Leading Newspaper of Western Nebraska The Alliance Herald READ BT EVERT MEMBER NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ALL THE NEWS OF ALLIANCE AND WESTERN NEBRASKA OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN 8 ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES HF.ADQU AKTKJ.S FOR 15.000 FIREMEN 1 6 Pages 2 Sections VOLUME XXIV ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JUNK 91, 1917 NUMBER 29 RED CROSS DRIVE IN FULL SWING Sum of f 1. 1 54.00 Subscribed M far I lii- Week in- mI ampaign For Fund QUOTA Will B K RAISED Ftvle lominill. - Hitting Ball Mm id Hemingford to Hold Big Mating Saturday ENTRIES WANTED IN TRACK EVENTS Ijnrgest Puniw Kvw Offered to he Divided Among the i:.m ' ing lhys o Say boy How long er? Did ,uu Think you can? Your chance strate what you a cow horse u stick on a buck ever tide a mule? With subscriptions for $4,156.00 safely stowed away, five rolnmittees of business and professional men are still hard at work with full confi dence that before the week is endd Alliance and Box Butte county will have secured its quota of the total of one hundred million dolllars be ing raised this week in the United States for the American Red Cross. The members of the committees have cards showing the name of each person in the city togetner with tne amount expected from each. Sub scriptions for less than the minimum amount will not be accepted. The committees, at a meeting held Mon day night at the Alliance hotel, reached the conclusion that every person is able to Rive the minimum amount Bet against their name. Five commltttees are working: in Alliance. Team No. 1 is captained by W. N. Weidenhamer; team No. 2 by John W. Guthrie: team No. 3 by W. It. Metz: team No. 4 by Chns. Brittain; and loam No. 5 by II. P, Coursoy. A mass meeting was held Sunday night at the opera house at which the Alliance delegates to the Ited Cross conference held at Denver re ported on the meeting. Each even ing this week the Alliance band gives a concert at the corner of un paved Box Butte avenue and Third etreet under the Red Cross sign. At this time the index on the electric t . i: is changed to show the total amount collected so far during the week's campaign. The local Red Cross Chapter has decorated the city with hundreds of Red Crosss pennants which are stretched across unpaved Box Butte avenue about four strings of pennant to the block. The firBt State Bank donated the money to pay for the .pennants. Saturday at Hemingord Hemingford is comlug to the front. There a committee of 40 iB working and working hard. On Saturday af ternoon at 2:30a big Red Cross mass meeting wil be held at Hemingford. The Hemhjgford band will play, Speakers from out of toown will make addresses and a rousing meet ing? will be held. The Drive I On The drive is on The campaign is for money. Enthusiasm is running high. Alliance and Box Butte coun ty will be in at the finish with other Mentions of thee ountry. Everyone WHO WILL GET FREE FORD? Committee to tJlve Annv mobile at Stockmen' 1 Next Week Ford Auto-Iteunioii ATTTF.NI YOU MAY iKT IT is here to demon can do. Yes, your chance is here to caryyy away some regular money, coin of the United States. Many entries have been made in the various events, and more are needed. If you have the goods, don't wait until next week to make the facts known. Write immediately right now ti H. M. Bushnell, Jr., Secretary of the Alliance Commercial Club, and tell him to consider you entered in this or that. Then the committee will have something cer tain to go ou. Do this . Do it now. When the committee made up the program for this year's celebration they determined to make it an affair iu which all the boys and girls of western Nebraska could take part ahd profit by it. It is a local celebration with all western Nebraska as the lo cality. It is your celebration. It is tor you. Will you take part? Besides many other races there will be two regular running races each duy a one-hulf mile dash and a five-eighths mile daBh with a purse for the three dayB of $150 or $50 each day on each of the races. These races are open to the world. Accommodations are provided for those broinging Tiorses 0 percent en try charge, 5 per cent money. Entries are needed for the other races, there being no entrance charge for these races. The cow pony race for horses under 14 hands high will be run each day. Stock saddles only will Tie used. There must be livi entries to make the race and ther must be three to start and of course as many more as are entered. The purse is $30 each day. The cowgirl race, stock saddle used, will be run eax-b day. Clrls. what kind of sports are you? Burse $30 for each race. Cow horse race each dav for purse or $30. Bucking contests will be carrred on each day. Each man entering must provide a horse and riders will draw lots to see what horse they ride. The first prize is $75. second is $50 and the third prize is $25. Can you ride the bucket? Stables are provided for all horses. Anyone who has bucking horses should get in touch with Secretary Bushnell as extra bucking horses will be need ed. Plenty of wild mules buve been se cured. Entries may be made in this contest any tune at the Commercial Club offices. The money Is being put up In the hope that local people will appreciate taking part in the events and in getting the money. Will you ride? The afternoon programs on Wed- Oftener You Attend1, Oftener you (jo. The Bigger the Possibility it Is Yours , How'd you like to ramble from the Stockmen's Iteunion llanos next week in a brand Ford car all your own? How'd home in Al- new you like to ramble home In It, If the bloomin'-thing didn't cost you one cent? Well, someone who attends the Stock nien'n Reunion next wek is iro- ing to ramble in that Ford and that someone is going to get It free, ab solutely free. Think of it. Arrangements have been made through the committee in charge of the annual Stockmen'n celebration to give awey a new Ford automobile, purchased from the Kceler-Couraey Co.. Alliance. The Ford Is to be given away on the final day of the re union at the fair grounds in Alli ance. Every purchase made at the Alliance stores, every udmission pur chased to any of the more than 20 carnival attractions, every ndmis slon purchased at the fair grounds to the great old west celebration, will enhance your opportunity to otrwn this car. The Stockmen's Ucumon is the one opportunity to ge an automobile free of charge. You can't get the car by staying at home. You've got to attend the reunion. And by at- EPISCOPAL CONVOCATION Twenty -Seventh Annual Meeting Mis. slonar) District of Western Ne braska Held Here MFFTINt; ENDED THIS NtHN Interesting mid Heiiellcliil Sessions Held mi St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Alliance The Twenty-sevnth annual con vocation of the missionary district of Western Nebraska of the Episcopal church, which was held Wednesday and today, in St Matthew's church, here, closed this afternoon. The convocation was a success from every standpoint. It was a source of in spiration to all who attended. The convolution opened Wednes day morning with the celebration of the Holy Communion, Rev. W. W. Wells of Valentine celebrant. The second i etefcrsmon of the holy com munion was held at 10 o'clock Wed nesday. This was followed by the annual address by Rt. Rev. George Allen Beecher, D. D. Bishop, of Has tings. The convocation was organis ed Immedlati ly following this service. At noon yesterday Rev. F. W. Hen ry of Broken Bow led in prayer for foreign missions. Official reports were received at the Wednesday af ternoon session. The treasurer of the district apportionment fund, Rev. J. M. Bates of Red Cloud, gave his re port as did the treasurer of the gen eral apportionment. The committee on the Episcopate Endowment Fund reported. John Slaker of Hastings jwas the chairman of this fund. Miss lEIva Boyd, superintendent of Nurses St. Lukes Hospital, gave her report. WANTS PERMIT TO SELL BOOZE Hemiugford Drug Firm Filed Peti tion Others File Remonstrance Hearing Monday The H. R. Olds Drug Co.. of Hem ingford, H. R. Olds, manager, has filed an application with County Judge Ira E. Tash, asking that they be granted a permit to sell Intoxicat ing liquors for medicinal, scientific and sacreniental purposes. The pe tition sets forth that the store carries a drug stock amounting to $10,000. The petition was filed with the coun ty Judge on June 8. A remonstrance has been filed by Meslirs. Harvey, Caha, Walker and Sailing of Hemingford, the hearing of which has been set for Monday af ternoon, June 25, at 2 o'clock !n the county court room. Under the law the hearing must be held within Ave days after the remonstrance is filed. Those not in favor of granting this drug store a permit to sell liquor are required to show certain things in order to make a remonstrance stick. 'If it can be shown that the place bears a bad reputation, or that It has been tinder the ban of the law in the past then It is said, the Judge will have reasons to refuse to the grant the permit. If cause Is shown. The request for a permit sets forth that the drug stock or the Olds Co., Is worth $10,000. It Is stated the county ussesBor Is willing to toke them at their word. . At the present time there is no per mit in effect !n Box Butte county. STOCKMEN MET IN VALENTINE Interesting Business Meetings of Ne braska Stockmen's Convention Held In Valentino This Week 1018 MMHtJM TO BK HKLD II Kit K Alliance Herald Made Official Orban of Association and all Members Placed ou Subscription List STEVK JACKSON IN BAD SHAPI tending the reunion you old ones ; -n,,, treasurer report on 8t. Lukes will be kids again and you young one J tionpital was heard as was also the will realise what it means to bs)j report of the St. Lukes house corn young, mlltee. The head master of Kearney The automobile la on display andjMIUtary Academy, Harry It. Drum may be seen at any tirnr- at the Keel-1 mon(j presented his report, this- the person who is awarded tliiafc .ev Coburn, rector of St. Ford ear must be on thu ground on ; juntos' church at Danbury, Conn.. ' I twi iiftnrnrhon nf thn Inflt duv I'll 'day, June 29. Yes. and get this 'into your noodle the oftener you attend the reunion, the oftener you visit the carnival attractions, and th oftener you make purchases from the 'merchants of Alliance from now un til the last afternoon, the nearer you'll probably come to riding home in th new Ford. TO PUBLISH NAMES OF THE SIGNERS Nebraska Yoters Who Sign Petitions Against Wonuui Suffrage to be tilven Hie Publicity Deserved An attempt is being made by anor ga n i.at ion of Omaha women, who can give . feeling that in doing so I roeir aoiiars may ob needa: r. Thursday and Friday of next : fought the limited woman suffrage uuvMi.. iiit lire in our 01 nioie 01 . ............ . . .... their immediate family, dear friends! or some w ounded soldier V hen your hoy or my boy or your sweet heart or your husband, or your brother or cousin goes to the front, you can expect he will be wounded, possibly killed. Will yon give a dol lar or ten dollars or fifty dollars to help save his life. One of the questions moid often asked of solicitors is: "Why does not the government raise, the money for the Bed Cross by taxation?" There are several reasons. Quick relief is necessary when great emergencies arise. Th 3 red tape that necessarily binds all government transactions In order to insure that the taxpayers will not be defrauded by weak or greedy agents takes too long to be unwound. Another reason is that none of the governments are equip ped in time of peace with the neces sary medical servlee, and this must be furnished in times of war by vol unteer organizations The govern ment enlists in its service only those who are between certain ages and who are able to pass a physician ex amination otherwise the pension rolls after the war would be so bur dened that the cost would stagger the rightest man, The Red Cross is the method devised to gel the workers necessary to tare for the wounded and no government has deemed it sdVisablfc ... create a department of its own because freedom nf action and the application of quick relief is nil possible where order! must go thru bureaus and thru a dozen band! ! fore proper execution can be as sured tllijeits of the Drie There sre four primary objects for raisins the $100,000,000 the Daited Stale has undertaken. First and Ioi.iiiosi i- Mm necessity for caring tor our own sick and wounded SftCI they uet into action Next comes co op ra Hon with the Belgian relief of the civi.- population of France, the peasantr) In the'dlstrlcta fought over hj I he armies being destitute and in capable of self-aid. The fourth is the necessity of strengthening the Russian medical service and ambul ;,, ,. coi ps reason w h the Rus sian! have become discouraged is thai the) have had but one-tenth the number 'of doctors and ambulances as on the west front. Qlve to the Bed Croat week will he held at t tie fair grounds in Alliance. The program starts promptly at 2:lf o'clock. If you want to know anything further, for goodness sake, find out. Write to Secretary H. M. Bushnell. Jr., A 1 1 i - a lice. NO SHORTAGE OF WATER ANY MORE New High Pressure Pump and Heservoir Assures Amply Su ply at All 'Dint's Alliance Is now well taken care of as fur as the supply of water is con cerned. The new pump at the city Water mains all einer- plant is now in operation and can now be pumped into the directly with great force, thus, ing users of plenty of force times and great pressure for gency purposes. Within a Bhort time an immense amount of water will be used to keep the gardens ami lawns in uood shape. At these times under the old sys ,1011 the capacity of the city plant was taxed to meet the demand How Ipvor, With the new pump In opera tion, a plentiful supply is certain, was tilled at night the pumps had h lie shut down and then when the load was heavy ill the day time it was Imp .-.ho- io pump a sulhcu nt sup ply. ow the to w reservoir ran' he tilled at night and the slandpipe can he kept fu and if ncccssiry water can be pumped directly into the mains. Kl I P TO bill iu the last Nebraska legislature, to defeat the law by invoking the re ferendum on it In tatb form of peti tions signed by voters. These peti tions are being circulated in every part of the state and many sisjiat tires Sre alleged to have been secured by them by gross misrepresentation. The law as passed by the last leg islature gives women the right lo vote in county and municipal city elec tions. The attempt to defeat the law and put it off for two years Is un doubtedly the attempt of the liquor interests to prevent the women of the Big i state from exercising a voice In the election of omcers wno must eniorce itliu nrnliihittnn hill The .state uffrage association an nounces that the names of Nebraska men who are willing to sign the pe tition to disfranchise the women will be printed in the papers of their re spective towns. It will he of Inter est to the women to know these men and the Alliane Herald gladly offers space In Its columns for the publica tion of the list of those who attempt ed by this method to assist the liquor interests of Nebraska in their at tempts to defeat the working of our prohibition bill. The members of the Nebraska leg islautre, in accoi dance with the wishes of their constituents, this win ter granted the right of limited equal suffrage to the women of Nebraska. It is regretted that there ale people who will attempt to defeat and at least put off the WOrhlng of the law for two years by such methods. preached the sermon Wednesday evening following evening prayer. The visitors were shown about the city in automobiles yesterday after noon. This morning holy communion was celebrated at 8 o'clock by Rev. F. W. Henry of Broken Bow, assisted by Bev. Henry Ives, Deacon, of Ogalalla. This was the Corporate Communion of the House of Churchwomen. Bev. J. S. Budlong, chairman, conducted I the conference on religious education held this morning. Wednesday aiternoon. immediate ly following the noon recess the meet ing of the House of Churchwomen was held at the parish house. The convocation waB adjourned this noon, moBt of those in attendant leaving on the noon trains. Bishop Beecher ia still in the city. He will leave tomorrow for Hastings where he will take active part in the clos- ling days of the Hastings Bed Cross campaign This noon the Bishop ad dressed the Bed Cross team at a ! luncheon held at the Klk club rooms. i Among those In attendance at the convocation here thins week were: Iii'iui O. O. Ware of Kearney ;Bev. J. M. Bates. M. A. of Bed Cloud; Bev. W. S. J. Dumvill of Hcottsbluff; Bev A. C. Cobum. Danbury, Conn Bev. F. W. Henry. Broken Bow; Bt. Bev. (Jeorge Allen Beecher. D. D.. Bishop, of Hastings; Bev. J. J. Bow ker.pf North Platte; Rev. Henry Ives of Ogalalla; Bev. W. W. Wells of Val entine; Bev. Bollett. Provincial sec retary: Bev. Louts A. Arthur (Jrand Island; Bev. Mills of Chadron: Bev. Pomeroy Hartman of Holdrege; and Bev H. J. Johnson of McCook Steve Jackson, "official" dog-catcher of the city of Alliance and a well known local colored character, is In bad physical shape. His brother-in-law, Billy Williams of Chadron, came down and got him a few days ago, taking him back. Steve, with his sis ter, Martha Jackson, now Mrs. Billy Williams, came with the BichardB family from the CarollnuR nearly 30 years nao to western Nebraska, locat ing at Chadron. where he worked for DeForest Richards, later governor nf Wyoming. He also worked for Chas C. Jameson, who at that time was lo cated at Chadron, until he moved to Alliance years ago. Steve and Billy had " 4ress suits" top hats and swallow tailed coats which had been given to them. On New Years day they always dressed up In this regalia and pRld a formal visit of resptct to Mrs. BichardB. 'HEMINGFORD DAY" AT THE REUNION Thursday, June i!M, Is Day Hetnlug i. o.l Will Make Big Noise M'-iiii nc for.l Band Coming Hemingford is going to demon strate that it is a "live" town on Thursday. June ', and will send large delegat ions' to the "live" ce le bration, the Annual Stockmen's Ke UnlOfl In Alliance. Thursday. June )fl has hOOfl designated as "Heming ford Day." the Hemingford hand has been engaged for the day anil will bring with it a large number of boosters. Kaeh of the three days is a big day. Rach day has the same big. ex cellent program of carnival attrac tions, wild west shows, old west a musements, etc. Hemingford will do Its share towards making "Heming ford Day" one long to be remembered Alliance Is to be the location of the nineteenth annual convention of the Nebraska 8tockgrowers Associa tion, to be held in June 1918. At the eighteenth annual meeting, held in Valentine on Monday and Tues day of this week . this city was select ed for the next meeting. The Alliance Herald was made of ficial organ of the Association at the Valentine meeting and all members of the Association, slightly more than 40u were placed on the Herald's sub scription list. This was done la rec ognition of the wokr which this news paper has been doing during past years for the advancement of the Association and Western Nebraska. Officers elected at the meeting on Monday afternoon, June 18th, were: Robert Graham. Alliance, president; B. P. Meyers, Omaha, vice president; Chas. C Jameson, Ellsworth, sectr- tary-treaBurer. The executive enm mltteee elected consists of the follow ing: A. J. Abbottt, Hyannls: J. Kll- pa trick. Beatrice; Betihen Llsco, Lodgepolc; J. H. Bachelor, Valen tine; H. J. Krause, Long Lake; J. H. Monnhan. Whitman; A. R. Moduwtl. Bushvllle; E. M. Eldred. Orlando; John H. Orr. Lewellen: B. M. Faddis Omaha: J, II. Quigley, Valentine; Ed M. Brass, (Jrand Island; Daniel Adam son. Lake. James C. Carson, Irwin. Speakers at the annual meeting Monday afternoon were C. L. Talbot inspector of brands st Omaha, whose report will he prolnted In detail in the Herald later; Will T. Tagg, presi dent of the Omaha Live Stock Ex change whose speech is able to be printed In a later issue of this paper; C. C. Covey, government superinten dent of the Bosebud Indian Agency; W. II. "Hum, of the Sioux City stock yards, who urged that the point In shripping stock and who referred to the Stacker Feeder Show to be held there on October 9, 10, and 11th Bepresentatlve Lloyd Thomas who read House Roll 3339 the gate clos ing lnav House Roll 419. the 18-mlle-hour stock transportation law, and House Roll 702, the compulsory scabies dipping law, all passed by the last legislature. Tuesday was spent iu entertain ment of the visitors by the citizens of YalODtlBOi led by thut grand enter tainer John Bachelor. Auto rides were taken to uearby points of Inter eat and a general good time showed to all, the visitors returning to their homes Tuesday evening. It is our intention In this issue to give only a brief resume of the rout ing. A later Issue of The Herald will contain a complete account of the con vention, including an illustrated write-up of the city of Valentine, the speeches and reports made at the convention, etc. PAID FOt It IMMXAHH NO ill MJRK VOI HOT THN Al io KIDK WHISK KY RKJHT TMN WHIN VYIKK is AWA1 Had it been before May 1st one iiiilIii believe he had one or two too many, but then he doesn't drink However, he may have been sipping of 1he liquid that satisfies hut does not intoxicate. At any rate he suc ceeded in running square in the sign pott at the intersection of unpaved Bog Butte a ague and Third street last night short Ij In lin e the ha in! appeared Otiserx ers say he w as shoved over by a woman. It should be Haled that the woman was driv iiik a car. Dr. C S. Nausbauin. who conducted meetings in Alliance this spring, ex pects to go through Alliance ou his way east on 4 4 Friday He is now on the chauta uqu.i platform C. W Mortal came Yn Saturday from Antioch where he runs the pumping plant foi the American rot aah company, lie is one of "the Iln ian Boys'" who are so widely known u champion bronco gaolers, int is mow devoting his time lo holding down bucking gasoline engines lira T w with Mrs. ra nch. !ci upt ill last week C. C. Bice on the .lay On complaint of William Kestrlck of Alliance. Neb., Who alleges that ne ggve Fred Davis i with which to purchase a (ill! It of whiskey. the Sttawebrry flats were raided by of-: tiers Monday night. After getting the Whiskey Davis gad Frank Metlrose refused Kestrick a drink, with the above results Mel rose was lined I10tl and costs and Havis was given thirty days in Jail for illegally having the liquor iii thoi posaearton Omaha Bee. June It-lfc. HAUL FISH FOB I.AKF ltepreseiit.it ive Lloyd Thomas, while In Valentine on Tuesday, vis ited ttie stale Ush hatchery and ar ranged for the shipment of several thousand baby bass llsh to him at Al llguee i his summer. The youngsters will he placed in the Kilpatrick dam lake and la Hie large lage on the K n i use Brothers ranch, for the hoo HI ol local antlers. FtKK Vf smith I'APK The tire department was called to the Joe Smith eats on aa paved Bog Hun. avenue ibis morning. The gasoline stove was iu flames, due prohahl IO excessive pressure. The siov. is fed from a pressure tank out it doors PLAYED WITH WIFE THAT WASN'T HIS Arrested at li.p.u in Alliance F,lowr and Children Stepped From Train aw Ms. Hi VV lillli left for Des IfsdaaOi la. i TharsOay, for g vtmi With relatives. Jeteeah Kerude. who has a large ranch north of Minatare. wa. ;t n l- Mr lis nee visitor Saturday, driving iu by gtlreg auto. week. A well-known Alliance young man who has a handsome closed body auto, met with a misfortune on Sat jui'day evening that almost resulted in diatter for someone He happened to notice his car standing in front of one of the drugstores. Inside of the I dmg Store were several of the city's popular young ladies. Stepping up to the bevy of young ladies he said, "tiirls. my limmyztne 'stands outside Suppose we take a ride.'' They accepted with alacrity and as all started for the car hs said. , "You'll have to pardon the packages in my car, as my wife frequently , leaves them here when she is shop ping " AS the) were gbOIII reedy to -i, nt one of the girls remarked, "Why what a fiiniiny looking car you have here It looks like a doctor's medicine case." i Suspicion began to down upon the voting man and with a glowing hor ror he looked at the medicine case and then auain at the car for his sus picion became truth An Alliance doctor has a car of the same kind and make. He had almost taken the i c i rls for a ride in the doctor's, car. Thai rule did not take place. - t 'APT AIM MILI.LH TO sPI'AK VI LI.LSWOIMH Captain .1 It Miller of Co (J. unless called lo the colors before llll 1 wui dative! a patriotic iBIIaworth on that day. Ellaworth lg planning a big celebration and is pulling forth every effort to make it a sin l ess 111 I ! iu Rapid t'arns Clay, John Miller of Dietz. Wyoming, a small town seven miles west of Sheridan, has just about made up his mind that It doesn't pay to play with other men's wives. At least he has had several days to think the matter over in, since here Sunday when he stepped off of 4 4 in company with another man's wife and the other' man's two children. Deputy sheriff Miller and Jones were awaiting his arrival, having been notified by tele graph of his expected coming. The name of the woman was not .. n oat She and the two children were shipped back to their homeat Sheridan Monday, heflhl placed in barge of the conductor on the train. Miller Ib being held in the county j. nl lore lie will be charged with "white slavery"' it is said, "white slavery" being comprised of the act of taking a woman from one slat, into another for Immoral purposes There aeoms to be a .question as to Whether 'be charge can uC made to stick, as attorneys say that it must be hown that the intent was to at teinpt to reap gain from the act The husband and father knew noth lag ol the expected pilgrimage to Nebraska and then on io Denver, that being the objective point, until he came home and found the home empty, the entire family gone. address at i- The mother and children were housed in tne county jail iroin nun da until Monday morning, the Jail being, la a wey. converted into a ions, iv l i ving children In the county Jail are very unusual. is visiting rel- So Hak this K W Bell and wife went to llel se Monday.