I LOOSE I "PlEA?1 I You Can Save Time and Money just II we have. We bought a few HflD Post Hinders to use ;is ledger transfers, but we found them so practical so well made and so dura ble that we are keeping most of our office records in them. By using the UHD-PaiZD stock forms that fit these binders wc hive system-matized many of our operations and have saved time and money. Here are some of the uses for which we can get stock forms. Bank Statement Potty ("a ah Monthly Statements Salen Summary Column Sheets Caah Received Accounts Payable Pay Poll Record Rill Payable Check Record Perpetual Inventory Order Register -Receiving Slip Invoice Books Combined Cash and Journal City Delivery RecelptB Purchase Order Rec ord Rill and Charge Sheets (Dupl.) Herald Publishing Co., Inc. Alliance, Nebraska I Use Herald Duplicating Sales Books . htVC discovered that The Er ... Herald win acuw u me Books at the same price 1 pay the out-of-town eonipanie. The hooks at1 made by one of the largest iirms in the coun t i v making sales hooks, and tin y arc better than some made in Wbraska. The llorald can supply any kind of duplicating book made anywhere by anybody at their prices. More are some of the duplicating hooks The Herald sells: Duplicating Sales Books Triplicating Sales Books Special Order Duplicating Books Duplicating Remittance Books Duplicating Receipt Books Grocers' and Butchers' Coupon Books Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Nebraska i 1 I HEMINGFORD DEPT. s WSkSS&ftSi&m mi m mm i Wall Paper and Paints ' The itori thai carries a complete stock. If you want wall MpCting done we will attend to the entire job, measuring the room, furnishiiiK the wall paper to suit you and employing the paper hanger. It saves you trouble and worry. Try us. We are also hca.hptai teis for ftgumw- Lee's Poultry and Stock Preparations At this store you can huy Lee's Lice Killer , l.ennooiic ; l.ee sl.ice Powder; Lee's fg Maker and Thick (Jrower; Lee's Best Conditional1, for stock; Lpg-o latum, egg preservative; L.c's Dip, for catth-. sheep ami Bo ; and other effective Lee prepara tions Now is the time to use Wood-Lark squirrel and gopher pois on, ready prepared. Sure death to gophers, squirrels, mice, prairie dogs, etc. BRENNAN'S Phnne H4 301 Box Butu Avenue Alliance, Nebraska Mrs Crace Millar and daughter Irene returned to their "home h( Lin coln Friday. Clare Welkei came Stindav for n visit with his slBter Mrs Mahel Clang. If... II... i , . i ii... . a .inn iikoii nil -ill i i son OI Scottsblun" came Friday for a. visit with her husband, of this place. Hi'iiny Humphreys returned to Re lUoee, B. D., the latter part of last reek. Mrx. Frank NHiielsrhneider ami children went to Korea Sunday and spent couple of days visiting her husband, who is Ending the roads t hare. Miss Ruth Katen CtM tip from Alliance Saturday to visit her sister Mr. Chan. Hoot of this place. Quite a number of people from hre were pienlelnR in Pine Ridge Sunday. Miss Mae Stoll from Johnstown. Nebr., is visiting with Pearl Iiren- sen of this place at the present time. Grove Fosket Is attain emnloved In Jerry Hutler's pool hall, after an ab sence of two weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. 0, Shepherd and Mrs. P. Ixrensen were visitors in Alliance Wednesday between trains. i. T. Hedgecock has moved his garage into his new building. Mr. Hedgecock has a first-class garage now and Is equipped to do all kinds of car repair work. C. W. Ornham is the proud posses sor of a new Chevolret car. Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Shepherd, Pearl Lorenson, Mae Stoll, Mabel McClung and C. Welker autoed to Ft. Robinson Tuesday to spend the day fishing. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ieavitt autoed to Alliance Monday. too George Walker and Frank Caha were business visitors in Alliance Monday. Luke Phillips, Bill Fosket, W. F. Walker and Ora Phillips went to Al liance Saturday to furnish the mar tial music for Red Cross day. Mrs. Ray Wood and little daughter returned to their home at Antioch the latter part of last week after a few days' visit with home folks here i Several .auto loads of people went to Alliance to bid the National Guard good-bye and wish them good luck. There were eight boys from here. They are going to Ft. Crook, Nebr , to go into training. Robert Telford moved his family into their new residence that was just completed, the latter part of last week. (Jeorge Oabus left last Friday-for Sioux City, where he will be a short time on business. $ m Miss Christina Casseliug is back at work at the Arlington cafe after a two weeks' vacation. Earl Hockey had the misfortune to have his foot run over by an auto. Altho it is painful, there were no serious injuries done. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Weddel ami family of Curly spent Sunday in town with Mrs. Weddle's mother. Mrs. Win. Fosket. Miss Bet) i a Ruse was shopping in Alliance Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norberf Fronapfel autoed to Alliance Tuesday, where the Mrs. will have some dental work done. Mrs. Sidney (irinies left Monday for Iowa for a visit with relatives there. Mr. ami Mrs. Ben Johnson came Tuesday morning on 41. Mrs. John son was formerly Miss Bertha Par kin. Miss Klsie Greene V"U "li- ance to spend a few rl (lot. ner aunt. Russell Mellck went to Alliance Tuesday to meet his sister Miss Nel lie who Is coming for a visit with her brothers at this place. Mrs. Roe Brown and children re turned from Van Tassell. Wye. Fri day, where the haa been for the past week visiting her sister there. Mrs. Frank Caha and daughter Lillian and Daisy were Alliance shoppers Monday. f ipfeir Merit Written Across a merlfeSMaD ThHUi At BLACK SAFETY TREAD TIRES HE strength and durability of Coourich Elack Safety Tread Tires are ground into . le roadi of our nation from Maine to California. Six Fleets of Goodrich Test Cars, heavy cars and light cars, daily write the truth CiozX Goodrich 1 ires on the worst roads in six widely different rcHons cf our country. Sand, rod: end rjravel, cxid every freak of climate etc testing ort Goodrich Tires through millions cC miles of roughing it. The answer cf tills nation-vica ttst of the Test Car Fleets 1 answer told in 200,000 tire mile 3 v;eekly is: The ONE foundation cf kstinfT, resilient fabric tires i3 the UNIT TT l'C'.T?, UITBrCIIEN CURE, Ccc.'.!.!i I.cs championed ione cr.ic .;': tire makers. This is t'.ic TZ2TED TRUTH cf Coci-lcUIach EcScty Treads, tiS9 TESTED TIREC of America. DUY TB2Z They nuct ive you l-ctin full value service. WW Tow 9 TK Sifi HIE B. F. GOODRICH CO., Akron, Ohio Mnkcr of ibo famous BHvutOWfl Cord Tiro which won the 1916 Racing CbuinoiomJiip Ak Vouir Deier tor Than gjjj -i iJgyt JTJ Trie xorrgr jeurz VWS2&&MX&lVM A Complete Stock of Goodrich Tires On Hand and Sold By KEELER-COURSEY COMPANY Phone 19 112-114 East Third Street Alliance, Nebraska Joy to All Around Her. A chei'i-ful, uiii'omiliiiulug wouihu t the most wonderful human bcint; on eurili. In I null he makes life for herself and those around her "one grand, sweet song." Whether she Is rich or poor, old or young, edumted or un'diicaied. iiinkes absolutely no difference. 'I'he .'iiniple she sets and the hope she brings to others are what count, and everyone of us can, with pi-.. tli. imii.-ite her. Kxchange. Ncedtd Law. That dear xounu mother dovu :be street piece came to us ultuwkl in tears yesterday aud usked us If we wouldn't use our iurtueiice for the tin mediate enactment of a law limit UU (raiidmoihers to an eight-hour day. ex plaining that then af working all night with the tMlby she might undo the spoiling done iu the ciurse of the time v In n she bad no control om i tier cbiid. Columbus (o.) Jourual. A Bounteous Stream of Profits Flowing Through the Arch of . Salesmanship John McCoy, M D. Office and Hospital Reddish Block Taltphon tl MERCHANTS, RANCHMEN FARMERS, PROFESSIONAL MEN DISPLAY THE FLAG Use The Flag Rmblem on Your Stationery No. G'u. Sic Knv. 'lopes Printed illi I'lau in nat ural coitus with vouk return '' the coiner, al follow iug il ices : J50 Kuv.lopcs ISJi ",M BnvcUpoa H.S0 HK) Khvclopcs !k.r.M) J(KM) Kuv.lopcs U)0 Flag Printed on Stationery in Natural Colors Mail Orders Promptly Filled Herald Publishing Company ALLIANCE, NEBR.