NOTH'K TO ItKDITOKS Estate No. ItS, of Robert Maxtor. teeeased, In the County Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska The State of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said estate is January 7, 1918. and for payment of debts to May 31. 1918: that I will sit at the county court room in said County on September 1. 1917, at 2 p. in . and January 8. 1918, at 2 p. m., to receive, examine, uear. allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed Dated Mav 31. 1917 IRA E. TASH. (SEAL) county Judge. Burton & Reddish. Attorneys. 27- 41-830-8298 bHUAIi NOTICE IN BOX BUTTE COUNTY COURT. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BMOGKNE i WILSON. DE CEASED. To ull persons interested in said es tate, both creditors and heirs: Take notice: Thnt on the 12th day of June. A. D 1917. Eva F. Vande Walker tiled, her petition in writing with said county court praying de i initiation of the time of death of Haid deceased; names of her heirs, degree of kinship and right of suc cession to her real estate. That said Einogene F. Wilson died April 16. 1908. and at the time of her death was a resident of Box Butte County, Nebraska, and was seized of ' the following described real estate, towit : An undivided one half interest in the northwest quar tet of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Twenty-seven (27), north, range forty-seven (47) west of the th Principal Meridian, in Nebraska, and that said Eva F. Vandewalker is the sole owner of said real estate, and said petition will be heard at the County Court room in said coun ty on the 24th day of July. A. D. 1917, at 1 o'clock p. m. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate by publication of this order In the Alli ance Herald, of Alliance, Nebraska, for three successive weeks prior thereto. Datea this 12th day of June, A. D. 1917. IRA E. TASK. (SEAL) County Judge. 28- 4t-8301-833 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the matter of the estate of Floyd E. Watson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that at the County Court Room in the city of Alliance, in said couuty, on the 7th day of July. 1917, at the hour of nine o'clock A. M. the following mat ter will be heard and considered: the .etltion of Elijah A. Watson, for let ters of administration upon the es tate of Floyd E. Watson, decease,!,' to be granted to George W. Watson. IRA E TASH. (SEAL) County Judge. ! Hnsve. Attnrtu 28-4t-836-8337 NOTH'K W FINAL REPORT I 'iip No. 46. of Surah Smith, dfceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska. The Slate of Nebraska To nil per sons interested in said estate, take notice that the administrator D B, N. with will annexed, has filed his final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for its al lowance as his final account and for final settlement and distribution, and discharge as ouch, which hns becfl set for hearing before said Court July 12. 1917. at 10 o'clock A. M. when you may appear and contest same Dat.d this day of June. 1917. IRA E TASH. (SEAL) County Judge. 29-3t-837-8338 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Si-aled proposals, will be receive! by Board of Education, District No. 41. Morrill County, on or before July 2. 1917, at 12 o'clock noon for the erection of a school building at An gora, Nebr. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted. Flans and specifications can be se cured at the Angora State Bank by dopositing $5. which will be refund ed on safe return of the plans. By Board of Education. A. D. HULL, Moderator. 28-3t-8397 irVTTElWTHATwFr" AND DISCHARGE unites from the plates and enters In to tin- electrolyte making the latter j grow heavier During discharge the acid combines progressively with the plates, leaving behind the water and tints making the electrolyte lighter ami lighter. The progress from one value of specific gravity to another Is in direct proportion to the degree to whlc,h charge or discharge has beta carried. The battery builder makes his plates of definite compos ition and uses elect n! I B of definite specific gravil so that thereafter un less the user upsets the plot b care lessly transferring electrolyte from one cell lo another or by turning apothceai and Introducing excess acid or other material, the specific gravity at any moment Is the DM definite index to the state of charge of the battery. "Car owners who are interested in the real Inner wot kings of their to regt battery are advised to get. free of charge, the Interestingly In structive booklet "Black Box of Mys tery Explained." w ln h is mailed up on request by the I' S Ufhl and Meat Corporation, of Niagara Falls. N. T." Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Telle why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. "While being charged or discharg ed a battery gradually undergoes a chemical change," says Charles F. Schafer. 114 East 3rd St., Alliance, of the USL Battery and Service Sta tion. "Without going deeply into the minute chemical detail, let us say that during the charge the bat tery vitals change progressively from one chemical state to another. Dur ing this transition the temperature of the battery rises, the electrolyte bubbles and throws off hydrogen and oxygen gas, and the specific gravity increases." "After you have completed the charge and opened the circuit the battery will retain Its secondary stat almost indefinitely under a sort of tension that is, it is Hying to re gain its original state and will start to do so at the first opportunity. So. when you close the circuit, with your starting or lighting button, the bat tery vitals will start a progressive chemical change back to their first state and in so doing will deliver electrical energy. "Electrolyte is a mixture of Water and acid. Acid is the heavier. Dur ing charge the acid progressively dis- Professional Directory of the Alliance Herald Professional riiotographer Quality Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlatging all Styles M. E. GREBE, Proprietor ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 L. W. BOWMAN Pliysicinu and Surgeon Office: First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362, Res. 16 IMPERIAL ORCHESTRA n Pieces Member of A. F. of M. H. A. DUBUQUE. Mgr. M. H. WHALEY. Director mrcr i and Dance Work Harness hand made from best ma terial. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienced harness maker. J. M. OVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand, Alliance PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER C E. SLAGLE, M D. At The Herald Office Physician Surgeon Reasonable Rates Prompt Office phone, 65 Res. phone, 12 Service ALLIANCE, -:- NEBRASKA L. A. KERRY BURTON & REDDISH LAWYER Altorneys-at-Mw l.aml Attorneys Phone 9 Homm 9 Kumer Block Office: First National Bank Bldg PHONE 180 Alliance, Nebraska ALLIANCE, -:- NEBRASKA x m n SS a k i v t ii "Leg Me Cry For You" WrmiUm HARRY P. COURSEY 1619-1521 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. j Mve Stock and General Sales OMAHA Specialist and Auctioneer Special Attention to Lire Stock FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Claims Terms Reasonable Alliance. (Phone 64) Nebr. J. p. EMERICK DR. D. E. TYLER lionded Abstractor DENTIST I hare the only set of abstract PHONE 362 Books in Box Butte County. Ver First National Bank Office: Rm. 7, Opera House Hlock I ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 1 Why is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days renlly incapaci tated by illness. If we all would practice Inside-bathing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands of half sick, anaemic-looking souls with pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy cheeked ieople everywhere. The rea son Is thnt the human system does not rid itself each day of ull the waste which it accumulates under our pres ent mode of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the system nearly an ounce of wasto material must be carried out. else it ferments and forms ptomaine like poisons which are absorbed Into the blood. Just as necessary as It Is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day, before the fire will burn bright and hot, so we must each morning clear the InBlde organs of the previous day's accumulation of Indigestiblo waste and body toxins. Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In it, ss a harm less means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the Indigestible material, waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweeten ing and purifying the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleepless nights have become real cranks about the morning Inside-bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much at the drug store, but Is sufficient to demonstrate to anyone, Its cleansing, sweetening and freshen ing effect upon the system. ITT FISH IN DAM LAKK Several hundred young bass were turned loose in the Kilpatrick dam lake twenty miles west of Alliance Saturday evening by F. E. Holsten, an enthusiastic local sportsman and angler. Mr. Holsten, accompanied by George Edick and Lloyd Thomas, made the trip out to the lake in The Herald's Crow-Elkhart auto immedi ately after the arrival of the fish on 44. The fish were secured by Mr. Thomas from- the state fishery at Valentine. A supply of bass were also re ceived in the same shipment for K cause Brothers and turned loose by Herman Krause the same evening in the large lake on their ranch north east of Alliance. Herman Krause nmde a trip to town by auto for the baby fish and liberated them in their new home the same evening. It is difficult to ship rish safely during the hot weather. Lloyd ex pects to secure another larger ship ment for these lakes this fall. Mr. Holsten is taking much interest in seeing the Kilpatrick lake well slock ed for the benefit of local fishermen. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No body can Tell. Storage cellars at Alliance, llemlng fotd and Marslaud. recently spent Several days at Washington. D. C . where he called at Herbert C HOOI er's office. In Order that he might oh twin llrst hand the altitude of that office toward the matter of food con trol, which Is so much before the public at this time, and which Is nat urally of vital Interest to ceryime connected with the fruit and produce deal. Mr. Miller staled that he was well pleased with his findings as he found those connected with Mr Hoover's office to have a fairly good working knowledge of what is required in the marketing of perishable farm pro duels and that they did not maintain some of the unreasonable ideal with which they had been credited. With out Question, if It becomes necessary to regulate the distribution of pel ishable farm products, the food com lUiSStOner's office will obtain the ser vices of parties who ace thoroughly familiar with food problems In or der that they might have the best possible knowledge of conditions which the trade have to meet, they are gelling expressions of opinions now from leading members of thS trade, and Ml Miller has been re quested to SfritS Chairman Hoover in detail, giving that office a COM plete outline as to tlOW the commer cial potato business Is handled. Clear Away the Waste Bowel regularity is the secret of good health, bright eyes, clear com plexions, and Or. King's New Life Pills are S mild and gentle laxative thai regulates the bowels and re lieves the congested intestines by re moving the accumulated wastes without griping Take a pill before retiring and that heavy head, that dull spring fever feeling disappears. Get Dr. King's New Life Pills at your druggist, I so. Adv 3 NORMS BLAMES FOOD SPECULATORS C. S. Senator from Nebraska Write Alliance Man That He Hopes Relief Is in Sight An Alliance man recently wrote to lT. S. Senator Q. W. Norris regard ing the high cost of the necessities of life. He received the following reply from the senator the first of this week: "I have your letter relative to the present high cost of necessities and I agree with you that there is just cause for complaint. Prices are too high and unless something is done to reduce them a most serious con dition will develop. "I have hopes that the pending Food Administration bill will be so framed and enacted as to furnish the relief needed. While there has been nn abnormal demand upon the food supply of the United States, because of conditions In Europe, such de mand has not been the only factor in bringing about present high pric es. The food speculator Is the man who may be properly charged in my judgment with the crime in the mat ter. "I have given every available mo I ment to a study of the food problem i and am convinced that we must 'promptly take action to encourage production, totally stop speculation land guard against waste in the dis tribution of all necessities. I believe I the pending bill can be made to ac complish the desired result If it Is I properly administered after it be- I comes a law. I can not help but feel, however, that the government has not done all that it could to curb the activities of the food speculator If the Sherman Anti-trust law had been fully enforced by administra tion officials at least some of th food pirates might have been brought to time and present price for necessities might have been U' i I tl i 11 I t : I unti The food proble mis one in which I am deeply interested ana I win no all within my power to secure need ed legislation with as little delay as is necessury. When the laws are enacted, however, they are worthless unless enforced by the Executive de partment of the government. Con sequently, the success of the Food Administration plan will depend not only upon the provisions of the meas ure as it becomes a law, but upon the administration of the provisions of the measure as it becomes a law, but upon the administration of the provisions contained in the law. The bill is now being considered by the Senate, and was passed by the House of Representatives Saturday of last week." Mas SKFTHrHRo-mEIIS BJSnBfe I I the tank that does it." I 8 Your engine picks up eagerly I HjmgU I I -pulls smoothly when throt- I jtJ tied down. Look for the Red lwBffi BgM Crown sign. flHBSHH SSBR Polurine Oil stops power biiiBbBbBB I Lubricates efficiently flHftKflES I times. B&SbbBBM I ftjlr ', STANDARD OIL CO. sWSsi uBBV Sr bVsSmlM' iSaj myffitiIs5sijiB J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. O. JEFFREY. D. C CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours. 10 A M , to I P. M NEW WILSON BLOCK Geo. J. Hand, M. D. asthma and . HAY FEVER Rye, Kar, Nose and Throat PHONE 261 Calls answered from office day or night. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 60-csot bottle of "VVyeth's Ssge and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Million of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose bair is turning gray or becoming faded have a urprie awaiting them, because after one or two applica tions the gray hair vanishes and your !ocks become luxuriantly dark snd beau tiful. This is the age of youth. Gray-haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage snd Sul phur Compound to night and you'll be de lighted with your dark, baadsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. This' preparation is a toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of disease. POTATO OHOWKsHtt NEED NOT I I Alt FOOD CONTROL B. Percy Miller, of Albert Miller A Company, who have large potato MALONEY SUSPENDED DY OMAHA COUNCIL Defendant in Chadron Cane to He Tried In Alliance ( ailed Su parlor a "DtX Hat" Chief of Detectives Steve Maloney of the Omaha police force, who is one of the defendants in the now well-known Chadron-Omaha attempt to blackmail case, which is to be tried in Alliance, starting October , was found KUUty by the Omaha city commissioner of the charge of having called his superior officer, Commissioner A. C. Kugel, a "dirty rat." The Omaha council, on mo tion of Mayor Dahlman. held the charges sustained and ordered sus pension without pay for ninety days. A second count in the information was of falsely accusing Kugel of conspiring with Detective Sutton of Omaha to offer false testimony against Maloney. The vote stood three to two in favor of the resolu tion. The trial was featured by an apol ogy by Maloney. who admitted that In the heat of the hearing he lost bis temper and made a statement that he should not have uttered. Wall Paper and Paints The store that carries a complete stock. If you want wall papering done we will attend to the entire job, measuring the room, furnishing the wall paper to suit you and employing the paper hanger. It saves you trouble and worry. Try us. We are also headquarters for ( Lee's Poultry and Stock Preparations At this store you can buy Lee's Lice Killer; (lermozone ; Lei's Lice Powder; Lee's Kgg Maker and Chick Grower; Lee's Best Conditioner, for stock; Kgg-olatum, egg preservative ; Ice'8 Dip, for cattle, sheep and hogs; and other effective Lee prepara tions. Now is the time to use Wood-Lark squirrel and gopher pois on, ready prepared. Sure death to gophers, squirrels, mice, prairie dogs, etc. BRENNAN'S Phone 84 301 Box Butte Avenue Alliance, Nebraska LINCOLN MATIC PAJNT CL1 Stands This Climate Best (Jives better service, protects your buildings better, lasts longer and costs less because it is made especially to withstand the peculiar climatic conditions of this locality. Lincoln Climatic Paints are the only paints made and tested to suit different climatic con ditions. The only paints that CAN be right. We have booklets at our store telling just how and why Lincoln Climatic Paints are adjusted to fit our climate. Ask for one of these. It will be of interest to you. F. E. HOLSTEN ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 800 ROORiS SAFETY FIRST 80O ROOafb When you are in Omaha come where all Stockmen stop. Tou will always And your friends snd acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE 101 H AND JON Kb STS., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men. Well make you comfortable snd our rates are most reasonable in the city. Rooms with private both, $1 50 to 1176 Rooms with private toilet $1. Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation KRBI) A. CASTLE, Prop. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE