Bunker Hill along with tb tli
color of Frame and our own old
Glory 142 years after the battle furn
ished an impressive reminder that
these are indeed new times with new
issues. " o
The Japanese consider vast and
populous China as no less within
their ' phr of influeupu.'! Ibap un"
Important Mexico is within ours un
der the Monroe doctrine, and they
resented a bit of friendly advice that
recently went from Washington to
Peking without their previous ap
proval. Sooner or later auch Japa
nese pretentions are going to bring
more trouble into an already sorely
troubled world.
The food bill does not aim at inter
ference with any legitimate business
or to decoy the producers reasonable
profits, or to deprive the necessai
middlemen of a fair return for his
service. It merely proposes to pro
tect the consumer from spoliation at
the hands of the food hoarders and
gamblers, and only these undesira
bles have any good reason to ob
ject. o
General Goethals Is of compara
tively recent German descent. This
Ii no ROOtl reason why certain HOWS
paper editors should hint that a man
of his distinction, ability and high
service may not be loyal at heart,
but it is an additional reason why
the difficulty between him and his
associates should he quickly adjust
ed, why his partisanship for steel
when he was appointed to build
wooden ships should he explained,
and why the urgently needed work
should proceed without delay.
Millions for defense" in thee?
limes of necessity becomes billions.
Detroit'! allotment of Liberty Loan
bonds was entirely disposed of in the
Brat week of the sale, and the auto
mobile princes didn't take them all
either Bully foi Detroit !
Just at present the American fron
tier is identical with the battle line
In northern France, and if we don't
help push it toward Merlin, we nay
see the day when it will be moved
from our Atlantic seaboard to or be
yond the Mississippi.
Parlez vous le Franrai, Monsieur?
If you can't and are going as a sol
dier to France, it is desirable, though
by no means essential, that you
learn at least how to ask your way
and make known your simple wants
in that tongue.
The home gardens in and around
Chicago are said to have "busted"
the iruck market. A truck market
that demanded more than t4 a bush
el for potatoes needed some busting.
What the country has a right to is
a great supply with smaller profits,
thus plenty for all at fuir prices.
The Germans who fled to Mexico
after war was declared are said to
have found that most Mexicans are
legation "does not care what be
comes Of them." No doubt they re
gret they did' not take the chances
of alien enemies in the United States
but the door to return is closed to
them now.
o -
Only housewives want bread to
rise; the rest of us want it to fall to
a normal price.
Qon. VonBlume feels only "eon
tempi" for the Kaiser's new enemies,
including the I'nited Stales. The
more blooming idiots Germany can
produce the better fur us.
If Secretary Daniels had not
scrapped a number of crooked con
tracts, perhaps he would have fewer
vociferous critics.
There's less inaction in the trench
es than has been supposed. .laws
are reported busy with American
hewing liutn all the way from Bel
gium io Salonica.
The Germans are determined to
Btoel the coal mining districts of
France and Belgium. That's why
it is particularly bard 10 dislodge
then from Lens.
It the operator! are really fright
ened enough to get down to work,
coal prices will stand a lot of cutting
Soft coal is selling for 200 to :S00 per
cent more than a year ggO
- o
The Berlin war lords may pretend
to be indifferent to the decline in the
value of a mark, but Intelligent Ger
mans can hardly fail to perceive its
ominous significance.
As very few of the' recruits have
money enough y get into Newport
society, the navy department may
feel assured that their morals are
about as ante in the Rhode Island
capital as in any other city.
There's a thrill in Winston Churc
hill's appeal for a great offensive of
the allied fleets, the greatest armada
of the world's history, bul the dif
ficulty is that the only enemy afloat
outside of lS Kiel canal--is under
w ater.
Personal vanity, with which he is
endowed Impelled the Kaiser to have
his name painted in huge white let
ters and in lonely grandeur tnan
hundreds of feet above the sea on
the face of the giant rock forming
rha great North Onpe, the farthest
northern point of the European con
tinent. It ir. oow our business with
iba help of our allies to prevent him
from writing his name all across
Europe and the two ABBoricr.S.
o -
Nobody de;:ie thai steel ships are
belter than wooden. The point is
V thoj take Ion to build, that the
builders are far behind with their or
ders and thai there is not enough
steel to supply the ileni.Hld While
the experts ,i re Understood to dUM
gree, calling for ateel on the one hand
and wood on the other, the ordinary
citiaen takes the romwonaeane view
that ships of both ateel and wood
should ne hinit as rapidly as pooal
- 1
If little Katharine itiaaon at Ilia
laeippl, age 21. weight IPS pounds,
can all alone drive a hit: Military bi
plane from Buffalo to Washington,
bearing Red Cross dispatches a dis
tance of 67i miles through the air
in i wo days, why should not any
young American man of average ca
pacity. Intelligence and courage do
jthe same on the battle front in
yraaee? ii is proposed to help win
this war witli thousand:', of Alien
can uiilitray aeroplunes, but aviators
IpfO hard to get in Juj;e. u umbers.
the average volunteer for war fUht
Ing ahy of sky-service as too danger
ous. Yet, if little Misa Sttnson la nnt
one out of a million Rnd a wonder Igr
deed, wvlation must he relative!) easy
and. with proper training, really less
dangerous than other brunches of
the war service.
In the mattre of coming rop fig
uring the Department of Agriculture
rarely rails to underestimate. This
is explained that most of its corres
pondents are farmers or men in
ouch with fanners, and farmers are
proverbially pessimistic about their
crops until success Is sure.
o '
There are plenty of Indications
that free Russia will not sill Its birth
right for a mess of German pottage,
hut also no few indications still that
it may. Everything depends on which
of the numerous Russian elements
will be able to array the people ami
the soldiers on its side.
On the heels of good crop lo ws in
this country comes cheering crop re
ports from France, where the wheat.
potatoes, ate., promise well and the
"largest wine crop in recent years"
is reported. The latter will not go to
waste and will not fail to profit to the
hard-pressed French even if the
American Prohibitionists should suc
ceed In all their aims
Perching disembarked at Boulogne
a little over 40 years after La Payette
landed at Georgetown , s. c. The
mission of the one Is similar to and
a return in kind for the mission of
the other. One of the chief differ
ences is that in helping France in the
interests of freedom and democracy
ami we are helping ourselves more di
rectly and fully than France helped
herself in giving us LaFayotto near
ly a century and a half ago.
Undoubtedly the cause of the peo
ple has triumphed In Greece. All
the same, if the pictures of the royal
family published in this country are
genuine, the elder Prince George, re
jected as a pro-German, Is n manlier
fellow than Prince Alexander who is
to rule Greece in the interests of the
on application to the extension ser
vice. University Farm. Lincoln, or to
the I'nited States Depart incut of Ag
i h ull urc, Washington, D. C
foreign languages 'will no lonuei
I be required of men students who
wish to enter the College of Agrl
culture, it was decided at a receni
meeting of the board of regents.
This does not reduce the standard
of entrance requirements, but it per
mits the offering of n larger variety
of subjects to fill till the entrance rr
iiiii citicnts. making them such thai
graduates of well-equipped rural
high schools may enter the College
of Agriculture with full entrance
Arrangements have been made b)
the University to help farmers In
the purchase ami selection of breed
ing ewes at the South Omaha Stock
Yards. South Omaha Is quotum 9(1
to 100-pound westerns at round 8
cents These are mainly short or
broken mouthed but are otherwise
sound ewes that under farm condi
tions would profitably produce an
other lamb ami clip of wool. Small
orders will he grouped, so as to se
cure carload rates. Arrangements
will be made to locate native ami
pUre-hred ewes In case there is a
sufficient demand. Further infor
mation will In- sent upon application
to the Animal Husbandry itcpnrt-
nient. University 'arm, Lincoln
John McCoy, M D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 81
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Dow. horn June 22, died Satur
day, June "10, aged eight days. The
funeral was held Sunday afternoon,
services being conducted by Dr. J. B.
Cams at the residence. Burial was
made In Oreenwood cemetery.
Get n contract for n desirable city
lot on easy payment-.. Tills will be
the beginning of m fortune for you.
Cull at Alliance National Hank today
for further information.
"Home Canning by the One-Period
Cold-Pack Method" is the title
of Farmers' Bulletin No. 839, Just
issued by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. This bulletin
describes in detail the best canning
methods known. Farmers' Bulle
tin No. 841. "Drying Fruits and Veg
etables in the Home' Is a compan
ion food - preservation bulletin.
These bulletins Will be sent free Up-
Big Hotel Corporation With Gen
eral Offices at Omaha Has Many
Buildings Under Way In
volving Investment of
Millions of Dollars
Stockholders of the North Ameri
can Hotel Company, the big corpor
ation which is at the present time
very actively engaged in establishing
la chain of modern hotels throughout
the middle west in Iowa. Nebraska,
B Don't let friction haad your car toward iha rtpalr shop. Uaa B
BSW lubrlcaUon,rr drop. Maf all ilia power aatinf up tha BUSH flB
MB Knda trillion and ovar haatlnf. Add vnr to tha Ufa of your motor.
I Laat for iti Potarlna It mark a rrtlattla daattr and a aafa plaaa I
mm to (top. Uaa Nad Crown Uaaolln. tlir powrr-full motor nial. LW
sagSSS 1
r a vtatlVli a v,sw -SBBBSTBBw. gsL BerTTrrSfluTIIJIIlRr
Kansas ami adjacent states, are re
ceiving their regular semi-animal
dividend of 3 per cent, which was
disbursed on July lat.
The North American Hotel Com
pany has attracted attention fat and
wide on account of the many flue
buildings it is erecting. At the prea
ent time the buildings under con
struction at Kearney, tirand Island
and Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and at
Hampton, Iowa, are progressing rap
Idly and in the offices of the archi
tects dans are being rushed so ns to
enable the commencement of hotel
buildings at Sioux CRT, Iowa, at
Norfolk and Ogallala, Nebraska, and
at several points in Kansas at an
early dale.
The North American Hotel Com
pany Is establishing one of the larg
est chains of modern, thoroughly up-to-date
hotels in the country here In
the middle west, which is very much
in need of this very thing. Scores
of commercial cluba and other or
gaulcationB and individuals are mak
ing the alrongeat kind of Induce
ments to thiB company In an attempt
to have North American Hotel Com
pany's buildings and aervice located
In their communities many offer
ing to subscribe heavily for stock
and thus assist In the raising of the
capital required In their construc
tion. The North American Hotel Com
pany, which la incorporated under
the Iowa atate lawa, is financed very
largely by Iowa, Nebraska Rnd Kan
sas Investors, and the management
of this corporation Is in the hands
of a group of middle-west business
men. who have been very successful
In the conduct of large business en
terprises. Published under direction of tin
Bureau of Publicity of the North
American Hotel Coiiiwtii). .Oeneral Omaha, Neb.
Having sold my dairy farm and decided to quit the dairy business, I will sell at public auction the following described
property at my place, located 1 mile north and 1 mile west of Alliance, on
Wednesday, July 11th, 1917
Beginning immediately after free lunch at 12:00, the following property:
50 Head of Cattle 50
25 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS Some of these are extra good Hoi stein milkers Six 2-year-old heifers, 4 fresh now; 13 yearling
heifers, 10 calves. All of these are from a registered Holstein bull. These are tested cows, free from tuberculosis.
10 Head of Horses 10
Six head of Work Horses, 2 yearlings, 1 colt, 1 saddle pony, 1 3-year-old mare.
26 Head of Hogs 26
Six dozen Chickens, 250 Young Chickens, 7 Oeese.
1 Moline Tractor, new.
1 Ensilage Cutter.
1 McCormick Binder (grain).
1 Corn Binder.
1 Deering Mowing Machine.
1 McCormick Mowing Machine.
1 Iron Disc Cultivator.
2 Riding Cultivators.
1 Harrow.
1 Weeder.
1 Corn Planter.
1 Lister.
1 Potato Planter.
1 Header.
1 Oas Engine.
1 Feed Grinder.
1 John Deere Riding Plow.
1 Walking Plow.
1 Wagon.
1 Ton Truck Wagon.
1 Hayrack.
2 Milk Wagons.
1 Ford Delivery Car.
1 Crow Touring Car (new).
3 Sets Double Harness. . '
1 Flat Rack.
1 Spring Wagon.
1 Disc.
1 Parks Drill.
1 Sharpies Milking Machine.
6 Gross Milk Bottles.
2 Separators.
2 Incubators.
I Milk Cooler.
II Delivery Cases.
8 or 10 Sacks of Chicken Feed.
6 months' time will be given on bankable paper
bearing 8 per cent interest
L. D. BLAIR, Owner
H. P. Coursey, Auctioneer
F. W. Harris, Clerk