K EEPUNEAT LEANS LOTHES LEAN Jet rontrart for desirable city lot on payment. Hits will be the beginninc of a fortune for you. all At Allium e Nation! Ilank todny for fnrther information. John McCoy, ML D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone II The nervloen of the Christian Hol nce gocleJy of Alliance. Nebraska, are held In the Ariler hall, 314 4 Box Butte Sunilsy at 10 o'clock is held the Sunday School, to which those up to the ace of 20 years are Kdnilttvd. Sunday at 11 o'clock, the lesson Bernion. Subject for Juno 10. "God the only cause and Creator." At the Wednesdny evening meeting, which is held at 8 o'clock, experi ences, testimonies and remarks on Christian Science are given. All are welcome to the services. Adrian Keane was here from Hoff- Innd over the week end. Miss Ruth Morris Is now employed !as bookkeeper at the Rheln-Rouaey I m. Ukja . I 1.1. ft J 1 ' lord. one tHi''l lur iwi:c i mm Dorothy Smith, who has resigned. Cfiiy I,ockwood was a recent busi ness visitor at Bridgeport. Mrs Frank llerron left for her home iu Desdwood Thursday follow Hng :i ten days' visit here with rela- tii h nl f r : r.-l s Karl Mnllery was a business vis itor at lakeside Tuesday. The only nuitlngs bear ing the s:amped r-.ll-wool guarantee on every yard are handled exclusively In Alliance by Roy B. Burns at the Keep-U-Neat Tailor Shop. Miss Mary O'Keefe and nephew, J OBI Richard, returned to Alliance Tuesday, from a visit at Kxcelslor Springs. John Havllk was an over-Sunday visitor ut Crawford. s s Paul Thomas returned to Chadron Sunday following a few days' visit here with relatives and friends. Mr. Thomas is director of the orchestra :it Chadron Normal and has a large class in music. He will maintain his class at the Normal during the summer session of that school. Mrs. John W. Thomas left Friday for Lincoln to Join ber husband, John W. Thomas, who is deputy state commissioner of public lands and buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will make their home In Lincoln. An son Thomas will remain In Alliance this summer and Is now employed at The Herald ofllce. Mrs. Joe O'Conner has been en joying a visit with her parents, at Kdgemont, the past week. Mrs. J. H. Shaw and daughter Vir ginia returned to their home at Hoff- land the first of the week. Mr Bertha Coleman Is visiting friends at Crawford this week. Josephine and Klizabeth Wilson are visiting near Bridgeport on the Munn ranch. L. A. Hall, who for a time was em ployed at the local store of the Had dorff Music House. Is now employed as brakeman on the Alliance-Casper run. Dr. Joseph Jeffrey was in Denver over the week end and attended the burial ceremony of Col. Wn. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill). The body of the late Buffalo Bill was laid to rest on Look out mountain, a scene looking over vast stretches into two states, scenes dear to the heart of the departed great man of the west. K M. Banks is back from a trip to Colorado. While there he bought in the neighborhood of a thousand head of cattle which were skipped to the Kilpatrick ranch west of Alli ance Mr. Banks is manager of the Kilpatrick ranch. The cattle arriv ed in Alliance Monday of this week and were driven to the ranch the same day. P. D. (Heason, manager of the Al liance exchange for the Nebraska Telephone Company and in charge of various western Nebraska enterpris es of the company, made a business trip to Bayard Sunday night. He went to Bayard to check In a new manager for the Bayard exchange. Invert your Having in a liinrotn I And Company city lot on eaey pay menu. Knqulre at Alliance Nation al Bank for quick information. On Saturday the Messrs. Penny cuick, Beal and King left on a fish ing trip. W. R. Kent, ex-senator from this district, who had been at St. Jos eph's hospital for nboat two weeks suffering from erysipelas, has been released from the hospital, s s W. Z. Emerson was here from Ells worth the first of the week. T 1 i t y i i f 1 1 t . a. Aa. aa. .aa, mpAMm. sasa aksk sasa. sksk sasa sasa sasa sasa sYsk sasa slisa sasa sisl sasa sasa sjsa sasa sas jfsa sasa sasa SaSl sasa sasa sasa Sis sa skisV sasl saisa sask sasa sk sksk sktk sla- &a. 99 d 4 4 d 4 4 9 d d if if. if if ii if it ii 5 J i i X i 3 t 2 2 5 ii i j if if if ii if if h i Geo. A. Mollring The Store of Quality WE ARE PREPARING TO PLACE IN OUR STORE THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY TO WEAR GOODS EVER CARRIED IN ALLIANCE FOR THE FALL AND WIN TER TRADE. OUR REMODELING IN THIS DEPARTMENT MUST BE COMPLETED BE FORE THAT TIME. We are Forced to SELL WE ARE COMPELLED TO REBUILD, AND TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE CARPENTERS Everything Must Go and Go Quickly The Mollring Store "The Store of Quality" holds the standing reputation of no misrepresentations. The big forced sale will continue until June 20th. Your op portunity is at hand the store is filled full with the bargains of bargains. Don't delay, come today Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, Millinery, Rain Coats, Waists There has been fast and furious selling these past few "days. Much has been sold. There is much more to be sold. This stock is too big and too attractive to be depleted in one week. Barely an impression has been made, although hundreds of women have thronged the store since this great forced sale was inaugurated. In justice to yourself in these high price times, take advantage of the price reductions. OUR L088 IS YOUR GAIN. Bargains For Friday and Saturday We will aeit fha follow lag (iiRKhaaifc and Per ' i a le.s for these two daja only : Amoskeag obei'k ginghams, all colors, sizes and checks worth 15c. sale pric, yard IS He Toil du N'crd drett ginghams, worth 20c, sale price, yard in. It lafla imported dress Kinphams. worth 20c, sale priee, yard in. 27-Inch dress ginghams, worth lie, sale price per yard I2r 27-inch Amoskeag ginghams, all colors aud size checks, worth 15c sale price, yard 12c 32-inch dress percales, worth 18c. sale price, per yard I2r .".-inch Standard percales, all colors, dots, stripes I'N'DKttMl HI.IN SAI,K. AT PHK'Ntf and checks, worth 20c- -aale price, yard . . . IHc nnm Mt line of Indies' Slippers and Pumps, worth up .MOM AI AMA.r.OlS ,0 $ pH(.e per f ftAB It is the brides opportunity to tit out her hope chest: 'hildren's Slippers and low Shoes, worth up to $2 ;0, sale price, per pair SI.OO the graduates opportunity to supply he. needs lor tka 4. l lSK OF siM.MKK I.AWVS, DI.MITIKK, new adventures of life; every woman's opportunity to SWISSKS. VOIIX. KPUKT O.OTH AXI OTHKU WASH KAIiltH S iini MAW TO MKNTION. AM, fulfill the requirements of summer and vacation period- fitlt Is KltV CHKAP. tXMslK AX1 UQR THKM. i 1 t i t 1 i 1 i i t t t T T X t I 1 z ? O z o 1 T ? I t Y z z Y o z i Y Y Y 2 i t Y Y Y WE DONT KEEP THE BEST WE SELL IT OILS FUEL ICE CORN, OATS, WHEAT and all kinds of CHICKEN FEED MARTIN - SENIOR PAINTS and VARNISHES for every purpose. You can buy no better. GASOLINE, KEROSENE We'll save you many, a dollar before fall comes. VAUGHAN & SON PHONE NO. 5 a2M"a"aa?"? WANTED Lady and Gentleman. Good posi tion. Must have some education. Good appearance. Experience not necessary. Liberal pay. Call or write. Omaha-Kentucky Gas & Oil Co. 829 First Nat l Bank Hldg., Omaha, Nebr. MAMMOTH CATTLE SALE CONSISTING OF 1,000 HEAD OF CATTLE On my Farm one mile south of Morrill, Nebr., TUESDAY, JUNE 12th. Sale Commences at 12 n FREE LUNCH AT NOON These caltle consist of splendid stock cows one, two and three year old heifers. All first class stock, free from disease and iu fine condition. These cattle are all White Face and Short Horn stock. Anyone wishing stock must not miss this sale. Stock will be loaded free of charge to buyers from a distance. Autos will meet trains at Morrill and give free transportation to the sale. TERMS: 6 months' time on approved security. H. R. GARRETT, Owner. Col. C. W. SNOOK, Aud Assisted by J. S. TARR. JOHN BOATSMAN. THIS MEANS MONEY TO YOU Some of you people here seem to have the idea that you can go to Denver-and buy better shoes cheaper. I'm here to tell you that if you believe this you are chasing the rainbow. You may be able to spend more money iu Denver, but you can't get more for the money you spend, let that soak in. A PRICE COMPARISON One of Denver's leading stores advertised a special shoe sale for last Saturday. The advertisement was in the Denver Post. Wa sell these same shoes here. I know the brand. Just com pare these prices our regular prices with the Denver sale prices : DENVER SALE PRICES 6 to 8 sizi s $1.65 8 to 11 sizes $2.15 11 to sizi's $2.45 '' to u aUcs $2.95 Tins.- aboea are exactly alike, even to the last stitch. W Rive ph iity of them. Our prices are NOT high. We sell onlv for CASH No credit of any kind here, no matter who you are Alliance Shoe Store OUR REGULAR PRICES 6 to 8 sizes $1.75 8 to 11 sizes $2.15 11 to I sizes $2.45 2 to "6 sizes . $2.85