I TELEPHONE THREE-FOUR-OUGHT HERALD Classified Advertisements Five Cents Per Line Count Six Words to a Line No Advertisement Taken for Less Than 15c FURNITURE MOVED MOVFTFliltl We have equipped our dray wag una and auto truck with the latest Appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pads will be used by us on alt moving jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15. 37-tf-5950 yiXTolwoTiiTiTTiUNT $& I will send you enough of my high gloss enamel to paint your car. Im possible to streak or leave brush marks. Anyone can apply. It will make your car look like new, and you be the judge. If not satisfied, 1 will gladly refund your money. J. C. MILLION, 258 Columbine St., Den ver. Colo. 16-tf-818f) AUTOMOBILES AUTOS FOR SALE A second hand roadster and a second-band Pard touring car for sale cheap. In quire at the Sturgeon garage. FOR SALE 5-passenger car In -ood condition. Enquire 306 E. 3rd street. Phone 915. June 21-U-S-8418 ROOM WANTED by single man, in private residence. Phone 304. FOR ham: FOR SALE! -Nearly new, Edison phonograph. Perfect condition. A bargain. Oak case. Phone 310, Her ald office. 24 -tf -83 18 seed at $1.75 per Dushel, at the ranch, and $2 sacked for shipment. Sacks extra. Also twenty bushela recleaned alfalfa seed. J. A. Keegan. 26-tf-7969 WANTED Steady employment by young married man. fan give of reference. Address T. 1., rare Alliance Herald. 6-14-tf FOR SALE One Shorthorn herd bull. Good action and a great breed er. Also, two yearling bulls. J. A. KEEGAN. 26-tf-7970 Twenty-four full quarts fancy strawberries, express prepaid, $3.20. Wlckham Rerry Farm. Salem, Nebr. 26-11-8382$ "TOCKSALEfh KalpTHoj kins Public Auction of near Dunlap, Nebraska, is billed for Wednesday, June 6th. 1917, rain or shine. Con sisting of 135 head of cattle and 35 head of horses, some farm machin ery. CALVIN J. WILDY. Clerk. 26-11-7963 WORK WANTED Girl wants a job of housecleaning or cooking. Call at 111 Sweetwater. E. E. English residence. Phone 898. 28-lt-$-7993 Phone 166 if you have anything to sell. T. J. THOMPSON, NSSI and second-hand goods. The Gonial Mil ler place. 27-tf-7987 FOR SALE High grade typewrit er carbon paper. The kind that gives you a clear duplicate. The Alliance Herald. Phone 340 HOUSE FOR HE N'T FOR RENT Five-room house, electric lights. Phone 667 for in formation. 28-tf-8398 FOR ItffNT ROOMS' ROOMS FOR RENT 132 Chey nne Avenue. Alliance, Nebraska. l-tf-7682 Niobrara. Mrs. John H. Carroll. 28-tf-8415 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE AT EXECUTOR'S 8ALE Two residence properties lo cated as follows: Lots five and six in block six, Wyoming addition to City of Alliance. The residences are composed of three and five rooms. These residence properties must be sold. Inquire of L. A. Berry, Room 9, Rumer Block, Alliance. Nebraska. Phone 9. 8287-23-tf JUMP FROM BED IN MORNING AND DRINK HOT WATER Open sluices of system each morning wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter, says authority. and A glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, drank each morning before breakfast, keeps us looking and feeling fit. Life is not merely to live, but to live well, eat well, digest well, work well, sleep well, look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy it is if one will only adopt the morning inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when they arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by open ing the sluices of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoou ful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day '8 indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonder fully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phos phate is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of peope who are bothered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone ph(phate from the drug store, wnicn win cost but little, but a l l bumcieni to make anyone a pro nouneed crank on the subject internal sanitation. is of Round House Rumblings llelng brief renm of the week's doing. Jolt. .1 t.n n the Imk head Mlille wftltJnit In the Alliance round house for the O-a to tire up, for the run to Settee. Klrem.m H. W. tiers In at present en Joy in a: II brief respite from his du ties, and Is Inking In the sights at Clipper, Wyo. He will return shout Wednesday of this week. Mr. Berg has heen working on the high line for some time past, but will he out of AHiunee when he goes hark to work. A. Harry, llreman. departed last Saturday for l-ead, S. D.. where he has taken a tegular turn. Kngineer .lack Kdwards laid off a lew days last week. The presump tion is that he was making garden. ( . .1. Held, til-etna n, visited in BcotlaMal last week. 11. Timmell, road foreman, was OM most of last week, engaged In making a thorough detour of the west end of the division. John Hltehroek. formerly employ ed as night caller at the round house, handed in his resignation Saturday. He had been transferred to machin ist apprentice. A. Schieb. boilermakcr, was called to Denver the fore part of last week by a telegram announcing the seri ous illness of n relative, ft Is not at this time known just how long he will be away. The Red Cross drive came to h triumphant close Saturday evening. and nil concerned are very much en thused over the manner In which all employees responded to the call. J. O. Dole and J. B. Irwin were very active in the promotion of this wor thy cause and their successful ef forts are worthy of mention. Bound-house employees recently enjoyed cigars furnished by W. J. Connors, who wus recently married and who Is now absent on a honey moon. His fellow workers are un animous in offering congratulations, and wishing him unlimited happi ness. i Commodore Black, who presides U the desk in the general foreman's office, is, we are told, a very neces sary attribute to the Alliance base bull club. At any rate he has the reputation of being one of the main stays of the organization. He has participated in the games so far this season. John Clarris has been transferred from a boilermaker helper to fire man, and tkiade his first trip the lat ter part of laHt week. During the latter part of the past week a number of men have found it necessary to resign at the round house on account of belonging to Company O. which was called to leave Alliance Sunday night. June 24. Among those were Curl Anderson and John Phillips. Needless to say, the well wishes of many fellow work ers accompany them. C. O. Davenport returned last Fri day from an extended trip over the eastern part of the division. Fireman L. A. Smith was off las' week, uccount of trouble with eyes caused by getting hot cinders In them. He reported for work again the fore part of the week. W. H. Cooley and W. M. Holland are two new firemen that were added to the force last week. These mep both register from Denver. Master Mechanic 0. O. Dole re turned Saturday from a trip over the oast end. He did considerable work in the interest of the Bed Cross while gone. t A. M. Bichmond, machinist help er, was called to Omaha last week by a telegram announcing the serious illness of a relative. He will return to Alliance as soon as possible. John Lewis, electrician, received a message Saturday announcing the serious illness of a brother at St. Paul. Minn. He departed for that place at once. Leon Alter, day caller at the round house, was off sick for a day or two last week, and whs temporarily re placed by Carl Hward. B. Malek. carpenter foreman, re turned the latter part of last week from Bochesler, Minn., where he had been taking treatment from Mayo Brothers. He returns very much Improved. Knuineer Johnnie McDnnnld hui 'arrived here from Ravenna. Ho It now extra passenger engineer out of Alliance. Kin-man (5. A. Buth went back to work last week after a three months vacation. He Is working on the ICIls- worth turn-arund. Mrs. C. A. Hopkins departed Sun day for Hetnlngford, whose she will spend a few days visiting friends and relatives. F. E. Brown has been transferred to night clerk in (ieneral Foreman Irwin's office for the present at least. This move was occasioned by the res ignation of one of the regular men. Engineer W. A. Bennett Is laying off at this lime account of a tired feeling occasioned by too much of the late hard work. Kngineer Wolverton of the east local is off at this time owing to a sprain sustained to his left hip while at work one day the fore ptirt of the week. Mrs. J. U. Garland and little daughter arrived from Omaha the fore part of the week, and will make their home here in the future. Mr. Oarland is employed as machinist in the round house. II. Bennau, engineer on the east end. Is laying off this week. He Is being replaced by Kngineer Johnnie Parsons. "The Days of '49" which is one of the chief attractions of the rnrnl val here this week, is the scene of merry rivalry on the part of some of our oldest and best engineers. Of course we wouldn't think of men tioning names but some of these same engineers always smile and some of them never smile Mrs. J. E. Whaley and three daughters, Nina, Florence and Fran ce, are contemplating an extended trip which will take them to San Francisco and return. Mr. Whaley Is employed as stationary fireman at the round house. LOCAL DELEGATES ATTEND EONVSNTION Allium Sent Ten l I. nd Vis Itoi'H to Convention of Alliance Mttfffll of Hp worth Keagne A delegation of ten from the First M lv church of this city attended the convention of the Alliance dis trict of Kp worth Leagues held at Chadron. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Alliance ws.a represented at the convention by the following: Misses Marian Orebe, Ethel Oraham. Mabel Ormsby. Wll mn Mote, Buth Nation, Hattle Bene wold, Mrs. J. C. Thomas. J. C. Thom as, and Merritt Chaffee Twenty-two towns In the Alliance district were represented at the con vention. Miss Mary Katwell, first vice president of the district, presid ium, the opening session having been held Wednesday evening. The ad dress of welcome was made by Prof. 8. L. Clements of Chadron. Tho re sponse was made by Prof. I. H. Lin der of Bayard. Miss Marian (irebe of Alliance ren dered a solo that was highly appreci ated. The Chadron Journal In speaking of Miss Orebe's part In the program said: "Miss Marian Grebe then rendered a most beautiful solo, and at once won a place in the hearts of her hearers with her sweet voice Here's hoping that we may hear more of It." Friday morning the work of the convention started off with a 6 o'clock mountain-top prayer meeting after which breakfast was prepared and se. ved on the grounds. Ilev. M C. Smith, Crawford, delivered hia lecture. "Blp Van Winkle." before the convention Thursday evening. "Man or Manikin" was a lecture de livered at the close of the conven tion Friday night by nev. Baker of Scottsbluff. Real Estate. Loans and lnsnr woe. F. I. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15 tf -6727 nraTsfsrW-ST S JfXiM aaMal ' LZllJ smooth as sum I ! H PeilectSy lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on 0 j, I polapinca I ; B THE STANDARD OIL FOR ALL MOTORS H ' H L9 1 H eats np the miles without friction loss, carbonization B or overheating. Every drop pur lubrication. Makes B B your car worth more. I B Look for the Polarine sign it means a reliable dealer B B who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown B B Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. B I STANDARD OIL COMPANY B g (NabcMka) H OMAHA isS BBBBF BBs! I Live Stock Transit Insurance Live stock men over the entire west are forming the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and quick reiuru The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy i protects shippers of live stock, and is the only company offering a broad pol icy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against loss from hazards of transportation - including suffocation, freezing, trampling, lire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier. We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally by FRED E. FEAGINS, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA A. D McIVOR, HYANNIS, NEBRASKA 0. W. KI'ACHT, MM IOP0Mp NK1WAHKA M G. ANGEL, SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBR W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Live Stock Department STOCK YARD8, OMAHA, NEBRASKA