V W Call us and learn what quality laun- KSBsl ALLIANCE STEAM LAUNDRY fc-B LIVED IN MISERY. "I suffered greatly from nervousness and head mrhaa. The l!t excite ment save me dreadful pain. I becan uping Dr. Miles' Nervine and a few days later started to take Dr. Mils' Heart Treat ment. I soon grot so much better that I was eniour ared aad continued taking the two remedies until I was so "well that work was no bother to mo at all." MR8. IXHM8 Kl.Q, Idaho Kalle, Idaho. Striving to satisfy the demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is highly recommended. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENE FIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Your poultry will bring better returns if properly housed and taken care of. And you will be surprised at the small cost of building the houses and sheds necessary for theL proper care. We have all of the material required for housing poultry and will gladly give you ideas along this line. International Typographical Union No. 755 UNION jgan LAB EL The UNION I.AHKL on printed natter always mwu the BEST, ill both th- front ofllee and tlit' workshop- tin- com posing room. There an- two printing oftiob in Alliance cn titted 1o the use of the UNION LABKL: THE ALLIANCE HERALD THE ALLIANCE SEMI WEEKLY TIMES UNION MEN and LAB0R1N0 MEN of all trade, if your tradesman solicit your business with printed matter ask him to get the UNION LABEL on his advertising. Demand the UNION LABEL on Your Printing TWO OFFICES GIVEN TO ALLIANCE PEOPLE Ftit lreblcrlnii (iiurcli Hepi stMittMl m liriMiHii I 'IiiI.-ji nr Convention nt HrilKMrt At the twelfth district Christian Badeavor coavtatloa iieii t iiridge- port lust week Miss Verii Spenrer of Allinnee was eleeled superintendent of Junior work. j, H. Vattc was elected ti head the citizenship department: and Mrs. Kdna Wiltsey of HeminKford to head the Quid Hour. The convention is reported to haV Been one of the most inspiring ever held hy the t'nited Societies' of Chris tian Kndeavor of the twelfth district. An exceptionally good program was rendered and n particular effort made to entertain the (went) seven out-of-town delegates in attendance, The First t'reshyterlan eBBfcfc of Alliance was represented at tha llridgeport convention last week h iteuiah Reddish, Ksthei Nation and Nina Nation. Mrs W K Spencer went along as cbapefOfl On one of the evenings the citi zens of Bridgeport took their ran and tenileiert a picnic Slipper to the delegates at Court Mouse Kock. Special features of the convention were the Quiet Hour" talks MCB mornmc hy Hev. .1. H. Itrown of Got ilon the Junior conference hy Miss Grace Hooper; the model business meeting; the address by itev. T, 1. Brown of lleminRfonl on Karly Bl erlences in Nebraska among the In dians ' Mr BroWB RBVC one of the most interesting talks thnt the Kn ideavors ever heard of the life amour the various tribes of I ml Inns in all I parts of Nebraska Me grew up among them, came to Nebraska In . IXMi mid has lived and labored in 'the stHtc ever since llev. Hainuet Light, D.D . spoke to the convention on the Subject of the summer confei eiue nt Henry llev. Thos K. Hunt er. D.D.. of Kimball, gave the closing i address, on "Making the tioal." The aewl) sleeted officers of the coming year for the christian flhv dcavoi Union of the twelfth district it. is fullnws President, Krv a.ls. B ttrOWn, GOfttOBI irtce president, N .it Dantey, t'liadron; set ret a ry- Ireasurer, iMms fClma leott. Cbadran; Superintendent of Missions, Miss .In net Howard, scottsbiiiff ; efficient superintendent, MIhh Mildred Morey. Cordon; superintendent .lunior work, Miss Vera Spencer. Alliance; super intendent Intermediate work, Mrs. Alice Reynolds. Scottsblufl; Quiet Hour, Miss Kdna Wiltsey. Ileming ford; Tenth Ieglon, Miss Pauline Scott, chadron: Vance, Alliance. Citizenship. S. H, Forethought People are learning thai a tittle forethounht often saves them a big BXpeaea Here is an instance K W. nber. Caldwell, Ohio, writes: "I do not believe that our family haa be.'n without 'Chamberlaln'i Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since we commenced keeping house years ago. When we go on an extended viait we take it with us " Obtaina ble everywhere. Adv-Junc MONEY TO I At AM ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Those who think of huhlling, this spring, should see n- at once. F. E. REDDISH A SON, 202 i Ho, Butte Ave. H. B. Brand addlery, Horse Blankets, Lap Robes, Whips, Etc. Harpham and Fremont Saddles are handled by the following dealers: AlnsWortB, E. C. Ballard. Alliance, Rheln-Rousey Co. AnRelmo, W. W. Hass A Co. Ansley, Comstock & Mills. Ashhy, J. Halloren Lbr. Co. Bayard, Henderaon & Franklin. BelBMBt, Relsdorfer Bros. Ilerwyn, 0. C. Stanton. Htldgeport, It. C. Burke. Ilroadwater, J. R. Mlnsball. Broken Dow, H. H. Squires. Chadron, W. 8. Glllam. Cbappell. Cbappell Lbr A Hdw. Co. Cody, Stotts A Jarchow. Crawford, Crawford Hdw. Co. Crookston, Holmes Hdw. Co. Dalton, P. M. Cramer. f Dix. Phil Nelson. 5 Gordon, Jos. Kocer A Co. Harrison, Z. B. Johnson. Hay Springs, Parsons Hdw. Co. Hazard. C. W. Trumble. Hemingford, C. A. Sblndler. Hyannis, P. M. Spalding Lbr. Co. Johnstown, E. E. Waggener. Kimball. Ous Linn. Lakeside, Crowther-Reed Co. Lewellen. Rohlflng Berqulst. Lisro, Lisco Merc. Co.' Litchfield. H. L Nelson. Lodgepole, E. Fenske. Long Pine, M. J. Potter. Melebta, Dutton A Sons. Merna, A. J. Read. Merriman, Lesert Hdw. Co. Mlnatare, C. E, Clougb. Mitchell, Riley A Tyler. Morrill, Logan A Catcbpole. Mullen, J. L. Roseberry. North Platte, A. F. Fink Nortbport, Jesse Edaon. Ogallala, C. B. Baaa A Co. Oahkoab, Quelle Broa. Potter, C. vv Johnson. Rushville, Coffey A Wasmund. Rushvllle, 8. 8. Connell. ScottablulT, R. D. Owens. Sidney, Mrs. C. D. Baalg. Sidney, Thos. Olson. Sutherland, B. C. Brown. Valentine, T. L. Evans. Whitman, S. O. Wright. Whitney, Wbltney Supply Co Wood Lake. Wood Lake Lbr. Co. WE MAKE THE BEST LINE OF HARNESS STOCK SADDLES AND HORSE COLLARS ON THE MARKET. THEY ARB HANDLED BY SOME OF THE BEST RETAIL DEALERS IN NEBRASKA, KANSAS, COLORADO, WYOMING, MONTANA AND SOUTH DAKOTA. Bferftag j HARPHAM BROS. CO., Lincoln, Nebraska W gSkth bAb. ams. BBrBBi s4"Wa aBBBi ssjfcfe ams. A!a ABa ABa ddh AB. ddk ddk ABa dd ahtsV SBSs SBSst SS AAl sBrBsaBMBrBSBnBsBlBBBsaBB WWWWWwfWWWjtWT WWWWWW WWW 4j d) BB I t i 1 t 1 ? ? 1 x Y 2 Y i t i Y t ? Y 1 Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v The Wiker Music House extends to all attending the Stockmen's Reunion in Al liance an invitation to visit our store. Comein, make this store your headquarters. While here you will want to look over our large aid complete line of New Sheet Music, String Instruments, Victor Victrolas, Victor Records, Pianos and Player Pianos. Everything in Music. The latest song and instrumen tal hits both in sheet music and Victor Records. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LAY IN A SUPPLY OF THE BEST AND LATEST Wiker Music House Y t Y t t Y ? Y 1 I Y Y Y t Y i Y Y Y t Y f ? Y t Y Y X t Y Y Y Y f Y Y i Across from Postoffice I i Mrs. J. T. Wiker Manager Alliance, Nebraska