The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 07, 1917, Image 10

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    Charles A. Howell returned to his
'ume at Newcastle, Wyo., following
ft period spent at 8t. oJaeph'a hoapit-
4 here He underwent an operation
'or apepndicitis. Mr. Howell It
Aeriff of Newcastle.
Miss Mario Fransden, who for
tome time past has been employed in
he millinery department of a local
tore, left Saturday night for her
oome at Colorado Springs- She ex
vi to return to Alliance next fall.
Frank Bolinger of Kllsworth was
n town a part of last week for medi
al treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P.. Shrewsbury of
Ollaworth were in the city the last
f the week They returned to their
'-ome Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W VV. Watson spent
veral days the past week at Klls
worth, guests at the S. D. Watson
S. J. Schmoker. who lives south of
Bingham, was in Alliance the last of
the week.
Those desiring to enroll are asked to
call the county agent's office, 145, at
once and ask for a card
Sunday night J K. Kennedy, em
ployed at the Burlington ice house,
i fell from a platform to the ground,
and sustained more or leas severe in
Juries. He fell a distance of about
twenty-flve feet. He wa.t in the act
of handling a large chunk of ice,
when the tongs slipped and he fell
Mrs. George D. Gaddis, who about
a week ago accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. F. O. Gurley to Creston. Iowa.
'as nurse maid for the Gurley baby,
is expected to return to Alliance to
day. She has been visiting relatives
at Indianola, Iowa, for a few days.
Mrs. Gaddis will bring the Gurley ba
by to Alliance with her. Mr. and
! Mrs. Gurley will visit at Creston.
Omaha and other polnta.
I D. K. W. Jones, superintendent of
construction for the contractor of
the new federal building now near
Inp completion in Alliance, has been
: appointed a deputy sheriff under
'Sheriff Cal Cox. Several times re
cently someone has defaced some of
I the stone work in the building, the
j last act of the culprits having taken
1 place Sunday night. The building
is being guarded and it Ib a sure
j oet that when the culprits are locat
A. J. Hill was up last week tffMB SJJLTj" hy n chance Xp,ain
t Ellsworth
Mrs. George Eckhardt and son are
visiting her parents at Ravenna.
William Bailey and Mart Anderson
were here from Hyannis last week on
mmt way to Cheyenne.
L. F. Hulen, general manager of
the Nebraska Potash works company
t Antloch, returned last week from
Denver bringing along a new seven
tMsaenger Stutz automobile. He Is
now rery well supplied with good
-ars, having purchased a seven-pas-tenger
Packard this spring. Mr. Hul-
n'a company last week purchased a
niiok from the Keeler-Coursey Co.
Samuel Smith, who moved to Al
I'ance from Carlton, Iowa, and who
ought and is operating the Gottlieb
-widler ranch, has been making ex
tensive improvements on the place.
He has installed an electric lighting
plant of his own as well as a water
rressure system, both of which were
purchased from Charles Schafer.
The Misses Dede and Barbara King
"ave returned to Alliance for the
ommer. They Uave been attending
nchool at Denver.
F. E. Sward and John Overman
vent to Edgemont Thursday where
ihey will be employed on boarding
ml sleeping cars stationed there for
-hp of Burlington employees.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ruth are vis
ding relatives at Deadwood this
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and
"hlldren left Thursday for Thermop
atla, Wyo.
Mrs. Harry Safford left the first
:f the week for Scottsbluff for a vis
it with her parents.
W. M. Wolff arrived last week
from Murphysboro, 111., to tak"
harge of the Jewelry department at
the Holsten store. He is a man of
iiuch experience and is also a manu
facturing Jeweler.
F. F. Stephens announces that he
a about to move his bake simp, sales
room and cafe from its present loca
tion, 207 unpaved Box Butte avenue,
Ob 319 unpaved Box Butte avenue
the store room made vacant by the
losing out of the Regan store. The
'iew location will be a much better
ne, in the opinion of Mr. Stephens,
who believes that his already large increasing business will be ben
fltted by the change.
W. J. Hamilton has this week mov
ed his grocery stock from his well
known location at 124 West Third
street to 218 unpaved Box Butte
.venue the building made vacant
njr the going out of business of the
King & Wilson saloon. The new lo
cation Is a far better one than the
ild, and will give Mr. Hamilton room
n which to branch out and enlarge.
The change Is already apparent,
there being more room to display the
grocery stock and also more room
for the trading public. Mr. Ham
ilton Is enlarging his stock and go
ing after business in a way calculat
ed to "get" it. He is being ably as
sisted by C. E. Morgan, who is prov
ing himself an efficient co-worker.
Mrs. Lynn Graham and son, of
Aahby, were Alliance visitors Monday
jf this week.
Miss Vera Spencer is attending
ummer school at the Normal at
Ohadron. She left the first of the
veek for that place.
C. A. Newberry left Sunday even
ing for a business visit in the East.
An announcement has been receiv
ed by Mrs. Ida Robs to the effect that
:ier daughter. Mrs. J. A. Wiseman of
Republic, Wash., is the mother
twins a boy and a girl.
The Rushville Standard of last
veek saps'- "F- M. Broome came up
from Valentine on the 11:20 passen
ger last Saturday night and visited
this print shop until the 1 III pas
senger went east. As a result of the
Malt this editor is liable to become
interested in the Alliance News." C.
L. Mayes is editor of the Rushville
Standard, being a brother of the
present editor of the Alliance News.
The Standard Bearers will meet at
the home of Mrs. John Snyder Sat
urday evening of this week at 7:30
p. m. Girls are cordially Invited to
Utend. All members are especially
urged to attend this meeting.
A cantata entitled "Hearts of
Jold" will be presented by the child
ren of the First Presbyterian church
At 11 o'clock Sunday morning dur
ing the church service. The cantata
.s one that is well worth hearing and
It Is desired that there be a large at
tendance. Enrollment for the canning school
to be held in Alliance June 22 and 23
has reached twenty-one. Owing to
limited facilities the number receiv
d will be cut down to thirty, so that
'here is room for nine more enroll
ments. Registration will be kept
open till this number is reached.
Membership cards will be Issued soon
'o those enrolled. The object of the
school is to train demonstrators to
teach the most economical methods
of canning to others when the season
opens. It offers an excellent oppor
tunity to learn this new method of
canning and to be of service later.
their actions before a court that may
noi consider their work in the light
of a Joke.
Mrs. C. J. Deltlien and children
left Tuesday for Antloch to be gone
about a month.
N. A. McCorkle was at Scottsbluff
over Sunday, visiting friends.
Frank Shrove arrived Sunday from
Broken Bow to spend a few days in
Alliance on business.
Mrs. Agnes Duncan and son Rob
ert, of Gordon, are visiting in Alli
ance. Mrs. Jerry Madden and daughter
of Sheridan. Wyo., are in Alliance
visiting relatives.
Mrs. M. E. Johnson went to Grand
Island Sunday for a visit with rela
tives. Mrs. C. D. Reed of Torrington,
Wyo.. spent Sunday in Alliance.
K. J. Stearns and son left Mon
day for Omchn.
Mrs. J. W. Reed aoent Tuesday
and Wednesday In s.-ottsblun"
Mrs. J. J. Vance was a Goring vis
itor Tuesday and Wednesday of this
Mrs. LaMon, Mrs. Wolverton and
Mrs. Cutts were .among the Alliance
visitors to .'-coltihluff and O ring
thiB week.
Mrs. J. Mallery and daughter loft
Wednesday for Clarinda, Iowa.
Hon. F. M. Broome, owner of the
Alliance News and receiver of the
United States land office at aVlen
tine, is in the city this week looking
after busineas matters.
Tom Poole of Crawford, well
known western Nebraska traveling
man. was in the city this morning
looking after business matters. Tom
looks as fat and foxy as ever.
George McFall of the Haddorff
Music House was a business visitor
at Scottsbluff a part of last week,
where the Haddorfi's also hav. a mu
sic store.
George D. Darling is inaugurating I
what he terms a "White" Progress- j
ive Club as a sales factor in selling
the well-known "White" line of sew
ing machines. Fifty memberships
will be sold, affording fifty persons
the opportunity of purchasing a
standard sewing machine on a pay
ment plan that should be the means
of placing sewing machines in many
homes of this section. The first
payment under the plan calls for
twenty-flve cents. Elsewhere In this '
issue of The Herald Mr. Darling has'
a display advertisement that explains
the plan in detail. Everyone In the
market for a sewing machine or who
anticipates the need of one for the
immediate future will imd it well
worth their time to read Mr. Dar
ling's advertisement.
Since the old road between Hem
ingford and Alliance hat. been in
such poor condition due to continued j
rains, many automobile owners have
found it convenient to use the new 1
road, which for the last year has
been under litigation.
Miss Alice Williams of Hot Springs
arrived the last of the week for a i
visit with her sister. Miss Florence !
Williams, employed at a local store.
Hansford Jaggers was here from
Marsland on business Thursday.
Peter Watson of Mitchell was in
town last wek on business connect
ed with the estate of the late Henry
Watson, his brother.
Miss Devona Dickinson is visiting
friends at Crawford this week. I
Grace Carlson left the last of lh
week for Custer where she went to
of ! aid her Bister in the care of her sis
ters children, the home being under;
quarantine for small pox.'
J. T. Gilmore was a business visit
or at Seneca the last of the week.
Mrs. K. Malek and son are visit
ing at Scottsbluff this week.
'Mrs. Clara Albro and daughter.
Miss Vera Albro, left Thursday for
Casper, Wyo. Miss Vera has ac
mes Mrs. Wilson in Denver, then to
continue the Journey to their new
home at Casper.
Mrs. J. M. Miller, wife of J. M.
Miller of the Alliance hotel, who re
cently underwent an operation at
St. Joseph's hospital here, has been
dismissed from the hospital and la
again able to conduct her duties as
landlady at the Alliance.
Miss Marian Grebe la now employ
ed aa atenographer and bookkeeper
at the offices of the Bentley Iand
Company In the Alliance National
Bank building. The bualneaa of this
company, under the successful man
agement of F. A. King, vice preai
dent of the company, haa aaaumed
such proportions that Mr. King
found it impoaaiblo to attend to both
the office and the outside buainesa.
The company maintains two offices,
one here and the other at Sidney. J.
A. Bentley, veteran real estate man
of Sidney, is president of the com
pany. Dr. J. B Cams attended the com
mencement exercises at Wealeyan
University, at University Place. Neb.,
the last of the weok. He left hore
Thursday night.
Superintendent A. G. Dugan of
Sterling was an Alliance visitor Fri
day. Big line of silk and crepe kimonaa
Juat received. Also Bungalow ap
rons. Very reasonable. MRS. A.
SIMMONS. 119 Box Butte.
Dr. Jamea Maxfleld left Friday
night for Omaha to be in attendance
at the state convention of dentists.
Dr. D. E. Tyler la at Omaha thla
week In attendance at the atate
dentlata contention. He left for
Omaha Sunday night.
Fred Helpbrlnger made an auto
mobile trip to this city Sunday night.
He brought Lloyd Tully to Alliance.
Mr. Tully having been called here by
the death of hla father, Charles H.
Miss Lura Hawkins, who haa been
attending Wealeyan University, haa
returned home from Univeralty Place
to spend the summer In Alliance.
Twin babies were born to Mr. and
Mrs E. S. Patteraon Saturday.
On Sunday Mr. Fitzgerald, a Bur
lington machinlat, received Injuries
when an engine rod dropped on his
Telephone Three-FotuOh
Five Cents per Line Count Six
Words to a Line
No Advertisement taken for Less
Than 15c
(t easd raojj pnuiao3)
Restleaa, however in character, he
waa drawn back to hla reaponalblll
tlea. To those neareat and deareat
to him It became evident aa the days
and weeka paaaed by that the phyalc
al frame could not long endure the
Inroada of hla malady. Hla death
became the aymbol of hla character,
quick, active and convulalve, be waa
taken auddenly away, paaalng with
peace and quiet into the Paradlae of
God on Sunday morning. June 3.
During all these yeara he gave to
the church an earneat and devoted
service. By the prudence of hla
counaelp. the ardent xeal and devot-
edneaa of his groat, generous heart
and the liberality of his gifta. he haa
effectually furthered the well being
and succeaa of the pariah.
In Judgment, alwaya cautioua,
with a atrict adherence to duty, con
alatent in his lovo for the church,
outapoken and positive in conviction
a lover of peace and harmony, Mr.
Tuly's memory will ever be sweet
among ua.
No tribute could bo too great in
admiration of his peraonal worth.
There will over remain In the hearta
and devotion of hla fellow parishion
ers and friends nn affectionate trib
ute to his character.
God has taken this great generous
staff from ua. We submit to Hia
will with the consolation that we
know that he haa paaaed from death
unto life, to reward and bleaaedneaa.
We shall ever chertah aa an Inesti
mable gift the noble example of hla
manliness and ahall ever regard it aa
a special privilege the association
that haa been granted to ua of so
great and god a man
"In the confidence of n certain
faith. In the comfort of a reaaonable,
religious and holp hope, in favor
with Thee, our God. and In perfect
charity with all the world," he haa
paaaed to the Paradlae of God.
"Father. In Thy gracloua keeping
1eave we now Thy servant Bleep
ing "
At 8 o'clock Saturday evening.
June 2. Mlaa Florence Atx was unit
ed in marriage to Mr. Joaepb S. Bob
bins, the ceremony having been per
formed by Rev. Epler of the Chrla
tlan church of Alliance. The cere
mony took place at the ranch home
of the brides father, Julius Ats. Some
10 persona were in attendance and
wltneaaed the ceremony, A two
courae wedding luncheon waa aerv
ed. The ring aervlce was used. The
bride waa dressed In a beautiful
gown of white net. Mlaa Lena Ata,
slater of the bride, waa bride's maid,
and Mr. F. A. lAfs waa beat man.
The home waa beautifully decorat
ed in pink and white, pink and white
carnations being used Id abundance.
The bride carried a handsome
quet of pink and white rosea. fW-
lowing the cpremsny and reception
Mr. and Mrs. Robbina left for a tam
day honeymoon trip including Kan
sat City. Denver. Ft Collins an
other points.
The bride la a daughter of Julius
Ata, well-to-do ranchman. She grad
uated from the Alliance high school
two weeks ago. being a member of
the claaa of 1917. The groom Is
caahier of the Burlington freight f
flce In Alliance and la a brothsr of
Norman O. Robbina. head of the Bur
lington claim department. On their
return from their honeymoon trip,
Mr. and Mra. Robbina will be at
home in Alliance to their host of
friends. Both are well-known and
popular young people and have the
beat wishes of their many frienda on
their Journey through life.
Married At the M. E. parsonage
in Alliance, Sunday, June S, by Dr.
J. B. Carna of the Firat M. K. church.
Roae L Roae to Jamea C. Williams,
both of Lakealde, Nebr. The groom
la an engineer at the potaah plant at
lAkealde. The bride haa been em
ployed locally.
There will be no buainesa meeting
of the Rebekah circle thla week oir
account of the Odd Fellowa Memor
ial day to be held Sunday, and Child
ren'a day.
cepted a position aa bookkeeper at
the Casper store of the Haddorff Mu
sic Houae.
The C. D. Ray family haa moved
to Alliance from Cheyenne. Mr.
Ray ia aaociated with the sales de
partment of the Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company. He has arrauged
for a show room on Fourth street,
back of the Newberry Hardware Co.
building. He expocta to apend most
Of hia time in the territory aurround
ing this city, working up proapects
and aelling machines It is poasible
that later on. If the buainesa outlook
seems good enough to the officials of
the Singer people, they will maintain
a divisional office here.
Mrs. C. T. Graham of Hyannis was
an Alliance visitor Monday.
Miss May Noyes has returned to
her home at Lead, S. D., following a
visit at the home of Mrs. H. E. Red
dish. William Mitchell haa purchased a
new Cadillaa "eight" automobile.
John Shay last week purchaaed a
new Mercer aeven-paasenger touring
car at Omaha. He returned to Alli
ance last week with the car.
Frank Wilson has announced that
he will make hia future home at
Caaper, Wyo. He left laat week to
tine Avenue, Alliance, Nebraaka.
laitfYuifE MOVla)
We have equipped our dray wag
ona and auto truck with the lateat
appliancea for moving furniture
without marring or scratching or do
ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pada
will be used by ua on all moving
Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 15.
tt I will send vou enough of my hlgb
gloss enamel to paint your car. Im
possible to streak or leave brush
marks. Anyone can apply. It will
make your car look like new, and
you be the Judge. If not satisfied, I
will gladly refund your money. J. C
MILLION. 258 Columbine 8t.. Den
ver, coio. 16-i5i80 '
SALE Two residence properties lo
cated aa follows Lots five and six
in block six, Wyoming addition to
City of Alliance. The residences are
composed of five and seven rooms.
These residence properties must be
sold. Inquire of L. A. Barry, Room
9. Rnmer Block, Alliance, Nebraaka.
Thone 9.
hand roadster and a second-hand
Ford touring car for aale cheap. In
mire at the Stnrgeon garage i
county land and rancbea In the sand
hills No delay In making the loan.
We inspect our lands and furnish
the money at once. J. C. McCorkle,
Nebraaka Land Company. Alliance.
Nebraska. litl554
for'slk I
FOR SALE! Nearly new Edison
phonograph. Perfect condition. ' A
bargain. Oak caae. Phone 340, Her
ald office. 1
Fl 0 r'sXl KTo? bhlTriiTl let
Beed at $1.75 per bushel, at the
ranch, and $2 sacked for ahlpment.
Sacka extra. Also twenty buabela
recleaned alfalfa aeed. J. A. Keegan.
FOR SALE One Shorthorn herd
bull. Good action and a great breed
er. Also, two yearling bulla.
26-tf-7970 '
Twenty-four full quarts fancy
strawberries, expreas prepaid, S3. 20.
Wickham Berry Farm, Salem, Nebr.
26-11-838 21
STOCKsXLETbe RalplPlloiT
kina Public Auction of near Dunlap,
Nebraaka. ia billed for Wednesday.
June 6th. 1917. rain or shine. Con
sisting of 135 head of cattle and 35
head of horses, some farm machin
ery. CALVIN J. WILDY. Clerk.
I am prepared to coach a few
students this summer Studenta who
deaire to make up back work or who
desire to advance will And this an
excellent opportunity to be tutored
by a regular certified and accredited
instructor Only a limited number1
of atudenta can be taken. Communi
cate with me at your first cvonveni
ence. Phone 851.
The Fashion Shop
Telephone 42
The Fashion Shop
Coats, Suits, Dresses
These will doubtless go quickly they were purchased with a special
effort to provide what we believe will meet with your immediate approval and
The continued cold weather and the great number of shipments of new
merchandise which will soon be coming in makes it necessary for us to close
out all of these pretty and high-price garments
their actual worth. To do this we must suffer a heavy loss, but we must have
the room.
New bathing suits and
caps the last word in
style and class make
your selection early. All!
are most moderately pric
The new, dainty neckwear is here for
your approval. Now is the time to
purchase summer neck wear while the
assortments are large. For you at
Join the
The Fashion Shop Saves You Money Every Day