The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 07, 1917, Image 12

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    The OPPORTUNITY of a Life-time
There has never been a time when people have taken such an interest in Western
Nebraska farm lands as NOW! '
Land in Box Butte County, Nebraska, is the one investment today which abso
lutely insures positive returns
Look over every other
section in the middle west,
and you will find none
which offers so many op
portunities and advantages
to the farmer or the stock
man as does Box Butte
Whoever buys land in this county is sure to make large profits, if taken merely for an investment; and a double,
yes, three-fold profit if the land is farmed. And it's safe as a Government bond.
The very choicest land in this part of the country. Good level land, good soil, and
very productive from $15.00 to $45.00 an acre. The crops will pay for the
land in one single season
Box Butte County is without a rival in the entire state, and is unsurpassed anywhere in the world.
The immense yields of alfalfa and other forage crops obtainable here give the farmer winter feed at a
minimum expense.
Box Butte county offers to the buyer the greatest inducement not merely in the middle west, but in the entire
country. It is unnecessary to comment upon the advantages of this good land in Box Butte county at the present
prices, over land in a semi-arid cruntry where they depend upon irrigation-with no water with which to irrigate.
Consequently prices must soon advance. You will never again be able to buy this land as cheaply as you can
buy it NOW. To wait another year will mean to pay at least $10.00 to $15.00 more per acre.
Tliis Box Butte county land is especially trail adapted to tin raising ol potatoes, all
small grains, alfalfa, eta., eta.; and it often you a irouderfvl opportunity as home, ami as a
profitable investment.
by buying land ami putting it under cultivation. The country meeds more and more food
stuffs. You can raise those, and make an enormous profit for yourself In loinu it.
We own and Control the Land We Sell
J. A. BENTLEY, President F. A. KING, Vice-President
Sidney, Nebraska Alliance, Nebraska
You know the shortage
of food is world-wide; the
prices of farm products of
all kinds are high even now
andjare bound to go still
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