The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 21, 1917, Image 10

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CORN, OATS, WHEAT and all kinds of CHICKEN
for every purpose.
You can boy no better,
many, a dollar before fall comes.
Mrs. L. S. Adams. Mrs. S. C. La
Mon and Mrs. C. Reid loft Tuesday
for Seottsbluff to attend a convention
beld there yesterday.
Saturday afternoon the Are dapart
ment responded to a call from 220
Big Horn avenue. The barn ana
jm sheds on the J. D. l'yle place in
some way caufiht tire. The loss is
otaimated at about $6 50. Had it
rot been for the quick reply of the
department to the call and the effici
ent work of the men after they pot
on the Job, the fire would easily hae
taken a number of nearby buildingB.
One reason that the fire loss in Alli
ance is so small is because the de
partment is always on the job and
ets the fire under control before it
:.n time to do much damage.
D. E. Markham succeeds J. S. Corp
hjt Janitor at the court house. Mr.
Corp has taken a position at the i
potash works at Hoffland as a pipe
On Wednesday morning Miss Mary
Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hill, and W. E. Connors were united
in the holy bonds of matrimony by
Rev. Father Manning at Holy Rosary
church in Alliance. The bride was
dressed In a beautiful white chat
muse gown trimmed in gold lace.
Mitrt Marie Nolnn. bride's, me id was
gowned in a pretty dress of blue taf
) eta. Frank Conners was best man.
Mrs. J. T. W'iker played the wedd
ing march and Miss Kate Kniest
sang "I ove You Truly" and "Perfect
The wedding breakfast was served
at the home of the brides parents,
the following being in attendance oe
sides the bride and the groom: Mrs.
Donahue of Omana, uuut to the
broom; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conners;
Miss Marie Nolunn; Mr. Frank Con
ners; Mr. and Mrs. John Hill; Mrs.
J. T. Wlker; Miss Kate Kniest; Mr.
Fay; and Rev. Manning.
The groom is a mechanist in the
employ of the Rurlington.
The happy couple left yesterday on
4 4 for Chicago, Milwaukee, Des
Moines, St. Louis and other points.
On their return they will make their
home In the residtnee on Rig Horn
recently purchased from Mrs. Cram
er. Mr. Oliver R. Schumann, manag-
The Odd F.llows and Rebekahs
and their famili'-a held a picnic on
the court uouse grounds Thursday
afternoon. The picnic supper was er of the Hemingford Mills, and Miss
Hread on the lawn. A program was
given at the Odd Fellows hall later married in this city
in the evening.
William Morrow of Scottsbluff was
u Alliance visitor last week, a guest
at the home of his brother. J. C.
Mrs. IVckinpaugh and son of Lar
amie were guests the past week at
the William Mitchell home.
Margaret Raudus of Tecumseh, were
Thursday by
Indue Ira B. Tash. The bride ar-
rivd frcm her home and was met
here by the proom. The couple will
make their home at Henvm,'f rd. Mr.
Schumann came to Hemingford from
Mesdames W. F. and F. M. Seidell
at their home. 1026 lraraie avenue,
at a delightful kensington given in
rnmnliment to their etiest. Mrs. Karle
A material improvement nas Deen . D cilmore of Grand Island.
made in the interior appearance m
the Alliance shoe store. The ceiling
has been reflniahed in a light buff
oolor. while the entire interior has
been re-t'ecorated and the stock re
arranged. Frank Rumer of Sidney has been
visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Rumer. the past week. He is in
charge of the Rumer Motor Com
pany's salesrooms at Sidney.
M N. Sinteff. Inspector for the
United States Bureau of Explosives,
$ave a lecture Thursday night at the
Phelan opera house to railroad men
and others, dealing with the handling
And transportation of explosives and
inflammable materials. Stereoptlcon ,
slides were shown along witn me
lecture. Among those from out of
town who were here for the lecture
were W. H. Prettyman, agent at Hy
annis. and Jack Kennedy, agent at
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Pierce of
Hemingford left Sunday for' Chica
go Mrs. Pierce is taking a course
of training for Red Cross work.
Their little son will attend summer
school in Chicago.
anniversary. The evening was spent
in an enjoyable manner with musir
and games, refreshments being ser
ved. Those in attendance were Mr
and Mrs Gottleib Seldler, Mr. and
Mrs. It W Willis. Mr. and Mrs lot
Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. T Strong.
Mrs. D. I, Sturgeon. Mrs Geo. Dlet
lein. Mr. and Mrs R. W. Beal. Mr.
and Mrs T G Waddell, Mrs. Wad
dell. Sr.. Mrs Howell. Mis Steele
and the Mate Pearl Trabert, Ethel
Trabert. Gladys Sturgeon. Mabel
Sturgeon. Nellie Sturgeon. Laura
Sinrgeon. Lucille Waddell, and the
Messrs. Roy Trabert. Arthur aGrett.
Cliffton How. II d.d Marvin Sturgeon.
At high noon today Dean William
Carson Shaw of St Matthew's Ep
iscopal church of Alliance perfortnei
the marriage Service of the church,
.miting In marriage. Miss Fern John
son daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
J. Johnson, to Mr. John Arthur Vogol
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vogel of
Alliance. The ceremony look place
at the home of the bride's parents
at the ranch 17 miles west of Alli
ance. The father of the bride Is DM
of the well known ranchmen of this
section, while the daughter is one of
western Nebraska's charming young
adles The groom is a resilient of
H(er, Nebraska, and is well known
ibout here. Following a short wed
ding trip Mr. and Mrs Vogel will be
it home at Pilger.
On Friday Miss Mildred A. Dre-
bert of Pierce, Nebraska, and Mr.
Frank 0. Mllchert of Torrlngton.
Wyoming, were united in marriage
by Judge Ira E. Tash.
Mrs. William Mitchell was hostess
Fhursday afternoon at a bridge
party In compliment to Mrs. Peckin-
paugh, who has been the guest of
rlends In the city. Twelve were
WANTED. A capable and respon
ble lady or gentlemen for outside
work, soliciting and collecting. Work
Is pleasant and profitable. Perman-
nt position. Experience desired but
not absolutely essential if you have
ability. Give full particulars in ap
plication. Address Box 3369, In care
Alliance Herald. Alliance, Neb.
On Saturday, the last day of the
Stockmen's Reunion, June 30th, the
Alliance baseball team expects to
play the Fort Robinson crack nine.
All receipts of the game above expen
ses will be given to the Red Cross.
The game will be a hummer. You
hould plan to attend. At the Fair
i rounds.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Gurley return-
d from Kansas City Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gavin return
ed from K:insas City Thursday.
Mrs. I. E. Tash left Thursday nite
for Afton, la., for several weeks vis
Mr. and Mrs. Holzbach and daugh
ter left Saturday for Chicago and
ralesburg. 111.
R. E. Elquist left Monday for Om
ha on a business trip.
Mrs. Bart Young went to Hoffl
nd Monday to make Mr. Young a
J. S. Davis of North Platte west
ern agent for the Buick automobile,
was in the city last week calling on
the local agents for the Buick. the
iceeler-Courscy Co.
H J. Gresser of Thermopolis. Wy
oming, was in the city last week
looking after affairs in connection
with his holdings north and east of
Alliance. He was one of the pion
eer stttlers of this county.
Mrs. Elliott Strand left Sunday Tor
her home at Arvada, Wyo. She had
been visiting at the home of her
Joseph Sabatka who in 1886 home--..
,.i...l ten miles west of Heming-
Mrs. J. Rowan and the Misses
Charlotte Mollring and Edna Bow
man were hostesses Thursday even
ing at a dinner party given for Miss
Doro'hy Smith, whose engagement to
Mr. William Ostenberg, Jr.. of Om
aLa and Hoffland, was but recently
announced. The dinner was served
In five courses. The color scheme
was in pink and white. Pink stream
ers tan from the chandelier to the
place of each guest at the table.
The ruest list included the Misses
Cynthia Davenport. Hannah eKane,
Ruth Morris. Kate Kniest, Teresa
O'Donncll. Eunice Eidred. Irene
Rice Dorothy Smith and the Mes C. C. Smith and Morns, me
latter of Pasadena, California.
Those in attendance at the com
munity concert at the Phelan opera
house Sunday afternoon were treat
ed to a rare musical treat. Three
acts from II Trovadore, that well
known and always enjoyable krand
oDera. were presented by local tal
ent in a menner surprisingly delight
ful as it was successful. A presenta
tion of this character is not often
attempted by others than profession
al singers. The arranging and pro
during of the opera was a huge task
and was carried out in a way that
charmed all who are familiar with
the work and who could realize the
tremendous effort that was put
forth. Miss Burnett. Miss Mabel
Sward and Mr. Hex Truman aook
the leads. All parts were well ren
dered and those who took art phave
just reason to feel proud of the re
suits attained.
Married at the M. E. parsonage in
Alliance on Monday, June 18, by Dr
J. B. Cams Catherine M. DaviB to
Albert N. Gehrt. both of Rushvltle
The trip to Alliance was made via
auto. Immediately after the cere
mony the happy couple left In their
auto on a honeymoon trip to Denver
s in the city yesterday. He!.nd other ooints In Colorado. On
Had boon at Edgomont and stopped
over here on his way to his home at
Atwood. Kansas. He enjoyed call
ins on the few remaining '86 settlers
Mr. Sabatka leu mis counuj n-i m
drouth of 1890
their return Mr. and Mrs. Gehrt will
be at home to their friends on the
farm south of Rushville
Mrs. Frank aGrrett was delight
He could hardly be-.fUUy surprised Friday evening by a
lleve his eyes when he saw the great company of her friends, the party
prosperity everywhere visiable
being held in honor of her brithday
Dining Car inspector
the city today.
Jones was in i sessors of a new Checolet car pur
chased in Hyannis
Mrs. H. Timtnel and daughter left
Tuesday for New York City and
points in Pennsylvania. She expects
to be away several weeks.
The Wottians CtMk known as the
Social Helpers will be entertained
today at the home of Miss Vlra Bur
gess. Mr. and Mrs Geo Dudley are pos-
Mrs. J. G. Berk Is visiting her
daughter Mrs. A. D. Conner In Alll
a nee for a couple of weeks.
The Bed Cross society have gotten
nicely started with Miss Myrtle Sel
lers as president The community
will soon have an Ice cream social
for the benefit
Mr. Dudley offered proof on his
homestead on the 18th at Alliance.
Mr. Ballenger and Phil Castle were
Mr. and Mrs A. J. Applegarbt
and family attended church at Ella
worth Sunday.
Mr Burton and wife and son Geo,
and daughter Alice attended gradu
ation exercises at Huahville visiting
friends on their return trip home.
Mr and Mrs. Joe Sellers with
daughters Opal and Iva Mae motored
to Mushvllle the latter part of the
The young people of the neighbor
hood north enjoyed a part at the
Burton home recently.
During your visit to our City,
we extend to each one a
hearty welcome.
Let our store be your HEADQUARTERS
Our store in at your disposal. Meet your friends here, aul lot
us entertain you wilh music from our high grade HADDORI'T
PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS. Three car-loads of pianas
now on our floor at your disposal, and a complete line of talking
machines and records, and should you wituS to purchase a piano,
wc have the piano you want. Terras v to suit the purchaser.
Hut whether thinking of buying or not, come in and see us, as
wc will be pleased to see you.
Alliance Hotel Building,
Alliance, Nebr.
Then the "White" Progressive
Sewing Machine Club closes.
Only a few more machines left.
If you expect to get a "White" on this plan.
Membership in the "WHITE" PROGRESSIVE CLUB mean getting many advantages not to In
had any other way. Come before the list closes, make an initial payment of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS
and be enrolled as a member of thi,s club. That entitles you to have this wonderful machine sent to
your home, and gives you the privilege of paying the balance on small Payments.
The Memberships are limited.
Club Closes Saturday-
Machine Delivered for Only 25c. The White Rotary sewing
With all the many articles we take so much pleasure in
selling, none is more satisfactory than the New "White" Ro
tary Sewing .Machine. This is regarded as America's Finest.
Equipped with alll the very la ted attaehments and constructed
for comfort. Different models from which to choose and ev
ery one brand new. The beautiful 4-drawer model shown here
is especially priced at $49.20
Every Machine is Absolutely Guaranteed
You can earn TEX CENTS every time you make an ad
vance tiuid payment, ami thereby reduce the cost of
your machine. Make your savings large or small, just as you