The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 21, 1917, Image 8

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    mm Chap
News of Interest to and Pertaining
I to Railroad Men I
Ellsworth mada trip to Allium.
Kriilay on busiiiPMB.
Mis ) W K'imr W9tk l Heni
lllgford S.iturdtiy to attend 1 1 - fun
eral of Mm. A. M. Miller.
Brakemati M. Harvey raaigaM and
left for UilHnnH Saturday.
In onnectlon life the lied Croat
iMMM which I twin carried on
With such miccPM timnnii lha nnlro.i I
mm 1 Alliance. DMA Shaw address
ed i ftathvrinR of about three hun
dred MMhMMla the nrllnltofl htchln
feopi at one o'clock Tuendn ftftVI
noon end explained to them tfea rea
sons for MmtUai lfe Mbao 'lotion t
Mtid the use to which the money Is
would he nut. The railroad team l trip to Merita Saturday o
. - . . u' : I .. I
. i.ini.owed of Suiieri 111 eliueni mwu- -o-
hamet. captain. Trainmaster F (t
Ourl7, Chief Dispatcher A V. Cav
ln. Master Mechanic .1 i Hole, Koad
master J. T. Glltnore and Chief Clerk
A. V. Arnold, lieutenanas This
team la meeting with very pood sur
cess In the matter of contributions
and II la expected that the amount
collected will exceed the amount
which wan allotted to the railroad
mplOiraee. There Is considerable
friendly rivalry anions the lieuten
ants, each of whom represent a dif
ferent department, as to who will be
able to turn In the largest amount.
Operator Oattlnf of tfalaay made i
1 Brakamaa J. w. Helney went to
Hillings Saturday on pleasure trip.
returning Tuesday.
llraketnan t J. Devine spent a few
daya on his ranch near Kdueniont
the latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mra. W. H Heach left
Sunday on 4 4 for North Piatt OB re
ceipt of a meaaape announcing the
death of Mra. Ueach's brother.
Mr. and Mra. P. O. Uurley return
ed from their vacation Friday.
Mr,' and Mra. " Henry Merk left
Monday for A visit with relatlvea Ht
Silver, City. Iowa, and Went Plains,
Mo., akid will be pone for a couple of
week a! '
Conductor L. H, Waddelll and M.
K. lender left Sunday night for St.
lxnils and Paducah. Ky. They will
be gone about ten daya.
Itrakeman Geo. Kapiachka left
Monday for a weeka vialt with rela
tlvea at Plattsmouth.
Mra. R. K. I'earaon returned from
lYru. Saturday, after attending the
graduating Marc lava of the Peru Nor
mal and visiting with her home peo
ple there.
Dr. 'Ives went to Havenna Tues
day on! returning on 43 Wednes
day. Mr. and Mra. W. at Weldenhamer
and daughter Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. B.
J. Straub of C.aleaburg. and Mr. und
Mra. Fred Weldenhamer of Sterling,
Golo.. left Alliance Wednesday on
43 for St. Xavlor, Mont., where they
will spend two weeks vacation on the
Heinrieh ranch.
P. M. Scott went to Ottumwa Fri
day night for a ahort vialt with hia
home people. He returned on 43
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Given left on 4 4
Saturday for Kanaaa City on a busi
ness trip, returning to Alliance on
41 Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. W. M. Weldenhamer
und daughter Cecil and Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. 8traub or Galoaburg. Bpent Sun
day at Sterling, Colo., with Mr. und
Mrs. Fred Weldenhamer.
Mr. Harry Cantlln. son if conduct
or Catttlln. made u trip to Deadwood
and other Black Hill points Thurs
day. ;
H k. Tiller, operator at Antloch,
went to sBlmont Thursday where he
has been transferred permanently.
K. L, Weldln, operator at Mara
1,11,1 went to Antloch Thursday, to
relieve operator Tiller.
Onerator A. H. Outline at Belmont
went to Halaey Thursday, where he
has been tranaferred permanently
Mra. C. D. Keeod of Torrington.
me to Alliance the latter part of
the week for a vialt.
Operator K. Hfl. Shambltn.of Hal
aey went to Litchfield Friday.
Mrs. T. H. Brown of Broken Bow
maue a trip to Alliance the lutter
part of the week on business
M 1Kb Veronica Kennedy of Ells
worth, who Is attending the Chadron
normal, apent Sunday and Saturday
In Ellsworth with her folks.
Howard Bennett went to Dead-
wood Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Reed of Alliance made
a business trip to Scottsbluff Mon
T 11. Brown. Cashier at Broken
Bow spent Sunday at Hot Springs.
Miss Margaret Oartatcfeaal made n
pleasure trip to Denver for over Sun
day. o
Mra. .1. M. JohnBon and son Jack
of Ravenna made a trip to Deadwood
Sunday lo visit relatives.
Miss Ruby Buehner of Sheridan
went to Antioch Sunday for u visit
with her uncle, Ralph Buehner. fore
man ;it the Nebraska Potash Comp
Switchman L.
liance resigned
ings Monday.
Mrs. J W.
Conductor R. C. lloag and wife
left Sunday for a pleasure trip to
Denver. They will take n number
of side trips out of Denver.
Brakemun W. B. Sanders is spend
ing a few days in and around Den
ver this week.
Mr. C. A. Wetherhall. Chief Clerk
to Superintendent at Casper. Wyom-
ng, stopped over at Alliance be
tween trains Monday, leaving here
on the noon train for Cuaper, Mr.
Wetherhall was returning from Dor-
hester, Nebraska, where he had
been called on account of the death
of his father. Mrs. Wetherhall ac-
ompanled him to Dorchester but will
remain there for a ahort time.
Mrs. F. T. Helphringer came to
Alliance from Crawford Monday to
look up a house They expect to
move back to Alliance in a short time
nd Mr. Helpbringer will go to work
dispatcher again. Mr. Helpbring
r will go to work here as dispatcher
bout July 1st.
Switchman W.
Billings Monday
H. Croak left for
Mrs. Francis Miller of Edgeiuont
made a trip to Ardmore Tuesday.
Miss May Pollard of Lakeside
awe to Alliance Tuesday to do boiuc
Dr. Ives and wife returned to Al
liance Sunday after a trip to Dead
wood und the Black Hilla.
Mrs C. W. Ernstmeycr goes to
Kansas City on a vialt today.
Mias Mable Ormsby will make
trip to Crawford this week on a is
Operator H. S. Melton of Lakeside
handed in his resignation to take
feet July 1st. when he will leave fo
Kansas CitJ
Operator H. W. Johnaon of Hyan
nia has resigned and leaves ou 4
tonight for Minneapolis
Tower man I. J. Stephenson of
Crawford made a trip to Alliauce
Friday on business.
Agent Spradling and wife of Mul-
en went to OunniiiK Sunday and
rove back to Mullen that evening in
heir new automobile. ,
It. Federllne of Al
and left for Bill,
Ellis went to Edgemont
( has c. Jameson, preaident of
Rictmrda & Comatock, of Ellsworth.
In the city today. Mr. Jamejoii.
when he called at the Herald office
emarked thut this time was the long
st day of the year. He u'.so empha
sised the fact that it is Ce coldest
md is thinking of wiring home for
his winter clothing. Mr. Jameaon is
now spending most of hi i time at
Denver, where the headquarters of
he Richards & Conistoek company
ire maintained.
JCNE 5th:
II J. Krnuse, Chas. C. Jameson,
and Lloyd Thomas attended the
stock men's convention at Valentine
on Monday and Tuesday of this week.
The men made the trip as far aa
llnshvllle and back in the Herald's
Crow-Elkhart auto, driving over Sun
day afternoon and returning Wednea
day morning. Mra. Jameson accom
panied them on the trip going over
aa far as Hay Springs, where she Is
visiting relatives this week Post
master Robert Graham of Alliance,
who la president of the Association,
drove over in his auto. He atopeed
over for a short atay at Chadron on
the return trip.
Win. Ritchie. Bridgeport, attorney
Is attending the Episcopal convoca
tion at Alliance this week Mr. Rit
cefel came in Wednesday evening,
having attended the annual meeting
of the Western Nebraska Bar Asaoci
ation at Scottsbluff yesterday. He
repori8 that there were about seven
ty lawyers m attendance and that all
of tho members of the supreme court
with the exception of Judge Cornish
were there.
County treasurer F. W. Iriah re
ports that up to this morning a total
of 708 auto licenses have been lseued
tor Box Butte county
Miss Marian West of Hoffiand is a
guest of Mra. O. D. Hobbs.
WANTED!--The name of some
one who baa an "Insurance Junior"
gasoline stove an old one from
which I can get some parts for re
palra. Phone 179.
John McCoy, M. D
Office and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 83
Mis8 Ellen Dobsen returned from
u weeks viait with friends in Kansas
City, Sunday.
Mrs. Ray Wood of Antloch is vis
iting home folks thia week.
Mra. Bertha Recs left the latter
part of the week for her home in
Pennsylvania being called there by
the death of her mother. .
Mra. Belle Brown is employed as
cook at the Arlington hotel at pres
Among those attending Mra. A. M.
and Mrs. I. E. Taah. Mrfl. and Mrs.
J. C. McCorkle. Mr. and Mra. Wm.
Mounts, Mra. B. F. Oilman and the
O'Keofes all from Alliunce.
Mrs. Suelenberger came down
from Marsland Saturday to attend
the funeral of Mra. Miller.
Mr and Mra. Frank Caha enter
tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. II. L. Peterson and daughter
Mr. and Mra. H. H. Pierce and son
and Mra. A. A. CurtiB.
Mr. and Mrs.N A. Hockey were
Alliance shoppers Saturday
J. T. Butler was a business visit
or iu Alliance the first part of the ,
Melvin Miller of Colorado arrived
Friday to be present at the funeral
of hia mother Mrs. A. M. Miller,
Marshal Sheldon of Canton is
u,uite ill with measles at present.
Erie Hockey took an auto to Chad
ron Monday night some one at thut
idace having purchased the car. !
Mra. J. C. Butler was on the sick
list the first of the week.
Herman Smith returned the 1
part of tho week from Den-
! '
The Misses Mettle and Desaie '
Grimea accompanied by their cousin
Pearl Rice spent a few days in Alli
ance last week.
E, Nohe
was nn Alliance visitor
To avan man who registered on
Jmte nth and is culled into the er
vice on or before the 1.1th of Sept
ember, 1917, we will refund the price
of any mul re suit ordered
from us after June 15, 1917. Return
the suit to us (no matter how worn
it may be) together with the certi
ficate which our representative will
issue at the time he delivers the suit,
your registration card and your draft
We are doing "our bit." You are
liable to draft, but don't hesitate to ' Cross this week
buy a new suit on that account.
liny it now at our secial propittd-
tion. Wear the suit all summer with
out cost! iik you a cent. If you are
.tiled oil,, the service before Sep
tember 15. 1917
W. F. Walker is painting the For
est Lumber Company sheds this
Miss Hattie Grimes entertained at
a party last Thuraday night in hon
or of her eouain Pearl Rice of Lin
coln. i
Mra. Mary Joden returned from
Alliance Tueaday after a few days
viait with friends there.
Miss Charlotte Kuten came up from
Alliance Tuesday for a visit with rel
atives here. ;,
Mrs. Grace Miller and daughter
Irene came from Lincoln last week
to help care for Mrs. Addie Miller
during her illness.
A number of the business men" of
Heiuingford are landing their time
and uutoa for the benefit of the Red
Mrs. Addie M Miller died at her
home in lleiningford Thursday night
after a few days illness. Mrs. Miller
th stroke of apoplexy ahe had at
Alliance Monday morning. lira.
We invite every man The man ' Miller leaves a host of friends besides
who registered and the man who was a family to mourn her loa3. Funeral
not obliged to register to call on 1 services were held from the Metho-
Atient J. B Kennedy and sou of j ALUANCE
our dealer and examine our beauti
ful line of samples. All are welcome.
Uiis offer remains iu force until Sep
tember 15, 1917, or until the names
of the first draft are published (if
published before that date.) You
yoiniK men who want style and com
fort In Made-to-measure clothes, now
is your opHrtunlty. Don't wear
llll Ml) l lollies
This sfieclal proposition lo regis
tered men gives them the privilege
of M'leiling any pattern Iu our line.
Iu fact, wo do nut know whether you
are a registered man or not when
you buy.
'Modern Clothes for Man"
dist church Eunday A. M.. at I
o'clock. Rev York officiating, inter
ment was mude at the local cemetery.
Bennie Humphrey arrived Sunday
from South Dakota to attend Mrs
Miller's funeral
Miss Agnes Cooly Buffering
from a bad attack of blood poison in
her hand.
The show at the opera house Satur
day night "Any Man's Siater" waa
well att-nded and It was a very good
Grove Foskct
for a visit with
departed Monday
hia niece Mm. John
Leo Sciaru
bluff Monday
depart ed
tor Scotts-
The History of the American Red Cross
Has Been One of Self Sacrifice
History, ancient or mcdei n does not n cord the deeds of another organization
like the American Red Cross. The work of this charitable organization is
just as important as thatif the men in the first line of defense, the fatality
list of the Red Cross in active operation on the field of battle is just as large
as that of the artillery or infantry. But unlike any other branch of the ser
vice, the Red Cross must be financed by the free-will offerings of the Amer
ican people.
Box Butte County Must Raise $7 000 This Week.
The Country Will Raise $100,000,000
What Are YOU Going to Give
The Boys will soon be marching away, the tramp of the
armed forces will soon be followed by the belching of
artillery fire; the American troops many ot them from
Nebraska and Alliance will be facing this blast which
has claimed countless thousands during the past three
Thousands of young men have been saved by the untiring work of the Red
Cross iu the field and thousands of Nebraska boys will be saved. But to do
this work the Red Cross must have funds and the funds must be raised by
the people of Box Butte county, of the state of Nebraska and of the nation.
vAs a part of the great force that is to finance the Red Cross work you are
asked to contribute, one dollar, two, five ten, a hundred or as much as you
can afford. The funds arc placed in the hands of the treasury department
of the United States an official receipt is sent you direct from Washington.
.You can make your donation and play your part in this greatest of all wars
i ight here in Alliance by donating to the Red Cross.
Do it now, before the reports of the dead and injured are ringing in your
ears then t may be too late to save the young men who are going forth in
the faith that they will be cared for by your doaation.
Pay Your Subscriptions at
or Red Cross Headquarters in Commercial Club Rooms