The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 21, 1917, Image 16

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2 Everybody is Sending in Money, Can
Afford Not to do Your Share?
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Never in your lifetime have you been asked to
help such a worthy cause
It May Be Your Son Who Needs Help
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When that army gets into the trenches hundreds and thousands will he killed and wounded. Among
these heroes may be your son, your brother, your sweetheart even your husband.
Back of the government back of every enlisted man and his family the Red Cross stands. It must
get ready now to do the grim work which is inevitable. It must provide base hospitals, field hospitals, am
bulances, surgeons, surgical dressings and the immense amount of supplies necessary to care for the
wounded. It must provide for care of the sick and wounded at th war base. It must provide for the sol
diers' and sailors' families. It must provide employment for returned disabled men, and under govern
ment direction, it goes where you and I go in the hour of danger.
YOU Must Fight With
The Red Cross Needs Your Monev Now
You've bought the Liberty bonds. That helped Uncle Sam prepare to fight.
The Red Cross needs your help now to get ready for the relief of the men who fight.
And you'll help, we know you'll help help cheerfully, gratefully realizing that it is a high privilege
to have the opportunity. Every dollar you give to the Red Cross helps save a wounded soldier. Every
wounded soldier saved is as good as three new men sent to the front. And every wounded soldier rescued
from death means an American home rescued from the blight of mourning. Give your dollars give
We must back the fighting man. Only one out of every 100 people can do actual fight
ing in the trenches. The other ninety-nine must stand back of that one man to the last limit
of their resources.
You are one of the 99 who must stand behind some one soldier with your dollars. If you can't fight
with a musket, you can at least fight with your money. The government is busy with tremendous prob
lems of raising and training the army and navy building ships providing arms and ammunition. Put
ting an army in the field is a tremendous task. Getting that army ready to go abroad is a vastly greater
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