The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 21, 1917, Image 15

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(Continued from paa nnr)
for each and every acr Insured; and
If th pnrty assessed m willing am!
Consents lo have all or part of hH
crops Insured It shall be the duty of
Mlil assessor to take aald applica
tion for such hail insurance on
Mtinlte f in ii iatwtrt him fnr thnt nnr-
pose hv IIm county clerk, the form M ,lw roctlre
Of which must have been approved J""' Parentage of value which If
by the commissioner of hail insur
testify at to the condition of the
crop hefore the same wn damaged
or destroyed and he aball make hia
estimate and adjustment after aaer
tslnlna the condition of the crop he
fore and after the loaa occurred. In
cMtmatlng the loaa the ojcial adjust
er ahatl allow an damage the projior
tlon Which the crop aa damaged
boara to the crop If no loaa had oc
curred. If the total value of the
crop Insured be less than ten ($10)
dollars per acre, then in caae of total
loss the insured shall receive the to
tal value thereof, and if the loaH he
nee and carefully describe each
piece of land that he so insured, de
scribing particularly the section or
quarter section, or any aubdivialon
thereof and the townahip and county
Wherein the name ia situated, alao,
tatlnu separately the number of
act en of wheat, oats, barley, flax,
coin rye or other grain that aaid ,
party no insured, aad collect the :
amount 01 premiums clue as nerein
provided for ench acre so Insured or
In audi proportion as said party's In
terest may appear and in addition the
assessor may collect as an applica
tion fee a sum equivalent to one-half
1 k ) cent more per acre for each ev
ery acre insured, and the aaneaaor
aha II forward the application prompt
ly, together with the prerolumn so
collected, to the county clerk.
Section 3. Kach county clerk in
the state shall flle and keep the in
surance appllcationa returned to him
by the several assessors, nnd turn all
moneys collected front each month
for the insurance over to the county
treasurer, the first of each succeed
ing month, taking his receipt there
for, and any party who fails to in
te his crop with the assessor, as
above described, may at any time up
to and including the twenty-first day
of August, apply to the county clerk
of the county where the land in sit
uated to have bis crop insured, as
prescribed in this act, by filling out
'and filing with the county clerk an
application, as prescribed in Section
2 hereof, and upon the payment of
the premium prescribed herein to
aid county clerk for such Insurance,
which premium shall be turned over
to the county treasurer as above pro
Tided. It is further provided that said In
surance shall be in force and effect
from the time of filing the applica
tion in the office of the county clerk,
and unttl September 1 5 of each year.
He shall also keep a record at the
time of filing such application. The
county clerk shall Immediately issue
and mail to each applicant his pol
icy upon the filing of said applica
tion. Section 4. On the first day of
June, July and August, each and ev
ery county clerk within the state
hall make out a list of all hail in
surance applications filed in his of
fice Hnd forward the same at once to
the department of hall Insurance ut
Uncoln and on or before the first of
September in each year, each and ev
ry clerk within the state shall make
4ut in duplicate a list of all the
-rm.! Jn!?UninVp applications Hied In
his office, keeping" One ropy for Uii
ecprds and forwarding tUe other
copy lo the department of hail In
surance at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Section S. The county treasurer
of each and every county in the
state shall issue hin receipt to the
clerk for nuch premiums turned over
to hint and shall keep a separate ac
count of all money collected from
uch hail insurance premiums, und
he shall pay the same over to the
-at ate treasurer, taking his receipt
therefor, not less than ten per n ut
at the Bad of each month, and the
balance not later than September
6rl of each year.
Section t. The county commis
sioners of each county shall at the
April meeting of the board appoint
one competent person who shall be a
resident of the county to act as of
ficial adjuster of losses or daimtgea
caused by hail to any crop that has
been insured under the provisions of
this chapter. If the county commis
sioners fail or neglect to appoint an
official adjuster as herein required
the commissioner of hail insurance
hall appoint an oflleiul adjuster for
such county and such official adjunt
r shall have all the powers and per
form all the duties imposed upon of
ficial adjusters appointed by the
county commissioners, according to
the provisions of thin chapter. The
county elerk shall immediately, after
such appointment, notify the com
minnioner nf hail insurance of the
ante, and no nuch appointment shall
be effective unless confirmed and ap
proved by the said commissioner of
hall insurance. The commissioner
of hail insurance shall have power
and authority to remove or discharge
any such official adjuster for mis
conduct, incompetency or neglect of
duty. .Hid such commissioner may in
his discretion dirin't such official ad
juster to ail just losses caused by hail
to any crop insured under the pro
visions of this aci in any county or
counties in this state, adjacent to
the count) in which he was appoint
ed The official adjuster shall re
ceive compensation for his services,
the sum of five (t) dollars per day
and his actual necessary expenses
while engaged in the actual and nec
eeaary performance of uis duty. The
official adjuster shall adjust losses
or damages caused by hail to any
crop 'hat has been insured under thin
art and its provisions And it is
hereby made his duty to adjust all
losses and damages within his conn
ty, or within any other county or
counties adjacent to the county in
which he is appointed when so dir
ected by the commissioner of hail in
snrat'ce When any party that is
insured as herein provided has sus
tained a loss by hail, he shall prompt
ly notify the commissioner of iiisur-
aucc of such loss. The commission
-r of insurance shall, as soon as pos
ible after receiving the notice of
loss, diiect an official adjuster to vis
it the place of loss and proceed to
est mi. He and adjust such loss. In
o doing, it shall be his duty to cue
fully inquire Into the condition or
the crop before the loss occurred, as
to whether it was poor, medium or
good .and if he deems it necessary he
hall have power to call witnesses to
loss bears to the total value of thf
crop insured If the value of the
crop be more than ten ($10) dollars
per acre, the insured shall receive
that percentage of the maximum of
ten ($10) dollars which the loan
bears to the total value of the crop
Provided, however, that in no case
shall more than ten ($10) dollarn
per acre be allowed as the maximum
for wheat, flax, oats, barley, corn
rye, and other grainn.
Section 7. In case the party that
has sustained the loss is dissatisfied
with and refuses to accept the ad
justment made by the official adjust
er, then he shall have the right to
appoint one disinterested person as
adjuster, and the official adjuster
shall appoint another person as ad
juster, nnd the two shall elect a
third disinterested person, and the
three shall then proceed to adjust the
loss In the same manner as specified
in Section 6, and the judgment of the
majority shall be the judgment of
said adjusters and shall be binding
upon both parties as the final deter
mination of said loss: Provided, how
ever, that If the Insured does not re
cover than allowed by the ojcial ad
juster in the first instance, he shall
pay the expenses of the said three
adjusters and their witnesses in
making said adjustment, but if he
receives a larger sum, then the same
shall be paid by the commissioner of
hall insurance out of the hail Insur
ance fund.
Section 8 At the final adjust
ment of each loss the adjuster shall
then and there carefully fill out and
make a report In triplicate in an ad
justment blank prepared for him for
that purpose, stating the county.
township und range, the number of
the section nnd the quarter of the
section or subdivision thereof on
which the crop was damaged or de
stroyed, also the number of acres
and different kinds of grains esti
mated, damaged or destroyed, stat
ing the amount allowed for each sep
arately, and that such estimate is
true and not in excess of the actual
oss sustained, which said adjust
ment papers must be signed und
sworn to by the official adjuster, or
all the adjusters when arbitration is
resorted to, acting as adjuster, and
the party whose loss has been ad
Justed, with the residence and post
office address of both. The official
adjuster shall, within a reasonable
time, not to exceed live days, for
ward by registered mail said adjust
ment papers, the original to the
commissioner of hull insurance at
Lincoln, Nebraska, one copy (o the
county elerk and one copy to the insured.
Section 9. The official adjuster
shall receive as compensation for his
services, the amount specified in Sec
tion 6 of this chapter. All persons
called on to assist in adjusting a hail
loss, whether acting as adjuster or
as witnesses, shall receive the sum
of two ($2) dollars per day for all
services so rendered The official ad
juster shall itemize said expense ac
count for each loss or adjustment
made, which account must be sworn
to und forwarded to the commission
of hail insurance commissioner, be
paid out of the state hail insurance
fund, on warrants drawn by the
state auditor Provided, however,
that such adjuster, or adjusters,
shall not be entitled to receive or be
paid any compensation or expenses
as herein proviaeo, unless an ,u
justiiu nts by him shall be reported
to the commissioner of hail msur-
ince. as required in this act, within
ten days from the time such adjust
ment or adjustments were made.
Section 10. The state treasurer
shall keep all moneys of hail by the
several county treasurers from the
collection of hail insurance in a
separate fund to be designated and
known as the hail insurunce fund,
and the treasurer shall pay out of
said fund only upon warrants of the
state auditor.
Section II. When the several
county clerks of this state shall have
made complete returns showing the
number of acres insured for that
year the commissioner of hail insur
ance shall sum up the total hail in
surance fund for that year, when he
shall have received a complete re
turn from all of the hail losses in
the state us adjusted and allowed, he
shall sum up the total of such
amounts for that year lie shall
sum up the expenses of his office as
Kirst. The total amount allowed
for adjusting losses
Second. The total amount esti
mated necessary for deputies and
clerk hire in the insurance depart
ment for said year. t
Third The amount estimated nec
essury for books, blanks, stationery,
postage and other expenses incident
to the running and operating of the
said hail insurance department, for
one year; the total sum of such ex
pense account shall first be deducted
from the total amount of the hull in
surance receipts, all receipts for that
year and paid, and if the balance re
maining is sufficient all hail losses
hall he paid in full as allowed by
the adjusters, hut if the expenses
and hail losses shall lie paid in full
us allowed by the adjusters, but if
the expenses and hail losses shall ex
ceed the amount of hail insurance ie-i-eipts
for that year, the expenses
shall he paid first and the losses
shall In- paid pr rata. However,
should there in any one -year after
all expenses and losses have been
paid, still be u surplus, then such
surplus shall remain in the state
treasury in the hail insurance fund
to be drawn upon in such future
years as Mien might be deficiency.
Section 12. Any county clerk in
this state who shall fail or neglect
to make complete returns, state
ments and reports, as required In
this act. to the commissioner of hall
Insurance ss noon as possible or at
the times specified In any section of
this chapter, shall forfeit the sum of
ten ($10) dollars per day for each
day during which he neglects to
make such statements, returns or
reports to the commissioner of hail
insurance, and upon complaint or
notice by the said commissioner to
the attorney general of the state, If
shall be the duty of the attorney gen
eral to proceed to collect the amount
of such penalty from any delinquent
Section It, When the commis
sioner of hail insurance ban figured
up the WhOla year's business, which
shall be as son as possible after the
returns have come in as indicated in
Sen ion 11 hereof, he shall prepare
and furnish to the state auditor a
certified list of the losses arranged
by counties showing the names and
addresses of persons who have suf
fered loss by hail and are entitled to
compensation for such losses under
the provisions of thin act. the ap
praised lasses and the amount to be
paid each such person; upon receipt
of this lint from the commissioner of
hail Insurance it shall he the duty of
the state auditor immediately to
draw warrants for said amounts up
on the state treasurer, the amounts
of which shall be chargeu to th
state hail insurance fund, in favor of
each person entitled thereto, and to
mall such warrants forthwith tb
each person entitled thereto as shown
by the certified list of the state hail
insurance commissioner aforesaid.
It shall also be the duty of the
staate hail commissioner to moil a
copy of each such list of losses and
amounts allowed to each und everv
person named In such list and who
has suffered loss by hall during the
year for which such list Is made.
Section 14. In every cane wher
the crops insured have been assign
ed to any other party or person oth
er than the one originally insured
then the proceeds shall be paid to
the assignee, and provided further
that it shall be paid to the mortgagee
in cases where the insured so directs.
Section 15. The commissioner of
hail insurance shall on or about the
first day of December In each year
issue and publish in four newspapers
of general circulation within the
state a concise statement of the
work and condition of the hail in
surance department during the pre
ceding year. He shall also make u
biennial report to the legislature.
Speaker of the House.
O. W. POTT8,
Chief Clerk of the House.
President of the Senate
Secretary of the Senate.
April 26, 1917, 9:30
State of Nebraska, ss.
This is to certify that the within
House Roll No. 517 originated in the
House and passed the legislature at
Its Thirty-fifth session on the 21st
day of April, 1917.
Clerk. House of Representatives.
o'clock, A
Each evening the twenty Wortham
shows will be open. These shows
will be under canvas on Box Butte
avenue. Dance every night. Band
concerts, etc.
Following a month's visit here
with relatives and friends. Miss Fay
Jeffers has returned to her home at
They left last week, making the trip
by automobile.
A Lasage in enjoying a visit
Chicago this week.
A fire In a pile of rubbish In the
alley at the rear of 215 East Third
street was extinguished Sunday night
by Chief Pilklngton, without an
alarm being turned In. Chief Pilk
lngton discovered the fire and pro
ceeded to put it out.
Sheriff Cal Cox and family are visiting-
relatives and friends in Kansas
npHE Merchants
who advertise in
this paper will give
you best values for
your money.
(Continued from page 1)
der I 1 a hands, stock saddle. 5 to
enter, 3 to start, purse $30. First
prise, $15; necond prize, $9; third
prise, $6.
COW GIRL RACE 3 days. Stock
saddles. $30 puree, I to enter, 3 to
start. First prize, $15; second prize,
$9; third prize, $6.
dles. $30 purse. First prize, $15;
second prize, $9; third prize $6. 5
to enter. 3 to Mart.
BUNDLE RACE Cow horses. 3
days. Open to all. $15 purse. First
prize, $7; second prize $5; third
prize, $3.
POTATO RACE Cow horses. 3
days. Open to all. $15 purse. First
prize $7; second prize $5; Ihird
prize $3.
BURDEN RACE- Cow horses. 3
days. $15 purse. First prize, $7;
second prize, $5; third prize, $3.
Rider furnish home Draw for
horses. $150 in purses each day.
First prize, $75; second prise. $50;
third prize, $25.
Admission Prices
All taces held during the Stock
men's Reunion will be held at the
Box Butte County Fair Grounds. Al
liance. The schedule of prices for
admission is as follows:
Boxes, front and rear, first three
right nnd left, $10. Next five, right
and left, front and rear. $7.50. All
other boxes, $5.
General admission to grounds:
Adults. 50 cents; children, 25 cents.
Children under 7 admitted free with
Grand stand admission. 25 cents.
All cars on track. 50 cents.
Evening Program
Sale to be at the Garrett ranch 1 mile south of Morrill
Consisting Of 550 Head of Uie Very" Best High Grade Hereford Cat
tle to be found in Western Nebraska
These cattle are true to type and If anyone desires some breeding
cattle, must not miss this opportunity.
There are SMO cows with calves at foot, cows ranging from Ut
years old; 170 Springers from 3 to years old; 80 head of cows,
will freshen this spring and faU; SO head of weaners; 28 head
of Registered Hereford Bulls ranging from 18 months to 0 years
old. These buUs are from splendid families and have the blood
such as y ou would like to head your herd with. 2 grade hulls.
The owner of these cattle has taken special pains to get the best,
and his only reason for selling Is that he is going into the Pure
Bred business exclusively. Buyers from a distance will re
ceive special attention in the way of having cattle loaded and
cared for free of charge, any reasonable length of time. Autos
will meet the noon train on day of sale for the convenience of
outside buyers.
The owner of these cattle has plenty of excellent pasture and will
pasture same for purchaser from 1 to 4 months at 75 cents per.
TERMS: Six months time on approved security.
L A. BURS0N, Owner
Col. C. W. Snook, the Expert live Stock Auctioneer of Loveland,
oh., and Morrill, Neb., will conduct this sale. John Boatsman, Clk.
jfjjj I Year
As an automobile purchaser you are interested in just six things
Appearance, Reputation, Durability, Performance, Service and Price.
The Oldsmobile Eight is as neat and trim as a deer. It is distinctive in every
line; it attracts attention everywhere. Its I 7 -coat luster finish, beautiful trim
and luxurious upholsteiy make it a car you will be proud to own.
The name "Oldsmobile" in itself is a guarantee. The car is built by a factory
organization of trained men. many of them nineteen years in Oldsmobile
service, who have a knowledge only of the construction of a high-grade car.
By reason of increased production and the elimination of well known extrava
gances, over one hundred high-grade automobiles are created daily under the
same rigorous standards and inspection which have always been associated
with the name "Oldsmobile." Where else, indeed, would one look for a car
enjoying the continuous favorable reputation accorded the Oldsmobile?
The same high standard of material and workmanship exacted through all
....... .i vi i i i rv i . m i i i
these years of quality building enter into tne wiasmoDiie cigni. wiasmoone
reputation is a veritable bond to you for honest product and durability. Its
prestige is built on years of creditable road operation.
PERFORMANCE. Remarkable flexibility, fascinating smoothness of overlapping power impulses.
abundance of reserve power, rapid acceleration from snail's pace to limited's
peed, freedom from vibration all characteristic eight-cylinder construction
are perfected to highest degree. The comfort of the car is a revelation; the
resiliency of the springs and Marshall cushion comfort upholstery contribute
riding qualities unknown in cars of the same price class.
SERVICE. A twelve months' guarantee is back of each Oldsmobile. Service stations will
be found everywhere. The accessibility of the eight-cylinder motor enables
quick access to working parts and at a minimum expense. Likewise all
mechaniCal units are readily get-at-able.
Not several thousands or some other prohibitive amount, as demanded for
most cars of its quality claas, but simply $1 367.00 f. o. b. Lansing.
LauUulwd I MO (.expended 1699
I o o L A 1
' Corner Bemad MP W$
Alliaiee. Nebraska