mmif omasis (rauaow The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN FILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTUE. FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. SEVERE PAIN. "I m-pil to Buffer a great des' with lumUtsu In my slioulJors and back. A friend ladttCSd me to try Dr. Mites' Anti-Pain Pills ond I am only too glud to l.-. alle to attest to the relief that I (tot from thes splendid pills. They form a valuable medicine and do all that It la claimed they will do." LEWIS J. Cl'TTKR, Marietta, Ohio. Kovprnmont In financing the war. LADIES! SECRET TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Bring Back its Color and Lustre with Grandma's Sage Tea Recipe. KEEP BUILDING IS GOOD ADVICE Building Investor- Should Oo Ahed with I'litlis if l'i .-!, i ii j I to K MniutAiitPri In every crowd there is always OflBBbody who is ready to yell "lire!" Then the panic starts. When order restored, everybody wonders why everybody else lost his head. When President Wilson issued his 1 .11 proclamation and called upon 4 he people of the United States to unserve their resources for the struggle ahead, he did not mean that t'iey should stop spending money. He "id mean that useless expenditures snould stop, but that was nothing DOW, Business consists of buying ind selling. Certain kinds of busi ness arc fundamental. The building ' jsiness is one of them. There need be no curtailment in building or road construction. Let oth public and private useful build- nf, construction proceed. Produc I 'on and handling of building mater and public and private construc tion work are fundamental industries of the country. Any tendency to suspend or postpone building pro jects is Inconsistent with maintain ing our prosperity. The country is I prosperous. lluilding investors should not hesitate to go ahead with their plans. Railroads should span no effort to supply the building in dustry with the cars needed to trans port materials. Government , state, county and municipal authorities should encourage the continuance of all kinds of building. Hoad and street improvements in particular should go on unabated. Had roads and streets are factors of first im portance in the present high cost of I foodstuffs. Never before was the , improvement of highways so essen tial. The lumber, brick, cement, lime, sand, gravel, stone and other build ing materials industries are basic. Neither government regulations nor railroad restrictions should he iin- posed unnecessarily to interfere with them. If any action is taken which results in the prostration of .so fun damentally important industries, there is real danger of a surplus of unemployed labor, a surplus of rail road cars and a crippling of business I that will seriously embarrass the Common garden ISM brewed into a Heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautiful! dark and luxuri ant. Mixing the Sa-. Tea and Sulphur rtflM at home, though, i tnnlkoino. An easier wny is to I the to-ttSS preparation Improved by the b kfitlee of ether ingredient costing ibont M eSBtS a lnrjre hottle, at drug stores, known SS Y. th's Bag and Sajpsur I .impound." thus avoiding n lot mum. While gray, fa led hair is not sinful, wo all (h ire to retain our youthful appear nice ami attract iveness. Ilv darkening your hair with Wyeth'g Ss.uo and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, hecnuse it does it so naturally, so evenly. You jut dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, lading one ItBSlI strand at a time; bv morning all gray hairs have disappeared1. After another application or two your hair heroines beautifully dark, glossy, soft snd luxuriant mid you appear years younger. Wyctli's Ssge sad Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet rciiuisite. It Is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dietaic. ., da tks POH OOMIHtl i: r.NTs . June 1". to L'4 Nebraska State Holi ness Association camp meeting at Lincoln .tune IS-L'O- NebraefcS Press Associ ation Annual Convention at Oina- tlH. June i!-.n Nebraska Stats Sunday School Convention at Omaha lane :.'" to L'7 International Ass'n of Itailawy Special Agents and Po lice Meeting at Omaha. .tune 2: to no Slate Coll Tourna ment at Lincoln. t 'ALL. FOH til l S The Hoard of Education of Ard more Independent Consolidated School District, Ardmore, South Da kota, is receiving bids for the con struction of a brick school building 40x42 feet and two stories high with basement to be constructed accord ing to plans and specifications now in the hands of Minnie Caylor, Clerk. Contractors desiring to submit bids will please write for details. MINNIE CAYLOR, Clerk, Ardmore, S. Dak. 25-;U-8379 Color printing done by exper prompt results. Try The Herald's Job department for your next Job printers attracts attention and brlngi WANTED War Horses We have received another order this year for a big lot of French War horses and will hold our second inspec tion this season at the Alliance Stock yards Tuesday, June 12, 1917 and the following prices will be paid for accepted horses Cavalry Light Artillery Heavy Artillery $100 135 150 All horses must be well halter broke and must be from 5 to 8 years old. They will take horses that are in fair shape. This inspection will be conducted the same as the one we held here last year. For information write or wire at our expense or call Phone 104. C. L. LESTER & CO. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA SlNMrSuTOOL Lesson (Br K. o. IKLLSHS, Acting Director of Hie Hundrtv 81 liool Course of the Moody Kihls Instituted OopyrlsM, 1917. Western Newtpuprr Vnl.m i LESSON FOR JUNE 10 JESUS CRUCIFIED. l.nSHON' TEXT John 19:1-H, S5-S0. OOLDKN TKXT Christ died for our sins. -I Cor. 15:1. We ate compelled to omit n conslder ntioti of that dark, despicable trial In tlMte'S Judgment hall. Pilule's weak kneed subservience to custom nml the cry of the politician Is one of the black est pages in history. His scourging of the man whom lie, himself, declared innocent, is practically without paral lel. After the mocking and the scourg ing, PtlatS said nnto the people, He hold the man" (v. 5), and later In sur i iism he said to the same people, "He hold your king" (v. 14), Teachers should emphasis Ml the beginning nnd all through this lesson that Jesus MUttercd ami died for the sins of all men, ours as well as those of Ills own day. I. The Crucifixion of Jesus (vv. 10-23), It was Bbottl nine o'clock In the morning when I'llate gnve his Infn itlOUS order that .lesus should he cru i Illed. It was indoc i ii sorrowful pro cession which moved Itself along the "Via Dolorosa" (tin- Sorrowful Way), consisting; of the Roman soldiers, the tottering, physically exhausted man of Ontllec, mid, Luke sddrt, "sorrowing women.1 They toii him to the place of n skull, a hill aboal sixty feet high, at the foot of which was the rock- hewn sepnlchcr In which his body was later laid. The place was culled In Hebrew " iolgot ha." ih- Aramaic for -kuii. Calvary Is the Latin for the saino. (in cither side of lilm were cruflfled the robber, which was an evident effort to odd to his shame as V I'll ns a salutary w anting to the Pass over pilgrims. Over the cross PI la to wroio a title on n wood mi tablet. Fol lowing the usual custom, this was nailed at the head of .Jesus, Betting forth his crime. The words It bore v ere, "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews," as th rjjfh Pilate would take malicious revena Upon the mob which iiad made him perform a deed he had sought to avoid. Literally this sign meant "This man Is the klngllet of nil Jews, and roe what they have done to him." In response to Pilate's ques tioning, Jesus said. "I am the King of the Jews." Pilate knew that lie was innocent, and souulu to let him go free, hut. rather than Incur the hatred of th.' Jewish authorities, he yielded to their demand for his blood, and became u parly to the murder of the Son of i. Men today take a pari in. his rrucl tixlon rnlher than surrender wholly lo him, uml pay the price of open con fcsslon " They crucified lilm." How tilers words laid the pride of men In the dust. Human nature Is the same today as it was two thousand years : go when the world's bitterest hat." was wreaked not uMn a had man bin upon 'be hed man. th" perfect man, the fJod-mnn. Th" pain Jesus Bttf Ted on Cfllvnry B i no Imagination, lie suffered it all fr us (isa. 58:41), but the physical su.lerint; was not the most severe SgOH) hit hore (I's. C'. :'') ; Mail. 7rhit. The Tltcilixioll of Jesus "aiis part of the denial purposes of (,'od's love nnd redemption. II. The World's Darkest Hour (vv. 2830). Bach f 'be Gospel writers raj fers to the part soldiers look In casting lots for his garments. They w ere uneon leioiisly fuUillius th lrophecy of Psttlm 22:18, and It was from their number that one of the su preme tcwtl monies to the character of Christ came (See Matt. 2" :"). The llrst three evangelists tell us of tlw throng of pilgii. is wits pa--se along ilia highway from ihe north, close nt lutnd, ninl who wtiittfed their h 1 ils in imitation and iaukery of the n roiiy of the one who wes being erticltltHl, flat there were OtllOtS who wire P)toC l uors of Ibis event, n group "f Christ lovers (v. '-'). "it is BnlshtsL" Tttese r remark- able words. He M linished hi v llf- feting; he had finished that for which le- Cams Into the world When be l" gun bis ministry ; he had finished the mission for which 1 is father bad sent him Into the world; he had finished ale' fulfilled the propheeh ; concern lug bis suffering and death; he he completed t lie work of III I redemption J the atonement v ; Hulshed, and S.i tnn's power was Bulshedl the Moaalt law wus tlulsli . us far as lis rhtiOU upon the belioVef were colicermsl (Horn. H):4; fid. J:V',; Kpb. 2:13 and 10). Outkiinlly it seemed to be s lan's supreme 1. nir. It w as Ihe v orhl's darkest hour. The seven last words. These would be un Interesting study for any class (i) "father forgive them for they know not what they do;" (2) "Today thou shall be with me in I'aradUe." (:i) "Woman, heboid thy son ; () "My hn. my Ood, why hast thou forsaken meV (o) "I thirst;1 (0) "It Is tin ished;" (7) "Father Into thy hands l commit my spirit." Christ had powff to lay down bis life. He had power to take it up again, hut he laid It down stihmittlug to a burial in the tomb At thai moment note the enect upon the malefactor. uhiii the centurion, up mi the elements of cloud and sky. up on the veil of the temple. umii the jM-ople nnd tisn his friends. What Is tie effect of this story upon yourself, teachers, and uxn those who are lis leniug to-your Instruction 1 KING'S CORNER ( On Draft J THE OLD BUDWE13ER CORNER is now gptmtlng under Ihe name "Kitift's Corner" wiih "Johnny" formerly mixer hi King- & Wil Mn 'h in clini'U'e. The Refnnuting ami rVon-intt ioatinp Beveitgl on dini'l gad ItOltlcH. delivered hnjrwhere in 1 at r $f n cane of :5G pints. $1.86 rebate for return of case. ' SOFT DRINKS, LUNCHES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDY KING'S CORNER John Hodgkin8on, Manager THE ELECTRICAL WAY flffi ' The modern and efficient way to light youf home and lighten your work. Eliminate the drudgery of needless toil and reduce the high cost of living by devoting your time and energy to more profitable work. The cost of electricity in Alliance is exceedingly small. ' Let us install your electric equipment, lights and fixtures. All our work is done by men of long experience in the busi ness thus insuring you complete satisfaction. There is an electric appliance for every need and nianv of then are adapted to your needs. f We carry a Complete line of fixtures, lamps and laltor-sav-Ittg devices. Confer with us nml save both time and money. Our prices arc as low as any in the world. Alliance Auto Supply Co. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT J. H. Kane, Mgr. Are You Going to Build ? Yon have boon planning, perhaps, to repair your barn, build a ggrtge, build a ehiekeu bouse; put on 1 nen roof or' erect a new wiiifr to your house. You want to do it WELL, but CHEAPLY. Thai's win re WE eouie in. It 'you're Jjoin to do the work yOUrself or have it done by tlie day's work, K't Ottr fig ures on lumber ami supplies. We know what we are talking about. We invite you to PUT i s TO THE TEST. Alliance, Nebr. Phone 73 Alliance Junk Company OLD IRON I $6.00 PER TON BONES 10.00 PER TON EXTRA BIO PRICES FOR OLD COPPER AND BRASS L. Kulakofsky, Prop. PHONE 222 309 LARAMIE AVE.